RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 24 - First Semester Part 24

Ruby scratched her head, "Fine, I'll just ask him myself. He said he would be back in a few hours."

"We'll join you," Pyrrha said stepping up, "Although I think it's admirable that Jaune is training so hard, I agree with Blake, overwork is bad for his health."

They all waited a while and made breakfast, after leaving Jaune's portion aside in Ren's inventory, they saw that it was about time for Jaune to return.

However, Jaune had only gotten better at his speed completing his jobs, it took 1 hour and 45 minutes to finish up all three.

When he returned to Beacon he started to train in his image combat, as he moved in place to meet his created enemies, a chime went off in his head.

[Due to constant experimentation, a new Aura Skill Aura Shade has been created.]

[Aura Shade; Level:01-Effects-Creates a thin and solid Body of Aura in the shape of your imagination.]

Jaune felt his Aura Drop by ten percent and was surprised to see a transparent, faceless, humanoid, Aura Construct appear before him.

He smiled and imagined his 2nd teacher after Pyrrha, slightly spiked back hair, tall, lean, and a little loose on his feet, the image tapped his waist like he was searching for something and then sighed.

"Sorry, no booze for you, Qrow," Jaune chuckled.

The image sighed and shook his head while placing his arms out with a what-ever shrug, to the untrained eye it would look like a madman talking to a ghost, even more so when you consider that he was basically talking to himself, but, that was all part of the training, the more he interacted with it, believing in its existence, the more effective the image had on his body.

He had to perfectly memorize everything about their mannerisms and movements in combat to pull this one off, and ever since his Intelligence rose a few points, Jaune's memories had become impeccable.

Jaune smiled and raised his shield in defense, before Qrow's blade clashed with Jaune's shield the memories of Qrow training him flooded into Jaune's mind.

"It might be a good idea to swap your shield and sword fighting style," Qrow said scratching his chin.

"What does that even mean!?" Jaune's face was underneath Qrow's foot.

Taking a step back Qrow grinned and shouted, "Get up! You're so stuck in your style that you can't grow, it's good you have the basics down, but you have to experiment, a shield is normally used for defense, so find a way to use it as a weapon, your sword skill has grown by leaps and bounds, but you only use to attack. Go outside what is normal for you, go wild kid!"

"Is this how you taught Ruby and Yang? Go wild, what kind of advice is that? Sheesh! Yang's personality makes so much sense now." Jaune questioned as he laid on his back and panted heavily.

"If you have time to complain you have time to get up!" Qrow shouted.

Jaune snapped back into reality and pulled his shield back while swinging his sword out.

A loud "Ting!" echoed out as their swords met, Jaune then lifted his sword and jumped into Qrow's waist with a single step.

Swinging out his shield, Jaune threatened to crush Qrow's entire midsection with a shield bash, as Jaune shot his arm out, Qrow threw his sword up and turned into a Crow.

Using a slick maneuver, he transformed back, jumped off of Jaune's arm, while grabbed his weapon in mid-air.

With a swift swing of his arm, Qrow tired to cut Jaune's head down the middle, Jaune moved his head to the side, dodging the blade by an inch or so.

The Qrow-Construct turned his wrist and started to transform his sword into scythe mode, Jaune shouted as he used all his strength to lift his arm and tossed Qrow over his shoulder.

Qrow fliped face forward and swung Harbinger in an attempt to cut Jaune's spine from the bottom up, Jaune rolled to his side and swung his sword up to counter at the same time.

Their blades clashed as Jaune's sword reached the inside of Qrow's blade, pulling back his arm in an attempt to disarm his opponent, Jaune jumped forward with a leaping shield bash and took Qrow by surprise again.

Transforming into back into a Crow, the Drunkard flapped his wings dodging Jaune's charge before he quickly morphed back and reclaimed his weapon.

Qrow swung down and started to really go at it, their blades clashed more than a dozen times causing the air to whistle and crash around their weapons, Jaune blocked and deflected with his sword and attacked with his shield, he jumped at Qrow with every intention of running him over.

Qrow shot off a few shotgun blast, forcing Jaune to stop and start leaping across the courtyard with haphazard movements, he was jumping and rolling across the stone floor as small bursts of Aura were mimicking Qrow's weapon flawlessly.

Jaune threw his shield out and jumped over towards Qrow, in response Qrow sidestepped the attack as it crashed into the ground and lodged the tip of the shield into the stone slab.

Jaune threw his sword as well and forced Qrow to jump back, Jaune landed next to his weapons and pulled them out while he transformed his shield into sheath mode.

As Jaune swung out with both sword and sheath, he started to attack ferocity and skill, Qrow continued to attack as well by switching back into sword mode, their weapons crashed against each other countless times, Jaune didn't really have any two sword style training, but thanks to his blessing, Jaune became a very fast learner.

