RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 34 - First Semester Part 34

Ruby looked to Jaune and smiled before she said, "What is it?"

Jaune rubbed the back of his head, "Meet me by the Statue of Heroes in ten minutes, I have something to tell you, leader to leader."

Ruby looked around, "Um...okay." she actually showed a bit of her nervousness, being alone with Jaune was really starting to make her anxious, "It's okay, Ruby, it's probably just something about the trip, or possibly something to do with the team...yeah, that makes sense."

Jaune made a quick trip to one of the rose bushes near the courtyard and plucked a red rose from the top, leaving only a small portion of its stem.

Jaune then used his Semblance on the plant, and smiled as the flower's Aura was unlocked, "Good, can you turn into a silver color for me?" Jaune asked the rose as it shivered and turned into a beautiful shade of silver, even the short piece of the stem change as well.

Jaune's Semblance, when applied in this manner, awakened the soul within the plant, it didn't view the world in the same way as humans but would listen only to the one who created it, it didn't really have thoughts of its own either, it simply willed to be.

The only benefits Jaune has seen from doing this to plants; is that it increases their lifespan significantly, at least, the roses they planted in front of their house never once wilted in the 2 years they live at Kuroyuri.

Other than changing the color, Jaune, and anyone Jaune has given permission, can channel Aura into the plant and make it change shape.

Jaune focused on turning it into a bracelet, the flower bud shrunk down while the stem grew out into the shape of a thin open ring bracelet, the flower on top spread out to only reveal a portion of its original size as the bracelet centerpiece.

Walking over to the statue, Jaune began to take deep breaths and practice what he would say, "Soo, Ruby, I was wondering, maybe you and I could go out for dinner tomorrow, like a date?"

Jaune blew out a breath of nervous air, "Okay...Ruby, I like you, and I was wondering if you weren't too busy tomorrow, we could go out and grab something to eat, maybe watch the new X-Ray, and Vav movie."

"Arggg!" Jaune ran his hands through his hair, "Oh, yeah, you like weapons right, maybe we could go walk around a few weapon shops, I hear there's a weapons exhibit opening up for the Holloween Festival, maybe we could check it out together, like, together-together."

Jaune felt like smacking his head against the statue, "Grandpa, I know were from a line of heroes, but, I don't think asking the girl of your dreams out on a date is ever easier than fighting a bunch of Grimm or winning a war. I could use a bit of your courage right now..." as if God was mocking him, Ruby snuck up on him and made him jump as she poked his back, "Hey Jaune!"

"Ahh!" Jauen hopped up and turned around, "H.h.h. He~y Ruby, what's up?"

Ruby tilted her head, "You asked me to come here."

Jaune gave off a funny laugh, "So, I did."

"You okay, Jaune?" Ruby asked getting closer to him.

Jaune coughed a few times, "I'm fine, I was just a bit nervous."

Ruby looked a bit confused as she asked, "About what?"

Jaune looked at her and took a deep breath, "I wanted to...."

Ruby waited for Jaune to finish and watched as his face turned bright red, Jaune shook his hands and slapped his face making Ruby jump a little, "Come on Jaune, say it! Would you like to go on a date, would you like to go on a date?" Jaune kept repeating the phrase 'Would you like to go on a date?' over and over again without speaking, until Ruby suddenly said, "Jaune...Hello!"

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Jaune said out loud without meaning to, Ruby paused, her face suddenly lit up bright red as she started to stutter, " going to pick something up for Terra? Like w.wa..what we did the other day?"

Jaune shook his head, "No! Like a date-date, dinner, or maybe go to see the weapons exposé."

Ruby stood there completely silent, the silence was killing Jaune, a full minute had passed and Ruby still hadn't moved an inch, "Umm...Ruby..." Jaune reached his hand out to touch her shoulder, but as soon as he did, Ruby turned into a blur as she ran away at light speed.

Jaune stood there completely shocked, he let out a sigh as he fell down on his bottom, and leaned his back against the statue, seeing how Ruby hasn't come back yet, and that there was no change in his Reincarnated Husband title, Ruby was at the best undecided, at the worst, she refused.

Ruby ran through the halls, her heart pounding louder than ever before in her life, just as she made her way through the halls Yang's hand reached out from behind a corner and pulled Ruby into her grasp.

"Wha...!" Ruby bȧrėly yelped out when she was pulled into the cafeteria, Weiss, Yang, and Nora all stood together in what looked to be a stereotypical sleuths outfit, they had large tan trench coats, a matching tan fedora, and large black sunglasses.

"What are you doing with glasses on, its the middle of the night?" Ruby said completely bewildered, "Wait were you spying on us?!"

Yang coughed, "It's not about whether we spying on you, that's all in the past now. The real question is, why did you shoot him down like that? I thought you liked Jaune."

Ruby's face turned bright red, "I...I...I...He's like...." Ruby started to shrink her body and point her fingers together as she mumbled, "We're just really good friends."

Yang sighed, "Really, so you don't mind if I date him instead?"

Nora grinned, only Weiss seemed to be clueless as she asked, "You like Jaune too? Sisters after the same boy!? Oh my...this is...."

Nora showed a playful smile, "Juicy."

Ruby froze, she looked at her sister and then scoffed, "Pshwa...yeah right, like you like Jaune like that."

