RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 41 - The Gala Part 3

Magna rested softly against Willow's pillowy l.a.p as he mentally sighed. He managed to pull the wool over the Schnee children but Willow didn't believe him.

He explained that it was an ability he created, fooling everyone but Willow. However, she didn't bring it up as she gave him a gentle smile.

Whitley was actually fascinated with Magna's quote on quote, Semblance, as he continued to ask Magna to show him the abilities he 'created'. Winter was smiling as she explained her firsthand experience with his demon-fox ability while Weiss pouted as she complained about how Magna never showed her his abilities.

As the atmosphere slowly went back to normal, the sound of hurried footsteps caught Magna's attention. As he looked up from Willow's l.a.p, he frowned as he saw Jacques Schnee, walking towards them like he was on a war path.

Fury painted his face as he lightly slammed the table, just soft enough that he didn't attract other people's attention as he growled, "What are you doing here? Your supposed to be at home, lying in bed! Do you not understand how much face I just lost with that little stunt you pulled!?!"

Willow calmly sipped his tea as she lightly smiled, "Oh, I guess your a little behind on the news then, my dear husband. It seems my body is slowly recovering."

Magna frowned when he saw Jacques click his tongue in annoyance as the stuck up man said, "Impossible! The doctors gave their verdict, your body is slowly breaking apart due to alcohol poisoning."

With the same professional smile on her face, Willow said, "Believe what you will, Jacques. The truth of the matter is that I should be fully recovered in a couple days."

Veins pulsed on Jacques forehead as Magna silently enjoyed seeing him enraged. Jacques massaged the sides of his head before he scoffed and angrily walked away.

Just as Magna was about to gloat, a pair of trembling arms found there way around his body as he heard Willow whisper, "Just for a minute… please let me hug you for just a minute… I'll go back to being myself soon…"

Magna sat in silence as he let Willow embrace him. He could feel her tremble as she took very long and deep breaths. It was plain as day that something must have happened between them for her to react like this but Magna couldn't do anything about it.

Technically, they only just met each other yesterday. Magna didn't want to pry into her private business like he did with Winter and Weiss. As he silently waited for her to calm down, Klein's voice echoed in his mind, '…All I ask is that you try and get the madam to smile, even for a little bit.'

A soft sigh escaped Magna's lips as he softly asked, "What's wrong, Willow? You can talk to me about it if you want to get it off your c.h.e.s.t."

Willow froze for a second before slowly letting go. She ruffled Magna's hair as she sadly muttered, "It's alright, Magna. It's all in the past now."

Magna didn't move as he continued to stare at her. An annoyed sigh escaped Willow's lips as she said, "A month after our marriage, we had just found out that we were having a child. I was ecstatic, I was finally going to be having a child. Jacques however…"

"He hated the idea of having children. He tried to order me to have an abortion. For months, we fought. We continued to argue about it until the day my water broke."

Slowly, Willow's face twisted in rage as she muttered through gritted teeth, "The bastard didn't come to the hospital! He just stayed at home while I was alone, crying in pain for 16 hours!"

Willow took a couple deep breaths to calm down before she continued, "Turns out, my so called 'husband', was spending time with another woman. While I was crying in the hospital with no one but the nurses there to comfort me, he was off having an affair with some… s.l.u.t!"

She hugged Magna close to her c.h.e.s.t as she continued to quietly rant on. She cried when she told him how the shock caused her to lose her aura and semblance. She raged when she told him how Jacques took Winter away from her to use as a political sacrifice. Shame covered her face when she talked about her alcohol addiction.

Willow was so focused on venting her feelings that she even whispered to him how Jacques took advantage of her when she was drunk, giving her another child.

Magna, on the other hand, was stunned. He never would have… actually, no, he totally expected this! He could tell after each time someone described him that he was a f.u.c.k.i.n.g Jacques-Ass!

The first day he met Weiss, she confessed to him the things she had to put up with. Winter told him how he berated her for knocking out the councilman's son when he tried to **** her.

Now, Willow was telling him how Jacques tried to order her to have an abortion!?! It took a divine amount of will to keep a hold on his anger as his eyes turned red.

Willow was slightly surprised by Magna's sudden change when she finally realised what she had done. Under the feeling of finally having someone to vent to and lean on, she felt so good getting it off her c.h.e.s.t she accidently vented some really private secrets.

Just as the pair contemplated on what to do next, the sound of roaring applause pulled their attention. Standing on the stage was Jacques, giving a small amount of praise for the performance that just happened.

However, both Magna and Willow noted the genuine smile on his face and watched on.

"What a wonderful performance that just was. Truly magnificent!" Said Jacques.

He waited for the audience to stop clapping before he continued, "Up next is a pretty special performance. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for my daughter, Weiss Schnee! Heiress to the Schnee dust company!"

Gasps of surprise echoed through the hall. Magna could hear all the gossip about finally finding out who was going to inherit the Schnee family company and fortune.

