RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant
Chapter 101 - Council of Vale and Responsibility
Floating a few hundred feat off the ground in a purple bubble, Magna sat like he was sitting on a recliner, completely relaxed while occasionally kicking his feet back and forth.
Glynda, who was responsible for the purple aura bubble surrounding them, merely frowned at Magna.
Fl.i.c.k.i.n.g his eyes over to meet Glynda's stern glare, Magna yawned and said, "Why are you glaring at me like that?"
"I just find it hard to believe that you are responsible for single-handedly destroying an ancient grimm and a grimm horde." Replied Glynda.
Magna gave the stern instructor a small smile, "If I didn't do it, then who did?"
Rolling her eyes, Glynda sighed and said, "That's not what I meant by my comment. I just don't understand how you can appear so…"
"Handsome? Badass?"
"Underwhelming. To me, you look like just another teenager. I'm confused about how you can appear so nonchalant about what just happened."
Magna chuckled, causing Glynda to glare even harder at him (Magna swore he could see her lips curving into a pout) as he said, "That's easy enough to answer. I'm just more worried about getting to bed than about a grimm that I already killed."
Without waiting for Glynda, Magna forcefully embodied her, though his appearance didn't change, and opened a hole in the aura bubble.
Shakily stumbling out of the bubble, Magna barely made it a few steps before being slammed onto the ground as a small pile of bodies jumped him.
"So much… PAIN!.." Cried out Magna in a muffled tone.
Ozpin softly chuckled at the pile of girls atop Magna and said, "Now that the last student has arrived after his… amazing display, could everyone please make their way to the amphitheatre."
Every other team nodded and slowly made their way towards the theatre. Sighing from under the pile of girls, Magna tired to free himself but failed.
He could barely put any strength into his arms and his aura wasn't able to augment his strength.
Magna frowned to himself as he mused, 'Well this is worse than I thought… Why is it like this now when it's never been this bad before?'
Suddenly, Magna and the girls were slowly lifted into the air by a purple aura as Glynda hastily walked past them.
"Come along children."
"Russel Thrush, Cardin Winc.h.e.s.ter, Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark. The four of your managed to retrieve the black bishop pieces and from this day forward, you will work together as… Team CRDL(Cardinal). Led by, Cardin Winc.h.e.s.ter."
The 2nd and 3rd years students that came to watch the iniation, clapped for the newly formed team.
Magna, on the other hand, merely watched them walk off stage as he internally sighed, 'They are gonna be annoying to deal with.'
As Jaune and his team slowly walked on stage, Ozpin's voice echoed through the hall as he said, "Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos and Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces and you will work together as… Team JNPR(Juniper). Led by, Jaune Arc."
The crowd, once more, broke out into applause. Jaune, unlike his nervous counterpart from the anime, saluted Ozpin, who returned the gesture with a smile.
Pyrrha congratulated Jaune just like in the anime and patted him on the back. However, Jaune didn't end up tumbling to the floor like his counterpart as he barely moved.
As they shuffled off the stage, Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake quietly walked on stage. Ruby looked like she was having a panic attack, her eyes frantically searching through the crowd.
Sighing to himself, Magna embodied Amber as he created a small shadow ball and flung it towards Ruby. He controlled the small shadow orb and managed to latch it just under her ear.
Covering his mouth with his hand, Magna connected the shadow orb with the shadows of his hand as he whispered, "Calm down Ruby, your doing fine. You got this."
Ruby visible jumped on stage, her eyes widening for a second before turning towards Magna, who currently stood out like a sore thumb with his white hair, a colour unique to the Schnee family.
Magna nodded at her and smiled, causing the young reaper to smile as she took a deep breath before turning towards Ozpin.
Ozpin merely raised an eyebrow since he saw from start to finish what had happened. As an educator, Ozpin felt he should berate Magna for using his semblance in the middle of an assembly.
But as a person, Ozpin really couldn't fault him for his actions. And as a huntsmen, Ozpin felt like thanking the young man for using his semblance to calm down a young girl who appeared to be struggling with being infront of a large crowd.
Plus, Ozpin really couldn't fault Magna for his use of his semblance during an assembly since he too uses his semblance from time to time.
