RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 20 - First Semester Part 20

Weiss's knees buckled as gasps were heard all across the room, she fell back into her chair and looked at Jaune with pleading eyes, "Jaune, please come work for me, please!"

"Well, that's new, never seen her make that face at me before!" Jaune thought with a bit of surprise, "Sorry Weiss, I don't mind lending out some enhanced dust for you to sell, but I don't feel like being kidnapped and forced to make these things like some kind of slave worker. You'd have to lie and say you found them, or you purchased them from a shop owner who didn't know any better, maybe even say you bought a whole container and got lucky."

"I didn't know you were so good at lying," Weiss eyed him suspiciously.

"I have 7 sisters, I've seen my dad fall for plenty of there lies in my lifetime, according to my big sis, it's all about believability, and coming up with dozens of possibilities that sound reasonable, then selecting the one that sounds the best," Jaune said pointing his finger in the air.

"You're sister sounds..." Weiss didn't get to finish her sentence when Jaune stopped her, "Odd. I know, but please don't judge her, her Semblance works off of lies like if she told you that you were on fire and you believed her, you would catch fire. The better she constructs the lie, the better the result."

"Then what, she had a lying problem?" Blake asked.

Jaune laughed, "Hah, Rouge hates liars! She didn't get the semblance because she has a habit of lying, she never lies, well at least not to anyone good."

"Then how did she get a lying Semblance? And can that even be used to fight Grimm, do they even understand what we are saying?" Yang asked innocently."

"She calls it Story Crafter, other than being a Hunter, my sister's a pretty famous author actually, she thinks she got this semblance because she was the one who read everyone bedtime stories when we were young, and to answer your other question Yang, if she reads a story to the Grimm, certain things can happen to them, for instance, if she reads the sky is falling story, small meteors ranging from the size of a boulder to a house can fall on them, depending on how much Aura she puts into it, and all Arcs have a ton of Aura like me."

Everyone's jaw dropped, Blake's ears twitched, "Author? Anyone, I know?"

Jaune smiled, "Hmm, maybe, I think I'll let that be a surprise should you ever meet her."

"I'm sorry Jaune, I didn't mean to insult your sister," Weiss apologized.

"Yeah, I've noticed that you have a bit of a habit when it comes to jumping to conclusions, however, let me drop some Arc family wisdom on you, never judge a book for its cover, nor a situation without all of the facts presented."

Weiss frowned, "I do not jump to conclusions."

"Really?" Jaune asked with a devious smile on his face. "What about what you thought about Ruby?" Jaune smile was a mile wide as he stared down Weiss with confidence.

"Erk!" Weiss's arms jerked.

"Or, how about, when you thought that Ruby wasn't a good leader?" Yang smiled with a hint of negativity in her voice.

"Hey, I apologized for that!" Weiss's arms crossed as she stared Yang back down.

"When did this happen?" Jaune asked.

Ruby shook her head, "Weiss, kind of challenged me to a fight."

Jaune was shocked, "What happened?"

This time Nora jumped in the middle of the conversation, "Well, it happened after you killed the cute little piggy in Port's class, Weiss here was getting all Ice Queeny and thought that she would be a better leader, and then she was like, Ruby I challenge you to a one on one fight, if I win, then I get to be the leader of Team RWBY, and then Ruby was like, you can't do that, what would the team name change to, YWBR doesn't sound like anything at all, and then Yang came over and stopped them..."

Jaune cut her off, "Thanks Nora, I get the gist of it, why didn't you tell me about it?"

"Because; Yang dragged her off somewhere and said something to her." Ren followed up.

Jaune turned to Yang, "Might I ask what you said?"

" that's between us gals." Yang placed her arms around Weiss, "Besides, we're cool now, right Weiss?!"

Jaune could see a bit of discomfort on her face causing him to sigh, "Let me guess, she convinced you to give Ruby a chance somehow, and then threated to tell you jokes 24/7 without ever stopping if you ever upset Ruby again."

Weiss and Yang looked shocked, "How did you kno..." Weiss felt Yang tighten her grip a bit.

Ruby looked to Yang in shock, "Is that what you did Yang!?"

Yang's shoulders clenched up and she gave Jaune the mother of all stink-eyes as she glared at him anger in her eyes, "Ruby, I was..."

"Babying her?" Jaune sighed as he pushed this sėnsɨtɨvė subject out into the open, "Did you even let her fight?"

"No, why would I let that happen, were on the same team, and teammates shouldn't fight!" Yang said crossing her arms, wondering why Jaune was acting this way.

"Yang, my sisters, mother, even my father coddled me too much. As someone who was a victim of this, I can tell you if you keep fighting all of Ruby's battles, then she's not going to get stronger and could end up seriously hurt someday."

"Yeah Jaune, you tell her!" Ruby raised her fist in the air, "You too Ruby?" Yang asked looking a little sad.

