RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 32 - First Semester Part 32

Jaune did a double take and looked around the room, he had to make sure that it was really empty, "No one's here."

Jaune looked at the date thought something was familiar about today, but, he couldn't quite understand what it was though, Jaune shook his head and pulled out his scroll, "Awe, crap, I had it on vibrate!"

Jaune looked through his messages.

Ruby: Hey Jaune we're heading down to the docks to check on the competition for the Vital Tournament, wanna come with?

Ruby: Hello...Jaune are you there?"

Ruby: Echo! Echo! Echo!

Ruby: Cookies!

Ruby: Damn it Jaune, answer me!!!Please!!!

Ruby: You're making me look silly in front of my team!!!


Yang: I'm gonna break your legs!

Yang: Better yet, I'll get Nora to do it!

Jaune sighed before he sent a quick text, "Sorry had the phone on vibrate. Missed the whole event! QQ, and here I was about to make something for dessert tonight, I guess I can't make them with broken legs now can I? I guess I'll just throw away the strawberry cheesecake."

He put the scroll down and then looked around the room one last time, "Nora, if you're here, let me know!"

After not hearing a reply for a while, Jaune let out a breath of fresh air, he then started to work on his cookie experiments, he quickly made a batch of Strawberry Cheese Cake mix and started to prep the cookies.

After placing his special dough in the oven, he looked at his phone while he waited, after a few minutes a message came back from both Ruby and Yang, both saying something along the lines of disregard their earlier comments.

After sending back a quick 'have fun' message, Jaune pulled out a small notepad from his back pocket and started to write out new ideas for the cookie bouquet, as he stood there and thought, Jaune placed his hand up to his chin and said, "Maybe I could cream cheese between the cookies like a sandwich, or I could place it on top like frosting, throw some chocolate chips on top, give it a birthday cake like feel."

After his cookies were done, he quickly created a few dozen different types of Strawberry Cheesecake Cookies, however, they all felt a little off, he was in the middle of tasting one, when he reached for another and noticed that it was gone.

Jaune shook his head and sighed as he reached for another one and watched as it disappeared in front of his eyes, "Nora stop, these are just the test!"

Nora made a small 'Eep' noise as she hid on the other side of the counter and said with a scruffy voice, "This isn't Nora this is Ren!"

Jaune smiled, "Oooh, really, okay, Ren, did you know that Nora likes you, like, like-likes you!"

Nora jumped up with a red face and shouted, "No, I don't, where did you get that idea, that's silly Jaune! Sure, Ren and I are together, but we're not together-together!"

Jaune laughed and said, "You can have what I don't eat, I only need to taste them first."

Nora's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Jaune nodded his head and got back to work, with his handy food disposer, he could make even more experimental cookies without wasting them.

Jaune smiled as he wrote down his newest findings and began to laugh, "I did it, the ultimate Dessert Cookie!" Jaune waited for the cookies to rise, just as they finished, he pulled them out and injected them with the cheesecake, as they filled the center, Jaune placed white, and milk chocolates on top to not only add an additional layer of flavor but to also melt over the hole made by the injector.

When they were done, Jaune wrapped up all but the two and handed one to Nora. He pulled out a couple of cups and filled them up with milk.

Nora and Jaune gave each other a nod of acknowledgment then tapped their cookies together like it was booze and dipped them into the milk.

As they ate the cookies, Jaune smiled as the explosion of strawberry cream-cheese settled on his tongue, it tasted so good, and he wasn't the only one who thought so, Nora quickly inhaled the cookie and exploded with delight, "This is the best Cookie I've ever eaten, the test-cookies can't even compare!"

"I made some changes to the dough recipe, good right?" Jaune smiled as he made a looked over at the pile of extra cookies sat next to them, after making a few extra batches, of some different cookies he made in the future, Nora looked at him and said, "Are you some kind of cookie genius!" as she saw all the different types of cookies she's never heard of before.

There was the triple stacked chocolate, melted fudge layered cookies, Jaune named this one, Chocolate Bomb Cookies.

Next was the Marshmellow Gram Cracker Cookie, the chocolate cookie had the marshmallows bake along with the dough, and crushed Gram Crackers on top. The Smores Cookie.

The Brownie Cookie Sandwich, with regular cream cheese in the center, Ruby cried when she first ate these, tears of pure joy.

The Inverse Cookie, Chocolate in the shape of the cookie, with Cookie Dough Chips, sprinkled on top. (Shout out to the Arc of the Past Fanfic.)

Caramel Apple Crumb Cookie, 5 Chocolate Chip Cookie, Banana and Vanilla Bean Cookie, and lastly was the Pumpkin Holloween Special Cookie, a cookie in the shape of a pumpkin with candy corn and various candy bar pieces thrown on it; since Ruby's birthday is on Holloween in all.

Jaune made sure to give Nora here fair share, and just as he put away all of the remaining cookies in his birthday basket, he opened the windows to air out the room and told Nora to devour the rest of the test cookies.

Nora happily obliged, "As you command, fearless leader!" dozens of Cookies were drawn into the stomach that is known as Team JNPR's black hole and laughed, "Don't tell anyone about these cookies, there a surprise."

Nora grinned, "For Ruby's birthday?"

Jaune nodded his head, "Yes, for my wi..." Jaune coughed almost spilling the beans, "Yes...for Ruby's birthday."

