RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 102 - First Class and Tea

Slowly opening his eyes, Magna g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he took in the appearance of their dorm for the first time. And honestly, he already knew what to expect.

The room itself was fine, large enough to fit four beds and all their luggage but too small to have it's own kitchen.

Luckily, each room came with it's own bathroom, so Magna didn't need to stumble around the hallway, trying to find the male changing room.

Magna yawned while sluggishly pulling himself out of bed, "Man… I'm tired. I wonder what time it is? Class doesn't start till 9 so…"

With a small tap of his wrist, Magna pulled out his scroll and saw that he had three hours left before classes start.

'Might as well have a shower after a quick workout.' Mused Magna.

After rummaging through his luggage, Magna finally got dressed and headed out the door. He quietly walked through the hallway and paused when he got to the entrance.


The redheaded spartan jumped and turned around as she gasped, "Please don't do that! You gave me a fright!"

Magna waved his arms and gave her a pacifying smile as he said, "Sorry, sorry. I just didn't know if anyone would be up at this time."

Pyrrha brush her hair out of her face and smiled, "Well, I usually workout at this time. I like the brisk morning air and it's nice and peaceful at this time. What about you?"

Scratching his head, Magna gave her an awkward chuckle and said, "Oh, I just woke up early today. I usual work out at 8. But that's not really gonna fly anymore, considering class starts at 9… Hey, Pyrrha?"

"Yes, Magna?" Replied Pyrrha as she started doing some stretches.

"Do you mind if I join you in the mornings?" Asked Magna while stretching.

Pyrrha paused for a second before breaking out into a beautiful smile, "Please do!"

"Well," Said Magna, "Please take care of me from now on."



After an hour, Magna and Pyrrha walked along the hallway while laughing. Pyrrha was telling Magna about her time at Sanctum.

Since Pyrrha was dubbed 'Unbeatable', she mostly sat on the sidelines and watched other students spar.

"There's no way… How can you be so bad at using your own weapon!? There's just no way!" Said Magna, his voice shaking from trying to hold back his laughter.

Pyrrha, however, didn't show such restraint as she let loose a chime-like laughter, "But he was! He ended up having to go to the hospital since his aura couldn't heal all the damage he did to his face. And that wasn't even the worst thing that happened to him!"

While the pair were laughing, Magna looked towards his dorm and smiled, "Well, I'll see you in class, Pyrrha. Remind Jaune that they start at 9, ok?"

Nodding, Pyrrha walked to the door next to his dorm and swiped her scroll across the scanner. The door creaked open as Pyrrha grinned, "See you later, neighbor~."

Magna chuckled as he opened his door. Even though he had been gone for just over an hour, the girls were still sleeping in bed.

Shaking his head, Magna took a deep breath and channeled his aura into his arms. Then, without a shred of hesitation, Magna clapped his hands together and released a booming shockwave.

The twins practically leapt out of bed as they let loose a torrent of fire and ice in shock. Emerald, on the other hand, pulled her pistols out from under her pillow and unloaded an entire clip at the source of the sound.

Magna laughed at the chaos as he wiped the bullet marks off his shirt and grinned, "Get ready, girls. Today is the first day of classes and I refuse to be late."

The three girls glared at Magna with such an intensity that he started regretting his little 'wake-up alarm'.

Before any of them could get their hands in him, he retreated into the bathroom as he yelled, "I call first shower!"

Emerald stormed out of her bed and started banging against the door, "HEY!!! ISN'T THIS THE PART WHERE YOU ACT LIKE A GENTLEMAN AND LET THE LADIES USE THE SHOWER FIRST!?!"

Magna, who was already showering, scrubbed his hair and yelled back, "I WOULD'VE LET YOU GIRLS GO FIRST… IF I WANTED TO HAVE A COLD SHOWER! YOU GUYS ALWAYS USED UP THE HOT WATER AT HOME!"

The sound of someone beating on the door grew louder as Emerald practically growled. Hearing how angry she was, Magna gulped.

Hopefully, she wouldn't be as angry as she sound once he got out of the shower.


"…Why did I test fate?"

Currently, Magna was drying Emerald's hair while giving her a massage. Every now and then, he winced from the pain coming from his stomach.

Once he got out of the shower, Emerald quite literally drop him. She was waiting right outside the door and punched him in the gut. Twice.

The first one was for the wake-up call. The second one, was for running away. Heck, Argo and Luna ended up hitting him as well since they REALLY didn't like how they were woken up.

Luckily for him, Argo and Luna didn't hit him as hard as Emerald did. Though they did threaten to blast him with their semblance if he did it again.

Anyway, Magna quickly cheeked the time and saw that it was 8. That means they had just under an hour before class started.

