RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 19 - First Semester Part 19

The only reason she hasn't leveled the world yet; is because our resident supervillain Salem, doesn't want to kill off all of humanity, no she only change everything that they are, remake them in her image, become a god in the physical plane, and have things her way now and forever.

"She might not send the whole army, maybe a couple of spawner types, and if we can fend them off, she just might back off."

Jaune stared at the ceiling and continued to ponder his strange situation, "Because after all, the army isn't for us. Salem needs that army for the gods of light and darkness, the Human Grims she made near the end too," Jaune clicked his teeth thinking of the army of Hunters she pushed into the Dark Gods swamp, some of his best friends were in there, fighting against Coco nearly broke his heart.

"The Hunter Grimms would be her captains, while Nosferatu is her general." Jaune was starting shake, "If Ozpin breaks her curse, then that wave will come, it's already too late to stop that, there's no god damn way we can't stop that wave in time to save everyone."

Jaune gritted his teeth as he thought of all the supermassive Grimm that could destroy entire cities, the ones pocketed around the world in underground locations placed there by Salem herself. "All the same, I can't save everyone, the first wave was just so sudden that no one was prepared, and there's nothing I can do for the all the smaller villages, at most I can rush to deliver as many of the barriers devices to as many as I can."

Jaune then let out a depressed sigh, "I need to make a lot of contacts again, I just don't see them going anywhere fast."

Jaune rolled over and grunted, "Hey Ironwood, in the future, you taught me how to lead an army, I was wondering if you could help me by not putting floating time bombs over the kingdom of Vale? Hey Penny, Dr. Geppe, I need your help to build some technology from the future, can you help a future friend out? Taiyang, Father in Law!" Jaune ran his hand through his head in frustration, "Augh! I have so much to do!"

The next day Jaune informed Ozpin of the changes and discoveries he made with his Blessing, and after being yelled at for a while by Glynda, he was eventually forgiven for killing off all the Grimm in the Emerald Forest.

When Jaune explained the unique changes that happened in the forest, Ozpin began to comprehend how this System of Jaune's came into being, he had figured out that his future self must have used a bit of essence from the 4 Relics to empower Jaune's blessing.

The Relic of Choice was the Crown of the Great Ruler, it allowed him the ability to share the System with others that were allied with himself, and connect them remaining Relics. The power of a decision is heavy and boundless.

The Relic of Knowledge 'Jinn's Lamp' became his item system, the strange space that could store Jinn's world inside a lamp became his hammerspace, and the knowledge from the Jinn was what allowed him to identify anything that he placed inside it.

The Relic of Destruction 'Excalibur' broke down and transferred energy from the Grimm they slew into experience points.

While the Relic of Creation 'The Staff of Creation' used that experience to alter their bodies and improve them through unnatural means.

After telling Ozpin that he had awakened his Semblance, Jaune walked up to Ozpin and used his permanent Aura Amplification ability on him.

Ozpin's Aura flared up causing the old wizard to become shocked to his core, if Jaune could read his Aura right now, he would have discovered that it even dwarfed his own, Ozpin's base Aura was at 900. After Jaune used his Semblance, it multiplied by eight times, reaching 7,200.

"How much stronger do you feel?" Jaune asked feeling a little week, he noticed that his Aura had dropped by more than 40% shocking Jaune, as this big of a drain has never happened with the temporary boost, he also noted that his Aura had permanently decreased by 80 points.

The way Jaune's Semblance normally worked, was that he would provide his own Aura as a kind of kindling for the person he was healing or amplifying, like pouring gas on a fire, or igniting a small part of his own Aura as kindling, using the permanent version offered up and severed fraction of his Aura from himself and fused it to their own, improving not only the quantity of their Auras, but the quality as well.

While he did lose Aura before when using his Semblance in his previous life, it was never to this degree, if he wasn't careful with how he used this ability, Jaune could end up killing himself.

Ozpin kept him from falling and said, "Easy there Jaune," after helping him take a seat, Ozpin answered his question, "If I had to guess, then I estimate that I've grown around 8 times greater than my original strength. Are you okay?"

Jaune grinned, "I'd like to see Cinder Kill you now!" Jaune laughed as he stood back up, "I should do the same for Glynda, and let me know when Qrow arrives with the Grimm Reaper. I'll do the same for him too."

Jaune wasn't worried about his decrease in his Aura. Since the costs were so low he wasn't exactly worried about losing a bit of his Aura, especially since after he turns Eighteen, his Aura Levels will start to rapidly increase every day, Jaune didn't know how high his Aura was in his previous life, however, if now that he had something to calculate his Aura level, he could get a rough guesstimate "I might have gone into the Tens of Thousands range." Jaune thought to himself.

Ozpin smiled, "I haven't had an ally I could trust in a long time Jaune, I should be finding a way to help you, but it seems the shoe is on the other foot this time. I sent word for Qrow to abandon his information gathering mission and seek out Maria Calavera. Luckily she's still an active Huntress, so getting a hold of her won't be too much of a problem."