With a light cough, Ozpin smiled and said, "Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao-long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces and from this day forward, you will work together as… Team RWBY(Ruby). Led by, Ruby Rose."
Under the applause of the crowd, Yang happily squeezed her sister, congratulating her while spinning her around.
Blake smiled at Ruby and offered her congratulations as well. Weiss, however, didn't seem happy.
With her arms crossed and her leg tapping against the stage, Weiss glared at Ruby while the young reaper stood completely unaware.
Ozpin's eyes visibly brightened as he spoke, "And finally, Argo Hati, Emerald Sustrai, Luna Sköll and Magna Opus. Not only did you four retrieve the white pawn pieces but Magna Opus managed to wipe out a horde of grimm and kill an ancient grimm all on his own."
A holographic screen suddenly appeared above the stage and played the scenes of Magna decimating the horde of grimm. The crowd stood in awe as they witnessed the sheer power Magna unleashed.
Heck, team RWBY, team JNPR and the female members of Magna's team were the most surprised since they couldn't see a thing during the fight due to the intense heat Magna released.
Pressing his scroll, Ozpin continued, "From this day onwards, the four of you will be known as Team MAEL(Maelstrom). Led by, Magna Opus."
After the applause of the crowd dimmed down and Magna slowly started his descent off the stage, his spare scroll beeped.
He shakily pulled his scroll out from his pocket and stared at it in shock. He had recieved a message from Ozpin that said, [Magna, I know you may be tired but I require the presence of you and your team. Once the assembly is over, please head straight to my office. Glynda will be waiting outside for you.]
The problem was, no one should have the number for his new scroll but his family and friends. And he knows that they wouldn't give his phone number out willy nilly.
Heck, Qrow even swore on his drinking addiction that he wouldn't ever hand out Magna's number.
'The question is, how did he get this number?' Mulled Magna as he eyed Ozpin warily.
As all the students slowly flooded out of the hall, Glynda stepped infront of Magna and the girls as she gently nudged her glasses and said, "Follow me."
Seeing no reason to get detention this early in the school year, Magna pulled himself up and followed Glynda from behind.
Suddenly, Emerald elbowed Magna in the ribs, earning her a wince and a glare as she whispered, "What's happening Magna? Why are we follow the lady with a stick up her ass?"
Glynda's step faltered as she snapped her head towards the mintette, causing Emerald to pale as Glynda glared at her and growled, "That is no way to talk about your teacher. Three days detention."
"Wha? But that's not fair!" Yelled Emerald.
Luna and Argo tried to get the mintette to calm down but failed as Emerald looked just about ready to throw down with Glynda.
Magna quickly butted in as he asked, "Though she didn't word it the best, she asked the question on all of our minds. Why does Ozpin want to see us?"
Glynda eyed the group for a second before continuing forward as she said, "From what I can gather, this matter is more than like related to what happened in the Emerald forest. My guess is that the council wants to talk to you."
Luna and Argo tilted their heads in a cute manner as they said in sync, "The council? What's that?"
"Not what. Who." Said Glynda, "The council is a collective of the ric.h.e.s.t men and woman of Vale. Most of Vale fall under their jurisdiction."
Before Luna could ask for more info, Glynda stopped infront of a huge tower and said, "We're here. Directly infront of the door is the elevator and the top floor is the headmasters office. If the council of Vale really do wish to meet, it would be in your best interest to stay on your best behaviour. With a simply word from them, Ozpin would have no choice but to expel you from Beacon, no matter how talented you are."
With those final words, Glynda turned around and walked off into the distance. Luna and Argo's ears pressed against their heads, showing their nervousness while Emerald started fiddling with her collar.
Magna, on the other hand, wasn't that worried. With the power he showed, he felt that the council would have to be dumber than a brick to expel him since he could always just join Atlas.
Ironwood still hasn't given up on inviting Magna to Atlas and his expulsion from Vale would be just the thing he needs to rope him in.
Anyway, as the elevator slowly started it's climb, Magna couldn't help but groan, "Who the hell chose the elevator music!?!"
The music was literally torture. Imagine a single tone, chiming in a rhythmic pattern that was designed to make even the most hyper active student fall asleep.