Nora gave him a funny stare, "Hey boss?"

"Yes, Nora?" Jaune replied.

"You're not some kind of time traveler are you?" Nora said with a puzzled expression on her face.

Jaune coughed, "Uhh...what....phewsha, naw, me a time traveler? That's a good one Nora!" Jaune almost forgot how crazy Nora's intuition was.

Nora continued to eye him suspiciously, just as she was about to ask another question, Jaune and Nora heard Weiss stomping around as she opened the door, "She lied to us! You heard her, she all but admitted to being part of that group!"

"You don't know that Weiss," Ruby said stepping in the room next.

"Yeah, she didn't exactly give us time to ask questions, remember what Jaune said about jumping to conclusions? Maybe we should ask her about it instead of judging before all the facts are in," Yang strolled in after Ruby.

"Um...Hi guys!" Jaune said interrupting their argument.

"Jaune! Good, listen, Blake's ran away, we can't find her!" Ruby ran over to him.

Jaune sighed because he knew what this day was, but, he thought it was a little off because she was supposed to have this fight in the room, it appeared the changes in this timeline were already beginning to show, "It's okay Ruby, just start from the beginning and tell me everything."

After explaining how Blake ran away, Jaune shook his head, "Weiss, didn't we just have a conversation about jumping to conclusions?"

"She ran!" Weiss shouted in her defense.

"Blake isn't with the White Fang any more, she was part of the non-violence faction, it wasn't until they started to really shift towards terrorism that she ran away from the organization," Jaune announced.

"You knew?" Weiss and Ruby asked.

"Her first title was Wayward Faunus, she told me not to tell, but, she didn't say anything about investigating her past by myself, I went and looked up who her parents were, her father is Ghira Belladonna, the last peaceful leader of the White Fang, I ȧssume you know who that is right?" Jaune informed them.

Weiss's eyes widened as she heard the name of Blake's father, she let out a sigh and answered, "Yes, I know of him."

"The rest was a simple deduction, after she ran away from the White Fang, Blake came here to prove that there was a better way to make a statement for equality, now, if my teammate called the group her entire race a bunch of thieves and degenerates, well, could you blame her for hiding away her identity?" Jaune questioned.

Weiss's attitude did a one-eighty, "I...I didn't..."

Jaune sighed, "Look, I'm not saying the White Fang is a good thing now these days, and Blake would agree with me on this matter, but, it still doesn't change the fact, you can't just ȧssociate every Faunus with them," Jaune said as he patted Weiss's shoulder, "Go out and look for her, I'll call the rest of team Juniper, we'll search west, you search the east side of the city."

Just like before, Jaune knew this wouldn't show results on the first day, going over the spots team Juniper looked over in the last timeline, Ruby and the rest struck out as well.

The spent the whole day searching for Blake and ended up back at the Dorm without any leads, the whole team showed their worry, Ruby was pacing back and forth between her bed and Yang's, Yang was constantly tapping her foot, while occasionally giving Jaune a 'What the hell is going on look.' Jaune, on the other hand, could only send her a secret text, "You guys will find her tomorrow."

Weiss looked the worst, Jaune smiled at seeing her punish herself, it was the first real big event that got the famous Ice Queen to melt a bit, Jaune turned to Weiss and said, "We'll go out again tomorrow, she can't hide forever."

Nora wrapped her arm around Jaune's neck and shouted, "Yeah, have a little faith in us, we'll find her!"

Ren nodded his head, "Yes, we will find her, also you shouldn't worry too much, Blake is a Hunter, and a strong one at that."

Pyrrah smiled and joined in, "Yes, Blake can take care of herself, and we won't rest until we find her!"

Jaune shook his head as he heard Glynda shout, "Lights out!"

"Well, maybe we'll rest just a bit," Ruby said breaking the tension, "But first thing tomorrow, we start searching again."

Everyone went to bed that night and bȧrėly got any sleep, the next morning, Jaune made sure to do his work out even earlier than usual, and called in a sick day for work, after he finished with his work out, Jaune returned to the room and woke everyone up.

Since today was a weekend day, they didn't have to worry about classes, and like before, Jaune made sure to keep his team away from Ruby, he couldn't let Cinder get suspicious, if he helped them capture Roman, then Jaune would lose the element of surprise against his first target, Emerald.

First, he would incapacitate her so she couldn't use her Semblance to Aid Cinder or Mercury, then he would knock out the others and take Cinder to Amber's body to return the fall maiden's power to its rightful owner.

As Jaune was thinking up a plan, he got a call from Ruby, "Found them, at a shipping yard, sending location."

Everyone got the text and like before got there in time to see the authorities arrive, Jaune noticed Weiss walking over to her and shouting, "Do you know how long we were searching for you?"

"Weiss, I'm sorry, I'm not with the White Fang anymore, I haven't been since..." Blake rushed to explain, however, Weiss simply hugged her and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, but don't you ever do that to us again!"

Weiss pulled back from the hug and had tears falling from her eyes, "I thought something bad had happened to you, we were all freaking out!"

The rest of Team RWBY and JNPR surrounded her and gave her a group hug before she could say anything, Nora picked up the group and started to swing them back and forth. "I'm so happy everything worked out, now we can keep being a family!"

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