RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 4 - Unexpected Meeting

Lying on the ground with sweat pouring down his head, Magna g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "Why… is that thing… so… HEAVY!!!"

In a fashion appropriate to his physical age, Magna started pouting while breathing heavily. On the ground was the Windmill shuriken he transformed while marks could be seen behind it that lead in a straight line for about 5 meters.

After dropping the shuriken, Magna attempted to drag it along with him. However, his arms ended up giving out as the weapon was too heavy for him.

Glaring at the shuriken for a second, Magna just sighed and muttered, "Release."

A cloud of smoke covered the weapon before disappearing a second later, revealing a bloodstained rock.

Picking up the rock with his slightly sore arms, Magna stared at it for a second before tossing it in his pocket.

As he looked at his surroundings, Magna notice something very concerning. The sun had started to set. Magna knew from his memories that the grimm become more active and violent at night.

Immediately, Magna sprung to his feet and took off into the forest. He remembered the ruins of a village that he passed by and wanted to hide in them, at least until sunrise.

While running, Magna thought about how he messed up the transformation earlier. According to the memories he gained, the jutsu from earlier is a semi-transformation that allows an object to gain the appearance of a windmill shuriken while keeping the original objects weight.

Somehow, Magna managed transform not only the object but the weight as well, causing the failure. As he ran, Magna realised that he needs to practice and learn how to control his abilities, their uses and their restrictions, unless he plans to find them out in battle where a single moment could cost him his life.

After running for awhile, Magna finally arrived at the ruins. A sense of despair washed over him as a sickening thought appeared in the back of his mind.

'What if… this is what remains of my village?'

Magna quickly shook the thought from his head and started walking into the ruins. Everywhere he looked, the only thing he saw were destroyed houses, ash and dust.

Arriving at the most intact house, Magna slowly opened the door and muttered, "Hello… anybody here?"

All he got in reply was a mouthful of dust, sending him into a coughing fit.

Magna quietly walked over to the corner of the room and sat there. Blankets, clothes and curtains littered the floor around him. Shaking the dust off a couple blankets and some clothes, Magna set up a makeshift bed and crawled inside it.

Outside, the sun had already set and the night began. For the first time since he awoke in this strange world, Magna started shivering in fear. He desperately tried to hold back his tears, in fear of alerting any grimm outside. Luckily, he managed to fall asleep rather quickly as the mental fatigue finally got to him.

The next morning, Magna was sleeping soundly in his makeshift bed when the sound of the door awoke him. Startled, Magna shot up from his bed and ducked behind a wall while watching the door.

Suddenly, a gentle and childish voice muttered, "Big sis… I'm hungry…"

A cute and adorable young girl with white hair and sapphire eyes walked in. She wore nothing but patched up rags and seemed to have a small limp. Surprisingly, atop her head were a pair of wolf-like ears while a large and poofy white tail wagged behind her.

As the young girl scanned the area, a wild yet femine voice sighed, "Luna… how many times do I gotta tell you? We haven't got much food so you'll have to wait until the evening. I'll try and hunt us a snack for later, ok?"

Magna focused on the doorway as another cute and adorable girl walked in. However, unlike the previous girl, this one had fiery blonde hair with blood red eyes. She seemed to be worse for ware as her clothes had bloodstains here and there. Like her sister, she had a pair of golden wolf ears atop her head while her tail stayed low and only swayed when she moved.

Suddenly, the golden one froze. Her tail shot up towards the sky as she glared at the wall where Magna was hiding and roared, "WHO THE F.U.C.K IS OVER THERE!!!"

Not wanting to make the situation worse, Magna slowly came out from behind the wall with his hands up.

Once the pair saw that it was only a child, they slightly lowered their guard. Luna immediately sprung from the floor and gently closed the door before collapsing to the ground, wincing at her injury.

Worry flashed in the blonde's eyes before continuing to glare at Magna. The glow in her eyes grew as she growled, "Why are you here, kid?"

Afraid of angering her further, Magna decided to be truthful. He explained that his village was attackes by grimm, how he ended up in the shadow lands and how he plans to go and check to see if his parents are alive. He didn't, however, tell them about how he reincarnated into this body as that's a secret he plans to take to his grave.

The blonde gave Magna one last look before turning towards her sister. Magna watched on as she quietly scanned her sister's injury. After a couple seconds, she clicked her tongue and sadly muttered, "The cuts infected…"

Magna glance at Luna's wound, only to instantly regret it as the urge to throw up appeared. Luna's leg appeared to be torn to shreds by something. Puss and torn flesh were clinging to her leg. Magna was surprised that she didn't seem to feel her wounds at all.

As he took a step towards them, the blonde turned around at lightning speed and slashed the ground between them with her hands that were coated in a crimson energy, causing claw marks to appear on the ground.

Her blood red eyes glowed in wrath as she screamed, "STAY WHERE YOU ARE HUMAN!!!"

Magna immediately stopped in place, lifting his hands to show he meant no harm. Flashing her his most genuine smile, Magna said, "I was only trying to help her."

The glow in the blonde's eyes intensified for a couple seconds before she sighed. Closing her eyes and taking deep breaths, she calmly opened her eyes a couple seconds later, revealing that they had stopped glowing. Staring directly into Magna's eyes, the blonde bowed her head and pleaded, "Please help my sister."

Magna silently nodded before quickly kneeling besides the white wolf girl. The blonde looked extremely agitated and Magna knew that if he tried anything funny, she wouldn't even hesitate to end him.

Laying his palm against the wound, Magna closed his eyes and focused on his aura. The light blue energy that slowly swirled around his heart seemed to become agitated as it sensed he was trying to inject it into the girl.

The energy seemed to come alive as it desperately clung to his body, causing Magna to frown in pain. Suddenly, the white speck seemed to 'push' the light blue aura out of his body and into the girl.

Before Magna could make heads or tails of what just happened, he felt the world around him begin to spin before collapsing to the ground unconsious.

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