Winter saw his confused look and bluntly said, "I absolutely refuse to have any form of connection to him besides our bond of blood. Whitley just doesn't care, so that leaves only Weiss. Now, she's forced to study so that she can one day inherit the family fortune."

Magna thanked Winter for the quick explanation before staring towards the stage, or more accurately, the person standing on it. Weiss was standing tall, wearing a simple yet graceful white dress.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed as an accompaniment of instruments started to slowly play.

????Mirror, tell me something

Tell me who's the loneliest of all?

Mirror, tell me something

Tell me who's the loneliest of all?

Mirror, what's inside of me

Tell me can a heart be turned to stone?

Mirror, mirror, what's behind you?

Save me from the things I've seen!

I can keep it from the world

Why won't you let me hide from me?

Mirror, mirror, tell me something

Who's the loneliest of all?

I'm the loneliest of all.????

As Weiss finished singing, Magna and the crowd burst into applause. The sound of cheering echoed through the hall as Magna felt the negation emotions in the air decrease.

Weiss had a light blush on her face as she panted. However, she had a huge smile on her face as she stared at their table. Magna couldn't hold back his smile as he gave her two big thumbs up.

Surprisingly, Weiss saw him as she smiled brightly and gave a small curtsey in his directions. As she slowly left the stage, Jacques came out with a look of pride on his face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my daughter, Weiss Schnee!"

Once the crowds applause to died down, Jacques continued, "Fellow nobles, I'm sorry to inform you but that signifies the end of the gala. I truly hope you all had a wonderful time and wish to see you all again, next year."

Just as everyone was about to clap, the sound of loud chanting echoed from outside. Magna quickly turned invisible as he looked outside the window.

Standing in the center of the courtyard was a large group of people carrying signs that read 'Equal rights for Faunus!' 'We are people too!' 'Stop enslaving us!'.

Jacques took one look out the window before scoffing, "Who let the animals out of their cages? Guards! Security! Throw those animals back into the mines, where they belong."

Magna already rock bottom opinion on the man fell even more. He saw the faunus race as people, especially since he now has two cute little wolf faunus sisters. They didn't deserve the treatment humanity gives them but he alone wasn't enough to cause a change.

It only took half a minute before the protesting faunus were surrounded by security. Atlas soldiers stood to the side, clearly indicating that they refuse to help the noble faction.

Suddenly, men and woman wearing grimm masks appeared from above as they easily wiped out the guards.

An intense sense of panic took over him as he dashed towards Weiss. The glass windows that he was standing by shattered to pieces as masked figures hastily entered the room.

Magna swept the confused Weiss off her feet before taking off towards Willow and her siblings. Fury painted Jacques face as he roared, "GUARDS!!! PUT THOSE ANIMALS DOWN!!!"

A small army of men with sadistic smiles surged towards the group of faunus. However, the faunus weren't just going to sit back and let them attack.

A man with a huge build and small horns on his head charged towards the group of guards as a red aura flared around him. Like a charging bull, the man absolutely destroyed the guards and sent them all flying in different directions.

Magna had the Schnee family minus their asshole father behind him as he spread his arms out wide and growled. The man who just ran through the guards without breaking a sweat turned towards Jacques and said, "Where's my son, you egotistical prick!?!"

Jacques didn't seem to fear him as he scoffed and said with a smirk, "Do you honestly expect me to know who you are? Your nothing more than a big, dirty animal that doesn't know his place! Ironwood, if you would."

Magna frowned as Ironwood slowly raised his hand and yelled, "Soldiers, bring down the intruders!"

The soldiers covered in white armour charged at the faunus while in formation. The faunus man sighed in annoyance as he started to charge. But things went differently.

The soldiers suddenly split apart as they out maneuvered. Once they stabilised themselves, the all pulled out their handguns and opened fire. The man seemed to expect this as the red aura surrounding him disappeared and became a dim gold.

The bullets hit him dead on but it was like they were shooting at the ground. One of two outcomes occured, the bullets either deflected off the man, injuring the crowd or they just harmlessly fell to the ground after losing their momentum.


The soldiers all stopped when they heard Ironwood's command. The general now had an extremely pissed looked on his face as he roared, "Aim towards the other faunus and open fire!!!"

The man glared at Ironwood as he growled, "You f.u.c.k.i.n.g dare!?!"

"I f.u.c.k.i.n.g do!!! Fire!!!"

Under Ironwood's command, the soldiers all turned towards the other faunus and opened fire. The man's face twisted in fury as a dark blue aura swallowed the dim golden glow around his body.

He instantly dashed infront of the others as he took the shots head-on. Unlike last time, some of the bullets managed to pierce him. After a couple seconds, the soldiers stopped firing as the man stood tall, bloodied and dying.

He fell to his feet, panting as a green glow softly surrounded his body. Magna was focusing on the man, just in case he tried to attack the Schnees behind him so he saw that the bullets slowly got pushed out while the wounds closed.

A minutes later, everyone was watching on as the situation came to a tense standstill. The soldiers were out of ammo, because they didn't expect an attack to happen during a charity gala while the faunus behind the bloodied man glared at the nobles while tightly gripping their weapons.

