RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 63 - Good Fight

Both sides let loose a roaring war cry as they dashed at each other. Everyone could see Vernal's limbs tremble in pain yet her face had a wild smile on it as she traded blows with Magna.

Even though she was extremely tired, the punches she threw at Magna were no joke. They were fast, accurate and heavy.

Magna was quickly forced into a defensive position as he hastily blocked her attacks. He thought about using some wind magic to gain an edge but her constant rush made it hard to stabilise the imagine in his head.

Suddenly, Vernal stopped her barrage of fist as she whipped her leg out at Magna. Like a snake, Vernal's leg quickly struck Magna's rib cage.

Magna grimaced. He quickly grabbed her leg and roared as he threw her to the other side of the stage. The moment she hit the ground, Magna clutched his side as the pain worsened.

Vernal stumbled on the ground, trying to stand up as her eyes became bloodshot. Magna now knew that if he didn't have his semblance, he probably would have lost this match.

She was just a small bit stronger than Magna but because she knew how to use every ounce of power in her body, her attacks were stronger, faster and deadlier.

Forcing back the pain, Magna quickly charged towards her. Vernal slowly stammered to her feet as she waited for Magna to get closer.

This time, Vernal went on the defensive as Magna sent out a flurry of lightning fast jabs. Most of his punches were either blocked or dodged but some of them still hit her.

Her face, stomach, ribcage. Magna's fist smashed against her body over and over again.

A pained looked appeared on Vernal's face as she fell to one knee. Deciding to risk it all, Vernal grit her teeth as she lunged at Magna, pinning him to the ground.

The sound of flesh hitting flesh rang out but it wasn't the violent kind. Vernal somehow ended up kissing Magna!

Her body screamed in fatigue as it refused to move while Magna was too shocked to react. After a couple seconds, the look in Vernal's eyes suddenly changed as she silently thought to herself, 'Well… ah f.u.c.k it!'

Suddenly, Magna felt a small tongue force open his mouth as it explored around like it owned the place. Quite quickly, Magna's tongue unconsciously started "fighting" back as he had to admit, her lips were very soft.

The crowd around them were silently as they sat in shock. Somehow, the bloody fist fight that they were watching evolved into a kissing contest. That wasn't to say they were disappointed.

The crowd was actually loving it! Imagine, two contestants of a fighting competition, brought together in the finals, battling each other in an all-out fist fight, only to end up passionately kissing each other.

The young woman in the crowd were mentally squealing in delight for the juicy drama playing out before them.

After a few minutes, the announcer finally couldn't take it as he raised the mic in his hands, "AHEM!!!"

Like a frighten rabbit, Magna jumped and accidental fell into his shadow with Vernal on top of him. A few seconds later, the pair re-emerged from the shadow, with Vernal in Magna's arm as a blush adorned his cheeks.

"That was a pretty good "Fight"~." Said Vernal as she smirked.

Magna knew she was teasing him as he g.r.o.a.n.e.d in frustration, "That was an accident and you know it!"

Vernal nodded as her smirk grew bigger, "True, but you still didn't try to push me off. Plus, I seem to recall someone's tongue forcing their way into my mouth?"

As much as it embarrassed him, Magna had to admit that he may have gotten swept along in her pace. He secretly enjoyed kissing her but can you blame him?

She was the first person he's ever kissed! And that's in two lifetimes!

Magna took a deep breath as his emotions started to calm down, "No matter what happened, I'm sorry that I k-kissed you."

A light blush appeared on Vernal's face as she suddenly became awkward, "Oh uh, no, it's cool. I mean, it wasn't exactly BAD or anything… NOT that kissing you is a good thing… I- you know what? I'm just gonna shut up now."

Magna shook his head and chuckled as he silently found her awkwardness strangely cute.

Vernal's brows furrowed seeing his small smile as she unhappily said, "What's so funny, bub?"

A grin appeared on Magna's face as he lightly whispered in a teasing tone, "I find your awkward stammering cute, bub."

Before the two could continue, the announcer raised his mic once more, "AHEM! Please don't flirt on the battle stage. We still have one more fight to settle before moving on to the finals."

Just as he was about to walk away, another nurse appeared on stage as she quickly said in a worried tone, "Are you injured? After a fight like that, I'm sure you must be hurt."

Magna was about to say no when he winced. Vernal's last kick did alot of damage. Seeing Magna's expression, the nurse smile as she politely lead him off stage.

Once they reached the temporary med bay, the nurse turned to him and said, "I'd like to check your wound before the doctor comes. Could you please lift up your shirt?"

Magna easily complied as he slowly lifted his shirt, revealing his chiselled body. His ads had been forged from years of training, something the nurse easily picked up on when she saw how perfect they were.

Luckily, the nurse was a professional. She softly prodded around Magna's ribcage and breathed a sigh of relief.

"From what I can see, your ribs aren't broken. The doctor will give you a more in-depth check up when he sees you. Also, he'll probably heal you up since you still have to fight in the finals."

Magna thanked the nurse with a smile. Soon enough, the doctor walked in and gave Magna a thorough check up.

He smiled as he informed Magna that he was physically fine, minus the small amount of bruises here and there. Heck, the bruise were already healing.

'Thank you aura…' Thought Magna as he quietly rested on the bed. The doctor had told him to rest on the bed until his next match.

Now that he time to think, Magna couldn't help but blush as he softly touched his lips.

'For a bandit, her lips were very soft and tender. And she kinda tasted like bubblegum…'

Suddenly, a loud pop resounded from the bed right beside him as a roughish female voice said, "Man… that boy was a pretty good kisser. Wonder if he's single…"

Needless to say, Magna's face became bright red as he hid in his bed.

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