RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 40 - Winter Break Part 2

Everyone felt like they were weightless after so many level ups, it made their bodies buzz with energy, it was almost euphoric, Jaune and the rest looked at the large hill and saw that the sun was already starting to set.

With their new found strength, the group of Huntsmen easily climbed sixty plus feet, by continuously jumping off elevated footholds on the hillside.

As they reached the top, they discovered a large patch of green grass and enough flat land to camp out on with a hundred people or so.

Jaune smiled as he said, "You guys can relax now, I start setting up camp." As soon as Jaune said this, all the tension in their bodies suddenly floated to the surface, even with their new level of strength, fighting for 7 hours tends to wear down a person's stamina.

They all collapsed and started panting, all but Jaune and Pyrrha, "No fair, how come you two can still stand?" Ruby whɨnėd.

Pyrrha smiled, "I've had experience with stress of going through long-lasting battles like this, and although I look like this, I promise you I am exhausted, I've never used my Semblance so much in one day."

Jaune smiled, "I'm used to fighting for days without sleep, I can handle this, not to mention, my..."

"Large Aura reserves, we get it, now can you quit bragging and set up the tents!" Yang shouted, earning a chuckle from everyone.

Jaune smiled, "Sure..." using his finger to point out certain areas around them, tents popped up fully stocked with a bed and carpet floors, with light wood on the bottom of the tent's fabric to keep the area level and off the rocks.

There were two tents, one much larger than the other, as one was for the girls and the other for the boys, "Eep! Awesome, wait, does this have a fridge, the big one is ours right!?" Ruby ran through the expensive tents. "They have beds! 6 of them, this one is ours!" Ruby shouted.

"Isn't having a hammerspace awesome!?" Jaune shouted, "Okay, now to make a fire pit in the middle of the campground. "Nora, get me some rocks."

"What do we use for wood, there are no trees this far in," Ren asked.

Nora found a small boulder and smashed it with her hammer, after pulling a bunch of the fragments into her inventory, she ran back over and started to build a fire pit while she hummed happily, "Camping is so fun, Ren and I used to do it all the time!"

Ren thought back to when they were homeless, Nora just called it camping, but they had to survive in the wilderness for some time, that was until they met Ozpin and he helped them survive by letting them live at Signal, and even now, he's still helping them.

Ren turned to Jaune and said, "Can you make me a table."

Jaune laughed, "One shoddy table coming up."

After finishing up, the place looked like a real camping post, everyone sat down around the fire, a pile of wood was stacked up by the tents, Ren had the food already prepared and spread across the wooden slab of a table.

After making everyone plates, they all ate together and chatted like they were back at school, none the wiser about Jaune's innocent white lie, there was no something that kept Grimm away from this area, only their positive emotions and belief that what he said was true was keeping them safe.

After they ate, Jaune agreed to be the first one to stay up on night watch duty, while he sat by the fire, Jaune decided to take a look at everyone's improved status.

Name: Ruby Rose

Age: 16

Class: Huntress Reaper In Training - Level:10

Overall Level: 010

Experience: 91,430

Experience needed until the next level: 135,000

Condition: 30%

Constitution: 27(+9 from Lv Up)

Defense:13 (+5 from Lv Up)

Intelligence: 26(+15 from Lv Up)

Focus: 30(+23 from Lv Up)

Battle Power: 443(+118 from Lv Up; +4 from increased Constitution.)

Aura: 489(+83 from Lv Up; x2 bonus acquired from Moondust Pendant)


Name: Weiss Schnee

Age: 17

Title: Descendant of Winter Maiden Lv1:+20 to Focus; +20% Increased Casting Speed.

Class: Huntress Caster in Training - Level:10

Overall Level: 010

Experience: 90,830

Condition: 30%

Constitution: 15(+6 from Lv Up)

Defense: 14(+5 from Lv Up)

Intelligence:47(+24 from Lv Up)

Focus: 50(+21 from Lv Up; +20 From tittle.)

Mana: 12(+8 from Lv Up)

Battle Power: 382(+64 from Lv Up; +3 from constitution gain.)

Aura: 432(+184 from Lv Up; x2 bonus acquired from Moondust Pendant)



Title: Shadow Assassin Lv1: Grants owner the ability to bring +2 allies along with the Shadow Movement Aura Skill.

Class: Huntress Kunoichi In Training - Level:10

Overall Level: 010

Experience: 90,830

Experience needed until the next level: 135,000

Condition: 42%

Constitution: 65(26+ from Lv Up)

Defense: 37(+15 from Lv Up)

Focus: 36(+14 from Lv Up)

Mana: 0

Battle Power: 362(+129 from Lv Up; +13 from constitution gain.)

Aura: 402(+194 from Lv Up; x2 bonus acquired from Moondust Pendant)


Name: Yang Xaio Long


Condition: 33%

Title: Sunny Little Dragon Lv1:+30% to all damage made with the Sun Dragon Martial Arts Style.