Suddenly, a faunus woman with light orange fox ears stared in Magna's direction. A bad feeling came over Magna as he watched her whisper something to the group of faunus behind her.

Magna growled at the faunus as his eyes turned red. He hoped that they would just leave him and the Schnees alone yet the next moment, 5 members readied their weapons and sprinted towards them.

Ironwood had tunnel vision, completely focused on the bloodied man while Jacques just watched them charge at Magna with a dark smile. Magna couldn't help but feel disgust as he clearly saw Jacques smile as he left them to die.

The fox woman was the first to reach them. She quickly unsheathed her dagger as she silently thrust towards Magna's c.h.e.s.t.

Using his training, Magna quickly back stepped before throwing a heavy handed punch towards the woman's temple. But the moment when he was about to land the hit, a faunus man wearing gauntlets appeared besides her and blocked the attack.

With a quick switch of abilities, Magna became intangible as he ran through their bodies, freaking them out, before switching back and kicking them from behind.

The pair fell to the ground, giving Magna more than enough time to attack. Charging 2 rasengans, one in each hand, Magna slammed them down onto their backs and used the knockback to fly over to Winter.

He roughly landed besides Winter, letting out a silent curse due to the pain before quickly scrambling to his feet. Magna and Winter gave each other a quick nod before dashing towards the dual-wielding faunus.

Swiftly dodging under the man's sword, Magna lowered his body as he threw a punch at the man's stomach. As if they had done this hundreds of times before, Winter used his back as a platform as she vaulted over Magna and ruthlessly donkey kicked the man in the face, shattering his nose as he fell to the ground unconscious.

Just as Magna was about to deal with the remaining two whitefang members, he froze as he stared at the sight before him with wide eyes. His heart stopped as he felt his aura boil.


(POV - Ironwood)

We are currently at a disadvantage. My soldiers used up all their ammo yet we couldn't even take down one man! To make matters worse, no one has any weapons!

I glared at the source of my humiliation. Just as I was about to curse him, I noticed something from the corner of my eyes that made me smile.

I gave the bastard a small grin and loudly taunted, "Oh, you've done it now. None of you will be able to leave this place alive."

The bloodied man seemed to have sensed something was wrong. Oh well, it's too late for him to try something now that the kid is about to take action.

I still remember Qrow describing his battle against Magna. He told me it was like looking humanities collective hate and malice in the eye.

"What do you mean, Irond.i.c.k? If you haven't noticed, we have weapons while your men don't." Said the bloodied man as he slowly stood up.

Usually, I might've fired back a couple choice words, just to stall for time or just to piss him off but I just smiled.

I smiled because I know that…

"You've just dug your own grave!!!"


(POV - Magna???)

"You've just dug your own grave!!!"

Magna's aura exploded around him as a crimson cloak of malice slowly coated him. Winter and Willow sat by Weiss as they cried while Whitley was stunned.

No one would have expected that, just as Whitley was about to be killed, Weiss would push him out of the way as the woman's black katana mercilessly slashed downwards, leaving a deep scar over Weiss's left eye.

As Magna's aura stabilised, four crimson tails jetted out from behind him. The demon that used to be Magna slowly looked at the people surrounding him before a look of annoyance and disgust appeared on his face.


Magna released a mind-numbing shriek as a dense aura of malice burst out from his demonic body. The whitefang members that were trying to attack Magna suddenly froze. It was like trying to move through a swamp as Magna's aura completely suppressed them.

Releasing a low growl, Magna appeared behind the two remaining members and slammed their heads on the ground, hard. The sound of concrete breaking rang through out the room as everyone suddenly fell silent.

"What… is that thing!?!"

Ironwood took an unusual amount of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e in the bloodied man's misfortune as he said, "That… is a huntsmen-in-training. What your currently seeing is one of his MANY abilities."

From that sentence alone, Magna would have been able to figure out that Qrow can't keep his mouth shut. Sadly, he was too far gone to hear him as Kurama's influence began to rage.

Using his tails, he gathered all the unconscious members of the whitefang into one area as he slowly started to gather negative and positive energy.

Everyone could feel the sheer power behind the tiny purple orb and started to panic. Even Ironwood was starting to sweat as he hastily tried to stop him, only to be swatted away like a fly.

Magna slowly opened his mouth as cracks appeared at the edge of his mouth, widening his jaw of jagged teeth. Yet the moment he was about to swallow the orb, two quick blurs tackled him, sending him flying into a wall.

Ironwood and the bloodied man gave each other a quick look before ultimately scoffing at each other.

"I didn't need you help, Irond.i.c.k."

"Shut up! I would have been fine on my own, you filthy criminal!"

Slowly, Magna crawled from the remains of the wall as he growled at the pair in unbridled anger. This seemed to cause the pair to turn serious as Ironwood said, "…But your help would be much appreciated."

The bloodied man knew that they were in for a long fight as he slowly got into a fighting stance and said, "The name is Steel Taurus. And after this, I expect some answers."

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