Emerald, in a bout of annoyance, punched the level panel and selected the next floor. The group g.r.o.a.n.e.d, thinking that the trip was just going to get longer when the music abruptly shut off half way up to the next floor.
Suddenly, Luna, Argo, Emerald and Magna grinned.
Ozpin sat at his desk, his figure completely calm as a soft ticking rang throughout the room.
Ozpin turned towards the holo-screen and smiled, "Councilmen, please be patient. Glynda informed me that the students are in the elevator as we speak."
Just as the councilmen finished yelling, a soft ding rang out as the elevator doors swung open.
Magna walked out from the elevator, laughing up a storm as he grinned, "And then Yang said, 'Please don't tell my dad that I was here! He'd sell Bumblebee if he found out it was me!'."
Argo and Luna stumbled into the room, their faces red from laughter as Argo teared up, "H-how the hell did she get away with that!?! I always thought it was one of the graduating students that decided to go all out in their graduation prank!"
Magna said nothing as he slowly turned towards Emerald. As his grin grew wider and wider, Argo's eyes locked onto Emerald in shock as she stuttered, "Y-you didn't..."
A cheshire-like grin found its way onto Emerald's face as she said, "I didn't do anything Argo. On a totally unrelated note, does my new scroll look good? It's the latest model."
Luna's eyes widened as she jump at Emerald while screaming, "That's the new model!?! I thought you bought one of the older models!"
"L-Luna! Calm down! Your gonna break my new scroll!"
"C'mon Em! I… I just wanna take a look at it!"
"No! You always get like this when we get something new! And then something gets broken!"
"No it doesn't!"
"Yes it does!"
Magna was about to stop them when a loud cough caught his attention. The two girls who were a minute away from fighting each other froze as they robotically turned towards the source of the cough.
Ozpin gave them all a funny look as he turned to Magna and said, "Would you kindly explain why it took you so long to get here?"
"Well," Said Magna, "Someone pressed all the buttons on the elevator."
Argo raised her hand and smiled, "It was me!"
"I did it!" Chirped Luna as she stuck up both her hands.
Emerald rolled her eyes at Luna, completely forgetting their little spat as she grinned, "Yeah, it was fun messing with the buttons."
Seeing Ozpin's exasperated look, Magna laughed as he said, "I pressed all the top floors."
The room went silent for a good minute before the councilmen blew up. One after the other, the councilmen blamed and berated Magna and his team for their childish actions.
And like any other child, Magna pretended to listen to them while their words went in one ear, and out the other.
After they finished, most of the councilmen were panting and wheezing. Emerald eyed them for a few minutes before leaning towards Magna.
"They seem really out of shape for people that govern a kingdom." Whispered Emerald.
"I heard that!" Roared one of the councilmen.
Magna turned towards the one that yelled, intrigue on how he could hear Emerald when she was whispering in his ear. Then, he noticed the huge ears that the councilmen had.
"Is he a faunus?" Magna asked.
The man erupted in anger as he practically spat over the recording device, "I AM NO ANIMAL, BRAT!!! MY SEMBLANCE GIVES ME SUPERHEARING! THAT'S WHY I HAVE LARGE EARS!"
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room changed. Sparks jumped off of Magna's body, trying to ignite yet repeatedly failing, as he glared at the councilmen with big ears.
As a vein pulsed on his forehead, he eyed the man and demanded, "Apologize. Now."
Before the two could clash, Ozpin slammed his hands on his desk and yelled, "ENOUGH! Councilmen! Please just tell Team MAEL what it is you called them here for!"
The big eared councilmen glared at Magna and coughed, "The council and I, after reviewing your iniation video, have decided to deploy you to the field. You will b-"
"No way."
The room froze once more as Magna simply looked on with his arms crossed infront of his c.h.e.s.t. Argo and Luna stood next to him while tracking Ozpin.
Emerald, on the other hand, was next to a window. She had her hand pressed against the glass while channeling her aura through said arm. All it would take is a light push and the glass would shatter, creating a rather large emergency exit.
A councilwoman spoke this time, gold and silver jewelry clinking together everytime she moved.
"You can't refuse! We are the council! Our word is law!"
