RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 29 - End of the First Day at Patch Pt 1

Eventually, Qrow and Taiyang couldn't take it anymore and forcefully separated the two. Ruby somehow became slightly attached to Magna as she w.h.i.n.ed and complained.

Magna didn't help her as he finally reached the limit of pressure he could handle from their glares. He even felt as if their was a small burn on his back.

Once they finally finished calming down the pouting Ruby, Taiyang turned to Magna and smiled.

"Hey there buddy, my name is Taiyang. You parents and I were squad-buddies back when my team was participating in the student exchange program between Beacon and Atlas."

With a bright smile and an arm stretched out towards him, Magna was surprised by Taiyang's friendliness. Gripping his hand, Magna gave him a firm hand shake for someone his age and said, "Nice to meet you Uncle, my name is Magna."

Taiyang's brows twitched when Magna said 'Uncle' but he didn't flip out as he awkwardly said, "I know that I'm older than you are but I'm not at the 'Uncle' level, am I? I'm still young enough to be called 'Big brother', you know."

Magna shook his head and bluntly said, "You've got an uncle-looking face with an uncle-looking beard. What else could you be but 'Uncle Taiyang'. Uncle Tai for short."

This time, Taiyang seemed to take a horrendous amount of damage as his body twitched. Qrow watched in amus.e.m.e.nt as Taiyang seemed to be spitting up blood from Magna's words.

With a wide smirk, Magna slowly turned towards Qrow, pointed at him with a wide grin and said, "And you are UNCLE QROW!"

Qrow's face paled as he turned towards Ruby and Yang to block their ears but he was too late. Ruby and Yang had stars in their eyes as the cheekily exclaimed, "Uncle Qrow!"

Qrow staggered to the ground. Until today, Qrow has drilled the fact of calling him 'Qrow' into Ruby and Yang's young minds. He knew that eventually, Ruby and Yang would call him Uncle and he'd have to get over it. But he thought it would be a couple more years until then, not today.

'I'm still a bright, young man with devilish charms! I'm not an Uncle yet!'

Ignoring the widely smiling Magna, Qrow knelt before his nieces as he softly said, "Little Petal, Firecracker. I'm still young right now, not an Uncle. Just call me like you always do, okay?"

Ruby nodded happily as she innocently said, "Okay Uncle Qrow!"

Her words caused Qrow's face to experience a variety of changes. First, he was depressed, than he was annoyed and finally, he was pissed as he remembered who was responsible for Ruby and Yang calling him 'Uncle'.

Seeing Qrow glaring at him, as if he wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face, Magna just shrugged as said, "I gotta get my payback for kidnapping me somehow."

Qrow continued to glare at him for a couple more seconds before releasing a deep sigh. He decided to see the silver lining as he thought, 'At least I don't have to watch out for him in the future.'

Before, Qrow was actually quite reluctant to let the rage-fueled Magna meet Taiyang and his family as there was no telling if Magna would act of his anger or not. However, he changed his mind and decided to trust the feeling he had about Magna, believing he wouldn't hurt his nieces.

And he was right. While Magna was carrying a grudge against Qrow, it wasn't deep enough where it gets to the point of harming family members. And after calming down Kurama's influence, Magna's grudge ended up turning into a harmless prank.

Well, mostly harmless.

As the afternoon soon became night, Magna and his family were lead to a large house a small out of the city. Taiyang carried Yang while Qrow piggy backed the still pouting Ruby, easily traversing the dense forest.

Once they arrived, Taiyang slowly let Yang down and he said, "Ok… we have a couple extra rooms for you guys. The beds are already set since Qrow sent me a notification beforehand so it should be fine but just in case, boys and girls will sleep separately."

He heavily glared at Magna and coldly said, "That means going nowhere near my daughters bedroom."

Magna felt his lips twitching as he gave Taiyang an appalled look. As he was 3 times their age mentally, Magna saw them as little children he need to care for, not possible romantic partners.

And even if he did, his body physically can't properly react to the stimulus due to his age so it's not like he could do anything even if he wanted to.

As he was quietly thinking, he saw Argo put her hand up with a grave expression.

Taiyang gave he a curious look before nodding. Argo muttered a quietly thanks before asking, "Does that mean my sister and I can't go to Magna's room at night?"

Emily softly smiled and recounted the difficult experience of their family. She told him about Magna being separated from their family, how the twins found him and later became family with him due to healing one of them.

She even told him of the snowball fight the children had. Hell, she popped out her scroll and showed him the video she had taken while stealthy stalking her children.

Taiyang could do nothing but smile and nod as he quietly pitied Magna and the twins. He knew how good Magna's mother was at tracking as he saw countless times during missions where she would easily find their target.

He doesn't remember the exact number but hundreds of criminals have fallen by her hands alone.

As the a.d.u.l.ts started talking and reminiscing, Magna was quietly following Yang and Ruby. He spotted the pair leaving and couldn't help but feel curious.

Naturally, Argo, Luna and Emerald were also there. He didn't know when but the girls were already walking besides him before he realised it.

It didn't take them long before they came across a small abandoned hut. The hut was built in a small clearing, with little piles of stones stacked on top of each other.

Just as they were about to move on, Emerald dodged a rock that was about to hit her. Anger painted her face as she stomped towards where the rock flew from.

Magna sighed as he tried to calm her down, which did work as she seemed less angry and more annoyed. However, she still walked to where the rock flew from as she wanted to at least give the culprit a 'warning' about throwing things.

She looked reluctant but didn't stop throwing things as she knew what her sister would do.




Ruby kept shoveling cookie after cookie into her mouth without a care in the world. Taiyang forgot to put them away as he left in a panic, leaving Ruby alone with an open jar of quintuple chocolate chip cookies of premium grade.

Alone, hungry and unsupervised, Ruby was determined to eat the whole jar all by herself. However, she failed to see a pair of lilac eyes watching her from the door.

Yang's lips curved into a sly smile as she continued to watch on in silence, recording everything onto her scroll.


It didn't take long for Ruby and Yang to notice the appearance of Magna and the little girl squad. Yang in particular was extremely excited when they showed up as she launched herself at Magna, screaming, "FIGHT ME!!!"

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