RWBY: Survival

Chapter 5 - 5: Chieftain and High Leader Ghira Belladonna

[Menagerie - 2:01 PM]

Hours pass and finally they arrived at Menagerie, The first thing Sapphire did was take in the scenery of the place. It was a little hot but not that unbearable, Menagerie was like Egypt back on Earth but just that it had more greenery than back on Earth. Smelling the air he felt refreshed, He was about to get his stuff when he was pulled by Blake who didn't let go of his hand, "Hm what is it Blake?" he asked, Blake led him to their parents. Noticing that they arrived Summer said, "Thank you for bringing him here Blake, Sapphire, we'll be staying at Blake's place for now until your training is done."

Sapphire nodded, he then remembers that Summer hasn't unlocked his Aura yet so he can't use his power. He pulled Summer's sleeve getting her attention, "Mom can you unlock my Aura?" he said, Summer then slaps her forehead, "So that's what I forgot, Sorry for forgetting Sapphire. I'll unlock it after we settled in" Sapphire nodded and helped her carry their luggage, "What a helpful child" Kali said as she observed Sapphire.

"Don't get fooled by this, Sapphire is the least helpful out of my three kids. He doesn't do anything other than reading. One time I asked him to clean the living room but 3 hours later it still wasn't cleaned" Summer sighed in resignation, Kali giggled, "It seems that I wasn't the only one who experienced that" Said Kali, She then tells Summer that Blake hides from her when she feels like she has something for Blake to do, Summer giggled softly.

Back to Blake and Sapphire, They have been walking around Menagerie for a while now and Sapphire couldn't help but be amazed by the amount of different Faunus living here. Blake followed Sapphire silently the whole time and only spoke up when he asked a question.

Blake guided Sapphire to her house while he was silent the entire time, He pitied Blake having no one to talk to her. Reaching her house Blake knocked on the door as a stern voice of a man was heard asking them to come in. They went in and saw Ghira, Sapphire when looking at Ghira had stars in his eyes.

'Chieftain Ghira Belladonna is Blake Belladonna's father, Kali Belladonna's husband, the High Leader of the White Fang, and the current Chieftain of Menagerie. Oh my Oum I finally met him!!' Sapphire thought, in his past life when Ghira was introduced he instantly marked him as his favourite character in the show, He just looked so strong and cool.

"Good afternoon father, We have returned," Blake said happily, Ghira without a change in expression went back to reading the newspaper, "Blake help our guests get settled into their rooms," he said, Sapphire stared at Ghira making the chieftain uncomfortable, "What is it kid?" Ghira said.

Sapphire realized that he was making Ghira uncomfortable with his blatant staring so he quickly said, "Good afternoon sir, My name Sapphire Rose. I wish to thank you for letting us stay in your home for the time being" Ghira's brow lifted, staring at the weird kid with an impressed expression.

"You have a very large vocabulary for someone your age, My name is Ghira Belladonna, Chieftain of Menagerie and it should be me who thanks you," Ghira said smiling, Sapphire tilted his head confused, He didn't remember anything that could warrant the Chieftain's thanks, "You became Blake's friend coming from what I read of Kali's messages" he showed Sapphire the messages of his wife making him understand why he was thankful.

"It was nothing sir, plus I wanted to be friends with Blake anyways so I don't think you need to thank me," Ghira smiled as his response and ruffled his hair, "What a humble response, you just entered my good books kid" Ghira stood up, "You and your mother may stay here as long as you want," Ghira said, Sapphire grinned, "Thanks Mr. Belladonna" Ghira scoffed, "Call me Uncle Ghira," Sapphire nodded and then ran to catch up to Blake who was bringing their luggage to the second floor, He grabbed some of the bags relieving some of Blake's struggle.

"You have a nice father Blake," Sapphire complimented as Blake lit up, "I know, He is super nice! one time we went shopping he saw an old man searching for food in the trash, He stopped the old man and gave him food, a job, and a house," she said proudly. Chuckling he listened to Blake tell him of all her father's actions, he looked at Ghira who had his face hidden, Sapphire knew he was hiding his embarrassment and grinned.

"Okay let's get this stuff in the room then you can tell me all about your father after," Sapphire said, Blake, hummed in agreement as she skipped and sang a tune towards the room Summer and Sapphire are staying.

[Blake's home - Menagerie - 3:00 PM]

They fixed the beds, hanged the clothes in the closet, and cleaned the room before going out. Ever since Sapphire asked Blake about her father she opened up to him a little, "And then he fought 6 Grimms at once without injuries" Blake said. Summer and Kali arrived and saw Blake talking to Sapphire about Ghira, They looked at the Faunus on the table and saw his face was pink in hue. Kali laughed and proceeded to hug Ghira from behind.

"I'm home dear," She said as she kissed him on the cheek. Summer went and bonked Sapphire in the head knowing that he is just embarrassing Ghira for fun, "Ow, Why did you hit me, mom?" Sapphire said as he held his hurt head.

"I know that you're messing around, stop it," Summer said, Sapphire looked away and pouted. Summer sighed at her son's antics as she put her hands on her waist, "Okay, let's go unlock your Aura" she said, as soon as she said that Sapphire jumped off from the seat and ran in front of his mother, "I'm ready!!" He shouted with a smile, Summer chuckled and placed her hand on Sapphire's forehead.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become the beacon of justice and compassion that protects the people from harm. We, who are unbound and free, I release your soul, and by my word, free thee" She said, In Sapphire's soul the sound of a chain breaking could be heard as a purple light covers Sapphire.

Sapphire looked at his Aura until they disappear from view, he clenched his fists as an excited smile graced his face, 'This is going to be fun!' He thought

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