RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 41 - Winter Break Part 3

"Ouch, Sis, no faith in your own family," Jaune said shaking his head.

"And as for whom Jaune is dating," Yang teasing grin was ever present as she pulled out Ruby who had a bright red face.

This time Clair almost fell over, she really only said that as a joke, but, all of a sudden, Clair jumped up and shouted in surprise, "You have a girlfriend!"

Jaune placed his arm around Ruby and said, "Yep, I can't wait for mom to meet her, I know Yang is going to love it as well."

Yang pulled out her Scroll and was snapping pictures with it, "Yep!"

Ruby's cheeks puffed up, "Omg, she adorable!" Clair pulled her into a hug. "How'd you get such a cute girlfriend?"

"I asked her out on a date, how else do you think I got a girlfriend?" Jaune shot back.

"I don't know, maybe you kidnapped her or something." Clair teased.

Yang started to laugh so much her sides hurt, Ruby laughed as well and with a red face said, "No, I'm Jaune's girlfriend by choice."

Jaune placed his hand between his sister and Ruby before separating them, "Okay, that's enough of that, so sis, you on guard duty today?"

Clair looked sad after Jaune saved Ruby, she then smiled at Jaune and said, "Yep, everyone is coming home for Winter Break, so dad asked me to take up his shift while he picks up Grandma from the airport."

"Ganny's coming this year!" Jaune looked excited.

Clair nodded her head, "Yep! Come on, everyone back at the house, they're going to freak when they see you! You've grown so much, and you have some muscles now I see." Clair teased Jaune as she poked his bicep.

Clair grabbed Jaune's arm and led started to drag him into the entrance, as they entered the walls they saw a beautiful and quaint looking town, it wasn't old or out of date, just lots of space and had a more rural atmosphere.

"Hey, this place kind of reminds me of Patch!" Yang said with a big grin on her face.

Ruby nodded her head, "Yeah, it kind of does."

As they walked along Jaune, he told them about various places that existed in his town, "Over there is the tavern, The What's Ale-ling Ya Lodge, it's a hang out for both local and visiting Hunters."

He then pointed out to his old school, and some of the best shops, "Jaune!" the sound of a child's voice called out.

Before he could react, Jaune was swamped by a group of kids, "He's back! Quick, take him down!"

Jaune laughed as he played along, "No, I just got back, have mercy boss, Yuno!"

The small Fox Faunus, Yuno shouted, "You ran off without telling your team captain what you were up to! That's a Capital Punishment! Don't hold back boys, let him have it."

Jaune faked being crushed by the group of kids, "Ugh, I can't move, too strong! Somebody help."

Clair laughed and poked all the kids on the back, their bodies started to float off the ground slightly as Jaune easily slipped from their grasp.

"Another Traitor in the midst!" Yuno shouted as he pointed a finger at Clair.

Clair chuckled as she gathered everyone up and said, "Alright guys, you can play with Jaune some other time, right now, he has to go home and see the rest of his family."

The kids let out a collective, "Aww, man!"

Ruby could help but laugh as she stared at Jaune, realizing that her feelings weren't some simple crush, Yang couldn't help but tease her, "Aw! How sweet, you're falling for him even more now aren't you?"

Ruby shoulders twitch, "Umm..."

Yang laughed a little, "I can't blame you, who knew Jaune was so..."

"Hey, it's Jaune!" The sound of a higher pitched voice called out, the voice alone made Jaune snap into a straight dash, "Run!" Jaune shouted.

A group of girls with hearts over their heads bum-rushed the group, as Jaune's friends spun around, Yang couldn't help but finish what she was saying, "Popular?"

"Jaune's fan club," Clair said shaking her head and causing everyone's jaws to drop.

"That guy has a fan club!?" Weiss shouted in disbelief.

"Yep, a lot of girls here want to marry him," Clair said nodded her head.

Ruby's cheeks puffed up, seeing the cute girl unable to control her emotions of jealousy made Clair smile, "Relax, most of those girls aren't really even interested in him, they just want the security that being part of a family of hunters provides, and He's not interested in them at what so ever, all Jaune's ever wanted to be was a hero, and all these girls want, is to have him settle down here so that they can marry into a Hunter Family."

Clair let out a sigh, "Come on, I'll show you to the house, it will take Jaune a while to lose them." Clair said seriously underestimating Jaune's skills.

"" Jaune said appearing beside them while breathing as hard as he could.

Clair looked surprised as she looked back to the direction fan club ran off to, "How?"

"I'm a lot faster than I used to be," Jaune said catching his breath. "But those girls didn't make it easy, seriously, what are their mothers feeding them? They're not even Huntresses!"

Ruby still had a bit of a pout on her lips as she walked up to Jaune and said, "S~o you didn't tell me you were know."

Ruby blushed as Jaune grabbed her hand, Clair and Yang couldn't help but let out an "Aww, that's so cute!"

Jaune smiled, but he couldn't hide the red on his face either, truth be told, he was way too happy at the moment to care about his sister teasing him, he was just happy that they were alive again, it was taking everything that he had to hold in his emotions and breaking down in front of her.

Having Ruby here beside him really helped, after walking around for almost twenty minutes, they ended up at a rather large house surrounded by a white picket fence, it was 2 story house with very nice aesthetics and western design.

