RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 36 - First Semester Part 36

After their time in detention, Yang insisted on dragging Ruby off to go shopping, "Come on Ruby, we're going to buy you a dress!" there was no way Yang would allow her sister to wear her regular outfit to her first date.

Jaune was getting prepared in their room, thanks to the school uniform, all he needed was to change the top, he bought a nice black business jacket and a red rose colored tie.

The color matched his uniform's black pants, shoes, and white long sleeve undershirt.

He brushed his hair and noticed that it was getting a little long, "Should I get a cut, hmm, Ruby said I looked better with longer hair, maybe I'll let it grow out a little."

After Jaune got ready, he took a deep breath and calmed his nerves, "It's a little different this time, but, I'm going to make her just as happy. I won't let her down this time."

Stepping outside, his teammates got a good look at him, after getting some compliments, Jaune shook his hand and thanked them."

"I must say, Arc, you clean up nice." Weiss nodded her head.

"You look great Jaune." Pyrrha smiled, it still hurt a little when she thought of them together, however, she wasn't about to let that stop her from being a good friend.

"Me~ow!" Nora purred, "Ruby's gonna have trouble keeping her hands off of you, Boss!"

"Yang would kill him," Blake commented.

Jaune laughed at the comment, "I promise to be a perfect gentleman."

"But you're at least expecting to get a kiss right?" Nora teased.

Jaune blushed, "I...I'm not expecting anything!"

"He who doth protest too much," Ren joked, making Jaune give him a glare of betrayal.

It didn't take long for Yang to pick out a very nice red dress for her sister, it was actually the same dress that Yang bought her for the dance.

Jaune blushed upon seeing her back in it, he remembered when they had their first date back in his previous life, Ruby insisted on going out to dance in their favorite hilltop, she said that she really wished that he had asked her to the dance back then, so she had Yang help her make some adjustments to the dress and re-lived that night by holding a dance for just two.

Jaune smiled and said, "You're beautiful."

Ruby blushed and gave Jaune a look over as well, "You, look...Nice, no handsome, um..." Jaune could almost see the steam coming off her red cheeks.

Jaune grabbed Ruby's hand and said, "Thank you, so, shall we go."

Yang gave Jaune a serious 'Mom' look and said, "You have my daughter back by Ten 'o' Clock!"

Jaune and Ruby laughed, "You know, Yang, that was actually funny," Jaune quipped.

"That wasn't joke, if you're so much as one minute late, I'll show you what I can do with that nutcracker we keep in the kitchen drawer." Yang's hair rose into the air and her red eyes showed she wasn't playing around.

"No wonder it was funny." Jaune sighed as he lowered his head, "I'll have her back before 10, Mom, after all, Ruby still wants to go trick or treating with you guys."

Ruby blushed, Jaune had hit the nail on the head and she hadn't even told him yet, "Yang, we'll be fine!" Ruby pulled Jaune's hand out of the room.

Ruby turned her face slightly away as he took a peak, "I meant what I said Ruby, I think you look beautiful."

Ruby's face was even redder than before, by the time they made it to the Airships, Ruby had calmed down enough to ask a question, "Are you going to be all right?"

Jaune smiled, "Yes, after being tossed through the air without a parachute, flying just doesn't give me the same nervous feeling anymore."

Ruby chuckled when she thought back to initiation day, she thought about how Jaune defended her against Weiss, just like he was one of the Knights that Ruby heard about from the childhood stories her mother used to read.

Ruby gave Jaune an innocent smile, "So vomit boy, where to?"

Jaune smiled back, "Well, Crater Face, first, I thought we could eat at a restaurant and score some free cake."

Ruby nodded her head, "Food and Birthday cake, liking this date so far."

"Then I thought we could check out the Weapons Exposé, and after that, go to an area that has a breath-taking scenery of the city, and enjoy the sunset while I give you my real birthday gift," Jaune said as he blushed.

"Wow, you really have this all planned out...I especially like the Weapons Exposé idea," Ruby moved closer to Jaune and continued to talk throughout the whole flight.

It wasn't until they had to de-board, that Ruby realized that she was still holding his hand, squeezing her hands slightly, Jaune smiled and started to walk without releasing his grasp.

Ruby smiled and didn't pull back, she just enjoyed the moment and walked beside him until they reached the restaurant.

Jaune had picked a pretty expensive place, with the money he could make off of trading with Weiss, this famous rooftop restaurant was a rather simple place for him to afford, of course, since the Grimmpocalypse is still going to occur, Jaune knew money was quickly going to lose its normal value, even if Jaune somehow saves the major cities, he was sure the the outcome would be similar.

Ruby looked over the city, "Wow! It's beautiful!"

Jaune agreed as he pulled out the chair for her, "Weiss recommended this place, she said it had a nice view, but man was she ever right."

Ruby took her seat and Jaune sat across from her, they ordered their meals, Jaune asked for a well-done steak with a salad, Ruby didn't recognize half of the things written on the menu, so in the end, she ordered the same thing Jaune did.

