RWBY: Survival

Chapter 2 - 2: Baby Ruby Is So Cute!!

[Remnant - Patch - 12:00 PM]

"AAAGGGHHH!!!" A scream of a woman in pain was heard. A man with yellow hair was walking back and forth outside of a door occasionally biting his nails, on his side a yellow-haired child was watching her dad not understanding why he was like that.

"Papa, what's wrong?" The girl naively said, The man stopped and smiled gently at the child, "Nothing's wrong Yang I'm just super excited to meet your sibling or siblings" he said while patting the head of Yang.

Soon after the wails of two babies was heard, The man hearing the wails rushed into the room with little Yang following close behind. The man then reached the bed seeing two little babies in the hands of the woman with silver eyes.

"Summer are you okay?!" He asked worriedly, he kneeled beside the woman named Summer. Summer blushed a bit and smiled, "I'm alright Taiyang, just a bit tired from giving birth" she said.

Relieved he kissed her forehead, "That's good, I'm glad your okay" he said, looking at the babies cradled in their mother's arms, 'Cute' He thought, "Anyways what should we name these guys?" He asked

They talked forgetting the young Yang staring at the twins with curiosity. She gently poked their cheeks making both smile.

'S-so cute!!' She thought as her cheeks slowly heat. She then ċȧrėssed their hands softly in fear of startling the twins. She was too busy playing that she didn't notice her parents looking at her with a smile.

"Tai?" Summer silently asked, He smiled and patted Yang's hair, "Yang, Do you want to name your siblings?" shocked by her father's question she shouted, "Really?!"

Taiyang quickly hushed her as Yang covers her mouth, seeing that there are no visible reactions from the twins they breathed a relieved sigh.

"Yes you can Yang, after all, I'm giving you the responsibility of naming them," Taiyang said, Yang squealed as she thought of a name for her new little siblings.

Her eyes sparkled not long after as she looked at the twins. firstly she looked at the baby who has a purple fade on his hair, "He will be named Sapphire" Then she looked at the baby who has a red fade on her hair, "And she will be named Ruby" she declared proud of the names she made.

Chuckling Summer looked at the twins in her arms with a warm smile, "You heard your sister, Welcome to Remnant Sapphire Rose, Ruby Rose" Kissing their foreheads she slowly drifts to sleep.


In their house little Sapphire opened his eyes, 'Finally, I'm here' He first noticed that his vision is a bit hazy, 'Well I'm still a baby after all so it's no brainer that I can't see clearly'

He then tried turning his head to the side but can't. He again tried but this time used his whole body to hopefully turn to look at his sister, three minutes passed with no noticeable change.

Sighing in his head he gave up, feeling drowsy he thought, 'I'll try again when I'm awake' Then he drifts off to dreamland.


"..sho... ke.. so... oki...? " Upon waking up Sapphire heard the distant voice of Summer, 'Judging by what I heard it should be something about cookies' Mentally shaking his head he then tries to turn his body sideways again.

"UWWAAAAHHH!!!!" Surprised by the sudden wail his tiny body also follows, 'Ah damn! crying is so embarrassing' He thought, as he heard the faint steps coming closer he stops thinking about it and goes with the flow.

The door opens to find Summer smiling gently at them, She then cradles the twins in her arms, "Shh shh mama's here shh" She says softly as the cries of the twins slowly cease.

"You two must be hungry" She then lets her brėȧst be seen to the two. Ruby silently suċkėd on the brėȧst while Sapphire is flustered, 'Woman I don't want to suck on your brėȧst!' He dodges her brėȧst with the limited movement he could do.

"Little Sapphire you don't want to drink mommy's milk?" She asked although knowing that he can't respond to her. Sapphire slowly but surely became tired and failed to dodge Summer's brėȧst.

Sapphire's mind blanked as he unconsciously suċkėd on Summer's brėȧst, 'It's sweet but this is too shameful' He thought, he gave up. He couldn't do anything but cooperate with his mother or else he would starve.

A few more minutes passed as two burps were heard in the room. Summer then pulled down her shirt, "Looks like you two are full" She put both Ruby and Sapphire down in their crib facing each other.

Leaving the room of the Twins she closed the door as silence engulfed the room. Looking at baby Ruby, Sapphire thought that she was the cutest thing he had ever seen.

'Ahh~ I want to pinch her cheek' He moves his hand to touch Ruby's cheek and tried to pinch it but failed. His undeveloped fingers couldn't do anything just yet but he at least he got his sister's attention.

He smiled at her and Ruby smiled back, He thought he was blinded by her smile that he shut his eyes to block the light.

Right after he heard a cute giggle from Ruby, 'I knew it, baby Ruby is soo cute!!" He thought as he giggled as well

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