RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant
Chapter 50 - Hellish Training
After breakfast, Qrow harshly dragged Magna outside as he drunkenly slurred, "Come on Magma… we habe some traiming to do…"
Magna had to resist the urge to punch Qrow as he silently followed the drunk outside and into the forest.
They silently walked for 30 minutes, occasionally stopping so Qrow could puke before continuing forward. Finally, they came to a stop as Magna looked around in awe.
Before him was a small little paradise, hidden away from the world. There was a beautiful clear pond with a waterfall pouring down into it and a log cabin just a bit away.
Just as Magna was about to ask where they were, Qrow beat him to it as he said, "This is where I live if I'm not over at Tai's house. Tai and I built this place from scratch."
Qrow turned towards Magna and became serious as he continued, "For the next year, we will be coming here everyday to train your body."
"My body? I thought you were gonna show me how to wield a scythe?" Asked Magna.
Rolling his eyes, Qrow said, "No. Before I even think about training you to use a scythe, you need to become stronger. A scythe users needs strength, flexibility and above all else… balance."
"Your strength will affect the speed and power behind your attacks, your flexibility expands your repertoire of movements and your balance will ensure that you are using your weapon, not the other way around."
Qrow smirked seeing Magna's jaw wide open as he said, "That… is what I expect you to be able to do after our training… that was 'strength'. For now, you don't need to worry about the other two but prepare yourself because they are much harder than that."
Pleased with Magna's focus, Qrow nodded as he patted a nearby boulder and said, "Pick this up and carry it for a minute before putting it back down. And don't use your aura…"
The day went slow and painfully for Magna. For almost 3 hours, Qrow forced him to repeatedly pick up the boulder before placing it back down. Then, he shoved Magna into the pond, almost drowning him as Magna didn't know how to swim.
Instead of apologizing, Qrow stood tall as he forced Magna to learn how to swim so they could continue the next part of his training, which was swimming.
Once he became somewhat competent, Qrow made him swim l.a.p.s around the pond with his aching body.
Not even Amber was this harsh when she was training him. Sure, she made him go through mock battles but she held back. Qrow was going full force.
He wanted to complain, he wanted to quit. But he didn't. He preserved. Sure, it was hard and borderline sadistic but Magna knew this world wasn't as pretty as it looked. The grimm were only a small problem compared to the larger picture.
And to protect what he treasured in this life, Magna swore that he would rather grit his teeth and fight than give up and wait for death.
Unconsciously, he switched to Naruto's powers as a small outline of bright orange aura flickered around his body before disappearing. Without him noticing, his muscles were being repeatedly torn then repaired at an alarming rate.
By the time Qrow said they were done, Magna was stunned as he felt more energetic than when they started. He could feel how much stronger he became and was thrilled.
Qrow was equally as shocked as he tapped Magna's arms and legs before whispering, "Damn… what have we been feeding you kids?"
Now, Magna was only slightly weaker than Yang. He was still leagues away from Qrow and Taiyang's level but at least he knew that Qrow's hellish training was going to be worth it.
Not knowing how to express his new found happiness, Magna hugged Qrow with a childish smile on his face as he said, "Thank you!"
Stunned, Qrow could only nod as he gently tapped Magna's back and said, "Sure thing kid. Remember, meet me out here tomorrow right after breakfast."
A genuine smile appeared on his face as he ran off and yelled, "See you later Qrow!"
After saying goodbye to Qrow, Magna made his way back to Amber's room as he had a promise to fulfill. He knocked on her door rather heavily due to his lack of control over his alleviated strength and yelled, "Teacher! I'm here to heal you!"
A short bout of laughter rang out from behind the door as Amber's voice yelled out, "Come in Magna!"
Opening the door, Magna quickly came over to Amber's side. She smiled warmly at him as she said, "Are you sure I can still be healed? It's been awhile since the attack and I-"
Magna cut her off as he confidently grinned at her and said, "I most definitely can heal you, teacher. Believe it!"
As if natural, Naruto's signature catchphrase came out of Magna's mouth. Amber, not knowing that it was a catchphrase, smiled as she happily said, "I believe you…"
Magna, however, was having a little panic attack as he honestly didn't mean to say that. Shaking his head, Magna focused on the task at hand and quietly started healing her.
