RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 51 - The Third Cl.u.s.ter

After taking Magna to the lounge, Emily placed him on the couch as she smiled. Something about her smile made him feel that something was off but he didn't care.

Now that he made good on his promise to heal his teacher, he wanted to increase his aura reserves by selecting the next star cl.u.s.ter. He looked at his mother and told her that he was going to try and 'create' a new ability.

Once she heard him though, a small frown appeared on Emily's face as she stared into his eyes. Her frown became deeper as time passed but she eventually turned away and sighed.

Magna gave her a confused look and was about to say something when Emily softly cupped his face and stared into his eyes once again.

"Magna, I know your not actually creating your abilities. I don't know why your lying about it or how you even got those abilities but you have to remember one crucial thing."

A gentle smile appeared on her face as she leaned forward and kissed his forehead as she continued, "I'm your mother. No matter what it is, know that I will always be on your side."

Watching her back as she slowly left the room, Magna felt a twinge of pain in his heart as a few tears fell down his face.

He took a few minutes to calm down before wiping the tears away as he decided to be truthful with his family at the very least.

Taking a deep breath, Magna closed his eyes as his consciousness dived into the white speck just above his heart.


Putting a small amount of force into his legs, Magna slowly shot forward as he grabbed the nearest star cl.u.s.ter.

As Magna slowly closed his fist, the star cl.u.s.ter didn't hurt him as it turned into water and flowed into his body. The process was actually really comfortable, unlike the other times.

Once the entire star cl.u.s.ter fully integrated with Magna's body, his mind became unbelievably clear while his heart slowly beat in a slow yet powerful rhythm.

Closing his eyes, the memories of the entire fragment, not just a piece, followed into his mind.

He relived the life of man named Tachibana Rintaro, the successor of the ancient martial arts, Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu.

He watched the boy struggle with a stupid disease that placed a heavy burden on his heart when he became s.e.x.u.a.l aroused. It might have killed him if not for his father's interference, taking him deep into the mountains to train his body.

Magna had to watch the ten years of training Rintaro had to go through just to be able to use the 'ways' and techniques of Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu.

The more interesting memories were when he started attending Nangokuren High School. Due to the fact that the school had a masculine name, Rintaro mistakenly thought the school was an all-male school.

However, he was wrong as the school was an all-female school until the year Rintaro decided to attend.

However, he noticed a problem. His body was far from being adequate. He didn't even meet the b.a.r.e minimum to use even the weakest technique. If he tried, his body would probably be crippled.

A long sigh escaped his lips as he muttered, "Guess I'm gonna have to train even harder… At least I have almost tens years until the series actually starts…"

Rintaro's martial arts were etched inside Magna's mind and body but he required a stronger body to be able to use them without drawbacks.

It surprised Magna how similar Qrow's train was to what Rintaro had to go through when he trained to use 'Kogaku no Gyou' or the path of the Tiger's jaw.

This path of Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu utilizes the users physical body to use techniques strong enough to reshape the very land around them. By far, this would have to be the most destructive technique Magna had seen through his memories.

A plus side for Magna would be that Rintaro's memories don't only consist of Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu. Due to fighting many different martial artists when he attended Nangokuren High School, he managed to comprehend and adapt the fighting styles of the other students.

Getting into a loose stance with his dominant hand lowered, Magna took a deep breath before shooting forward at a rapid pace. As he sped forward, quick yet powerful punches and kicks came flying from his body.

After a couple minutes of adapting a fighting styles from memory, Magna fell to the floor sweating as he smiled and muttered, "Damn… Ayame's 'Rapid Flash of the Penetrating Dragon' really takes alot out of me..."

Even though his body inside the speck was his made from his conciousness, it reflected his real life abilities. That meant that his current strength was just enough to use Ayame's techniques, which was better than nothing.

If Magna was to switch souls, he would essentially lose his ability to use Ayame's techniques. Naturally, he would be able to use them if he comprehended them himself but that was asking way too much of the current him.

Sitting himself up, Magna stretched his body as he said, "All in all, Rintaro's martial arts is just what I needed. Now, all I need to do is train my body with Qrow until I can actually use his techniques, instead of emulating the styles of those he fought and watched."

Magna jumped to his feet and looked around the sea of stars one last time before disappearing.


Back in reality, Magna sighed in relief when he saw that only 30 minutes had passed. He basically relived the life of Rintaro in one sitting and was worried what that would have done to his body.

Unlike, Naruto and Danny's star cl.u.s.ters, Magna got to experience almost all of Rintaro's life. With Naruto and Danny, Magna only experienced the parts of their lives that showed the ability that Magna could use. But with Rintaro, Magna watched his childhood, his teenage years and the days he spent at Nangokuren High School.

He had a theory that due to Rintaro constantly practicing Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu from his childhood, Magna was allowed to view his entire life in one sitting as each and every action Rintaro took was to train both his mind and his body.

Magna leapt off the couch as he ran towards the dining room. He flung the door open as he yelled, "Qrow!!! Can you help me test a new ability!?!"

Qrow nursed his head as he sighed, "Sure thing kid. Just… don't yell… for some reason, I have this really bad headache…"

A wide grin appeared on Qrow's face as he said, "I think I'll ask the one in my hand…"

He then proceeded to chug the rest of the bottle in his hand before putting the now empty bottle down. He gave Magna a satisfied look before releasing a long and disgusting burp as the smell of alcohol filled the room.

Doing the most practical thing he could, Magna instinctively dropped into a crouching stance before bursting out of the room in a small whirlwind.

As he ran out, he screamed, "Bloody hell Qrow! Brush your teeth before you come and meet me!"

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