Argo and Luna growled, their fur bristling at the woman's comment. But Magna held up an arm, stopping them from speaking as he said, "I can refuse your order, actually. After getting metaphorically f.u.c.k.e.d by the law, courtesy of a drunk old Qrow, I studied up on Remnant's laws."
Magna tapped his storage bracelet, pulling out a black, leather-cover book. The book itself was about as thick as an arm as he licked his fingers before rapidly fl.i.c.k.i.n.g through the pages.
"Ah, here we are. Chapter 69: Joint laws of Remnant. Under no circ.u.mstances are the council, no matter the race or gender, to interfere with students attending any form of combat academy. This includes, but is not limited to: Promotions, Demotions, Purchasing Services and Hiring said Student as a Personal Guard. Failing to follow this law is grounds for immediate expulsion from the council. Signed by the second kings of Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas. Amended by the third king of Vale and the forth kings of Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas."
Once Magna finished speaking, Ozpin silently took his mug and took a long sip, just to spit it everywhere as he practically ran over and grabbed the book Magna just read from.
Scanning the book once, then twice, then thrice, Ozpin turned to the council and muttered, "It's real. I'm sorry councilmen but, due to it being against the law, I can't allow you to promote Team MAEL."
Argo and Luna smiled at Magna while Emerald, who had moved away from the window when he finished speaking, gently rested against his back with a small smirk on her face.
"However," Ozpin said, causing Magna to frown, "There is no law saying that the headmaster can't promote a student."
The girls looked towards Magna, who bitterly smiled back as he said, "He's right."
Ozpin gently gave Magna his book and made his way to his desk. Once he sat down, he stared into Magna's eyes as he said, "Magna, I hereby promote Team MAEL to temporary 2nd year."
Before anyone could ask what position that was, Ozpin continued, "As a temporary 2nd year, you will be given the responsibilities and assignments of 2nd year while still retaining the responsibilities of first years."
"Usually, the 2nd year teams do their assignments without teacher supervision but as temporary 2nd years, I will be assigning Glynda as your mentor and supervisor."
Ozpin turned towards the holo-screen and smiled, "Councilmen, I hope you are satisfied with my decision."
Many of the councilmen merely frowned before disconnecting. A few, however, glared at Magna and the girls before leaving.
Once the calls ended, Magna turned towards Ozpin and growled, "What the hell!?! If you had just kept your mouth shut, we would've been just another team of first years!"
Ozpin glanced towards Magna, a frown marring his face as he calmly replied, "Be quiet."
An invisible pressure leaked from Ozpin, putting Magna and the girls on alert as they warily eyed Beacon's headmaster. Magna, on the other hand, merely watched Ozpin with narrowed eyes.
"Magna, do you remember what I said in my iniation speech? No? Well, allow me to allaborate. You and your team are capable. Far more capable than any first year team. When I look at you, I see a team of veteran huntsmen and huntresses. However..."
Clenching his fist, Ozpin continued, "Instead of pushing yourselves, you settle for mediocre. You all have the skills to put active huntsmen and huntresses to shame but you'd rather let your talents be squandered away. Why? Because your friends are first years?"
Argo, Luna and Emerald flinched.
"Because you want an easy life?"
Magna flinched.
"That is nothing but a selfish wish. As huntsmen and huntresses in training, I expect you to be able to make the hard sacrifices. Remember, we are the only thing that stands between us, and the forces of grimm."
Seeing that they were looking anywhere but at him, Ozpin sighed, "Look, I don't mean to be, as you young people say, 'That guy', but someone needed to say this. You all are here to be the next Guardians of Remnant. It's time you took that responsibility seriously."
"What about Team CRDL? JNPR? RWBY? Will you or one of the other teachers be giving them this 'talk'?"
Ozpin nodded at Magna's question as he said, "Yes. Either myself or another member of the faculty will have this exact discussion with them. Though, they will be receiving it when the time is right."
Emerald frowned as she asked, "Then why did we get ours now?"
Ozpin smiled and said, "Because it's time. Your team is more than ready so now, you must accept your responsibilities. Team MAEL, you are dismissed."
Magna and the others walked into the elevator and quietly made their way down without taking any stops.