At first, it was hard to do as the skin had pretty much healed, meaning the burns should be permanent but Magna continued. A couple minutes into the treatment, Amber started squirming about as her face became flushed.
"Is it supposed to be this itchy?" Said Amber as she tried her best not to move around too much.
Honestly, Magna had no clue if it was supposed to be like this but remembering that scabs became itchy when they healed, Magna nodded as he said, "I think so."
It took all of Magna's aura for her arms and torso to be fully healed. Amber checked her arms for any sign of the burns and smiled when she saw nothing. Her arms were good as new.
What was even more amazing was the fact that she felt some of her older, more hidden injuries, disappeared as if they never existed.
However, the unbearable itchiness finally won out as she quickly said sorry to Magna before dashing into the shower.
Magna, using all the willpower in his body, focused in on her dark red skin.
[It seems that her skin became overly s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e due to you healing her. I honestly don't have a clue because Naruto only healed one other person before he lost father's Yang charkra.]
After regurgitating what Kurama just told him, Amber looked away in embarrassment. Just as she moved to put on some clothes, she slipped on a small puddle and collapsed onto Magna.
To make matters worse, Emily came barreling into the room as she screamed, "Amber, are you-"
Seeing Amber pinning Magna down on the bed, n.a.k.e.d, Emily gave the pair a conflicted smile as she scratched her cheek and muttered, "I didn't know you like little boys…"
Amber's cheeks became as red as her over-s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e body. She wrapped herself up in her towel and screamed, "Emily! It's a misunderstanding! Magna just finished healing me but when I went to have a shower, I screamed and ran out because my skin was overly s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e."
Emily gave her a weird look for a couple minutes before picking up her son as she said, "Okay, I believe you."
Amber looked like she was about to cry as she yelled, "Then why are you taking Magna away!?!"
Her look became even weirder as Emily said, "Because it would be hard for you to change while he's here? Unless you really…"
A groan escaped from Amber's mouth as she just gave up and tiredly said, "Just… take him out please? I'll be out in a few minutes…"
Emily gave her a small nod as she slowly left. However, before she left the room, she covered Magna's ears as she smirked, "I wouldn't mind it, you know? Just wait for when he's old enough."
Amber's answer was in the form of a pillow as she threw it at the door and screamed, "EMILY!!!"
Magna had to resist the urge to punch Qrow as he silently followed the drunk outside and into the forest.
They silently walked for 30 minutes, occasionally stopping so Qrow could puke before continuing forward. Finally, they came to a stop as Magna looked around in awe.
Before him was a small little paradise, hidden away from the world. There was a beautiful clear pond with a waterfall pouring down into it and a log cabin just a bit away.
Just as Magna was about to ask where they were, Qrow beat him to it as he said, "This is where I live if I'm not over at Tai's house. Tai and I built this place from scratch."
Qrow turned towards Magna and became serious as he continued, "For the next year, we will be coming here everyday to train your body."
"My body? I thought you were gonna show me how to wield a scythe?" Asked Magna.
Rolling his eyes, Qrow said, "No. Before I even think about training you to use a scythe, you need to become stronger. A scythe users needs strength, flexibility and above all else… balance."
"Your strength will affect the speed and power behind your attacks, your flexibility expands your repertoire of movements and your balance will ensure that you are using your weapon, not the other way around."
Qrow smirked seeing Magna's jaw wide open as he said, "That… is what I expect you to be able to do after our training… that was 'strength'. For now, you don't need to worry about the other two but prepare yourself because they are much harder than that."
Pleased with Magna's focus, Qrow nodded as he patted a nearby boulder and said, "Pick this up and carry it for a minute before putting it back down. And don't use your aura…"
The day went slow and painfully for Magna. For almost 3 hours, Qrow forced him to repeatedly pick up the boulder before placing it back down. Then, he shoved Magna into the pond, almost drowning him as Magna didn't know how to swim.
Instead of apologizing, Qrow stood tall as he forced Magna to learn how to swim so they could continue the next part of his training, which was swimming.
Once he became somewhat competent, Qrow made him swim l.a.p.s around the pond with his aching body.
Not even Amber was this harsh when she was training him. Sure, she made him go through mock battles but she held back. Qrow was going full force.
He wanted to complain, he wanted to quit. But he didn't. He preserved. Sure, it was hard and borderline sadistic but Magna knew this world wasn't as pretty as it looked. The grimm were only a small problem compared to the larger picture.