He noticed that since the Sheath was several times heavier than his sword, Jaune leaned in with his most powerful swings and used his shield/sheath like a club and smashed against Harbinger while stabbing with Crocea Mors.

They went back and forth for almost half an hour, Jaune danced at the edge of death countless times and still couldn't land a complete attack against Qrow.

During their close combat, Jaune was almost shot a few times but managed to turn his sheath back into a shield and bashed towards Qrow's defenseless body, but the bastard turned into a bird again and cawed at him like he was laughing.

"I hate it when you dodge like that!" Jaune fumed as Qrow's weapon landed on the ground a few feet away.

Qrow transformed back grabbed Harbinger, with a crazy fast back-jump, Qrow spun in the air, his sword transformed into its War-Scythe mode as he swung out at Jaune's neck with great speed.

Jaune leaned his head to the side and swung his sword at the back of Qrow's weapon disarming him again.

Jaune then swung his shield out again while quickly and sneakily pulling his pistol from its holster, Qrow jumped back to avoid the shield's attack but frowned when he saw the barrel of Jaune's pistol pointing at him from out behind its cover.

"Turn into a bird now!" Jaune said as he pulled the trigger, the hammer fell down and a hole appeared in the Aura Shade's stomach, the Qrow image pointed his finger at Jaune and grinned like he was calling Jaune sneaky.

"Yeah, I thought you'd approve, though you're not as strong without your Semblance, sorry, I can't exactly recreate bad luck," Jaune said as he holstered his weapon.

Just before the image started to fade, the rest of the team came walking down the hall.

Ruby was looking at Yang and frowning as she spoke, "You all didn't have to come. Even you Weiss!?"

Weiss shook her head, "I just didn't want to be left alone in the room!"

"What's the big deal Sis, you want to spend some alone time with him!?"

"Knock it off Yang!" Ruby cried out as she weakly punched her sister.

Yang was about to continue when she saw the image of a transparent Qrow fade away, she blinked a couple of times and thought that she was going crazy, but then she saw Jaune look at his watch and say, "I still have another half hour until I need to get back and prepare for class, that will leave me at least 15 more minutes to play with this skill."

Calming down, Jaune focused on his image of Pyrrha, everyone watched with a stunned expression as Jaune stood a graceful stance, his sword facing outward and away from his body, his dominant foot forward, placing his shield up in front of him, it gave him the air of a solid fortress that would cut anything apart that approached.

"Arc Style First Stance, Wall of Blades," Jaune said as he performed his self created first sword art.

Pyrrha jumped at him and swung down her spear, Jaune leaned to the left and swung out parrying with his shield, his sword arm swung out after, Pyrrha pulled her shield up and blocked as she leaned down.

Her body tugged backward as she rolled back into a throwing stance and threw her javelin at Jaune.

Jaune knocked it back with his sword and stood firm in his stance, "Maybe two more, I'm not looking to win, just to up the pressure."

Two more constructs appeared as Jaune's Aura took another nosedive, an older version of Ren and Nora appeared beside Pyrrha and charged at Jaune.

Jaune raised his shield up as he braced for Nora's attack, her hammer came smashing down against Jaune causing his body to slide backward, Ren jumped up from behind Nora and shot a bunch of rounds out of his Stormflowers.

Jaune raised his shield up to block the ȧssault as Pyrrha used her semblance to control her Javelin like a floating missile, while she ran up and started to use hand to hand combat against Jaune.

Jaune swung out with his sword to block against the Javelin and was forced to step out of his stance as Pyrrha got close to him.

Jaune jumped back and tilted his sword, Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha split up.

As Pyrrha collected her weapon and transformed it into a rifle she began to fire off a few rounds, Jaune swung his blade out with a powerful swing as he shouted, "Arc Style Second Stance; Crescent Moon!"

Jaune's sword swing was so powerful that it warped the air around him in a crescent shape, Pyrrha jumped back along with the others to avoid the attack, but as they did so, Jaune pointed his sword back and lept forward as he said, "Arc Style Third Stance; Sword of Pursuit!"

"Jaune!" Ruby's voice shattered his illusions causing the Aura constructs to disappear like glowing dust riding on the wind.

Jaune fell forward and rolled across the ground until his back crashed against a marble pillar.

"Oh crap, Jaune! Are you okay?" Ruby shouted as she winced in pain.

Everyone ran over to see Jaune stand back up and say, "That must have looked less than cool." while he patted the dust off of his body.

"That was awesome! How'd you do that? We were all shiny and ghost-like!" Nora shouted.

"What that us?" Ren asked noticing the slight age difference.

Jaune coughed and said, "What are you guy's doing here, shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"Don't change the subject, what was that?" Yang shouted.

Jaune scratched his head, "It's a technique I made, you need a lot of Aura to make them, but think of them like shadow fighters," Jaune looked at Yang, "Yang, you know what shadow boxing is right?"

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