"Convincing her, on the other hand," Jaune finished his sentence.

"Yes, she can be...difficult, however, once she hears that another Silver-Eyed Warrior exist and hasn't been trained..." Ozpin continued.

"She'll come, especially when she hears that there is no one left to teach Ruby." Jaune shook his head.

Before leaving, Jaune waited for Glynda to arrive and used his Semblance once again to boost Glynda's power, she originally had an Aura Level of 800, and after going through Jaune's power-up, it had reached 6,400.

Jaune's condition dropped down to 20% as he bȧrėly kept himself from falling into Glynda's brėȧsts. Glynda, on the other hand, showed deep concern for Jaune's well being and held him up.

"Are you okay?" Glynda asked with worry on her face.

Jaune nodded his head yes and looked back to Ozpin before saying, "Although I've unlocked my Semblance, I won't heal the Fall Maiden yet, Cinder will come to the academy searching for her, only then will I heal her."

Ozpin saw the worth in his strategy as he said, "Draw them in, the closer Cinder is to the Maiden, the faster the magic will return to her body, I look forward to the day she comes, finally, I can go on the offense."

Jaune laughed as he waved his hand behind his head and entered the elevator, "Let me know when Qrow arrives."

"I will Mr. Arc, and please continue to perform well in your classes, your teams are setting an example to follow amongst the other students," Ozpin said as he watched Jaune leave.

Glynda walked up to Ozpin and said, "His ability..."

Ozpin nodded his head, "Yes, keep it from getting out Glynda, Jaune has placed his trust in us, best not to let him down."

Jaune continued to go about his normal business for the next 3 months or so, in this time he found two more jobs and continued to work out constantly. His team fought against each other in constant mock battles and even against the rest of the school's hunters, they hunted a lot, but only managed to gain a single level.

Jaune's picked his third skill, Defender, whenever he raised his shield in defense of someone else, he would receive a 15% boost to his Aura, and it could be used in conjecture with his Shout Ability.

Everyone else picked stat boosters, mainly Aura.

Jaune's new stats gained was...

[+2 to Constitution!]

[+4 to Defense!]

[+2 to Focus!]

[+20 to Battle Power!]

[+28 to Aura!]

Jaune had the biggest change in his body, he was almost 4 inches taller, and his muscles had grown quite a bit, he didn't look like a championship bodybuilder, but had more of an acrobatic build.

From his training, Jaune had gained a +10 to his constitution, his Battle Power was now at natural 100, and his Aura had exploded in growth thanks to Weiss and his efforts in making everyone a necklace out of the Moon Dust.

It was pretty late in the evening while Jaune and Weiss sat across from each other and worked on a new Glyph for her to discover, Jaune's Semblance did something very strange when it interacted with inert materials, unlike the temporary boost that others got, metals, stones, plants, and animals, all gained some form of awakened soul.

Wiess was trying to use her Semblance to seal Jaune's semblance in it by having her temporal glyphs moving in a time-loop, after countless days of experimentation the two finally succeeded, however, the next problem came with the energy loss.

The Moondust was leaking energy everywhere and not into the Glyph that maintained her intended effect, she wanted to focus the energy into the Glyph so that she wouldn't have to constantly re-cast the effect.

It took them a while to find a method to seal the Aura inside another Glyph that connected that covered the Moondust Pendants with a thin barrier and then made a Glyph that siphoned of a tiny portion of energy coming from the Dust to maintain the whole thing.

"A tripled layered Glyph, not bad at all if I don't say so myself!" Weiss bragged as they completed the first product.

"I must say Jaune, you have some interesting ideas about Dust, and that Semblance of yours is quite interesting, what effects does it have on other Dust Elements?" Weiss questioned.

Jaune smiled and thought back to when they first discovered Jaune's Semblance works on other things besides people, Weiss performed countless experiments with, scratch that, on Jaune, it's where he got his education on Dust, he figured that if he was going to be her guinea pig then he might as well pick her brain.

"Yes, it makes Fire-Dust hotter, Earth-Dust more solid, Wind-Dust becomes sharper and quicker, basically it amplifies the effects of the Dust's natural properties several times, and the increased potency of the Dust is permanent as far as I can tell," Jaune's words shook the Schnee down to her knees.

"How much of a difference can you make?" Weiss asked as she gulped.

Jaune grinned, "Well..." Jaune pulled out a fragment of Fire Dust, still in crystal form, it was around the size of his thumb as he held it in his hand and empowered with his Semblance.

The room turned into a bright orange color, like the embers of a weapon in the furnace, when Jaune revealed the thumb-sized, he smiled and drew in everyone's attention as he started speaking, "This could power a Dust Reactor and power the city of Vale for..." Jaune looked like he was thinking really hard as he placed his hand on his chin and let out a 'hmmm' before saying, "About, ten years. The more flawless the Dust Cyrstal is, the better the effects."

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