RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 3 - Magna's Semblance

After an hour of constant walking, Magna stumbled upon his first major trial.

"*Wheeze*… Haa… haa… haa… I'm so freaking tired!.. haa… haa… curse these tiny legs and child-like stamina… haa… haa…"

Not even half-way towards the village, Magna had been forced to stop and rest due to fatigue. Luckily, he managed to leave the shadow lands and was in a small clearing just oustide the forest.

As Magna collapsed to the ground to catch his breath, he noticed something odd. The cuts and bruises that covered his body had already completely healed, not even leaving a scab or scar.

Looking at his hands, Magna curiously muttered, "Strange… is this aura? No, it can't be…"

Suddenly, Magna froze for a couple seconds before slamming his palm against his face. A long sigh escaped his lips as he whispered, "…I'm an idiot."

Now that he was able to relax, Magna finally remembered a couple important facts. First, the world of remnant has an ability called 'Aura'. Aura is the manifestation of a person's soul, created to assist them and to guard a person's heart. Put into simple terms, aura enhances the users body and protects them from a certain amount of harm.

Second, thanks to the display of power while fighting the Nevermore, Magna can confidently assume that he can use both aura and his semblance. However, ever since he woke up, he's been unable to 'feel' his aura.

Lastly, even though he feels tired, it's mostly just mental fatigue. Even now he could slowly feel his body getting back into prime condition.

Baffled, Magna closed his eyes and tried to 'find' his aura. As seconds turned to minutes, Magna continued to sit still with his eyes closed, trying to feel his aura in any way possible.

As time passed, Magna began to show signs of exhaustion. However, with his mind growing hazy, he final found something.



Magna focused on the white speck, feeling strangely comfortable as he listened to the sound of his heart beat.


Suddenly, as if it sensed it was being watched, the speck violently began expanding and shrinking. Before Magna could so much as yelp, he felt himself forcefully dragged inside it.

"Ouch… Where am I?"

Magna cautiously eyed his surroundings before staring wide-eyed at the sight before him. Releasing a breath he didn't even know he was holding, Magna stared at the beautiful system of stars before him.

Everywhere he looked, the only thing he saw were small grey stars that looked to be shattered to pieces. Each star cl.u.s.ter seemed to be exactly the same distance away from another star cl.u.s.ter.

As Magna viewed these stars in amazement, he froze as something caught his gaze.

In this ocean of grey stars was a single dimly lit star that glowed in a gentle light blue. As if drawn to the star, Magna's body slowly started walking over as ripples spread beneath his feet with each step before stopping right in front of it.

Up close, Magna noticed that something seemed… different compared to the others. This one seemed… larger. Giving it another look, Magna slowly nodded as he muttered, "It's not my imagination… this one is made of two pieces of the cl.u.s.ter instead of being separated…"

Suddenly, Magna slowly reached his hand towards the star and grabbed it. A small pulse of light blue energy rippled outward, causing all the other stars to disappear. A tiny amount of anxiety appeared in Magna's eyes as he watched the world become dark. The only point of solace came from the tiny light in his hands.

Clutching the cl.u.s.ter tightly, Magna suddenly felt a flood of memories appeared in his mind. The process didn't last long, and before Magna realised it, he was back in the clearing while sprawled out on the ground.

Heavily breathing with sweat dripping down his face, Magna smiled while lying on the ground and muttered, "So that's it…"

The memories that appeared in his mind were oddly familiar yet foreign. Images appeared in his head as they showed the life of a small blonde boy, how he lived as an orphan that was hated and labelled as a demon. The boy grew up working hard towards achieving his goal of becoming hokage.

Somehow, Magna had gained the memories of the main character from the anime 'Naruto'. The only part that didn't quite add up was Naruto's appearance in the memories. He looked like a blonde version of Magna.

Remembering the ocean of stars, the memories he gained and the fact that he could use rasengan, Magna came to the startling conclusion that each star cl.u.s.ter housed a different set of memories and powers that he could potentially wield.

The only part he couldn't make heads or tails of were the memories he gained. The memories were fragmented and only showed certain points in Naruto's life.

As he was going through the memories, a crazy idea popped up in Magna's mind as he noticed something intriguing about the memories. Propping himself up, Magna grabbed a sharp rock off the ground and quietly whispered, "I hope I'm right…"

Taking a deep breath, Magna brought the rock up high before fiercely stabbing down at his hand. The sharp pain in his hand caused Magna to wince as tears gathered in his eyes. However, a couple seconds later, the wound made a quiet sizzling sound before slowly healing until the cut disappeared.

Magna stared blankly at where the wound used to be before breaking into a fit of laughter. He smiled and screamed, "I actually have Naruto's healing factor! Just like what the memories showed!"

As Magna was reviewing the memories he gained, he noticed something very peculiar about them. Most of the memories only showed the moments in his life where he used the Rasengan or whenever he got badly injured then miraculously healed.

Magna theorized that the abilities shown in the memory fragments were the current powers he could make use of.

Deciding to trust his gut feeling, Magna attempted to see if his theory was right. And it was.

Amazed by his natural healing, Magna decided to try another ability that he gained from the memories.

Looking at the bloodstained rock in his hand, Magna focused on it and muttered, "Demon Wind Shuriken: Windmill of Shadows."

A cloud of smoke appeared in his hand and quickly disappeared, revealing a giant windmill-like shuriken.

However, the shuriken quickly fell out of Magna's hands and crashed into the ground with a loud thud as he screamed, "IT'S SO FREAKING HEAVY!!!"

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