RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 3 - First Semester Part 3

"How is this a Blessing?! I thought I would get something like Golden Eyes, or Uncle Crow's transformation ability. This is totally like a video game. Why is my Semblance Mutated, and what's with the question marks on my second one? Wait, I have two?"

Jaune placed his hand on his chin, "Maybe since this is before I unlocked my Aura Amplification its changed somewhat to suit my new personality, the fusion of my past and future soul must be responsible for the extra Semblance, maybe it's because I'm two souls in one."

Letting out a sigh Jaune said, "So many questions, so much to learn."

He clicked at his inventory and saw the status screen collapse, and then a series of 99 slots that the words empty on every one of them, Jaune then started to think about how he should move his equipment into it, when all of a sudden, his sword appeared inside the first slot.




[Crocea Mors x01]


Skill List

???? ̶M̶a̶g̶i̶c̶ ̶????

Class Grid Map

"Just like that?" Jaune thought about holding his sword and like magic, it reappeared.

He then pointed to his skill tree, and he saw a small list of skills with Lien cost next to an upgraded sign.

Climb: Lv-1

[Cost to Level Up 100 Lien.]

Craft: Lv-3

[Cost to Level Up 10,000 Lien.]

Diplomacy: Lv-1

Handle Animal: Lv-1

[Cost to Level Up 100 Lien.]

Intimidate: Lv-0

[Cost to Level Up 10 Lien.]

Knowledge: Lv-3

[Cost to Level Up 10,000 Lien.]

Perform: Lv-1

[Cost to Level Up 100 Lien.]

Profession: Lv-1

Drive: Lv-1

[Cost to Level Up 100 Lien.]

Ride: Lv-0

[Cost to Level Up 10 Lien.]

Swim: Lv-1

[Cost to Level Up 100 Lien.]

Stealth: Lv-1

[Cost to Level Up 100 Lien.]

Perception: Lv-1

Jaune looked at his wallet and sighed, "500 Lien. That's bȧrėly enough to make it through a month, Sis helped me fake my transcript and only gave me a monthly allowance."

Jaune ġrȯȧnėd, "We won't be able to start taking missions until the second semester, I have to get a job."

Next, he looked at his Class Grid Map and was reminded of something like Final Hunter 10's Sphere Grid, only it was much smaller, and only the spheres covered a single class, Hunter Knight in Training.

He looked over the slots and saw that some increased his Aura, some increased his Battle Power, and the rest were special class abilities, such as Aura abilities, one was called Guard, it increased the body's defense by 15% when guarding someone.

Another was called Shout, it increased the output of a single attack by 15%.

However, the only way to activate one of these rings was to gain Grid Tokens from leveling up.

He noticed that he had a single token, after some thinking he decided to put it into a Constitution +4 Modifier.

His body started to itch, his body started to move sporadically as he felt himself get slightly stronger by the second, Jaune lifted his shirt and saw that his body was completely shredded, his muscles didn't have any girth to it, but every one of his muscles was well developed; like it had been sculpted by marble.

Jaune put his shirt back down and laughed, "He noticed that his Defense and Battle Power had increased by 2, meaning he could deal out and take even more damage now.

"So Constitution increases my physique and maximum health, next one I get I'll use on a skill." Jaune noticed that the ship came to a halt.

"I guess it's time to go." After leaving the ship, Jaune marveled at the sheer beauty that was Beacon Academy, it was filled him with a great sense of happiness, the last time he saw Beacon Academy was when they returned to the ruins before the final fight, Jaune continued to walk while looking into the distance when he heard Ruby's famous sneezing explosion.

Weiss had already begun berating her, when Jaune suddenly walked over and held out his hand to Ruby, "Hey, need a hand?"

Ruby's eyes turned wide, she reached out her hand when Weiss started to shout, "Excuse me! I was in the middle of talking with this person, how dare you interrupt me, do you know who I am?"

"Weiss Schnee, heires to the Schnee Dust Corporation. One of the largest producers of energy propellants in the world." A young and serious-toned woman's voice called out.

Everyone turned to see Blake walking over while holding on to a bottle of dropped Dust.

"Finally some recognition!" Weiss said placing her hands on her hɨps while throwing her nose up at them.

"The same company infamous for its controversial practices and questionable business partners." Blake shot back.

"How dare...The Nerve of...." Weiss tried to shout back something in defense when Ruby and Jaune started to giggle, Weiss took a deep breath and stomp away after taking her bottle of Dust back.

"I promise I'll pay you back someday!" Ruby shouted at Weiss.

"Thank you!" Ruby shouted to see Blake wave her hand behind her head, like whatever.

Ruby then turned back to Jaune and said, "Thanks for helping me..."

Jaune held out his hand, "Jaune, Jaune Arc." as they shook hands Jaune's heart quaked, he almost started crying on the spot, when what Ruby said next spoiled the mood.

"Ruby Rose is the name, don't wear it out! Hey, aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship? Vomit Boy!"

"It was motion sickness, and I'm over it, it will never happen again," Jaune said with a red face, "My future wife called that damn nickname," Jaune thought as he hid his face from her.

"Su~re! Vomit Boy," Ruby said with a giggle and a smile on her face that melted Jaune's heart.