Once they arrived at ground level, Team MAEL walked to their dorm in complete silence and once they reacher their room, they ignored all the luggage in the room and collapsed onto the beds, falling to sleep the instant they hit the pillow.
Glynda, who was responsible for the purple aura bubble surrounding them, merely frowned at Magna.
Fl.i.c.k.i.n.g his eyes over to meet Glynda's stern glare, Magna yawned and said, "Why are you glaring at me like that?"
"I just find it hard to believe that you are responsible for single-handedly destroying an ancient grimm and a grimm horde." Replied Glynda.
Magna gave the stern instructor a small smile, "If I didn't do it, then who did?"
Rolling her eyes, Glynda sighed and said, "That's not what I meant by my comment. I just don't understand how you can appear so…"
"Handsome? Badass?"
"Underwhelming. To me, you look like just another teenager. I'm confused about how you can appear so nonchalant about what just happened."
Magna chuckled, causing Glynda to glare even harder at him (Magna swore he could see her lips curving into a pout) as he said, "That's easy enough to answer. I'm just more worried about getting to bed than about a grimm that I already killed."
Without waiting for Glynda, Magna forcefully embodied her, though his appearance didn't change, and opened a hole in the aura bubble.
Shakily stumbling out of the bubble, Magna barely made it a few steps before being slammed onto the ground as a small pile of bodies jumped him.
"So much… PAIN!.." Cried out Magna in a muffled tone.
Ozpin softly chuckled at the pile of girls atop Magna and said, "Now that the last student has arrived after his… amazing display, could everyone please make their way to the amphitheatre."
Every other team nodded and slowly made their way towards the theatre. Sighing from under the pile of girls, Magna tired to free himself but failed.
He could barely put any strength into his arms and his aura wasn't able to augment his strength.
Magna frowned to himself as he mused, 'Well this is worse than I thought… Why is it like this now when it's never been this bad before?'
Suddenly, Magna and the girls were slowly lifted into the air by a purple aura as Glynda hastily walked past them.
"Come along children."
"Russel Thrush, Cardin Winc.h.e.s.ter, Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark. The four of your managed to retrieve the black bishop pieces and from this day forward, you will work together as… Team CRDL(Cardinal). Led by, Cardin Winc.h.e.s.ter."
The 2nd and 3rd years students that came to watch the iniation, clapped for the newly formed team.
Magna, on the other hand, merely watched them walk off stage as he internally sighed, 'They are gonna be annoying to deal with.'
As Jaune and his team slowly walked on stage, Ozpin's voice echoed through the hall as he said, "Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos and Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces and you will work together as… Team JNPR(Juniper). Led by, Jaune Arc."
The crowd, once more, broke out into applause. Jaune, unlike his nervous counterpart from the anime, saluted Ozpin, who returned the gesture with a smile.
Pyrrha congratulated Jaune just like in the anime and patted him on the back. However, Jaune didn't end up tumbling to the floor like his counterpart as he barely moved.
As they shuffled off the stage, Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake quietly walked on stage. Ruby looked like she was having a panic attack, her eyes frantically searching through the crowd.
Sighing to himself, Magna embodied Amber as he created a small shadow ball and flung it towards Ruby. He controlled the small shadow orb and managed to latch it just under her ear.
Covering his mouth with his hand, Magna connected the shadow orb with the shadows of his hand as he whispered, "Calm down Ruby, your doing fine. You got this."
Ruby visible jumped on stage, her eyes widening for a second before turning towards Magna, who currently stood out like a sore thumb with his white hair, a colour unique to the Schnee family.
Magna nodded at her and smiled, causing the young reaper to smile as she took a deep breath before turning towards Ozpin.
Ozpin merely raised an eyebrow since he saw from start to finish what had happened. As an educator, Ozpin felt he should berate Magna for using his semblance in the middle of an assembly.
But as a person, Ozpin really couldn't fault him for his actions. And as a huntsmen, Ozpin felt like thanking the young man for using his semblance to calm down a young girl who appeared to be struggling with being infront of a large crowd.
Plus, Ozpin really couldn't fault Magna for his use of his semblance during an assembly since he too uses his semblance from time to time.
With a light cough, Ozpin smiled and said, "Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao-long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces and from this day forward, you will work together as… Team RWBY(Ruby). Led by, Ruby Rose."
