RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 35 - First Semester Part 35

After Yang got an earful from Ruby, Jaune walked with them back to the room, during the walk back, Yang continued to tease her sister.

"Little Ruby has a boyfriend! I can't wait to tell dad! The look on his face will be..." Yang grabbed her chin with an 'I have a great idea' pose and then turned to her partner in crime. "Nora?!"

"Yes, Yang!" Nora turned to Yang with a look of expectation.

"You have to take a picture of my dad's expression with your scroll, as soon as I tell him!" Yang rubbed her hands together like she was an evil genius.

"To think my little sister would get a man before me, I'm so proud of you." Yang poked Ruby's red cheeks.

Ruby growled, "Yang knock it off!"

Yang grinned, "I can't this is so fun!"

Jaune shook his head, "Yeah, she's just Yanging your chain!"

Ruby gave him a dull stare, while Yang started to bust out laughing as hard as she could, while Yang was indisposed, Ruby pulled Jaune's sleave, "Why?"

Jaune patted her on the shoulder, "Ruby take it from a guy with 7 of these things, if you want Yang to stop teasing, then you have to play along, make her laugh, even if that means telling a bad joke."

Ruby sighed as she watched her sister holding her stomach as she slapped her knee, "Well, she's not teasing me right now."

Jaune followed them back to the room and as they approached the door; Ruby started to get a little nervous, raising her hand to the door, she took a deep breath and opened it to see Ren and Pyrrha talking, while Blake sat on her bed reading.

While they were gone, Ren and Pyrrha found common ground in a hobby they shared, the two teammates had spoken about certain health-promoting-herbs that could be made into medicines and where they grow.

Pyrrha's parents had a background in science and engineering, and Ren's mother made potions for the village and had lengthy knowledge passed down from their ancestors about medicinal herbs that even Pyrrha's parents never knew about, the two bonded over their talks about these subjects and only stopped when Ruby opened the door.

She looked to everyone and took a deep breath before saying, "Team meeting."

After everyone had gathered, Ruby grabbed Jaune's hand and said, "We wanted to let everyone know that, your team leaders are dating now."

Jaune blushed as much as Ruby was, Ren smiled and congratulated them, Blake gave a 'Ehh whatever, I already knew' shrug and continued to read her new book, Pyrrha, on the other hand, felt a little sick, she didn't even know that what she was feeling was jealousy, she gripped her fist and forced out a very fake, "I...I'm so happy for you!"

Pyrrha might have managed to hide that twitch in her voice, but Jaune knew what was going on, after all, they were quite close before she perished.

Jaune let out a cough before he said, "We only have a week and a half remaining until the end of our first semester, with Winter Break coming up, I think we should spend this time preparing."

After breaking the tension in the room, everyone went on about their own business, Ren continued to work on his potions while Nora hovered over him, Blake continued to read her book only to secretly glance over in Ruby and Jaune's direction every once and a while, Weiss was practicing her Glyph control, and Yang was giggling while sending out a text to Taiyang.

After everyone went to bed that night, Pyrrha tried to sneak out of the room, but Jaune caught her at the last second, letting out a sigh, he sat up and decided to follow.

It didn't take a genius to know where Pyrrha was heading, Jaune followed her to their old training spot, the roof of their dormitory.

Pyrrha stood at the edge of the rooftop and stared out at the starlit sky, as she let out a depressed sigh, Jaune snuck up on her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

Before Jaune could react, Pyrrha let out a loud 'Eep!' as she grabbed Jaune's hand and flipped him over with rolling body toss, Jaune's body slammed against the wall and had his armor get stuck inside the brick covered surface.

Pyrrha covered her mouth as she heard Jaune mumble, "Ow! Okay, that hurt more than I thought would!"

"I'm so sorry, Jaune, are you okay?" Pyrrha ran to his side and pulled him out of the hole she made, "I didn't mean to...I mean don't sneak up on me like that!"

Jaune pulled himself together and said, "I couldn't help but notice you cringe a bit when Ruby made her announcement."

Pyrrha froze up, "I...I...Jaune...I!"

Jaune shook his head and said, "It's okay Pyrrha, don't hold anything back, whatever is bothering you, just get it off your ċhėst. I'm here, and I'll listen to any problem you have, I am your team leader, after all, I can't have my partner holding something back that may end up affecting our teamwork."

Pyrrha looked at him and sighed, "I'm sorry Jaune, when Ruby told us," Tears started to fall onto her cheeks.

Freaked out that Jaune made his partner cry, he gave her a hug before saying, "I'm sorry Pyrrha, I know I hurt you, but..."

Pyrrha push him back and said, "I know, I've seen the way you look at her when you think no one else is watching, you love Ruby, and Ruby likes you back."

Jaune nodded his head, "You're a great girl Pyrrha, and someday, you'll find somebody who can love you just as much as I love Ruby."

As Jaune wiped the tears from her face, he saw he smile and say, "You really think I can find a guy like you?"

Jaune grinned, "Well, I don't know about that, the man standing before you is one of kind!"

Pyrrha gave him a soft chuckle, Jaune then showed a serious expression before he said, "Listen, Pyrrha, I may not have those feelings for you, but you will always be my one of my best friends, never forget that."

Pyrrha nodded her head as they parted, it took a while for her to calm down and stop crying, but Jaune waited for her like a patient gentleman.

