RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 2 - First Semester Part 2

Salem bowed her head, "Thank you from freeing me from my madness, thank you for defeating my husk."

Ozma explained somethings to Jaune about his past, it took a while but after hearing everything Jaune sighed, he truly felt the guy, if Ruby had become like Salem, Jaune wondered if he would've done something similar.

"So what, you became gods, can I do that too? Maybe I can wait for Ruby and get a one up on her before she becomes one as well. Wait, will she wait, will Ruby find someone else?!"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for her, there is something that we want to give you Jaune," Salem said holding her hand up.

Jaune showed a confused look, Ozma shot a gentle look at Salem, before he then turned back to Jaune, "Jaune, this timeline is doomed, a being created by the God of Darkness still exist on Remnant, if the afterlife and us new gods will not stand a chance against him."

Jaune froze, he turned to Ozma and said, "What did you say?"

Salem began to explain, "I'm sorry Jaune, but this beast was created by the God of Darkness to be a weapon against his brother, this was before the time of man, although they settled their differences later in life and created humanity, the Frist Grimm still exists, those killed by will have everything, even their souls absorbed into its being."

Jaune felt sick, "Wait, Ruby's a Silver-Eyed Warrior, can't she defeat it since it's a Grimm!?"

Ozma shook his head, "No it's not enough, even if Ruby's Silver Eyes are a blessing from the god of light to deal with the First Grimm."

"Then what's the problem, if her eyes were made to deal with the First Grimm, then why isn't it enough?" Jaune asked with a clear expression of frustration on his face.

"It's because it took an entire group of the most Elite Silver-Eyed Warriors to defeat him, tell me Jaune, how many Silver-Eyed Warriors do you know?" Ozma said with a sad look in his eye.

Jaune looked to Salem who at the time showed a depressed expression, she hanged her head down as she began to explain, "It was my plan to use the First Grim to strike down the God of Light, once I killed him, I would have stolen his power and kill off the God of Darkness as well, once I stole both their powers, I would have destroyed the Frist Grimm, then, I would have remade Humanity in my image, everyone would have been Immortal, no more death."

Jaune looked surprised, he would have never guessed that killing the gods was Salem's end-game goal, and then turned to Ozma, "In order for Salem to do this, she would have needed to gather all four artifacts and summon the gods..."

"That's why you stored them in the academies!?" Jaune shouted with wide eyes.

"Yes, but not just to keep them from Salem, but to keep them from ever being used, if the Gods returned do you think that they would spare Remnant? The same childlike gods that killed me and brought me back to life like I was a toy?"

Jaune thought long and hard, "But why did you hide all this from us?"

"The reason I kept Salem from being known of was because of her developed Semblance, she could control Grimm, the first Grimm included, and without the Silver-Eyes to watch over the stone prison of the Frist Grim, then the whole world is doomed; company included."

Jaune shook, he wasn't there to help, to be with her in her final moments, he felt like he was about to break down when Salem called out to him, "Jaune, do you wish to be with Ruby?" as she asked, she looked at Ozma with a loving expression.

Jaune looked up into the empty white void and said, "Yes, I can't imagine life without her."

Ozma's daughters stood next to their parents and said, "Aww!"

"Jaune, we can let you live once again," Salem said with a gentle and tender smile on her face.

"Wait I get to live again!? You're going to bring me back to life!" Jaune was filled with joy, he threw his hands in the air, but Ozma quickly doused that joy.

Ozma's voice echoed out, "I'm sorry Jaune, I can't return your soul to your current body."

Jaune pouted, "Why are you playing with my heart!"

"We can't revive you without cursing you in some form or another, the laws of the universe have been deadlocked by the Gods, however after studying the curses inflicted upon us, we have developed a different way to resurrect you, we found a loop-hole or so they say," Salem informed.

Ozma smiled and said, "I'm sending you back in time, to right before you arrive at Beacon, we could only cut the time to 7 years in the past, I'm sorry but I could not improve the spell even further."

Jaune scratched his head and thought that it was strange that they would send him back to that time, but with a single thought of Ruby's face, Jaune smiled and said, "Send me back then. Starting from scratch with Ruby; is better than not having Ruby at all."

"She's a special girl, that Ruby," Ozma said as Jaune's soul started to glow.

"That she is," Jaune said thinking of all the wrongs he could right.

"Oh, and thanks to your last fight, you've caught the Wargod's eye, he's decided to give you a blessing. You will have a unique God's Blessing like Ruby's Silver Eyes which was granted by the god of light, or the lesser blessings that I gave to Crow and Raven."

"Wait, there are more gods besides the Gods of Light and Darkness?" Jaune asked as his soul was shot off back towards Planet Remnent.

Ozma didn't even get a chance to answer, he only heard him laugh a little before, without any warning, Jaune felt his soul being pulled throughout time and space; it felt like he was watching a simulation of a wormhole.

