RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 4 - First Semester Part 4

Unable to say anything in response, Weiss fumed before turning her head and stomping away, "Damn!" Yang said placing her arm around Jaune's neck, "You got one hell of a tongue on you, what did you major in law or something?"

Jaune smiled and said, "Or something." He didn't really like Weiss attitude in her early years, he thought that maybe a little scolding might push her in the right direction sooner than intended, of course, if future Weiss saw what he did here today, she would have turned him into a popsicle.

Before they could say another word, Ozpin showed up on stage and started to give his speech, after it was over they were told the test would begin tomorrow at the Emerald Forest.

After separating Jaune went out to eat and look for a job, as a student, he couldn't take hunting jobs yet, however, he could look for something on his Scroll, pulling out his phone, he began to look for work in the Kingdom of Vale, specifically; something close to Beacon Academy.

While he ate, Jaune had spent hours looking for a job, when he stumbled upon a manual labor job for a moving company, after taking the job, he worked on learning getting used to using such a massive amount of Aura in his teenage body.

Jaune spent the next 6 hours practicing and gaining control over his Aura.

When he started to tap into his Aura, Jaune noticed that he could sense other Aura's that were a few feet away from him, and for some reason, sensing them felt like a natural thing he could just do now.

Normally it would take people with special Semblances to do this, and while Jaune could gauge his allies Aura when he healed them or boosted them in his previous life, he had to touch them, but now, Jaune could sense them with ease, he wondered if it had anything to do with his perception skill. "The only way I'll find out is by upgrading the skill."

Taking notice of his own body, Jaune deduced that he could only use about half of his Aura before he started to feel the immense strain on his body.

"Look's like I still need to work out quite a bit. My Aura is just too powerful for the current me." Jaune thought as he continued to practice.

After a few exercises, Jaune could feel his Aura inside his body and began to relearn to manipulate in the most basic way; Jaune was surprised to see that his Aura Abilities section had been unlocked, written in its window was, "Aura Armor, Aura Boost, and Aura Regeneration." and the words "Level: Max" written down next each of them.

Thankfully Jaune packed more than his Bunny Onesie, he thought about burning it, but in the end, he couldn't go through with it, he loved this Pumpkin Pete mascot.

Putting the Onesie away, Jaune took out a black tank top, and some sweat pants and put them on in the bathroom before heading out to his sleeping bag.

As he walked down the room he heard Yang whistle at him, "Whoot, what a bod!"

Jaune scratched the side of his face, "I out."

Ruby's eyes kept taking peeks at Jaune as did quite a few other ladies, "I bet you do." Yang replied with a perverse grin on her face.

Juan smiled happy that Ruby was showing interest in him so early and waved at them, "Good night, big day tomorrow."

"Aww, you're not going to give us a show?" Yang said teasingly.

"You can't afford me," Jaune joked as he walked to his sleeping bag and laid down.

"Oi, I'm willing to dish out some cash, loose that top!" Yang roared.

Jaune went out and purchased the largest handgun he could for 350 Lien, he ended up with a 50 Calibur Revolver that looked like a Smith and Weston with a box-shaped frame and the Barrel underneath rather than over top.

"Less recoil, nice!" Jaune thought as he bought the gun.

The Black colored Pistol was promptly named 'Black Egeal' and he even spent another 150 Lien to purchase a hip holster for it along with 5 bullets each of fire, ice, and lightning Dust rounds, along with a box of 50 armor piercing rounds. He also noticed a neat Compass that was also a watch, spending an extra 15 Lien he purchased that as well.

Lastly, he bought some materials to care for his swords, such as a few bottles of sword oil and a whetstone.

"This months gonna be a little rough, I'm just glad the lunch is paid for by the school," Jaune said as he made his way to the Facility closets to the Emerald Forest.

Everyone was gathered in the locker room Yang and Ruby were in the middle of a serious conversation, after a quick wave to them, Jaune walked pass Pirra and Weiss and stopped.

"Excuse me, could you move please, that's my locker."

"Um' I'm sorry," Pyrrha said stepping aside.

Jaune smiled and said, "No problem." as he walked past her.

Seeing his normal reaction to talking with Pyrrha, Weiss frowned and said, "Don't you know who she is?"

Jaune opened his locker and put on his sword belt, and shield, "No, should I?"

"This is Pyrrha Nikos!" Weiss displayed her like a show host.

"Hi!" Pyrrha waved her hand.

"Graduated at the top of her class at Sanctum!" Weiss continued to explain.

"Never heard of it," Jaune replied.

"Ah, She won the mistral tournament four years in a row now, that's a new record!" Weiss shot back.

"The what now?" Jaune shot back.

Weiss's eyebrow twitched, "She's on the cover of Pumpkin Pete's Marshmellow Flakes box!"