Class: Huntress Brawler in Training - Level:10

Overall Level: 010

Experience: 90,830

Experience needed until the next level: 135,000

Constitution: 34(+16 from Lv Up)

Defense: 45(+24 from Lv Up)

Intelligence:18 (+8 from Lv Up)

Focus: 26(+10 from Lv Up)

Mana: 0

Battle Power: 509(+111 from Lv Up; +8 from constitution gain)

Aura: 475(+210 from Lv Up; x2 bonus acquired from Moondust Pendant)


Name: Nora Valkyrie

Age: 17

Title: Bubbly Lighting Goddess Lv1: Increases strength gain by 150% when struck by electricity.

Class: Huntress Heavy Specialist in Training - Level:10

Overall Level: 010

Experience: 90,830

Experience needed until the next level: 135,000

Condition: 48%

Constitution: 55(+ 22from Lv Up)

Defense: 53(+ 24rom Lv Up)

Intelligence: 14(+5 from Lv Up)

Focus: 19(+8 from Lv Up)

Mana: 0

Battle Power: 684(+ 123 from Lv Up;+11from constitution gain.)

Aura: 568(+218 from Lv Up; x2 bonus acquired from Moondust Pendant)


Name: Pyrrha Nikos


Title: Magnetic Magician Lv1: Increase Ferokinsis control by 100%.

Class: Huntress Champion in Training - Level:10

Overall Level: 010

Experience: 90,830

Experience needed until the next level: 135,000

Constitution: 37(+18 from Lv Up)

Defense: 56 (+8 Armor Bonus)(+19 from Lv Up)

Intelligence: 32(+17 from Lv Up)

Focus: 37(+18 from Lv Up)

Mana: 0

Battle Power: 631(+102 from Lv Up;+9 from constitution gain)

Aura: 523(+208 from Lv Up; x2 bonus acquired from Moondust Pendant)


Name:Lei Ren


Condition: 26%

Title: Phantom Killer Lv1: Able to move without noise;+50% Damage on sneak attacks.

Class: Hunter Assassin in Training- Level:10

Overall Level: 010

Experience: 90,830

Experience needed until the next level: 135,000

Constitution: 38(+12 from Lv Up)

Defense: 23(+7 from Lv Up)

Intelligence: 41(+22 from Lv Up)

Focus: 45(+21 from Lv Up)

Mana: 0

Battle Power:128(+84 from Lv Up;+6 from constitution gain.)

Aura: 455(+200 from Lv Up; x2 bonus acquired from Moondust Pendant)


Name: Sun Wu Kong

Age: 18

Condition: 44%

Title: Monkey King Lv1: -50% Aura cost to use clones.

Class: Daoist Hunter In Training - Level:09

Overall Level: 09

Experience: 83,330

Experience needed until the next level: 90,000

Constitution: 60(+30 from Lv Up)

Defense: 33(+18 from Lv Up)

Intelligence: 26(+12 from Lv Up)

Focus: 19(+10 from Lv Up)

Mana: 0

Battle Power:403(+168 from Lv Up;+15 from constitution gain)

Aura:1,886(+336 from Lv Up; x2 bonus acquired from Moondust Pendant)

Jaune smiled as he started to go through his Level Tokens, he then used them on his remaining two skills, Charge which would allow him to move in a straight line at twice his maximum speed, and Parry-Strike which was a passive skill that increased his critical strike damage by 50%.

The rest he was all various stat bonuses, so he picked out 4 Battle Power +15 slots and gained a total of 60 Battle power in one fell swoop, now he had 283 Battle Power, he could feel the strength surging inside his body, the 280-pound armor weighing Jaune down felt like almost nothing to him, even without the aid of his Aura.

Jaune was immensely, physically different than before, his base was far stronger than it used to be, so the Aura amplification he gained was also far greater in return, Jaune figured if he moved at top speed, he might be able to keep up with Ruby's Semblance, at least for now, with her current stats.

Jaune chuckled at the thought of Ruby getting even faster than she was previously, "Woman's gonna mess some Grimm up."

After the time passed, Jaune let out a yawn as he saw Yang come out for the second shift, she walked up to Jaune and said, "Hey, I got something to talk to you about."

Jaune stood up and stretched as he said, "Okay, what's up?"

"Ruby, she's been having dreams about the other timeline," Yang said as she took her seat.

Jaune froze, his heartbeat sped up, Jaune suddenly figured out what his Reincarnated Husband Title's new effect was.

Yang continued to explain what Ruby's been seeing, and she was a little worried about her sister's well being.

Jaune sat down and started to explain his new titles effect, "It seems that she's seeing my memories of us together." However it was much more than that, this was part of Jinn's ability, to know all, but the future remained out of grasp, it could only keep up with current day information, for instance, Ruby is all caught up timeline wise, if he equips the title like he does every night, then tonight she'll dream about what happened today in the previous timeline.

She was seeing both Jaune's and her own memories.

Jaune told Yang, "It will be fine, Ruby's always going to be Ruby."

"You sound excited," Yang commented.

Jaune tilted his head, "I do?"

"Yeah, I don't blame you, Ruby might remember too, I just feel a little left out, is all," Yang sighed, "I mean, you could tell me who my husband is..."

