RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 33 - First Semester Part 33

Sun, who was standing nearby and watching Blake reunite with her friends smiled while he scratched the back of his leg with his foot, Sun placed both his arms behind his head in a relaxed position and said, "See Blake, I told you real friends would understand."

Jaune bȧrėly managed to escape Nora's grasp as he walked over to Sun and held out his hand, "So you helped our friend?" Jaune was more than ecstatic to see one of his best friends, especially Sun Wu Kong, he died during the final fight as well, went out with a Bang to protect his allies and create a direct line through an army of Grimm so that they could reach Salem.

Sun looked at Jaune with a strange expression, way too strange for Jaune not to pick up on, Sun then suddenly created a clone out of his semblance and had the clone reach its transparent hands into Jaune's ċhėst.

Being taken by surprise, Jaune couldn't react as the clone seemed to have grabbed something left dormant in his soul, Jaune didn't feel any pain, or discomfort as the clone pulled its hand out to reveal a strand of pure white hair.

"Odd, how do you have one of my clones in your soul? And why is the hair white instead of gold?" Sun said as he held the piece of hair in his hand, Jaune thought back to their final fight, Sun sent out a dozen clones to self destruct, but he had placed his hand on Jaune's shoulder seconds away from detonating his own soul, "Take care of her, and give her my message."

Jaune's eyes widened as he realized just what he carried back with him, Sun not waiting for answers placed the hair on his tongue and ate it, the memories of his future self poured into his consciousness, before Sun could yelp in pain, Jaune grabbed his friend and pulled him away from the rest of the group and ran as fast as he could.

Taking him into an alleyway, Jaune jumped up to the rooftop while Sun gripped his head and felt a surge of potent Aura roam throughout his body, after being saturated in Jaune's Soul through his reincarnation, the clone left inside to underwent a massive change in power, and once it re-fused with Sun's soul it caused a massive growth in his own Aura Levels.

After a few minutes of screaming in pain, Sun ran over to the edge of the roof and threw up...a lot.

It took a few minutes for Sun to regain his composure before he turned around and looked at Jaune with a complex expression, "Does all that really happen?"

"Well, you know my name now right? So Sun, do you remember everything, even the stuff since I reincarnated."

Sun collapsed, "So all that was real! Holy Oum, I died! You died! So many people die, Jaune!"

Jaune nodded his head, "Yes, but this time it will be different, this time, we can prepare."

Sun looked up to him and smiled, he gave his brother in arms a big hug and said, "It's good to see you again Jaune!"

Jaune smiled, he couldn't believe his luck, he actually brought back a friend from the future completely by accident, Jaune and Sun backed away from each other and started to laugh, really, really loudly, "I can't believe this man! I'm back, well, sort of I guess, but anyway, what's with this ridiculous power up, I'm sure my Aura was never this strong before!"

"Some benefits for being locked in my soul for so long, after all, you weren't exactly able to store one of your clones in another person's soul for more than a day, after you died, I guess it must have latched onto my soul for survival," Jaune tried to understand the whole situation.

Sun smiled and nodded his head, "Makes sense." Sun then summoned four of his clones, only instead of usual gold, one of the clones was pure white in color.

Jaune tilted his head and smiled, "Only the eyes are still gold."

Sun studied the clone and said, "No way."

Jaune looked at him and asked, "What is it?"

Sun grinned, "No, way, no way, no way!"

"Come on man, we don't have all day!" Jaune slapped him in the back.

"Dude, the clone has a copy of your Semblance!" Sun used the clone to place its hand on Jaune's shoulder, suddenly the energy from the clone's hands glowed with a multi-colored light, and Jaune felt his energy surge up to eight times its usual amount.

He went from an Aura Level of 4,130 to an Aura Level of 33,040.

Jaune smirked, as he felt like he had returned to full power, he could bȧrėly contain his excitement, raising his hand and created a ball of energy on the surface of his finger and said, "Well I'll be damned!"

"And since when can you increase a person's Aura permanently?" Sun questioned as he studied the clone, "If I used it, then the clone would get really weak, it's amplification ability might drop by half."

Jaune paused, "Save that! Until I reach a good age, when my Aura's even higher, the benefits will be amazing, in fact, Sun, do you agree to join my team?"

Sun nodded his head, knowing what Jaune was up to, he laughed before saying, "Of course!"

Jaune watched as Sun's name showed up on his menu, Jaune scratched his head and said, "Well, Team Juniper Ruby doesn't really work anymore, so let's change the team name, how about Hunter's United."

After changing the name he took a quick look at his stats and smiled.

Name: Sun Wu Kong

Age: 17

Class: Hunter Hero In Training - Level:01

Overall Level: 001

Experience: 0

Experience needed until the next level: 1,450

Condition: 70%

Constitution: 64

Defense: 17

Intelligence: 19

Focus: 54

Battle Power:148

Aura: 1,555

Jaune whistled, "I bet that was some Aura Power up you got."

