RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 28 - Discovery And The Second Power

While walking out into the forest, Magna fell into thought. When he was fusing with the active memories inside the star cl.u.s.ter, he got much more than he bargained for.

He actually managed to gain some information on his mysterious semblance. One bit of information he gained was the fact that changing powers came with a penalty. For one month, Magna can't switch back to Naruto's powers nor can he select a new power.

Another thing he learnt was the fact that each memory inside the cl.u.s.ter required a trigger. To unlock a memory, he needed to have a strong enough d.e.s.i.r.e for the memory to become active.

Honestly, during the time when Magna stayed at the village, he was at a loss when it came to his semblance. When he finally settled down and was getting a well deserved break, his power seemed to become stagnant. No matter how much he trained, he couldn't unlock anymore of Naruto's powers.

Now, it all made sense. His d.e.s.i.r.e for survival granted him the ability to create the rasengan and his d.e.s.i.r.e to kill gave him the tailed beast mode transformation. His semblance stopped giving him abilities because he lost the drive to seriously d.e.s.i.r.e power.

After 5 more minutes of walking and humming, Magna suddenly came to a stop as he smiled happily and said, "I guess this is as good a spot as any."

Seeing Magna nod to himself, Qrow impatiently started tapping on his arm as he asked, "Ok, now that we've found a good place, could you please demonstrate your semblance so I can confirm whether your telling the truth or lying?"

Magna's brows twitched as his happy mood took a hit. With a sigh, Magna put on a serious expression as he excitedly yelled, "GOING GHOST!"

The moment he finished speaking, everyone around him could only watch in shock as a ring of light cyan coloured aura appeared around Magna. Like two magnets of the same polarity, the rings quickly spilt apart and ran up and down his body.

His clothes soon became replaced by a black jumpsuit with a white collar. As the cyan rings covered more of his body, more of his clothes changed, revealing white boots, gloves and a white belt wrapped comfortably around his waist.

The transformation finally ended as one cyan ring faded into the ground while the other faded in the sky.

Now, standing in all his glory, was a completely different Magna. He now had snowy white hair and glowing green eyes, just staring at Qrow with a wide smirk on his face.

Qrow stood stunned, thoroughly dumbfounded by Magna. It wasn't only his appearance that changed but his atmosphere as well. Before, Magna felt like a gentle ray of sunshine but now, he felt like nothing. It's like he didn't even exist.

No matter how hard he tried, Qrow just couldn't sense Magna's presence.

Suddenly, Qrow's eyes lit up as he silently thought, 'With this ability, we should be able to spy on the Queen…'

Breaking himself out of thought, Qrow became stern and cold in an instant as he said, "I'm taking you to Beacon."

To which Magna snarkly replied, "Like hell you are."

Qrow instantly covered the distance between them as he tried to strike Magna's neck and render him unconscious.

However, as Qrow stared at Magna's face, he became startled as he saw a huge smirk, accompanied by a rebellious light that flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, Magna's body became transparent as the only thing you could see was a light cyan outline. Then, under everyones bewildered gaze, Qrow's hand simply went through Magna's body.

Qrow didn't account for missing his intended target so the moment he missed, he actually slipped and collapsed to the ground. Magna's smirk grew as he started floating off the ground, stunning everyone around him even more.

Seeing Magna now high above the trees, relaxing in the air, Qrow silently cursed. He knew that if he turned into a bird, he'd easily be able to fly after him. The only problem was the fact that transforming into a bird was his trump card when it came to escaping.

As a top-notch huntsman, Qrow wasn't only strong but smart as well. He might act like a bastard sometimes but he only did it to relax. To even think about being a huntsman or huntress, one needs to know when to retreat. And with Qrow keeping his ability a secret, he has always escaped capture because no one would pay attention to a black qrow flying away.

Qrow gazed at Magna with a conflicted mood as he contemplated whether to take Magna's family hostage or not.

In the end, Qrow sighed as he silently thought, 'Forget it. I don't want him hating me for taking his family captive and blackmailing him. I'll just give up for now.'

"Fine, you win. I won't take you to Beacon, you can come down now."

As Magna slowly descending, he had a victorious smile on his face as he lightly said, "I told you that I wouldn't let you take me but you just didn't listen."

Somehow, Qrow felt a small bit of his pride crumble when he heard Magna's words. It didn't enrage him but it got pretty deep under his skin. With a madly twitching eyebrow, Qrow snorted as he sarcastically said, "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, brat."

Lightly landing on the ground, Magna just shook his head and said, "Nah, I'd rather not. Now that you've seen my semblances ability, can I take it that you believe me?"

Sighing, Qrow silently felt thankful for Magna not laughing at him. His expression soften as he decided to drop the idea of taking him to Beacon completely.

"Since we're finished here, we should head back. It's almost noon and Tai's house is a bit away from here."

Before he could even speak, Magna was thrown back as a hard projectile slammed into his stomach. At first Magna thought it was Qrow attacking him but he quickly realised what had happened.

Ruby had used her semblance and launched herself into Magna's stomach. He could feel her climb up his body until they were looking at each other, face to face. Stars shined brightly in her eyes as she cutely asked, "What… was… that!!! That was sooo amazing!!!"

Magna softly removed her from his stomach and said, "That was the ability I just created. I call it 'ghost mode'. When I transform into 'ghost mode', I gain the abilities of a ghost. That means I can walk through walls, disappear and fly." Magna's face twisted as he tried not to laugh as he continued, "I'm much more unique then the other guy."

Ruby tilted her head in confusion as she didn't understand why his face looked so funny. But she did understand that whatever it was that he did, it was amazing.

She burst into a cloud of petals as she reattached herself to Magna, this time, to his right arm. She clung to him happily as she giggled and chuckled whenever Magna tried to tear her off.

After about 3 minutes, Magna forgot about removing her from his arm and started having fun while playing with her instead.

As he happily played with Ruby, Magna missed the two angry men that glared at him with a chilling light in their eyes. Taiyang and Qrow started grinding their teeth as they really wanted to barge in and separate the two. However, when they saw the look of joy on Ruby's face, both men could only hold themselves back as they both silently thought, 'Just for today… she can hug you just for today. After that, Hmph, you better watch out Magna.'

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