Jaune chuckled as he stood back up and headed towards his tent while saying, "Nice try, goodnight Yang."

After removing his Armor via inventory, Jaune went over to the side of his tent and summoned a bucket of warm water, quickly wiping down his body with a towel, Jaune cleaned off the whole day's sweat from his body.

He then went back to bed after equipping his Reincarnated Husband Title and went to bed.

He woke up the next morning at 4 o'clock and switched his title back after waking everyone; because Ruby was last on watch she was already up, she ran to Jaune's side and gave him a hug.

"What's up Ruby?" Jaune said as he hugged her back.

"I had a bad dream is all." Ruby dreamed about what Jaune did during the last timeline's winter break, he faked his transcripts and ran away from home, so he had to spend it there with Nora and Ren. It kept him from feeling lonely, but it didn't stop the guilt from ruining his holiday.

Only Pyrrha knew why he couldn't go home, but she was called back to visit her family like the rest of the teams, it only made Jaune feel worse when he lied to his friends.

Jaune figured out what must have happened and said, "Wanna tell me what it was about?"

Ruby blushed as she shook her head, "No...I mean, maybe someday."

Jaune grinned and laughed as he saw Yang's ċȯċky grin from behind Ruby's back, "Good morning Love-Birds!"

Ruby jumped up, "Yang, it's too early for your teasing."

Nora came out and gave Ruby a boop on the nose as she said, "It's never too early for teasing."

After everyone woke up, Jaune moved everything back into his inventory, even the rocks that made up the fire pit, "Let's head out, same deal as yesterday, but first..." Everyone drew closer to Jaune in anticipation of his next word, "Breakfast and Stretches."

Ruby busted up laughing alongside everyone but Weiss, who just gave bȧrėly chuckle.

After they ate, they moved out in a similar manner as before, however, with their new strength, the monsters here weren't really that much of a challenge anymore, they easily netted an additional level and two for Sun, along with a few thousand pounds of Diamondnite Relics.

"All praise the Hammerspace!" Ruby shouted, "For without it, gathering materials would never be this quick!"

Jaune laughed as they finally entered a large forested area, they continued to travel on foot for almost 50 miles, while they had encountered Grimm here and there every so often, it was mostly small fries from here on out.

They eventually came to a paved road, knowing they were close to Jaune's home town, everyone started running until they came to a large stone wall that surrounded a small town with about 23,000 people living in it.

Jaune came up to the gate with his friends beside him and called out, "Hey Goodman!"

A guard standing at the gates looked at Jaune like he was surprised to see him, he was an elderly man in his sixties and had short grey hair, but a well-toned body that made him look like he was 30, "Jaune? Is that you?"

Jaune smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "I know, I look a little different."

"A little! Geeze kiddo, you grew like a bean sprout! I thought you went off to Vale to become a novelist like your sister." Goodman looked over his group, "From the looks of it, you became a Hunter instead, ooh boy, your pa is gonna..."

Jaune held his hand out, "I know...but it won't be as easy as he thinks, I have a lot of issues to work out with him as well."

"Jaune, your dad had a reason..." Oldman was about to continue when a loud shout interrupted them, "Jaune!"

Jaune looked up to see one of his big sister's shouting from the top of the wall, "Clair!" Jaune held his hands out to see her jump from the wall and fly into his arms, his youngest older sister had a Semblance that made her weightless, so she was in no harm from jumping from 50 feet.

Jaune spun her around and laughed as he said, "It's good to see you again!"

Putting her down, Jaune turned to everyone else and said, "Everybody, this is my sister Clair, Clair this is Sun Wu Kong, he's from a visiting team from Haven, my good friend now."

"Sup!" Sun said throwing a hand up.

Jaune then moved over to Ruby, "This is Team RWBY's, Ruby Rose."

"Hellow ow, ow, ow, I bit my tongue," Ruby said as Jaune continued.

"This is Wiess Schnee," Jaune pointed out.

"A pŀėȧsurė to make your acquaintance." Weiss did a little curtsy.

"My pal, Yang Xiao Long," Jaune held his hands out to present her.

"So you're Vomit Knight's little big sister." Yang tried to pun.

"Vomit Knight?" Clair grinned, Jaune coughed and quickly changed the subject, "Enough of that, and back to the introduction, this Blake Belladonna the local book and fish enthusiast."

"Not funny Arc," Blake chided.

Jaune gave a quick chuckle and started up again, "This is my team I'm the leader, by the way, this is the famous Pumkin Pete Cereal Mascot, Pyrrha Nikos."

"Hello!" Pyrrha waved excitedly.

"My bro, Lei Ren," Jaune placed his hand on Ren's shoulder.

Hi, it is a pŀėȧsurė to finally meet you." Ren gave a slight bow.

Jaune then moved over and held his hands out while saying, " And last but not least...the one...the only, Queen of the Castle, Nora Valkyrie."

Nora posed throwing her hands out like she was accepting an award, "Thank you, they really love me, they really love me."

Clair smiled and said, "So, are one of you dating my brother? Wait, you're the leader?"

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