"It's only slightly off from your usual amplification, your old one I mean. If I had to guess, I'm a little over three times stronger than usual." Sun flexed as he shouted, "But this is permanent! I don't have to worry about going back to normal, is this how you felt when you were young? Oops, sorry, I meant to say the first time you were young?"

Jaune nodded his head, "More or less, only my Aura continues to grow well into my ȧduŀthood, after I turn eighteen, I don't know, it was like a faucet had been slowly turned on and remained on, the older I got, the stronger my soul became."

"Man that's so cheap, and if we power you up again after you have all that Aura, just how high will your Aura Levels increase? Maybe you can take on the whole Grimm army by yourself." Sun laughed as he slapped Jaune's shoulders.

"Well, we should head back now, they probably wondered where we ran off to, and Sun, don't tell anyone about what happens yet, not until Winter Break," Jaune said as he stepped on the rooftop's ledge.

"I know dude, I've watched every move you made since you came back!" Sun pointed to his ċhėst as he recalled his clones. "At least I can talk to Yang about some stuff."

"Don't tell her too much, especially about her husband." as soon as Jaune said these words, the rest of his team finally noticed their sudden departure.

"Hey, were's Jaune?" Ruby asked now that Nora finally let her breath.

"Sun's gone too?" Blake's eyes bunched up.

"Ohh, that monkey boy's name is Sun eh?" Yang said as she got close to Blake, "Well...?"

Blake gave Yang a dry stare, "He's just a nice guy Yang, he's a...friend."

Yang tilted her head, "I don't know Yang, he must be pretty interested in you to risk his life like this, although, I can say, this is most definitely my favorite kind of 'First-Date' if you catch my drift?"

Blake turned red and was about to protest some more, when they heard a shout, "What are you guy's doing!?"

Everyone turned to see Jaune and Sun hiding behind some containers filled with Dust, "Get over here before the cops start asking questions!" Sun whisper-shouted.

"Do you want to explain to Glynda why a bunch of their students are out after curfew causing havoc?!" Jaune joined in as he continued, "Unless you guys like detention, we should probably bolt!"

Seeing what they were talking about, the rest of the team looked around and quickly started to run away, after reaching the airport to Beacon, Jaune noticed everyone panting for breath, as they stared at each other and suddenly began to laugh.

It didn't take long for them to get back to Beacon, during this time, Blake explained everything, about her family, her history with the White Fang, after hearing the whole story, Weiss seriously reflected on what they said about her jumping to conclusions.

Seeing the mood everyone was in, Sun smiled and said, "Well, at least you guys can work it out, I'm Sun, by the way, it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you all!"

Everyone shook his hand and introduced themselves, Ruby gushed over his weapon, and Jaune simply laughed as watched the scene unfold before him.

When they got back, Sun was talking about how awesome the rest of his team was when he suddenly brought up the winter trip, "So Jaune told me you guys aren't sticking around for the upcoming vacation, at first I thought it would be a good idea to take in the sights around Vale, but now, I was wondering if you'd let us tag along?"

Everyone looked to Jaune, "Well, yeah, Sun helped out Blake, so I thought I'd hook his team up with some cool weapon upgrades as a thank you gift."

"Well, if Jaune is alright with it." Ruby held out her hand, "Then as Co-Captain, I invite another team Captian to join our little vacation trip!"

Sun smiled, "Thanks Ruby, I look forward to working with you guys, it will be like ol..." Jaune stepped on Sun's foot. "I mean, it will be just like hanging out with good friends."

"But you bȧrėly know us?" Weiss said with her eyebrow raised.

"Well, I have a talent for knowing good people! A superpower that lets me make lots of good friends!" Sun bragged, "Trust me, I can tell you guys are the best!"

Everyone shied away from the Monkey King's compliment and sent the same kind back, Jaune just shook his head when they suddenly heard, "Well, children, it's about time you got back, tell me, what you were thinking getting involved with criminals while you're still undergoing training!?"

Everyone's shoulders shrunk as they heard the lash of Glynda's riding crop, they turned around to see Glynda holding her scroll in hand, while the footage of a certain monkey and cat Faunus fought against Roman and the White Fang.

"Um, we can explain!" Yang placed her finger up, "It was a furry hairy situation." Yang joked about the Faunus situation.

"Detention! All of you, 1 week!" Glynda's crop whipping through the air signaled the end of that conversation, everyone hung their shoulder down in shame, as they marched off towards the Dormroom, Jaune could have sworn he saw a rain cloud hovering over Weiss's head while she mumbled, "Detention, I never get detention!"

"Well, at least you don't have to spend my birthday in detention, after all, tomorrows, Halloween!" Ruby grinned as she thought of all the delicious candy she could ask for.

Jaune froze up, his heart practically leaped into his throat, "Ummm...Ruby, can I talk to you for a bit."

Sun seeing what his buddy was up to, turned to Blake and asked, "Hey, Blake, since I'm new here and all, can you show me to the guest dormitories?"

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