RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 38 - First Semester End

During the ride back to Beacon, Jaune and Ruby rode through Vale's commercial district, coming to a stop at a red light, Jaune enjoyed the feeling of Ruby squeezing him from behind.

Just before they could move, Jaune and Ruby heard a loud noise erupting from an explosion nearby, Jaune sighed as he noticed a group of Torchwick's men running robbing a Dust-Shop not more than 50 Feet from their position.

Ruby pulled out her Scythe and grinned, "Wow, this is the best Birthday ever!"

Jaune laughed as he said, "Need my help?"

Ruby grinned before she stood up and took a few steps towards the crooks, "Nah, it's just a couple of cronies, I'll be back in a sec, these guys are on the 'too easy' setting."

Jaune moved the bike over to the sidewalk and watched as Ruby zipped around attacking the suited criminals. "Still going to help," Jaune said as he hopped off his bike and casually walked into the middle of the chaotic situation as if he were taking a stroll through the park.

Ruby tripped up one of the men that was foolish enough to try and tackle her, responding to the attack, Ruby placed her foot out, tripping him while she moved slightly to his side, with a simple swing of Cresent Rose, Ruby smacked the man across the back of the head, and sent him flying towards Jaune's ċhėst.

Jaune smiled and threw unconscious thug across the ground, he then raised his fist up towards the side of his own head and landed a punch with the back of his fist, hitting one of the robbers dead center in the faces.

"Trying to sneak up on me is bad for your health!" Jaune stated as he threw the criminal over with the rest of the unconscious bodies that were beginning to pile up.

Jaune moved forward and began to smack down the villains left and right, Ruby dashed to his back and shot at the thugs with Non-Lethal rounds while Jaune punched and kicked every guy that he came across.

After a full ten minutes of this, the cops finally arrived, Jaune clicked his teeth, "Of course, he wouldn't come, he probably already has enough Dust to enact Cinder's plan, all of this is just for him, the greedy bastard."

Jaune then quickly tied them up with some rope he had purchased, before the authorities could step out of their cars, the two Hunters jumped back on to Jaune's bike and took off.

"Hey! Wait!" One of the policemen shouted.

"And get in trouble with Glynda again! No thank you," Jaune shouted as he blasted off down the road.

Ruby laughed as they sped down the road, she squeezed Jaune's waist and couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of his abs in her hands. "Darn it, this is all Yang's fault," Ruby thought as she admired Jaune's physique, "She just had to mention his muscles being attractive!"

While Ruby continued to secretly grope Jaune's body, the two made it back to Beacon in only ten minutes, Jaune drove into the garage and parked his bike in the area for student vehicles.

As they stepped off the bike and placed their helmets on handlebars, Jaune looked over his new motorcycle and placed his key directly into his inventory, Ruby then walked up next to him and asked, "So, what are you going to name it?"

Jaune gave her a funny look, to which Ruby could only respond with, "What? Yang named her's Bumblebee."

Jaune then pointed his chin, "Quick Silver."

As they walked back to their Dormroom, Jaune and Ruby moved as slowly as they could, just to spend as much time together as they could, when they finally reached their door, Ruby looked at Jaune and took a deep breath as she opened up the door.

As she was expecting, everyone was gathered up and they all rushed her at the same time, they kept asking her questions about their date in rapid succession.

"How was it? Tell me all of the little tidbits of your first time!" Yang teased.

"Where did you go?" Pyrrha asked.

"Did you have a good time? Smash anyone's kneecaps in?" Nora questioned.

"Did anything noteworthy happen?" Ren queried.

"Not that I'm curious, but did you like the restaurant I recommended?" Weiss investigated.

"Spill it," Blake demanded.

Jaune chuckled and listened to Ruby answer all of their questions, she told them about everything, minus the kiss, Ruby even pulled out her cookie bouquet and showed off all the different flavors.

Nora however just took her piece and said, "I like the triple chocolate fudge one the best."

Ruby tilted her head in confusion, "How did you...?"

"She was there to...taste-test them," Jaune said, letting her know that he had no choice.

Ruby giggled as she watched everyone's mouths be silenced by the taste of Jaune's delicious cookies, "Dang Jaune, I think these are on the same levels as mom's cookies."

Jaune blushed at the compliment, and shook his hands, "No, I don't know about that."

It took them a while to calm down, the group interrogated both Jaune and Ruby thoroughly about their date, it felt just like old times for Jaune, seeing as it was starting to get late, Jaune rose his hands up and said, "Well, I think that's enough of that, if you guys don't get into costume, you're going to miss all the candy."

They all couldn't refute Jaune's words and were forced to give up, everyone started to get ready and they each dressed up in a costume that they had purchased for themselves.

Yang dressed up as a Witch, she wore a large pointed hat, a long blue cloak with a high rising collar, undeath it, she wore a mid-evil type corset dress mix.