As his soul completely vanished Ozma made a sound like he was slurping coffee and said, "They'll need you to be even stronger than before to survive Remnant's Final Test."

Another person walked into the Void, he was one of Ozma's previous incarnations, the King of Vale, the Hero of the Great War, and the one known as the God of War, Ozthor Arc; also known as Wargod. (Play on King Arthur)

This incarnation was very weird for Ozma, out of all his hosts, Ozthor was the only one with a strong enough will to put Ozma on the backburner, so to speak.

He could only let the Wargod handle the body while he gave advice, Ozma was surprised by Ozthor's powerful soul, so much so, that when he finally took control of the body, Ozthor was on the verge of death.

That the wild Wargod of Vale, had a family two sons, one who was the next in line for the throne, while the other created the Order of the Knights of Arc, this was Jaune's grandfather, Ciel Arc.

After many years, Ceil had a son of his own, who, instead of taking up the role of the Arc household, chose to abandon his royal status and become a hunter.

Ozma was then surrounded by 10 of his strongest incarnations, each of them had become a God in their own right.

"Do you think that he'll be able to pull it off?" Oscar, Ozma's most recent incarnation appeared and asked.

"He's my grandson, of course, he'll be able to pull it off! After all, that combined blessing you had us all make should help him a lot, what did you call it again?" The Wargod Ozthor bragged.

"I call it the Ultimate Leader System, you probably don't know about Scrolls, but Jaune and I liked to play these RPG games on them, and I thought it might come in handy for the rest of the team." Oscar bragged about his idea.

"I think he'll do fine, what now dear?" Salem asked as she hugged Ozma's arm.

"I picked him for a reason, sacrificing the 4 Artifacts was truly the right choice to make, now all we can do is wait for this timeline to be replaced," Ozma stated as he stared at the portal that sent Jaune back in time vanish.


Jaune's soul flew pass a shattered moon and charged towards a large green and blue planet, his soul then shot over a city and through the surface of a very familiar flying ship, Jaune's soul collided into the current day Jaune Arc who was in the middle of experiencing a bout of motion sickness.

Jaunes two souls clashed and merged into one, he placed his hand on his head and ġrȯȧnėd out in pain, when he started to wobble Jaune heard the sound of the most important woman in his life call out to him, "Are you alright?"

Jaune wanted nothing more than to pick Ruby up and kiss her, he wanted to shout that he was back, but, seeing how he hasn't even introduced himself yet, he knew that he had to hold back his emotions, and on top of it all, he still felt sick to his stomach.

Although Jaune was no longer experiencing his usual motion sickness, he still felt that like he was going to puke, wiping off the sweat from his brow with his sleeve, Jaune spoke up with a shaky voice, "Yes, it's the first time flying, just feeling a little woozy."

"Motion sickness?" Yang said scratching the side of her face.

"I'll adapt, not going to puke, thank you for asking...errp" Jaune's cheeks suddenly puffed up, swallowing down his bile, he then said as looked around, "Does this ship have a bathroom?"

Yang and Ruby pointed over towards the tail end of the ship and watched as he ran into the bathroom on the verge of puking.

"Poor guy," Ruby said looking a bit embarrassed.

"At least he was man enough to hold it in long enough to ask," Yang laughed as she placed her arm around Ruby and went back to tell her just how great it would be at Beacon.

Jaune entered the bathroom and puked, not because of the air sickness, but because soul shock, he turned the water on and splashed his face, he looked into the mirror and said, "Okay this is real, really real, I'm back in my old body, I guess this is my life now. Aww, Man! All my muscle is gone."

Jaune suddenly heard a chime ring in his head, a transparent screen popped up in front of him and had the words, "Accept Wargod's Blessing?"

Chapter: Beacon Acadamy

Jaune felt his Aura unlocking and increasing sixfold almost; the same Aura-Levels from when he was 19, he then looked at the new screen that appeared, it showed his status; just like a video game menu.



Name: Jaune Arc


Title: Wargod's Knight:+15 to Battle Power

Class: Hunter Knight in Training-Level:01

Overall Level: 001

Experience: 0

Experience needed until the next level: 1,450

Condition: 100%

Constitution: 15

Defense: 28 (+10 Armor Bonus)

Intelligence: 14

Focus: 10

Mana: 0

Battle Power: 25

Aura: 3,000

Previous Soul's Semblance: ???? Mutated Aura Amplifacation ????

Current Soul's Semblance:???

Wargod's Blessing: Training and Combat have a long term growth effect on Aura and Battle Power. Increases the effects of training by 10,000% (X10)



Skill Tree

????Aura Abilities????

???? ̶M̶a̶g̶i̶c̶ ̶????

Class Grid Map

Jaune was blown away, he could feel that the strength that he gained from his title had increased his power a decent amount, he felt that he now had the same physical strength, had the same strength from his previous life, but still had the physique of a thin teenager.

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