RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 42 - The Power of Four Tails

Giving the pair a hard glared, Magna roared as he dashed towards them, almost instantly closing the gap between them as he threw out a simple-looking punch.

However, the two were veterans when it came to fighting. The dread coming from Magna's attack forced the pair to swiftly dodged the punch, watching as the wall a couple feet away was destroyed by the wind pressure alone.

Ironwood slipped around Magna as he drove his metallic fist deep into his side. Steel, on the other hand, went for Magna's throat.

Magna's annoyance peaked as he randomly started flailing about, sending both men flying. As they flew through the air, a pair of crimson claws latched onto their feet and dragged them back before slammed both fighters into each other.

Winter couldn't stand seeing Magna like this as she screamed, "Magna! Please, stop this!"

Her desperate please seemed to have affected him as his aura slowly calmed down. As he turned to look at her, a fist connected with his cheek, launching him out the window.

Ironwood stood where Magna was, smiling as he muttered, "It seems I've gotten a bit rusty."

Winter had to pinch her t.h.i.g.hs to stop herself from laughing as she knew that he was at least half android. However, Steel didn't seem to find him amusing as he punched him across the face and yelled, "Do you know what you've just done!?!"

Pointing towards the peacefully protesting faunus, his eyes became red as he yelled hoarsely, "You just sent that monster outside! He might attack the protesters!"

Ironwood stopped and frowned. He wasn't a racist like the nobles, he actually respected faunus alot. However, he held a deep hatred for any and all criminals.

The faunus outside, however, weren't criminals. So, under the dumbfounded gaze of all the nobles, Ironwood jumped straight out the window as he yelled, "We need to stop him before he can hurt those people!"

Ironwood's casual words sparked a wave of gasps. The nobles were horrified that the leader of Atlas academy was trying to help the faunus while Steel gave him an appreciative smile as he quickly followed behind him, not realizing his opinion of Ironwood grew in a positive light.


As Magna quick scrambled to his feet, he stood up tall as something seemed… different. In the hall, all he could feel were negative emotions. However, out here, he could feel something that tugged on both his and Kurama's heartstrings.

Hope. An emotion so pure that the Tailed-beast cloak surrounding Magna actually started to quiet down as his mouth slowly closed.

He moved towards the source of the beautiful emotion as if he was but a mere fox in the woods. As he popped his head through a bush, a few gasps of fear rang out.

Magna tilted his head as he scanned the protesting faunus before focusing on a single person. A small girl with black cat ears and bright gold eyes. The pure feeling of hope coming from her momentarily caused the negative emotions flowing into Magna to stop as he slowly started to regain control.

He could see the fear in the girls eyes as she teared up. Magna started feeling bad when an idea came to him. He tilted his head slightly as he gave her a small smile. Magna knew that his face was horrifying, due to him currently being in his Tailed-beast form but he didn't care as he smiled.

Somehow, the message managed to get across as the girl stopped shaking. She rubbed her eyes a couple times, making she wasn't seeing things before turning towards a fellow protester and whispering, "Is it… smiling at me?"

Magna saw the young man nod as the little cat girl turned back to Magna. The little girl slowly approached Magna when two shadows descended. Magna's calm turned into fury in an instant. He wrapped the little girl in a tight embrace as he thrust his tails at the two assailants.

Ironwood and Steel both threw up a mouthful of blood as Magna's tails slammed directly into their c.h.e.s.t. The protesters screamed and scattered as the two warriors fell to the floor in pain.

However, Magna didn't inflate, nor did he release the fake fox blast from his mouth. Instead, he tilted his head upwards and spat out an orb of pure aura towards the sky.

As the orb passed the clouds, a devastating shriek bellowed from the sky as night became day. All of Atlas looked to the sky in wonder as a warm light of vibrant orange painted the night sky.

The clouds above Atlas dissipated, revealing a giant flock of Nevermores, burning to ashes. The protesters, Ironwood, Steel, the little cat girl, they all turned and stared at the demon before them.

He panted roughly as the tailed beast cloak dimmed before dissipating. Still holding the cat girl in his arms, Magna collapsed to his knees.

Unlike the other times Magna used the tailed beast cloak, his skin was only lightly burned as he continued to kneel in pain. He panted as he looked at the small cat girl in his arms.

She didn't look at him in fear or panic but in curiosity. Her cute little ears twitched as she absent-mindedly muttered, "…Why did you protect me?"

Honestly, Magna didn't have a clue. Protecting her from being drawn into the battle was a subconscious act. Before his mind could react, his body had already moved to shield the young faunus.

Mustering up a smile, Magna fought the pain as he said, "I don't know… my body just… moved on its own…"

His answer seemed to confuse the young faunus but Magna didn't feel like clearing up her confusion. Gritting his teeth, Magna slowly stood up. The faunus surrounding him all gasped when they saw his body while Ironwood and Steel slowly approached him.

They were still a bit cautious, considering that they just got their asses handed to them. Of course, they weren't actually fighting that seriously due to the fact that neither of them wanted to hurt the young boy.

Standing before the two men, Magna gave Ironwood a small smile as he jokingly said, "You look like shit, general."

Ironwood rolled his eyes as he sarcastically said, "And you look like a boiled lobster."

The man and child glared at each other before lightly chuckling. Magna bowed his head as he grinned, "Also, thanks for taking it easy on me. I could tell when you punched me in the rib that you didn't want to hurt me."

"And thank you for reminding me that years of paper work has made me rusty, no pun intended. I might start taking missions again."

As the conversation between Magna and the general finished, Magna turned towards the bloodied man, who's blood had dried and frowned.

Steel saw Magna's reaction and returned a frown of his own as he harshly said, "What?"

Magna's eyes flashed red as he growled, "I don't mind you. I actually like faunus people quite alot, I even have a pair of wolf faunus for half-sisters. However… the bitch who hurt Weiss… she needs to die…"

As Magna finished speaking, a powerful aura burst from his body. The faunus surrounding them couldn't help but gulp as they all collectively took a couple steps back. The only people who didn't move were the two men who fought against Magna and the little cat girl.

Steel continued to glare at him for a couple more seconds before breaking his gaze away with a light sigh, "I can't let you kill her, she's lost way too much to the Schnee family so I'm not sorry she scarred the girl."

His words seemed to piss Magna off even further as everyone could feel the sheer power behind Magna's aura explode. However, Steel wasn't finished as he continued, "But, I am sorry that she attacked the girl in the first place. Everyone knows that a child doesn't b.a.r.e their parents sins. This 'Weiss' girl was innocent and she did not deserve what happened to her."

Once he finished, Steel did something that stunned everyone. He bowed his head towards Magna as he solemnly stated, "Please, forgive the young lass for attacking your friend."

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