Beside the house was a rather large looking garage with a pool nearby it, it was sealed up for the winter, but one could tell that the people living here were doing well financially.

Jaune smiled as he saw their speechless expression, especially Yang's, letting out a slight cough to get their attention, Jaune spoke up, "Well, this is my home. Welcome to the Arc Household."

Before they approached the door, Clair ran inside and shouted, "Jaune's back!"

Rumbling noises of multiple footsteps could be heard tumbling through the house, six beautiful blond haired girls came rushing outside the front door and jumped towards Jaune while shouting his name, "Jaune!"

Jaune caught his sisters as they tried to dogpile him, each time his torso leaning further back towards the ground as they each pushed down on him, the back of Jaune's head had almost touched the concrete pavement of their walkway when he saw Ruby giggling at his predicament.

Jaune grunted and used only a slight amount of his Aura to strengthen his muscles, with a single motion, Jaune lifted his sisters back up towards the ground.

"This here is my little sister Violet, my big sisters, Amy, Saphir, Ash, Rouge, and my oldest sis, Saphron, things that annoy me, these are my allies and best friends from Beacon. Jaune once again introduced his friends, and saved Ruby for last, "And this is my girlfriend, Ruby Rose, she's a team leader like me."

"Girlfriend!!??" His sisters shouted in unison.

The sound of a cup shattering against the ground broke up the atmosphere, Jaune looked over to see his mother standing at the doorway shaking in surprise; before Jaune could say anything, his mother ran to his side and hugged him while yelling out, "My, Bun-Bun!"

Yang snorted as she turned to Clair, "Clair, give me some clarification."

As the first to suffer under Yang's unbearable puns, Ruby turned to Clair and said, "She's like that."

Clair giggled and said, "He was a bun in her oven, and was her bunny after, Bun-Bun."

Yang grinned and said, "I like it!"

Ruby chuckled as well, she looked back to see Jaune choking back his emotions, she could tell he was in pain, normally this would have raised some red flags for her, however, she thought it was about Jaune running away.

He hugged his mother on the verge of hyperventilating, tears formed at the corner of his eye as he said, "I missed you guys, so much."

Jaune smiled and held on to his mother's hands, "I have so much to tell you, but first I think I should wait for dad."

"Screw that, Mom! Jaune got a girlfriend!" Clair shouted as she and Yang pushed Ruby into the spotlight.

Ruby started to get flustered, her face turned bright red as she was being inspected by her future mother in law, " have silver eyes."

Jaune frowned as he heard this coming from his mother, "Are you related to Summer Rose?"

Ruby and Yang's eyes widened, "You knew my/Ruby's mom?" the two sisters shouted.

Gwen quickly gave Ruby hug, "Oh, my word, my boy is the luckiest child in the world to land a woman like you."

She held Ruby's cheeks in her hands, "You are the spitting image of your mother, I met you once, a very long time ago."

Ruby tried to think hard, thanks to her recent increase in intelligence, she could remember things from her childhood much more vividly, she recalled seeing a much younger Gwen at her mother's funeral.

"You were at my mom's funeral," Ruby said with her voice slightly choking up.

"I'm surprised you remember me," Gwen said as she pulled herself back from Ruby.

Tears started to form in Ruby's eyes, "How could I forget you, you cried for mom and tried to comfort me."

Gwen smiled and said, "Your mother was my best friend at Beacon, when I heard the news, I just couldn't believe that she died. You know, when we used to talk, we would joke about our future kids dating, that if they married we would be sisters, and would you look at that, the two of you are already a couple."

Gwen let out a sly smile as she saw Ruby's face light up, "So tell me everything, how did Jaune get lucky enough to date such a beauty?"

Jaune was still shocked by the revelation that his mother actually knew Ruby's mother, Yang tilted her head and suddenly widened her eyes, "Oh, your that nice lady that gave us the cookies that tasted like moms!"

Gwen turned to Yang and nodded her head with a proud expression, "I'll have you know that I taught your mother that recipe, she begged me to teach her how to cook something so she could steal your father's heart."

Yang stuck out her tongue, "Yuck! Too much info!"

Gwen laughed as she walked over to Yang and hugged her, "How is Taiyang doing these days."

Yang smiled with a bit of blush on her face, "He's doing good."

Gwen then let her go before saying, "Come on inside, I'm cooking dinner right now. Jaune, you clean up the broken glass, I want to talk with this lovely girlfriend of yours."

"Aww, Ma, you're the one who made the mess, can't you just use your semblance to clean it up," Jaune complained.

"Jaune Clancy Arc! When your mother tells you to do something, you do it no complaints! I didn't raise a smart ȧss." Gwen ordered making everyone laugh and his sisters give out an, "Ohhh! You in trouble."

Jaune smiled and shook his head, "Fine, fine, I got this."

Gwen guided Sun, Ren, and all the girls inside while Jaune waited for them to leave, Ruby gave him a look as if to ask if he wanted help, to which, Jaune said, "I'm fine, you don't want to miss out on the family albums,"

Jaune's mother shivered, she knew that she was found out, "Umm...let's go!" she said as she ran inside with a smile on her face.

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