"Wow, they only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters." Jaune acted excited.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool, however, the cereal is terribly bad for you," Pyrrha said looking a little embarrassed.

"So after hearing all this, don't you think you should show some decorum!" Weiss said tilting her head.

"Man, do you think about other's at all before you go running your mouth?" Jaune frowned and slightly raised his voice.

Weiss started to get the sense of Dejavu, "How long are you going to hide under the shadow of reputation, so what if she's all these things, she's still just another person, why should I treat her any different than I would treat another person that I bȧrėly know?"

Pyrrha smiled, Jaune gave her a thumbs up as he continued, "I hope you understand that this is Beacon Academy, not Atlas. Everything you've experienced, every bit of reputation you've relied on before this moment is completely pointless here, all that matters is what you can do from this point on. In your own name, not the Schnee Family name, but, Weiss the Huntress's name."

Jaune grabbed his shield and sword made sure his buckles and belts were sucurely tightened before he started to walk away from a stunned Weiss, he then stopped in front of his old Partner and held out his hand to Pyrrha, "My name is Jaune Arc, I look forward to our time together as students."

Pyrrha shook his head, "Likewise Jaune, thank you for treating me like a regular person, it kind of why I chose to come to Beacon. when you get really famous, it makes it much harder to just be casual with someone, I just wanted to make friends not more fans."

Jaune smiled as the shook hands, "Well then Pyrrha, consider me your friend."

Pyrrha blushed and nodded her head, "Mn!"

Jaune felt a whirlwind of emotions, he used to have feelings for Pyrrha, and he knew that she would develop feelings for him, "I have to find a way to let her down easy," Jaune thought as he hid his emotions and turned around.

The two parted with Weiss standing there in shock, she took this opportunity to speak with Pyrrha, "Um, could I be your friend too?"

Pyrrha nodded her head up and down in a pleasant mood, she then grabbed Weiss's hand and said, "Another friend, what a joyous day this is!"

As Jaune walked past the Yang and Ruby, they joined him and started to travel out to the launch pads together, "Why are you so harsh on her Jaune?" Ruby asked.

"I just don't like people who rely on their family or political positions to throw their weight around. I think she can be better than she is, but how will she ever learn if she doesn't hear the bitter truth?" Jaune said scratching the back of his head.

"You sound like an old man scolding a child." Yang giggled.

Jaune smiled and thought "If you added up all both of my lives total time, then, yes, I would be an old man." Jaune thought before saying, "You whippersnappers better shape up!"

The two straightened their backs and said, "Yes grandpa Jaune." The three then suddenly burst out into laughter as they exited the locker room, Yang even had the guts to throw in some cheesy puns as jokes.

Everyone met up on the launching pad, as they were told of what to do, and that the first person they crossed paths with would become their partners for the next 4 years.

Ruby showed shock as she looked over at Yang and at Jaune, "I have to find them both first!"

One by one they were tossed into the air, just as it was Jaune's turn he stepped off the plate and surprised both Glynda and Ozpin.

"Mr. Arc, what exactly is your intention, if you don't use the launch ramp, then how will you get down from here."

Jaune sighed and said, "After this is over, I want to talk to you in private."

Glynda immediately became suspicious of the boy, Jaune placed his foot down on the launch pad, locking it back into place and said, "It's about the Black Queen, and how this generation will defeat her."

Glynda and Ozpin's pupil's dilated, he was about to ask Jaune what he knew, but before he could, Jaune pulled out his shield and aimed himself where the trees were thickest, and with a powerful kick to the pad, a loud springing noise was heard as Jaune was thrown through the sky as well.

Ozpin and Glynda stared at him with wide eyes, and turned to each other, "Do you think he's an enemy?" Glynda asked.

"If he is, he is the dumbest one I've ever seen, I don't think a spy or enemy for that matter would just out themselves like this. Perhaps this is a good thing, let's watch and find out." Ozpin took a drink of his coffee.

"True, I didn't see any malice in his voice or actions since coming here, but he could be a talented actor," Glynda replied.

"I don't think so, you saw his eyes, there wasn't a hint of evil in them." Ozipin took another sip from his mug.

"I hope your right," Glynda said staring off into the Emerald Forest.

Jaune focused all his attention towards a tree he was heading in the direction of and placed his shield on his feet, a loud creaking noise was heard as the branch he landed on bent down towards the ground.

Jaune rode his shield like he was grinding on a skateboard, he slid his way down to the ground before kicking his shield up while simultaneously rolling across the ground in a controlled manner, as the kinetic force dispersing throughout his body safely, Jaune hopped back up to his feet.

"Now I wonder what will happen next," Jaune said as he raised up his arm, the shield that was kicked into the air earlier neatly fell on to the buckle on his wrist, after tightening the strap, Jaune faced forward and began walking north.

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