Under the applause of the crowd, Yang happily squeezed her sister, congratulating her while spinning her around.
Blake smiled at Ruby and offered her congratulations as well. Weiss, however, didn't seem happy.
With her arms crossed and her leg tapping against the stage, Weiss glared at Ruby while the young reaper stood completely unaware.
Ozpin's eyes visibly brightened as he spoke, "And finally, Argo Hati, Emerald Sustrai, Luna Sköll and Magna Opus. Not only did you four retrieve the white pawn pieces but Magna Opus managed to wipe out a horde of grimm and kill an ancient grimm all on his own."
A holographic screen suddenly appeared above the stage and played the scenes of Magna decimating the horde of grimm. The crowd stood in awe as they witnessed the sheer power Magna unleashed.
Heck, team RWBY, team JNPR and the female members of Magna's team were the most surprised since they couldn't see a thing during the fight due to the intense heat Magna released.
Pressing his scroll, Ozpin continued, "From this day onwards, the four of you will be known as Team MAEL(Maelstrom). Led by, Magna Opus."
After the applause of the crowd dimmed down and Magna slowly started his descent off the stage, his spare scroll beeped.
He shakily pulled his scroll out from his pocket and stared at it in shock. He had recieved a message from Ozpin that said, [Magna, I know you may be tired but I require the presence of you and your team. Once the assembly is over, please head straight to my office. Glynda will be waiting outside for you.]
The problem was, no one should have the number for his new scroll but his family and friends. And he knows that they wouldn't give his phone number out willy nilly.
Heck, Qrow even swore on his drinking addiction that he wouldn't ever hand out Magna's number.
'The question is, how did he get this number?' Mulled Magna as he eyed Ozpin warily.
As all the students slowly flooded out of the hall, Glynda stepped infront of Magna and the girls as she gently nudged her glasses and said, "Follow me."
Seeing no reason to get detention this early in the school year, Magna pulled himself up and followed Glynda from behind.
Suddenly, Emerald elbowed Magna in the ribs, earning her a wince and a glare as she whispered, "What's happening Magna? Why are we follow the lady with a stick up her ass?"
Glynda's step faltered as she snapped her head towards the mintette, causing Emerald to pale as Glynda glared at her and growled, "That is no way to talk about your teacher. Three days detention."
"Wha? But that's not fair!" Yelled Emerald.
Luna and Argo tried to get the mintette to calm down but failed as Emerald looked just about ready to throw down with Glynda.
Magna quickly butted in as he asked, "Though she didn't word it the best, she asked the question on all of our minds. Why does Ozpin want to see us?"
Glynda eyed the group for a second before continuing forward as she said, "From what I can gather, this matter is more than like related to what happened in the Emerald forest. My guess is that the council wants to talk to you."
Luna and Argo tilted their heads in a cute manner as they said in sync, "The council? What's that?"
"Not what. Who." Said Glynda, "The council is a collective of the ric.h.e.s.t men and woman of Vale. Most of Vale fall under their jurisdiction."
Before Luna could ask for more info, Glynda stopped infront of a huge tower and said, "We're here. Directly infront of the door is the elevator and the top floor is the headmasters office. If the council of Vale really do wish to meet, it would be in your best interest to stay on your best behaviour. With a simply word from them, Ozpin would have no choice but to expel you from Beacon, no matter how talented you are."
With those final words, Glynda turned around and walked off into the distance. Luna and Argo's ears pressed against their heads, showing their nervousness while Emerald started fiddling with her collar.
Magna, on the other hand, wasn't that worried. With the power he showed, he felt that the council would have to be dumber than a brick to expel him since he could always just join Atlas.
Ironwood still hasn't given up on inviting Magna to Atlas and his expulsion from Vale would be just the thing he needs to rope him in.
Anyway, as the elevator slowly started it's climb, Magna couldn't help but groan, "Who the hell chose the elevator music!?!"
The music was literally torture. Imagine a single tone, chiming in a rhythmic pattern that was designed to make even the most hyper active student fall asleep.
Emerald, in a bout of annoyance, punched the level panel and selected the next floor. The group g.r.o.a.n.e.d, thinking that the trip was just going to get longer when the music abruptly shut off half way up to the next floor.