During dinner, they started off their conversation with speaking about their hobbies, "Of course, you already know that I'm a huge weapons fanatic, Crescent Rose is my baby, it took me months of preparation to find the right lightweight alloys that could take the strain of the sniper rifle firepower."

Jaune nodded his head, "It's a mix of Carbon Steel and Titanium, right?"

Ruby's eyes glowed, "The body and rifle parts are, but the blade is actually 0.5% Daimondnite mixed with Titanium."

Jaune smiled and said, "So that's why you were so surprised by my sword and shield."

Ruby made a cute expression and rolled her eyes like Jaune was stating the obvious, "Pphh, Yeah, can you imagine scrounging up ten years of allowance just to purchase a rock-sized piece of ore, and here comes this guy walking up with a sword and shield entirely comprised of one of the rarest materials on Remnant."

Jaune chuckled and leaned in closer to Ruby as he said, "You know, my armor is entirely made up of Diamondnite as well?"

Ruby's jaw dropped.

"And I still have the remaining pieces back at my house, wearing full plate seemed a little ċumbersome to carry and fight with, so I only took half of the gear," Jaune continued, making Ruby's eyes sparkle.

"A whole suit of armor, plus a Sword and Sheild!? Seriously, what kind of family do you belong to?" Ruby questioned.

"My great grandfather was the leader of an order of knights, during the great war, and although Diamondnite was rare, it wasn't as scarce as it is nowadays, many of the soldier cast had similar weapons and armor as well."

Ruby was enthralled by Jaune's story, "My father used to talk about how his great grandpa was a true hero during the war, while everyone else fought and killed, my grandfather changed into the middle of the warzone with his team and killed every last Grimm that was drawn in by the negativity of war."

"What happened!?" Ruby's eyes were glowing.

"He was surrounded by both sides, human and Grimm alike, attacked by soldiers who didn't know better, Grimm that didn't care which side you were on causing havoc, it was true chaos, but even then, he never killed a single human, and even managed to not only lead his team to victory, but his actions stopped the fighting," Jaune explained.

"So your ancestor was a legit hero!" Ruby's expression was that of a fangirl.

"Yep! He's kinda the reason I wanted to become a Hunter, after hearing about his actions, I thought, yeah, this is what I want, there's nothing I'd rather be," Jaune said as he stared at Ruby with a loving expression, "So why did you want to become a Huntress?"

Ruby blushed as she said, "The same actually, my mom used to be a Huntress, a real hero, and, I don't know, it's just that, I've never thought of being anything else."

They shared a laugh and continued to talk about their aspirations until their meals arrived.

As they ate, they talked about where they saw themselves in a few years, "I'm gonna become a full-time huntress, of course, I wouldn't mind being a mom as well."

Ruby sudden stopped and turned bright red, Jaune smiled and took a bite of his steak, "Me too. Not being a mom I mean..." this earned a giggle from Ruby, "...but having kids while living the dream, I even imagine a day where I can drop my kids off at Beacon."

Ruby's face turned red, she took a bite of her steak and said, "Oh, wow, this is good!" to change the subject.

While the ate, Jaune listened to her story of Yang and Crow's antics, and he told her about some of the pranks his sisters pulled on him.

"No way, they actually dressed you up like a..." Ruby couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Yep, they put me in a princess dress...I was only three at the time." Jaune covered his embarrassed expression.

Ruby chuckled and said, "Why would you tell me that!?"

"Because you're going to see them anyway when you meet my family," Jaune said still hiding his face.

"They took pictures!!!" Ruby smiled, making Jaune want to slap his forehead against the table.

"Well, nothing I can do to stop you guys from seeing, so I might as well let you know beforehand," Jaune said before he took his last bite.

When Ruby also finished her meal, Jaune pulled out his wallet and paid for everything before he asked, "Well, we still have a half hour before the Weapon Show starts, do you want to walk there?"

Ruby grabbed his hand and nodded her head, Jaune enjoyed the moment and went walking, along the way, Jaune told Ruby about some of the adventures his sister had been on.

"They killed a flock of Nevermore with What!?" Ruby shouted with wide eyes.

"They lured them into an open area and blew them up by igniting the very Dust Container that they were supposed to be guarding," Jaune explained waving his hands into the air dramatically, "The agency that hired them was pissed off, however, my sis shut them down by saying, 'It was the Dust or your workers lives, tell me, would a lawsuit for the lives lost cost more, because I'm pretty sure we saved you money, after all, you went and lied on the contract, there was no mention of a Nevermore Nest."

Ruby squealed, "Rouge sounds AWESOME! I can't wait to meet her! Yang's gonna love her too, I can tell!"

Jaune laughed as he felt Ruby tug at his hand, "Ooh, we still have some time left, let's check out that book store, maybe they have the next Novel for The Man with Two Souls!"

Jaune tilted his head, "That name sounds familiar, Tukson's Book Trade."

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