Yang showed a serious face, "I mean it, Ruby! If you don't take him, I will, Jaune is....a special guy, he's cute, strong, smart, caring, and if you pass him over like this, then even if I don't go after him, another girl might! As a matter of fact, right now would be the perfect time to ask him out." Yang started to walk away, as soon as she made it to the cafeteria doors Ruby bit her lip.

"Noo! You can't!" Ruby shouted as she stood up.

Yang turned around and said, "Why? You don't want him, right?"

Ruby was still biting her lip, tears started to form in her eyes making Yang take her into a hug, "Silly girl."

Ruby started to cry as she said, "I like him, sob, but I'm scared, what if I mess up, what if he stops liking me, or worse, what if it messes with the team?"

Yang petted her sister and said, "You have to take that chance, besides, you're so dense you haven't seen him staring at you, have you?"

Weiss nodded her head, "I swear, I've never seen such a lovesick puppy, even Terra shows less emotion than Jaune."

Nora nodded her head, "I think he's your husband from the future or something. You got nothing to worry about, Jaune is in lo~ve with you."

Ruby's face brightened up even more at the thought of being married to Jaune.

Yang coughed loudly, if she was drinking, what Nora said would have made her do a spit-take, "Nora, that's a little outlandish, even for you." Yang tried to deflect to the best of her abilities.

Blake had nodded her head and said, "Yes, Nora that is strange."

Yang jumped up, "Blake, when did you get here?"

"About the same time, Ruby started to cry about her big sister trying to steal her new boyfriend," Blake said as payback for Yang teasing her about Sun.

Ruby's cheeks puffed up, "You're not going to..."

Yang smiled and released Ruby from her hug, "You might want to go back and answer him, just so you know when you ran, Jaune looked like the life was taken out of him."

Everyone looked out of the cafeteria windows to see Jaune still sitting there looking absentminded while staring off into space, Ruby felt pain in her heart staring at such a lifeless emotion, however, she didn't know what to do next, "Yang, what do I say?"

"Go out there and just say yes," Weiss shouted.

"Easy for you to say, Weiss, what am I supposed to do about all the buŧŧerflies in my stomach!" Ruby shot back.

Yang patted her little sister, "Just go out there and speak from your heart when it comes to love, that's all you'll need."

Ruby nodded her head and took a deep breath as she walked back outside, as Yang watched her leave the cafeteria and said, "If he hurts her, Nora, help me break his legs."

Nora nodded her head, "Sorry fearless leader, I'm sure you'll forgive me for agreeing to this."

Weiss then made a loud, "Shush! She's about to talk to him."

Everyone gathered up around the window and observed as Ruby slowly walked back up to Jaune.

"Umm...Jaune..." Ruby called out snapping Jaune out of his funk.

He flinched as he jumped back up and started to speak with an awkward overtone, "Hey. Ruby, look, I don't want to damage our friendship, so if you want we can pretend like this never happened."

Jaune was trying to think of something to say, anything he could say to salvage their relationship, "No!" Ruby shouted making Jaune freeze up.

"Ooh, no, what if she hates me now...did I fuċk up, was it too soon!?" Jaune thought as he was going into full panic mode.

Ruby took a deep breath and said, "I...wan...want to go on that date with you!"

Jaune froze, a smile crept across his face as he asked, "Like a Date-Date?"

Ruby nodded her head up and down.

"Like boyfriend and girlfriend kind of date?" Jaune asked again.

"Yes..." Ruby mumbled.

"Like..." Ruby stopped him from asking again by shouting, "Yes, like a real date, like you and me being a couple. I want that okay!?"

Jaune picked Ruby up in a hug and spun her around, "Thank you, Ruby! I promise I'll be the best boyfriend in the world, I'll never let you down, I give you my word as an Arc!"

Ruby's face was as red as her name implied, however, not even her embarrassment could hide the smile she returned.

Jaune gently placed her back down and stared into her silver eyes, "I got you a present." Jaune said as he pulled out the bracelet and held it up to her wrist, Ruby's eyes drifted over to the silver rose and smiled, "It's beautiful Jaune."

"It's a bit early, but, happy birthday Ruby," Jaune placed the Silver Rose Bracelet over her wrist and watched as the thornless vines wrapped themselves around her wrist, Ruby jumped up in surprise as she felt the soft petal-like texture move into place over her skin, "What the?"

Jaune smiled and explained how the rose was alive, and even had Aura, "You don't have to worry about it wilting or dying, it can also change shape based on the image you send it through your Aura."

Ruby squealed at how awesome of a gift she received, she tried to give the rose a command, however, it didn't listen to her, Jaune laughed as she pouted and said, "Listen little one, this is your new master, obey her as you would me, okay?"

The bracelet shivered as it changed into the shape of a hair clip, Ruby beamed with joy as she placed it on her head and clipped it into her hair before saying, "This is amazing! So, what do you think?"

Jaune showed a loving smile as he said, "Beautiful, simply beautiful."

Ruby blushed again, "So what did you have in mind...I mean, for our date?"

Jaune was just about to continue, when they suddenly heard talking coming from the bushes near them, "Be quiet Nora, I can't hear them!"

"How come Ruby gets a magic flower?" Nora pouted.

"Stop pushing Nora I can't..." Yang suddenly fell forward with Nora, Weiss, and Blake all on top of her back.

Jaune and Ruby shot them a venomous stare, "Really, you're still eavesdropping Yang?!" Ruby growled.

Yang smiled and laughed as she said, "What can I say, I couldn't stop my self from Yanging on your every word."

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