Suddenly, Luna, Argo, Emerald and Magna grinned.
Ozpin sat at his desk, his figure completely calm as a soft ticking rang throughout the room.
Ozpin turned towards the holo-screen and smiled, "Councilmen, please be patient. Glynda informed me that the students are in the elevator as we speak."
Just as the councilmen finished yelling, a soft ding rang out as the elevator doors swung open.
Magna walked out from the elevator, laughing up a storm as he grinned, "And then Yang said, 'Please don't tell my dad that I was here! He'd sell Bumblebee if he found out it was me!'."
Argo and Luna stumbled into the room, their faces red from laughter as Argo teared up, "H-how the hell did she get away with that!?! I always thought it was one of the graduating students that decided to go all out in their graduation prank!"
Magna said nothing as he slowly turned towards Emerald. As his grin grew wider and wider, Argo's eyes locked onto Emerald in shock as she stuttered, "Y-you didn't..."
A cheshire-like grin found its way onto Emerald's face as she said, "I didn't do anything Argo. On a totally unrelated note, does my new scroll look good? It's the latest model."
Luna's eyes widened as she jump at Emerald while screaming, "That's the new model!?! I thought you bought one of the older models!"
"L-Luna! Calm down! Your gonna break my new scroll!"
"C'mon Em! I… I just wanna take a look at it!"
"No! You always get like this when we get something new! And then something gets broken!"
"No it doesn't!"
"Yes it does!"
Magna was about to stop them when a loud cough caught his attention. The two girls who were a minute away from fighting each other froze as they robotically turned towards the source of the cough.
Ozpin gave them all a funny look as he turned to Magna and said, "Would you kindly explain why it took you so long to get here?"
"Well," Said Magna, "Someone pressed all the buttons on the elevator."
Argo raised her hand and smiled, "It was me!"
"I did it!" Chirped Luna as she stuck up both her hands.
Emerald rolled her eyes at Luna, completely forgetting their little spat as she grinned, "Yeah, it was fun messing with the buttons."
Seeing Ozpin's exasperated look, Magna laughed as he said, "I pressed all the top floors."
The room went silent for a good minute before the councilmen blew up. One after the other, the councilmen blamed and berated Magna and his team for their childish actions.
And like any other child, Magna pretended to listen to them while their words went in one ear, and out the other.
After they finished, most of the councilmen were panting and wheezing. Emerald eyed them for a few minutes before leaning towards Magna.
"They seem really out of shape for people that govern a kingdom." Whispered Emerald.
"I heard that!" Roared one of the councilmen.
Magna turned towards the one that yelled, intrigue on how he could hear Emerald when she was whispering in his ear. Then, he noticed the huge ears that the councilmen had.
"Is he a faunus?" Magna asked.
The man erupted in anger as he practically spat over the recording device, "I AM NO ANIMAL, BRAT!!! MY SEMBLANCE GIVES ME SUPERHEARING! THAT'S WHY I HAVE LARGE EARS!"
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room changed. Sparks jumped off of Magna's body, trying to ignite yet repeatedly failing, as he glared at the councilmen with big ears.
As a vein pulsed on his forehead, he eyed the man and demanded, "Apologize. Now."
Before the two could clash, Ozpin slammed his hands on his desk and yelled, "ENOUGH! Councilmen! Please just tell Team MAEL what it is you called them here for!"
The big eared councilmen glared at Magna and coughed, "The council and I, after reviewing your iniation video, have decided to deploy you to the field. You will b-"
"No way."
The room froze once more as Magna simply looked on with his arms crossed infront of his c.h.e.s.t. Argo and Luna stood next to him while tracking Ozpin.
Emerald, on the other hand, was next to a window. She had her hand pressed against the glass while channeling her aura through said arm. All it would take is a light push and the glass would shatter, creating a rather large emergency exit.
A councilwoman spoke this time, gold and silver jewelry clinking together everytime she moved.
"You can't refuse! We are the council! Our word is law!"
Argo and Luna growled, their fur bristling at the woman's comment. But Magna held up an arm, stopping them from speaking as he said, "I can refuse your order, actually. After getting metaphorically f.u.c.k.e.d by the law, courtesy of a drunk old Qrow, I studied up on Remnant's laws."