Once she stopped, they returned to the room and went to bed, the next morning, like clockwork, Jaune went back to his usual routine, just as he finished up his physical work out, he noticed that only Ren came to train with him today.

As Jaune sat down and waited for Ren to exhaust his self, he meditated on how to make his own Aura Training Skill.

Back in the team's room, Pyrrha had confronted Ruby about her feelings towards Jaune, and since everyone but Ren was there, it was a girls only meeting.

"I'm sorry Ruby, but I like Jaune as well!" Pyrrha boldly declared.

Ruby's jaw opened and only stutters came out, "B...b...b...but...I..."

Yang grinned and said, "Well, well, well, I didn't know you had it in you Cereal Girl!"

"I don't understand what's so great about Jaune, I mean, sure, he's smart, a good tactician, strong, kind, like too kind, and his looks aren't that bad..." Weiss paused.

Ruby looked at her and said, "What? Don't tell me you like him too?"

Weiss blushed and said, "No! I don't like Jaune like that! He's a well-liked colleague, someone whose opinion I respect, that's it, GOT IT!!"

Blake looked back and forth between her teammate before saying, "Wow, this is almost as good as one of my stories, now all that's missing is a spiced up jealousy driven dėsɨrė that results in a passionate scene between the Heroin and Hero!"

Everyone turned to her with red faces, even Yang couldn't hide her slight blush, Blake realizing something was off squeaked out, "Um...Did I say that out loud?"

Ruby shook her head and slapped her cheeks as she pulled her self back to the conversation at hand, she was actually very worried about Jaune being pursued by other women.

For the first time since she arrived, she felt like she obtained something for herself, not because she was sisters with Yang, or because Jaune picked her out of everyone else, and it made her feel special, but it was her personality that won out, Jaune liked her for who she was.

On top of that, she wasn't big like Yang or a goddess level beauties like Weiss and Pyrrha, although Jaune would strongly disagree with her on that, Ruby's confidence in her looks was at an all-time low.

Holding her ċhėst out, Ruby knew she had to do something drastic, she then took a deep breath and shouted, "Jaune's mine!"

Nora pulled out a bowl of freshly cooked popcorn from her inventory and sat next to Weiss and Blake, the three of them grabbed a fist full popcorn and almost laughed when Nora said, "Better than any soap opera that I've watched."

Pyrrha smiled and said, "I know, that's why I am telling you, I won't interfere with your relationship, in fact, I'm even cheering you on, you're my friend too Ruby, and I don't want to hurt you in any way or form."

Ruby paused, she showed a hint of red as she said, "You're my friend too Pyrrha, that's what's making this situation know."

Pyrrha smiled, "I know, awkward, but I promise Ruby, I won't get in the way of your relationship."

Ruby nodded her head, Pyrrha gave her a hug and said, "Please make Jaune happy."

"Thank you, Pyrrha." Ruby hugged back.

As they parted, Pyrrha gave Ruby a cute smile as she said, "However, if you guys don't work out, then you can be sure that I'll be there to swipe him up."

Ruby lifted a brow, "Not happening!"

Yang grinned and said, "Aaand...Cut!" as she stopped the recording, "Great stuff, Ruby! Dad's gonna pass out! I even predict a slight possibility that our old man will be foaming at the mouth."

Ruby dashed over to Yang and started to reach for the scroll, however, Yang placed her hand on her sisters head and kept her device just bȧrėly out of Ruby's reach.

"Gimme, Yang! Delete that, now!" Ruby cried causing the room to burst into laughter.

"Happy Birthday Ruby!" Yang shouted as she ran away.

Jaune and Ren were coming back from their work out just in time to see Yang charging out of the room with Ruby chasing her.

Yang ran behind Jaune and said, "Help me, lover boy, your girlfriend has gone crazy!"

Jaune shook his head and laughed, "What did Yang do now?"

Ruby paused as she saw her sister holding up the Scroll and the video loaded, she placed her finger to the front of her lips and made a 'Shush' gesture, while her other finger was near the play buŧŧon.

Ruby shook and placed her hand behind her head while she stuttered, "Um...It's nothing! Yang was just being Yang! Ha..haha..haha"

Jaune smiled, "Ok~ay, I'm gonna go take a shower now." As he walked by Ruby, Jaune moved a bit closer to her and said, "Happy birthday Ruby, and I'm looking forward to our date tonight."

Ruby's face lit up, Yang couldn't help but snap a picture of Ruby's expression, "Yang, would you quit it!" Once again the chase was on.

"I can't help it, you're so cute when you blush!" Yang shouted as she ran down the halls.

As Jaune sat through detention, he couldn't help but think that this was the slowest moving day in all of history, he was constantly checking over at the time and growling at the clock. He was still a little ticked off that Glynda made them go through detention even though it was a weekend, and Ruby had tried to use the, 'But, it's my birth day' card but Glynda was oddly immune to her puppy dog pout.

"Come on, I know listening to Professor Port is like waiting for an eternity, but...COME ON!!!" Jaune thought as he shook his head.

After a few minutes, he stared over to see Ruby sneaking peaks at the clock as well, and whenever they would catch each other's line of sight, they would blush and turn their heads back to face Professor Port.

"Tonight." Jaune and Ruby thought at the same time.

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