Clapping his hands, Magna stood before his team and said, "Alright team MAEL, first order of business. Our room. Even though we'll fix the place up AFTER we finish our classes, we need to sort out where to put our beds. Ideas?"

Luna gentle raised her hand and said, "What if we put them all on one side of the room? That way, we'd have an entire side of the room left for draws and desks."

Emerald shook her head, "The wouldn't work. The room as it is now barely has enough space for our beds while they're spread out. If we put them to one side, we'd have even less space."

"What if we put the beds in each corner of the room?" Said Argo.

Magna nodded, "That could work. Though the room will still be a little cramped, it will b-"

Suddenly, a loud scream cut Magna off as a familiar voice echoed from the room across from team JNPR.


Team MAEL paused. Emerald slowly nodded as she said, "That's... actually not a bad idea. We'd have even more space in our room. The only problem would be how. Do we modify the school's beds or do we order some bunk beds?"

"Actually," Said Magna, "I'm pretty sure I could modify our beds. My cooldown period ends at lunch. All we need is permission from Gl- *cough*, I mean, from Professor Goodwitch."

Argo raised an eyebrow at Magna, "Professor Goodwitch? Why do we need her permission and not from Professor Ozpin."

Magna shrugged, "I just have a feeling that Professor Goodwitch is the one to see about things like this."

"Anyway!" Grinned Magna, "Let's be off! Class starts in… half an hour. Luna, what's our first class?"

Magna knew that it would be grimm studies with Professor Port but he wanted to check if his interference changed anything else.

Luckily, his worries were unfounded as Luna said, "We have grimm studies with… Professor Port? Isn't he…"

"The one that Taiyang said liked to toot his own horn?" Said Argo, finishing her sister's sentence.

Emerald rolled her eyes as she opened the door, "Great. Our professor is a braggart."

"Well…" Said Magna, "Let's just hope for the best."


Looking at the sign above the door that said, 'Grimm Studies', Magna gentle opened the door and bowed as he grinned, "Ladies~."

Emerald rolled her eyes before strutting towards the seat closest to the door. Argo playfully curtseyed before following after Emerald.

Luna, on the other hand, ignored Magna's little joke and grabbed his hand, dragging him to their seat while excitedly looking around.

In the middle of the room was a rather… portly man. Though, the thing that stole Magna's attention was the man's robust facial hair.

While stroking his mustache, the man focus on Magna and his team and said, "Ah ha! Team MAEL, it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to see you all arriving early for class. My name is Peter Port, but please address me as Professor Port."

As Magna and his team nodded towards Professor Port, the door quickly swung open, banging against the wall while revealing the panting forms of Team RWBY and JNPR.

"Team RWBY and JNPR, how nice of you to join us. But I ask that you all be gentle when opening the classroom doors. They aren't broken and I'd like to keep them that way." Said Port as he reprimanded the two teams.

"S-sorry professor! I- We-."

Professor Port raised his hand, calming team RWBY's panicking leader as he said, "It's fine, miss Rose. Please take a seat since we still have a few minutes till class starts."

Once Ruby, Jaune and their teams were seated, Professor Port checked the time before joyfully exclaiming, "Monsters! Demons! Prowlers of the night! Grimm have been given many names. But I like to call them… prey."

Magna and his team internally cringed. Letting his eyes wandering around the room, he saw that most of the room were cringing as well.

'What a bad joke…' Mused Magna.

Though, when his eyes landed on Cardin and his team, Magna almost broke into laughter when he saw that the entire team looked clueless.

Port, seeing that his little joke crashed, coughed once more before continuing with his speech.

"And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now, as most of you know. Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world."

"Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that want to do nothing more than tear us to pieces. Luckily, that is where we come in."

The portly Professor straightened his back and pounced his fist against his c.h.e.s.t, his voice laden with pride, "Huntsmen!"

Suddenly, he focused towards Yang and winked, "Huntresses…"

Yang recoiled backwards and shivered. Emerald, not taking a liking to what Professor Port did, glared at the man and flared her aura.

Port froze for a second before turning pale as he hastily reached for mustache. After spending a minute or two confirming that his mustache was still there, Port continued.

Yang mouthed a quick 'Thank you' to Emerald, who merely grinned. Magna obviously knew what she did but instead of reprimanding her, he tossed her a note that said, 'Nice.'

"W-where was I… Oh yes, *cough* Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you may ask? Why, the very world!"

Magna ignored the person in the background who got up and screamed. Instead, he was focusing on the portly Professor who seemed to be dragging out his speech.

He noticed how Port's body, despite him walking back and forth infront of the students, never once covered up the display behind.

Now, you may be asking yourself, 'What's on the display that caught Magna's attention?'. Well… it was a diagram of grimm biology.

On each of the five panels were a picture of a different grimm and notes. The notes talked about weaknesses, habits and body structure.