Magna tapped his storage bracelet, pulling out a black, leather-cover book. The book itself was about as thick as an arm as he licked his fingers before rapidly fl.i.c.k.i.n.g through the pages.
"Ah, here we are. Chapter 69: Joint laws of Remnant. Under no circ.u.mstances are the council, no matter the race or gender, to interfere with students attending any form of combat academy. This includes, but is not limited to: Promotions, Demotions, Purchasing Services and Hiring said Student as a Personal Guard. Failing to follow this law is grounds for immediate expulsion from the council. Signed by the second kings of Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas. Amended by the third king of Vale and the forth kings of Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas."
Once Magna finished speaking, Ozpin silently took his mug and took a long sip, just to spit it everywhere as he practically ran over and grabbed the book Magna just read from.
Scanning the book once, then twice, then thrice, Ozpin turned to the council and muttered, "It's real. I'm sorry councilmen but, due to it being against the law, I can't allow you to promote Team MAEL."
Argo and Luna smiled at Magna while Emerald, who had moved away from the window when he finished speaking, gently rested against his back with a small smirk on her face.
"However," Ozpin said, causing Magna to frown, "There is no law saying that the headmaster can't promote a student."
The girls looked towards Magna, who bitterly smiled back as he said, "He's right."
Ozpin gently gave Magna his book and made his way to his desk. Once he sat down, he stared into Magna's eyes as he said, "Magna, I hereby promote Team MAEL to temporary 2nd year."
Before anyone could ask what position that was, Ozpin continued, "As a temporary 2nd year, you will be given the responsibilities and assignments of 2nd year while still retaining the responsibilities of first years."
"Usually, the 2nd year teams do their assignments without teacher supervision but as temporary 2nd years, I will be assigning Glynda as your mentor and supervisor."
Ozpin turned towards the holo-screen and smiled, "Councilmen, I hope you are satisfied with my decision."
Many of the councilmen merely frowned before disconnecting. A few, however, glared at Magna and the girls before leaving.
Once the calls ended, Magna turned towards Ozpin and growled, "What the hell!?! If you had just kept your mouth shut, we would've been just another team of first years!"
Ozpin glanced towards Magna, a frown marring his face as he calmly replied, "Be quiet."
An invisible pressure leaked from Ozpin, putting Magna and the girls on alert as they warily eyed Beacon's headmaster. Magna, on the other hand, merely watched Ozpin with narrowed eyes.
"Magna, do you remember what I said in my iniation speech? No? Well, allow me to allaborate. You and your team are capable. Far more capable than any first year team. When I look at you, I see a team of veteran huntsmen and huntresses. However..."
Clenching his fist, Ozpin continued, "Instead of pushing yourselves, you settle for mediocre. You all have the skills to put active huntsmen and huntresses to shame but you'd rather let your talents be squandered away. Why? Because your friends are first years?"
Argo, Luna and Emerald flinched.
"Because you want an easy life?"
Magna flinched.
"That is nothing but a selfish wish. As huntsmen and huntresses in training, I expect you to be able to make the hard sacrifices. Remember, we are the only thing that stands between us, and the forces of grimm."
Seeing that they were looking anywhere but at him, Ozpin sighed, "Look, I don't mean to be, as you young people say, 'That guy', but someone needed to say this. You all are here to be the next Guardians of Remnant. It's time you took that responsibility seriously."
"What about Team CRDL? JNPR? RWBY? Will you or one of the other teachers be giving them this 'talk'?"
Ozpin nodded at Magna's question as he said, "Yes. Either myself or another member of the faculty will have this exact discussion with them. Though, they will be receiving it when the time is right."
Emerald frowned as she asked, "Then why did we get ours now?"
Ozpin smiled and said, "Because it's time. Your team is more than ready so now, you must accept your responsibilities. Team MAEL, you are dismissed."
Magna and the others walked into the elevator and quietly made their way down without taking any stops.
Once they arrived at ground level, Team MAEL walked to their dorm in complete silence and once they reacher their room, they ignored all the luggage in the room and collapsed onto the beds, falling to sleep the instant they hit the pillow.
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