RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 37 - First Semester Part 37

He followed Ruby inside and saw the owner, then it all came flooding back into his mind, "This guy...he's going to die next semester. Blake told me about this guy, he's the one who helped her escape the white fang!"

Jaune thought back to when they returned to Vale in search of the next artifact, they stopped by this book store, and when Blake saw it, she told everyone about the reason she went stir crazy to the point of needing Yang's pep talk, the reason she refused to sleep and relax was because of his death.

It was then and there when they encountered Cinder and her lackeys, Emerald all but fessed up to killing him in order to magnify Blake's negativity.

After Ruby made her way around the room, Jaune walked up to the counter and said, "Excuse me..."

Tukson smiled at Jaune and said, "What can I help you with?"

"They have it!" Ruby picked the book up and ran up to the counter with the new novel The Man With Two Souls II: The Man With Four Souls, "This one please!" Ruby shouted.

Tukson took the book and Ruby's money, "Would you like it bagged?"

"No thanks!" Ruby grabbed the book, she then turned to Jaune and said, "You wanna buy something else?"

Jaune smiled and said, "Yeah, but I'll wait and hear Tukson's recommendations."

Ruby nodded her head and was about to store the item away, however she quickly realized where she was, and laughed as she said, "I'll wait for you outside." as she dashed out of the store.

She didn't want the shopkeep to see her use the inventory, so as soon as she left through the front door, Ruby sent the item into her hammerspace and waited for Jaune.

Jaune took a breath of air as he said, "So Tukson, I hear you're with the White Fang."

Tukson tensed up, "How...who are you?"

Jaune smiled and said, "Just a guy who can't watch another good man die. Listen, if you take my advice, you might live, after winter break, when you decided to pack up everything, don't, just hire some people and leave ahead of time."

Tukson was about to attack Jaune, when Jaune threw his hands up in a defensive manner and used his Inventory to summon a pile of Lien in front of him, "Use this to hire the packing crew, I know you have no reason to trust me, but, let's just say, my Semblance lets me see the future, and if you don't leave early, then you'll die."

Just before Jaune made it to the door, Tukson shouted, "Wait! I can't leave yet."

Jaune smiled and said, "Of course you can't, however, things will change during Beacon's next semester, you'll know when it's time to leave, just do what I said and leave early and hire a moving company and you might survive."

After leaving the store, Jaune felt Ruby wrap her arm around his elbow, "So, you buy anything good?"

Jaune shook his head, "No, but I think one might have caught my interest, it's just not out yet."

"Ohh, what's it called?" Ruby asked as they started to walk away.

Jaune grinned as he said, "The author hasn't given it a name yet, but it's about a time traveling husband who goes around trying to stop the apocalypse."

Ruby tilted head and laughed, "Sounds interesting."

Tukson watched the two walk off in a cold sweat, he looked at the money in front of him and quickly ran to the door to put up the closed sign.

After thinking about it for a while, he placed the money in a duffle bag and hid it with his White Fang paraphernalia, spooked by the event, he decided that even if the kid was joking, it couldn't hurt to be aware of the possibilities, after all, he knew how strange Semblances could be, future vision wasn't that far out an idea.

"If it happens as he says, I'll take his advice, and if it doesn't, well, at least I have a lot of money now," Tukson said as he closed a fake bookshelf and went back to the counter.

Ruby and Jaune walked all the way to a large building that was owned by Signal Academy, Jaune smiled and thought of how the weapons show was in the place he fake-graduated from.

After going inside, Ruby's eyes lit up as she turned in to a stream of rose petals, she ran from rack to rack checking out the many different Hunter Designs made by the students.

Jaune joined her and the two went around criticizing the weapons and Hunter Items, after a few minutes the big show started, everyone was brought into an auditorium, the weapons and items that were showcased here were sponsored products, and at the hight of technological advancement.

Ruby couldn't quit gushing over the show, she held on to Jaune's hand and explained everything she knew about the items that drew her interest, they even thought of a few decent ways to improve upon their designs, but, they weren't about to tell them that.

The show lasted for a few hours, Jaune even decided to purchase a Motor Bike that had the latest and best Dust Fuel Mileage, Jaune even thought of adding a few weapon attachments to it.

Ruby bought a bunch of parts for Cresent Rose, a new scope, an extended clip, and on top of it all, she purchased a tougher and lighter new barrel for her rifle that was made from a new titanium alloy.

Jaune was looking over his new white colored bike, it was a bit like the Bumble-Bee model, but was slightly bulkier, since the bike was made to go into battle, the steel plating was armor grade, making the bike weigh a bit more than normal.

As Jaune got ready to ride his bike, Ruby tilted her head, "You have your drivers license!?"

"Sure, let's go with that," Jaune said jokingly.

Ruby looked a little scared, "Can we just...walk?"

Jaune laughed as he said, "Relax, Ruby, I'm pretty good at driving, not to mention, it's part of my skill set."

Ruby bit back her fear and got on the bike, "Here, give me your hands." Jaune said as he pulled her arms around his waist.