Like, for example, when a Boarbatusk charges or rolls at it's prey, it moves towards the last known location of it's prey while using sound to pinpoint it's location.

Heck, Magna didn't even know that!

Suddenly, Magna was brought out of his enlightenment on grimm biology by Weiss screaming, "I DO SIR!"

Seeing this as a chance to test something he just learned, since he knew he'd be fighting a Boarbatusk, Magna put his hand up as well.

Professor Port showed two different reactions. Towards Weiss, he merely sighed. But towards Magna, his mustache covered lips arched upwards as he said, "Miss Schnee and Mister Opus, please go change into you combat gear. Be quick about it."

Weiss nodded before taking off to the changing rooms while Magna merely walking towards the stage.

Port's eyebrow raised upward as he said, "Why are you not going to get changed?"

Magna smiled and replied, "We won't always be prepared for combat. And an army of grimm aren't just gonna wait for you to get into a suit of armour."

Suddenly, Port let loose a bellowing laugh as he roughly patted Magna on the back, "How right you are, my boy! True words, spoken by a true huntsmen!"

After a few minutes, Weiss ran into the classroom, fully equipped with her battle dress and weapon.

Seeing that Magna was still in his uniform, Weiss tilted her head and said, "Why haven't you changed, Magna?"

"Meh," Shrugged Magna, "I won't always have time to get ready, Weiss. Might as well start practicing."

Port quickly cut into their conversation and said, "Alright students, which one of you would like to go first?"

Sapphire blue eyes met icy blue eyes, another side effect of fully 'embracing' a cl.u.s.ter, as Magna smriked and bowed, "Ladies first~."

Weiss snorted, though she quickly tried to hide it, as she walked forward.

"Alrighty then!" Exclaimed Port, "Miss Schnee, please wait here. Mister Opus, please follow me."

Port quickly walked to the side of the classroom, stealthily taking down the panels as he went.

It actually surprised Magna how everyone seemed to just ignore him as he took down the panels. Heck, even his own team ignored Port in favour of watching Weiss prepare herself.

Port, seeing that Magna was watching him, grinned as he gestured towards Magna to keep quiet.

Magna merely shrugged as the portly man exclaimed, "Now Miss Schnee, I hope you're prepared for this!"

Port reached over to a table and grabbed what seemed to be an axe-shotgun. With his weapon in hand, he turned toward the cage next to him and swung downwards, releasing the grimm inside.

The moment the cage door hit the ground, a Boarbatusk charged towards Weiss, screeching and squealing.

Weiss winced as she stepped out of the way. However, instead of dodging the charging grimm, the Boarbatusk swung it's head at the last second and slammed against Weiss's stomach.

Due to the unexpected attack, Weiss was sent tumbling across the ground. Her weapon, Myrtenaster, flew a few meters away from her while Port exclaimed, "Weren't expecting that, were you?"

A frustrated growl came from Weiss as she glared at the Boarbatusk. In response, the boar-like grimm snapped towards Weiss and jumped, curling itself into ball as it took off rolling.

This time, Weiss made sure to dodge, pirouetting around the grimm.

As she gracefully landed next to her weapon, Ruby suddenly slammed her hands against the desk and screamed, "AIM FOR THE STOMACH! IT DOESN'T HAVE ANY ARMOUR THERE!"

Magna mentally winced as he expected Weiss to blow up at her. Instead, Weiss nodded towards Ruby and smiled as she said, "Thank you!"

With her weapon in hand, Weiss placed her hand against the hilt of her rapier and conjured two glyphs, one directly underneath her and the other a few feet to the right.

The Boarbatusk charged her once more, opting to run instead roll. Just as the grimm arrived infront of her, she flicked her hand to the right.

In an instant, Weiss swiftly drifted over to the glyph to her right, which activated upon her arrival and sent her flying back towards the Boarbatusk.

"HAAA!!!" Releasing a short war cry, Weiss used her momentum to kick the Boarbatusk, sending it crashing into the wall.

Then, without wasting a beat, a white glyph appeared beneath her, allowing her to chase after the Boarbatusk.

As Weiss stabbed her rapier into the Boarbatusk's stomach, Professor Port clapped as he bellowed, "Well done! You made excellent use of your semblance, Miss Schnee! And nice assist, Miss Rose!"

Ruby flashed Weiss a wide smile and gave her a thumbs up. Weiss, even though she quickly huffed at her and turned away, returned Ruby's gesture with a small smile.

"Now…" Said Port, "Miss Schnee, please make your way back to your seat. It is now Mister Opus's turn to face the gauntlet."

Weiss quickly nodded and power-packed over to her team while Magna slowly walked to the front of the class.

"Are you ready?" Asked Port.