Jaune shook his head and laughed, "Okay Crater Face you asked for it."

"Hey, that explosion was an accident." Ruby shot back.

The two laughed at one another, when all of a sudden, it got kind of quiet, Ruby looked at the sword on his hip, then pulled out her Hunter's Weapon Crescent Rose and said, "Soo, I have this thing!" like she wanted to show off.

Jaune smiled and said, "Neat scythe, is that a high impact velocity sniper rifle attached to it!?"

Ruby smiled while she nodded her head, she started to get excited thinking she met a fellow weapons enthusiast, "Made it myself! What about yours!?"

"I haven't made my Hunter's weapon yet, I couldn't afford one, this is my Ancestors Sword, it may not look like much, but it was used in the great war, and the shield as well, it can collapse to improve my mobility. It also acts as a sheath."

"Oldies are cool too, was that sword really used in the great war!?" Ruby asked with sparkling eyes.

Jaune nodded his head, "Yep, my ancestor was a Legendary Hero, however, our household has degenerated somewhat since her time."

Jaune handed the sword over to Ruby, "Ohh, it's heavier than it looks, and the steel is really well forged, the fact that it isn't broken after being used is proof that whoever made this was a true master."

Ruby handed back the sword and continued to walk alongside Jaune, "So, did you really make that all by yourself."

Ruby blushed and said, "Yeah, I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to weapons."

"Maybe I could ask you to help me design my new Hunter's weapon," Jaune said tilting his head to the side.

Ruby's eyes started to glow, "Really that would be awesome, what do you have in mind, maybe a handgun attachment, or a rocket launcher maybe?"

The two talked weapons for a while, they went back and forth about rare metals, types of gun attachments, suitable designs, after almost ten minutes had passed, Ruby suddenly realized she was geeking out, she blushed so much that Jaune's heart skipped a beat, while she rubbed the back of her head, Ruby started to laugh awkwardly, "Hahaha! Sorry about that, kind of went on a rant."

Jaune lifted a brow and asked with a confused look, "For what? I think it's cool that a cute girl like your self is into something that they enjoy, makes me like you even more."

Ruby gave a good hard, long look at Jaune, before suddenly turning her head to hide her flushed face, "Why's your face red? Are you feeling okay?" Jaune teased.

"It's Nothing, nevermind!" She gave him a peak before pulling her hood closer to her face, "So, why did you help me back there in the courtyard?"

"Eh! Why not? My mom always says that strangers are just friends you haven't met yet, and dad says that you should always help a lady in need." Jaune replied.

Ruby giggled, "Nice sayings..."

"It's even better if the one I helped happened to be a cute girl like you Ruby," Jaune said with a gentle smile.

Rubby stopped moving, Jaune swore he saw steam coming out of the side of her hood, she turned around and slapped her cheeks a couple of times and then looked around before saying, "Hey, where are going?"

Jaune stopped and said, "Oh, crap, I don't know, I was just following think that there might be a directory nearby." Jaune's stomach growled, "Maybe a food court while we're at it. I'm pretty sure I left breakfast on the plane."

After searching around for a while they finally ended up at the auditorium, Yang saw them enter and shouted, "Ruby, over here, I saved you a spot!"

Jaune and Ruby walked over, "Hey if it isn't Vomit Boy!" Yang shouted out, drawing attention to an embarrassing Jaune in public.

"The name is Jaune Arc, thank you for earlier concern, I hope we get along as new students," Jaune said holding his hand out.

"Yang, don't be mean to him, he's my first friend! He helped me!" Ruby said as she began to break down how she exploded a hole in the courtyard.

"Your kidding right?" Yang said with her eyebrows twitching, "I tripped over this really mean girls luggage, and then she yelled at me, like a lot. Then I sneezed and then exploded and then she yelled me again. I felt really really bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!"

"You!" Weiss shouted out from behind them, Ruby jumped into Yang's arms and cried out, "Oh, god it's happening again!"

"You're lucky we weren't blown off the face of the campus!" Weiss berated her again.

"Om, my god, you really exploded," Yang said with disbelief in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I swear I'll make it up to you!" Ruby said in fear.

Weiss held out a pamphlet and said, "If you want to make it up to me, read this and never speak to me again." She went on to explain that it was about liability claims, seeing this kind of behavior coming from Weiss, Jaune grabbed the pamphlet and started to eat it.

Everyone was surprised by his action and stared at him in shock, Jaune then swallowed the paper before he said, "You're a real piece of work."

Weiss frowned, "What's your problem?"

"My problem is how you're treating her, did she ever once say anything about pressing charges, and by the way, if she did, she would win, you were carting around high-quality Dust like it was freaking shoes and makeup! If they were properly contained and secured with the proper care, then the incident would have never happened. You could be sued for gross negligence when handling company materials, you wanna tell me why you were carrying that much Dust around in a common luggage bag?"

Weiss back her head away, "Just because you're the daughter of some big company doesn't mean the whole world revolves around you, and on top of it all, you have a shitty judge of character." Jaune turned to Ruby, "Ruby, do you want to press charges?"

Ruby shook her head, "I played a part in the accident, so I don't want to do anything like that! No lawyers for me."

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