Ruby blushed as Jaune put the helmet on her, "Now, hold on." Jaune turned the engine on, the bike roared to life as he throttled the gas.

Before Ruby could voice her doubts, Jaune took off towards the final destination of their date, after traveling for ten minutes, Jaune ended up at the highest point in the city, it was next to a small park that overlooked Vale from a large hilltop.

Jaune turned his new bike off and noticed that Ruby was still clinging on to him for dear life as he stood up, Jaune chuckled before he said, "We're here."

Ruby jumped off of Jaune and shyly kicked her feet against the ground, "So, you can drive."

"So I can." Jaune took his helmet off and did the same for Ruby, "I can do it my self!" Ruby complained.

"I know, but, I like helping you out." Jaune flirted, causing Ruby to turn red.

He then grabbed her hand and said, "Come on, you're gonna love this."

Ruby smiled as Jaune led her through the park and to a small veranda place at the top of the hill, he looked over the railing and watched the sun on the horizon beginning to set.

Ruby stared out in amazement, "It's beautiful."

Jaune stared at Ruby, "Yeah, it really is."

The two didn't say anything to each other, they just held hands and watched the sun fall over Mount Glenn in the distance.

Just as the sun was half submerged, the sky lit up as if it were on fire, the red, orange, and blue all mixed together making the view of the city look almost serene.

Jaune looked to Ruby and pulled out his birthday present, holding the bouquet of cookies behind his back, Jaune smiled and said, "So, I made something for your birthday present. The rose I made last night was just something I came up with on the spot."

"You mean, Silvy wasn't my real present?" Ruby questioned.

"You named it Silvy?" Jaune chuckled.

"What, Silvy is a fine name!" Ruby's cheeks puffed up.

Jaune smiled gently, "No, Silvy is a fine name." lifting up his hand, Jaune revealed the cookie basket, because of the Inventory's ability to keep food fresh, steamy condensation could still be seen building up on the cellophane wrapping.

Ruby couldn't see inside it very well, but she could smell it, "Are those?"

Jaune laughed as he handed her the basket, "Here, Happy Birthday Ruby."

Ruby opened the wrapping and squealed as she saw the three dozen cookies, laying out in front of her, "What are these, I've never seen cookies like these before!"

Jaune smiled and told her what each one was, every time he spoke, Ruby's knees quaked a little, "Oh my god, this is the best birthday present ever!"

Ruby took a bite of the strawberry cheesecake cookie and went silent, and before Jaune could ask for a review on the taste, Ruby finished eating the cookie, then suddenly jumped into him as she hugged him.

"Ah...R.R.Ruby!" Jaune felt her brėȧst push into his stomach, her head buried into his ċhėst, Jaune could almost see the hearts popping above her head.

"Marry me!" Ruby thought, wanting to scream that at the top of her lungs, but, socially awkward as she was, even she knew that would be crazy, "You're the best Jaune!" Ruby mumbled into his ċhėst.

Jaune smiled and hugged her back, he enjoyed the moment and let Ruby calm down enough to realize how embarrassed she was for losing her cool.

Jaune on the other hand really enjoyed this reaction, it was even cuter when they were married, especially since Ruby had a tendency to get a little frisky when she ate his experimental cookies.

Ruby pulled her self back and said, "Sorry, cookie comma."

"I don't mind, in fact, I really liked it." Jaune grinned as he watched her blush. "So I take it that you liked it?"

Ruby nodded her head repeatedly, "Yes, it was delicious, Jaune!"

Jaune took one of the cookies and took a bite, Ruby looked shocked as she saw Jaune munching away on one of the inverse cookies.

"Hey, that's mine!" Ruby tried to snatch the cookie back, Jaune grinned as held the cookie in his mouth and used his hands to hold her wrist, "!" (come and get it if you can.)

Ruby struggled against Jaune as she tried to retrieve her cookie; when she suddenly got the brilliant idea just to eat it.

Lifting her head, Ruby stood up on the tips of her toes and bit into the inverse cookie, however, she also kissed Jaune in the process.

Ruby's eyes widened as she pulled her head back with half of the cookie in her mouth, Jaune face turned bright red as she hid her face with her hood.

"Umm...That was nice." Jaune said rubbing the back of his head.

Ruby was actually giggling under her breath, she held one hand on her hood, and the other on her lips, "It tasted so good." Ruby thought, "I never would have thought my first kiss to taste like cookies."

Jaune was about to say something when Ruby suddenly pointed a finger to his lips, "Not a word to anyone, especially Yang!"

Jaune was taken by surprise as Ruby leaned in and gave him a simple yet sweet kiss, leaving the young knight stunned, Ruby smiled and walked back towards the bike after storing the rest of her cookies in her inventory.

"Come on, we should get back before 9, I still want to score some free candy!" Ruby said as she sat down on the bike.

Jaune grinned and started to walk towards the bike when he heard a chime go off in his head.

[Objective complete, Title Evolution in progress.]

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