RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 23 - First Semester Part 23

The next morning went normal as usual, that was until Jaune had closed the door behind them, hearing the door click, Ruby opened her eyes and said, "No Zwei, those are my cookies." as she woke up from her dream.

Ruby looked around the room and saw that Jaune was gone, she noticed that the bathroom doors were open, so he wasn't using it.

Ruby climbed out of bed and took a look at Jaune's stuff, she saw that he had taken his equipment and that he left his uniform folded neatly on his bed.

Ruby walked frowned, "Is he level-grinding on his own?"

She picked up her Crescent Rose, quickly changed into her dress, and she snuck out of the room.

After searching around for a while, Ruby started to get frustrated and then suddenly thought of something, slapping her forehead, "I'm such a dummy, why don't I just look for his Aura!"

Ruby then activating her perception skill, Ruby's senses reached out over a small portion of Beacon, as he perception drifted over to courtyard, Ruby found Jaune's massive Aura rather easily, it was like watching a little sun running ŀȧps around the entire courtyard.

She flew over to a nearby rooftop and saw Jaune exercising like a maniac, she stood up there for almost an entire 30 minutes before she discovered that he wasn't going to be stopping anytime soon.

Jaune had upped his work out to 100 of each of his exercises to 500, he also quadrupled his running regiment.

As Ruby watched him, she didn't notice that she was making a happy expression, or how quickly time was passing by "Jaune sure works hard."

Jaune was focused on his training, as he finished off his final acrobatic leap, he suddenly heard a chime go off in his head.

"New title awarded, Training Maniac~Effects: Increase the effectiveness of training by 10%"

Jaune tilted his head and pressed the title icon, and when he did his eyes lit up, "This can't be real can it?"

Jaune pinched his cheek, he saw three titles, before he didn't want to mess with it, because he was happy with a +15 to his battle power, however, once he saw the title's explanation his jaw dropped.

[Wargod's Knight: Blessed by Ozthor Arc, the First King of Vale, this title gives the user a bonus +15 to battle power.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Must perform a Heroic Act worthy of the name of Arc.]

[Vomit Knight: Eww! No effect.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Puke on another person, or get called Vomit Knight 100 times.]

[Leader of Team JNPR: You know what must be done, Gain 15% Bonus Experience when slaying Grimm.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Stay Team Leader for 1 Year.]

[Co-Captain: Team Leaders Unite! Gains 10% Bonus Experience when fighting Grimm; an additional 20% to Bonus Exp gained when both Ruby and Jaune Arc have this title equipped simultaneously.]

[Reincarnated Husband: Your appeal is wonderous, a taken man is more attractive for the ones that like to hunt, +1 to Cha]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Successfully ask Ruby out on a Date.]

[Reincarnated Hero: As the savior of Remeant you have earned the title of True Hero,+25% to Aura Growth.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Successfully complete first Hunting Mission.]

[Training Maniac: Awarded for constant effort in keeping up a strict training regiment, Increase the effectiveness of training by 10%.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Continue Training for one month.]

"Okay, back up, I knew my ancestor was a Hero, but, doesn't this make me fuċkɨnġ Royalty, Dad has a lot of explaining to do when I visit." Jaune was started to freak out a bit, "Why? Why does the King have the sir name, Vale? Was the Arc family born out of Wedlock, did the King have a Mistress, or maybe they changed his last name in order to hide the Arc legacy? No wait, that doesn't make sense either, dad told me our family has an order of Knights in Vale. Damnit dad, how much did you keep from me?"

Shaking off his shock about his ancestry, and relaxed, "Nothing I can do about it know, that will have to wait until winter break."

Moving on Jaune looked at the Recarnator titles, "Well, this could help me prove who I am..." He stared at the Cha bonus and ran his head through his hair, "Again? Another hidden stat, both Luck and Charisma don't show up on the status screen. I wonder why," Jaune thought as he studied his system.

"So they can evolve huh? What's up with these witty descriptions, is my system trying to be a smart ȧss? Vomit Knight can level up too? Oh god, Ruby can never see of this!" Jaune said out loud as he swapped his title to Reincarnated Hero.

"Ruby can never see what?" Ruby appeared beside Jaune making him jump.

Jaune closed his screen and turned around as he said, "It's nothing! Hahaha! What are you doing here Ruby?"

Ruby gave him a funny stare, "What are you hiding from me?"

Jaune's eyes swam like fishes trying to escape, "!" Jaune saw as Ruby's face got closer and closer to him, using her famous puppy dog pout, Jaune's shoulders drooped as his head hung in defeat, "I have a terrible title thanks to Yang."

Jaune then explained how their titles can evolve, and then he explained the Vomit Knight title, Ruby started to bust up laughing as she fell on her back, Jaune covered his embarrassed expression with his hand and sighed, "Yeah laugh it up, Crater Face." Jaune shot back.

Ruby then heard a chime ring in her head, "Crater Face Title Obtained, Effect: None, given to the one who has a habit of blowing herself up."

"Hey!" Ruby shouted out in frustration, Jaune smiled as he saw the notice on her menu, he then pointed his finger at her and started to laugh himself, Ruby gave Jaune a harsh stare before she suddenly started laughing again.

After the two stopped, Ruby said, "I guess I should look at the Titles I've obtained."

Ruby poked at her own title, Youngest Huntress.

[Youngest Huntress: Don't worry, age isn't everything, No effect.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Will change automatically on your birthday.]