Ruby dressed as a devil and even had a new dress that had a clover-shaped, red, devil tail, and on top of her head, Ruby wore a hair band in the shape of two little horns. She also dressed up Terra in a matching costume.

Weiss dressed up as a literal snow angle, Jaune couldn't help but snort as he thought of his old nickname for her. She wore a white dress with wing and halo attachments.

Nora dressed up as a Nurse, and Ren dressed up like a mummy, or so everyone thought, but it was just something Nora did to him while getting carried away with her role-playing, so in the end, Ren just decided to roll with the punches.

Pyrrha wore a cute vampire outfit with small bat wings and a knee-length dress, she even had a fake set of vampire's teeth.

Jaune dressed up in his recently bought training armor, it didn't have much practicality for combat, because the entire thing was made of pig-iron, Jaune only ordered this so he could get used to wearing full plate again, although his high-tech armor was much lighter, and far more flexible, training in this would make it so that when he put on the suit of armor again, he wouldn't need to adjust to the weight like he did before.

He looked like a black knight of old, with gold trimming around the edges of the individual pieces of armor that made the suit of armor look somewhat stylish.

That night was rather fun for Jaune, they went to many houses in Vale, Ruby used the: it's my birthday card on every house they visited, earning her quite a bit more than everyone else.

After they filled up their bags, they placed the bag into their inventories and pulled out a new empty bag, within seconds they were at it again, they only stopped when they fulled up 5 pillowcases.

After that, Yang took them all to a Party being held by a friend of hers at Beacon, "You guys will love her, her name is Coco, and she is just the best."

Jaune smiled remembering this was the first time he met team CFVY in the original timeline, costumes were mandatory at her party, and they had to be fashionable, or else you weren't getting inside their room.

Yang introduced everyone and when it came time to introduce Jaune, Coco smiled as she said, "So you're that guy that helped Vel?"

Shaking his hand, Coco shouted out, "Hey, Vel! Check it out, he really is a knight in shining armor!"

Velvet blushed as she hid beside Coco, "Um...thanks for that."

Coco forced her friend out from behind her and made Velvet shake his hand, Jaune smiled, but it was one filled with hidden pain, he still remembers cutting into the flesh of their Grimm/Human Hybrid bodies. "It's no problem, my pops said that men should protect the innocent, and if you were being bullied by Cardin, then I know you must be a good person."

Coco blushed when all of a sudden, Ruby walked up to Jaune and grabbed his hand and with puffed up cheeks as she said, "Come on Jaune, lets dance."

Jaune smiled and nodded his head, "Sure, let's go."

Ruby led him out into the center of the room and started to dance, Yang snickered as she watched her sister act possessive over Jaune's attention, she also felt a little bad as she saw Velvet's ears droop a little.

"Damn, he really is quite popular," Yang thought to herself.

Even in clanky-armor, Jaune still had moves, "Woah, Cassanova, I didn't know you could dance!" Yang teased as she watched Ruby enjoying time with her boyfriend.

Yang laughed and joined the rest of their friends on the dance floor, Jaune couldn't help but cut loose either, this was the last festive meeting they would have for some time, because the closer they got to winter break, the busier they would become.

After everyone had their fill of fun, they returned to their rooms completely wiped out, everyone but Jaune and Ruby slept well that night, they each couldn't stop thinking about their date, and worst yet, the awkwardness of sleeping in the same room as your love interest was causing them to stay in a state of blushed faces.

Jaune sighed and got up to use the bathroom, he wanted to get a look at his new title, after closing the door, he sat on the edge of the bathtub and opened his status.

The new title read...

[Reincarnated Husband Lv1: See, you could do it, it just took a bit of courage, +1 to Cha, Shared Memory Dreamstate.]

[Requirements to Evolve: Improve relationship status to lovers.]

Jaune blushed and shook his head, "Well, that's not going to evolve for some time. What's Shared Memory Dream State?"

Scratching his head, he decided to equip the title before he went back into the room to get some sleep.

The next morning it was back to classes as usual; Jaune went back to his training regiment and continued flirt with Ruby every chance he got.

He took her out on a few more dates and went through their last week of school before winter break begins with ease, even detention just became a way for Jaune to spend more time with Ruby.

On their last day, everyone was packing up and getting ready to leave, "Blake can you call Sun?" Jaune asked.

Blake nodded her head as she closed the book in her hand, the new series that Jaune spoke about, he had nailed the plot point and everything he said had come true.

She called Sun, only to hear his ring tone blaring from outside their window, Jaune grinned as he walked over to see Sun hanging upside down from a tree branch using only his tail, and a single duffle bag strapped around his shoulder.

"I guess you're ready." Jaune said as the girls glared at him, "Do you do this often?" Weiss shouted.

"Yeah, I climb trees all the time," Sun replied as he jumped through the window, "So when we leaving?"

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