"Didn't you think I could win! Or better yet, why didn't you trust me enough to know better than to have a fight-fight with my teammate! I'm not stupid Yang!" Ruby shouted out, it appeared that this really was eating away at her.

Jaune knew about this because the fight happened way later in life, Yang didn't think Ruby was ready and almost cost them all their lives by holding her back. The sooner they hashed this out, the better.

Yang sighed, "Okay, I get what you're saying, but..." Yang looked really down when Ruby decided to do something, she wrapped her arms around Yang's shoulder and said, "Look, I know it's hard seeing me become an ȧduŀt," half of the room made snorts, "Shut up, I'm almost sixteen, I'm only a year and a half younger than most of the 1st year students here!"

Ruby turned back to her sister, "You've been my hero, well, you still are my hero, and I love that you'd go to that length to help me, but Jaune is right, you can't fight all my battles, what happens if someday your not there, and I don't have the experience to deal with the situation?"

Yang froze, she thought of the situation and really didn't like it, she wasn't dumb enough to think she could stay by Ruby's side her entire life.

"And don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to back off and change or anything, but maybe you could show me that same respect as a leader you asked Weiss to show me?"

Yang really felt like a jerk now, "By the way, I still love being spoiled by you, one the best perks of being the little sister, I'm just too damn adorable not to care for!"

Yang let out a snort, Jaune then turned to Weiss and said, "And you!"

Weiss's shoulders popped up, "I think you could learn a thing or two from how Ruby leads, did you forget that it was her plan to take down the Nevermore?"

Weiss frowned, "That's different..."

"No, it really isn't, Ruby's a great Huntress, and so what if you think her plans are crazy or unorthodox, it works and works well, I think a Schnee would know better than to shame your golden goose."

Ruby's heart thumped.

"She's only going to get better from here on in, so instead of taking out your feeling of inadequacy on your team leader and shooting her down all the time, why not help her be a better team leader by offering good advice?"

Weiss looked a little down, Jaune closed his eyes and let out a tired sigh, he sat back down and missed seeing Ruby's face turn bright red, her face heated up and her heart started to beat really loud, Yang looked down at her and smiled, "Ohh! Oooh!" Yang's grin grew wider.

"You don't just challenge your team leader for the position, did you think any of us would follow you if you just tried to become the leader through force."

Weiss stuttered, "I...I didn't,..."

"You jumped to conclusions and acted on them without all the facts?" Jaune countered back.

Seeing that this was actually eating away at her, Jaune smiled and saw that same Snow Angel that he fell for when he was young and dumb.

He gave Weiss a smile and said something to give her a bit of comfort, "We're a team now Weiss, we have to be able to trust each other, it can't be about what the Ice Queen wants, remember, your family's status doesn't matter here, your just another Huntress in the crowd, the quicker you can get that through your head, the sooner we can get back to talking about being business partners,"

Weiss sighed and then heard something that made her surprised, "Yang, now you apologize to Weiss," Ruby said as she stared at her sister.

Yang sighed and held out her hand, "I'm sorry."

Weiss looked at Ruby who was beaming with the authority of a leader and shook Yang's hand, "Truce."

Yang nodded her head, "Truce."

Weiss turned back to Ruby and said, "For what it's worth, I'm sorry Ruby."

Ruby smiled and said, "Awe, its no problem."

Jaune then coughed and said, "Well we got way off topic, so Weiss, for any of the enhanced Dust I'll be taking 80% of whatever you get."

Weiss frowned and said, "Fifty Percent!"

Jaune shook his head, "No, eighty percent, I'm being generous and you know it, I'm not like Ruby who doesn't know how to make a deal."

"Hey!" Ruby pouted making the room full up with giggles.

"Since I'm the only one capable of supplying you with the Enhanced Dust and am only using you for your contacts, 20 Percent for you is already a bit too much," Jaune continued causing Weiss to cross her arms and frown a bit.

Jaune then turned to the pile of pendants they worked on and smiled as he added the final touch by using his Semblance, as the Moondust Pendants lit up, Jaune smiled and said, "However, everything that we make together will be a 50/50 split."

Weiss let out a sigh of defeat and smiled, she then turned her head towards Jaune and held out her hand before saying, "Not bad Arc, you have the makings of a businessman, we have a deal."

"I had a good teacher." Jaune smiled and shook her hand.

Everyone felt the Moondust Pendants effects as its aura started filling their room up, Jaune and Weiss were surprised when they inspected the item using their inventory.

"Weiss, am I dreaming right now?" Jaune asked pinching his cheeks.

Weiss was able to speak, she kept making strange noises of disbelief and scoffed ever once and a while, "What is it?" Ruby and Nora yelled out, the tension was killing them.

"We...we made a magic item!" Jaune shouted drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

"Really?!" Nora and Ruby stared at Weiss with stars in their eyes.

"Don't look at me, I didn't even know that this was possible! Jaune's the one who told me that I could use my Semblance directly on a Dust Cyrstal!" Weiss stared at Jaune in shock.

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