[Leader of Team RWBY: Awarded for becoming team leader of a Huntress, Gain 15% Bonus Experience when slaying Grimm.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Stay Team Leader for 1 year.]

[Co-Captain: Team Leaders Unite! Gains 10% Bonus Experience when fighting Grimm; an additional 20% to Bonus Exp gained when both Ruby and Jaune Arc have this title equipped simultaneously.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Complete first mission as Team Juniper Ruby.]

[ Silvered Eyed Warrior: Blessed by the God of light, the Silvered Eyed Warrior Title grants a +15% increase in damage to Grimm.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Kill 100 Grimm in a day.]

[Cookie Monster: Your appetite for Cookies cannot be conquered, allows the owner of this title to never gain a pound when eating cookies.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Eat 1,000 Cookies in a month!]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Be coddled by parent 10 times in a week.]

[Crater Face: An affectionate nickname, given to the one who has a habit of blowing herself up, no effect.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Blow yourself up 2 more times!]

"Wow! Some of these are really good, 1,000 Cookies in a month, ple~ase! Piece of cake, or should I say cookie!" Ruby shouted pointing a finger in the air. Ruby looked back down and clicked on the youngest Huntress, "I wonder what the Youngest Huntress Title will turn into! I don't have to do anything for this, just wait a month."

"I forgot, your birthday is in a month!"Jaune slapped his forehead, Ruby looked over to him and asked, "How'd you know!"

Jaune smiled and said, "Not that hard, especially since you've circled it on the calendar."

Ruby chuckled, "So are you done training now?"

Jaune shook his head, "No, I still have work."

"Work?" Ruby tilted her head just a bit.

"Yeah, I have three jobs, shipping, stocking, and construction work. I worked out a deal with my bosses, and they've let me do eight hours worth of work as quickly as I can finish, and I still get paid in full!"

Ruby's jaw dropped when he said, "I'll be back in three hours, just before class starts." Jaune then started to stretch his legs.

"Your running?" Ruby was shocked at all that Jaune was doing.

"Yeah, still part of the workout, see ya, Ruby." Jaune waved as he sprinted off into the distance.

Ruby stood watching as he left and thought, "Maybe I should talk to everyone about this, he's going to work himself sick if he keeps this up. But then again, I don't have monster Aura reserves, maybe this is natural for him, still, I think the rest of the team should know what's up."

Ruby headed back to the room and woke up Yang by accident, "Yo, Ruby, where were you?"

"Actually..." Ruby then explained what she saw and talked about with Jaune.

"So titles can do stuff." Yang looked through her titles and saw that 3 of them were quite embarrassing, shaking her head she put on the one that gave her the best benefit.

Yang's Sunny Little Dragon Title gave her a +15% to all damage made with her martial arts style, in order to evolve the title she would have to win 100 battles without getting hit.

"So about Jaune?" Ruby asked with a bit of worry.

"If you're that worried about his health then just ask, besides his Aura is ridiculous, he probably doesn't even get tired, this might just be a brisk walk in the park for him, so calm down," Yang said patting Ruby on the head.

Ruby shook her head, "It's not like that Yang, I just think it's a little strange, we all train, but Jaune, he seems to be pushing it harder than any of us, you didn't see him, it was like he was possessed, why do you think he is training so hard, what's pushing him to do it? Isn't this stuff we should know, I mean, we are friends right?"

Yang rubbed her head, "He probably has his reasons, but you're not going to get any answers asking me, like I said, just ask him. If he wants to tell, he'll tell you, if he doesn't, give him space, we all have secrets we don't want people prying into, you know?"

Ruby nodded her head, "Yeah, thanks for the advice."

"Yeah, good advice for making a move on our fearless leader," Nora popped up behind Ruby and placed her hand on her shoulder.

Ruby jumped into Yang's arms and yelped out, "It's not like that!" once again waking everyone up early.

Ruby then explained what she learned, and it seemed everyone had their own opinion towards Jaune training so harshly.

"I think it's wonderful that he's so dedicated!" Pyrrha said nodding her head. Pyrrha saw that she had many neat titles that granted her many new abilities, such as Iron Champion, Undeafeatable Maiden, and Magnetic Magician, however, she liked the +1 to Luck and thought that it may come in handy again if she left it on, the downside was the title evolution requirements were unknown.

Ren then said, "It hasn't affected his performance in class, or when we spar." as he placed on his new title.

[Tranquil Monk: Given to one who pursues peace of mind, +10 Aura gained every 3 seconds spent in meditation.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Spend 5 Hours in total in meditation.]

"Yep! Our Leader is fine!" Nora popped on her new title, Bubbly Lighting Goddess.

[Bubbly Lighting Goddess: Given to one who is loved by nature, increases strength gain by 100% when struck by electricity.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Use Semblance 10 Times.]

"It may not affect his performance now, but who knows how long that will last, everyone, will burn themselves out if all they do is training," Blake said shaking her head and placing on her book lover Title.

[Book Lover: Only those who truly love the craft of literature obtain this title. Increases reading speed by 50%]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Read 500 Books in total.]

"Why do we care, he trains, gets stronger, and end the end is a better leader for it, in fact, I'm impressed, the fact he hasn't asked for money and is willing to work and balance his school life shows how capable of a leader he is," Weiss crossed her arms on nodded her head after she changed her title.

[Descendant of Winter Maiden: Given to those who use the Winter Glyph Semblance,+10 to Focus and +10% Increased Casting Speed.]

[Requirements to Evolve Title: Spend 1 Month training in Aura Control and Glyph Mastery.]

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