Magna nodded as Port slashed at another locked cage. Just like with Weiss, a Boarbatusk charged out of the cage and headed straight towards Magna.

Instead of dodging around the charging grimm, Magna ran directly at the Boarbatusk and jumped over it.

While in the air, Magna pulled an ice dust crystal out from his storage bracelet and threw it to the side.

Once the dust crystal hit the ground, ice coated the floor and the charging Boarbatusk swerved towards where the ice dust crystal hit the floor.

Magna and the class watched in stunned silence as the Boarbatusk ran onto the ice and slipped, smashing face-first into the wall at full speed.

Ruby, Yang, Argo, Luna and Jaune burst into laughter. Ren and Pyrrha were trying their hardest to stop Nora from opening her mouth as Emerald watched the chaos unfold with a small smirk.

Anyway, the grimm struggled to pull itself from the wall, squealing and screeching as it stomped about.

Seeing it struggle, Magna almost felt sorry for it. Then, he remembered that it was a creature formed from darkness that senses negative emotions and it's only goal is the destructive of mankind.

As Magna arrived next to it, he raised his fist and channeled his aura, causing his fist to radiate heat.

Releasing a soft grunt, Magna drove his fist through the Boarbatusk's armoured, instantly turning the creature of darkness into dust.

Professor Port stood in shock for a few seconds as his mouth opened and closed. Before he could formed a sentence, the bell rang and the students quickly funneled out.

Once his classroom was quiet and empty, Port straightened up and coughed as he muttered to himself, "Yes… Well… Good job, Mister Opus."


Now that it was lunchtime, Magna split up from the group since he needed to discuss with Miss Goodwitch about his dorm room.

…It definitely wasn't because he wanted to make himself some lunch after talking with her since the cafeteria food wasn't up to his standard.


After Magna finished knocking on the door to the teacher's lounge, a tall man with wild green hair and glasses quickly flung the door open and stood before him.

The man seemed to scan Magna over, speedily zipping around as he quickly blurted out, "Yes?! What might you need, young man!?"

Magna blinked at the man and slowly said, "…Is Miss Goodwitch inside? I need to discuss something with her."

"Ah! Yes! She is, indeed, inside! I'll be just a moment!"

The man patted his c.h.e.s.t and disappeared in blur, shocking Magna since he couldn't feel his aura. That meant that the man was naturally that fast.

A few seconds after the man's disappearance, Glynda walked out and sighed, "Oobleck said you wanted to discuss something with me?"

Magna nodded and explained that he would like to modify the beds in his dorm room.

Glynda nodded and said, "That's fine. Honestly, I'm thankful that you came to talk to me about this before you just up and modified the beds. Most students do what they want and think that everything will be okay."

"But it's not okay!" Yelled Glynda, her eyes hardening, "Making modifications is both hard and highly irresponsible. What's worse is the fact that any injuries caused by the modifications become MY responsibility!"

As Glynda panted while glaring at nowhere in particular (Magna would later learn that she was in fact glaring towards Ozpin's tower), Magna cautiously said, "Are… you okay, Miss Goodwitch?"

Glynda quickly took a deep breath and composed herself as she replied, "I'm fine, Mister Opus. It's just… I'm a little bit stressed out."

Magna fell silent. After a few seconds, he gently cleared his throat and said, "Miss Goodwitch, which do you prefer tea or coffee?"

"What?" Replied Glynda, confusion replacing her previous expression.

"Tea or coffee, Miss Goodwitch. Which do you prefer?"

"…Um, I prefer tea? Why?"

Magna nodded as he pulled out small, black pot and a shard of water dust. Channeling his aura into the shard, water gushed out from the small dust crystal and filled the pot halfway.

Then, he placed his hand on the bottom of the pot and used his semblance to heat it. Once steam hissed out from the top, Magna pulled out a bag of tea leaves and cup.

Glynda eyed Magna in shock as she said, "How did you pull that pot out of nowhere?"

"Semblance." Was Magna's reply.

After Magna put the finishing touches on the pot of tea, he quietly poured it into the cup and handed it to Glynda.

"…Thank you." Muttered Glynda as she took the cup.

She looked at it for a few seconds before bringing it to her lips. As she slowly sipped her tea, her eyes widened as a wave of warmth flowed through her body.

Glynda's face relaxed while her cheeks became lightly flushed.

"How did you- How is this tea so GOOD!?! Goodness! I- Thank you, Magna! I really needed this!"

Seeing Glynda's happy smile, Magna couldn't help himself as he became enchanted by her.

Luckily, he did nothing stupid as he quickly said goodbye and walked away.

…Though, if he had of stayed for a few more seconds, he would've heard a plethora of screams as Glynda entered the teacher's lounge. The most predominant of them being a voice that sounded oddly like Ozpin's.

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