And to protect what he treasured in this life, Magna swore that he would rather grit his teeth and fight than give up and wait for death.
Unconsciously, he switched to Naruto's powers as a small outline of bright orange aura flickered around his body before disappearing. Without him noticing, his muscles were being repeatedly torn then repaired at an alarming rate.
By the time Qrow said they were done, Magna was stunned as he felt more energetic than when they started. He could feel how much stronger he became and was thrilled.
Qrow was equally as shocked as he tapped Magna's arms and legs before whispering, "Damn… what have we been feeding you kids?"
Now, Magna was only slightly weaker than Yang. He was still leagues away from Qrow and Taiyang's level but at least he knew that Qrow's hellish training was going to be worth it.
Not knowing how to express his new found happiness, Magna hugged Qrow with a childish smile on his face as he said, "Thank you!"
Stunned, Qrow could only nod as he gently tapped Magna's back and said, "Sure thing kid. Remember, meet me out here tomorrow right after breakfast."
A genuine smile appeared on his face as he ran off and yelled, "See you later Qrow!"
After saying goodbye to Qrow, Magna made his way back to Amber's room as he had a promise to fulfill. He knocked on her door rather heavily due to his lack of control over his alleviated strength and yelled, "Teacher! I'm here to heal you!"
A short bout of laughter rang out from behind the door as Amber's voice yelled out, "Come in Magna!"
Opening the door, Magna quickly came over to Amber's side. She smiled warmly at him as she said, "Are you sure I can still be healed? It's been awhile since the attack and I-"
Magna cut her off as he confidently grinned at her and said, "I most definitely can heal you, teacher. Believe it!"
As if natural, Naruto's signature catchphrase came out of Magna's mouth. Amber, not knowing that it was a catchphrase, smiled as she happily said, "I believe you…"
Magna, however, was having a little panic attack as he honestly didn't mean to say that. Shaking his head, Magna focused on the task at hand and quietly started healing her.
At first, it was hard to do as the skin had pretty much healed, meaning the burns should be permanent but Magna continued. A couple minutes into the treatment, Amber started squirming about as her face became flushed.
"Is it supposed to be this itchy?" Said Amber as she tried her best not to move around too much.
Honestly, Magna had no clue if it was supposed to be like this but remembering that scabs became itchy when they healed, Magna nodded as he said, "I think so."
It took all of Magna's aura for her arms and torso to be fully healed. Amber checked her arms for any sign of the burns and smiled when she saw nothing. Her arms were good as new.
What was even more amazing was the fact that she felt some of her older, more hidden injuries, disappeared as if they never existed.
However, the unbearable itchiness finally won out as she quickly said sorry to Magna before dashing into the shower.
Magna, using all the willpower in his body, focused in on her dark red skin.
[It seems that her skin became overly s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e due to you healing her. I honestly don't have a clue because Naruto only healed one other person before he lost father's Yang charkra.]
After regurgitating what Kurama just told him, Amber looked away in embarrassment. Just as she moved to put on some clothes, she slipped on a small puddle and collapsed onto Magna.
To make matters worse, Emily came barreling into the room as she screamed, "Amber, are you-"
Seeing Amber pinning Magna down on the bed, n.a.k.e.d, Emily gave the pair a conflicted smile as she scratched her cheek and muttered, "I didn't know you like little boys…"
Amber's cheeks became as red as her over-s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e body. She wrapped herself up in her towel and screamed, "Emily! It's a misunderstanding! Magna just finished healing me but when I went to have a shower, I screamed and ran out because my skin was overly s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e."
Emily gave her a weird look for a couple minutes before picking up her son as she said, "Okay, I believe you."
Amber looked like she was about to cry as she yelled, "Then why are you taking Magna away!?!"
Her look became even weirder as Emily said, "Because it would be hard for you to change while he's here? Unless you really…"
A groan escaped from Amber's mouth as she just gave up and tiredly said, "Just… take him out please? I'll be out in a few minutes…"
Emily gave her a small nod as she slowly left. However, before she left the room, she covered Magna's ears as she smirked, "I wouldn't mind it, you know? Just wait for when he's old enough."
Amber's answer was in the form of a pillow as she threw it at the door and screamed, "EMILY!!!"
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