RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 64 - Magician VS Spartan

After a short but refreshing nap, Magna quickly made his way over to the waiting rooms. It was finally starting, the final match of the region tournament.

Since Pyrrha's last opponent was unable to fight due to an old injury flaring up, Vernal was awarded 3rd place.

Now, all that was left was the fight for 1st and 2nd. And it would be a lie to say Magna wasn't excited or worried. Excited, because he was looking forward to battling Pyrrha. Worried, because he didn't want to screw things up more than he already has.

He knew that his interactions with Weiss, Yang and Ruby were bound to change something. But he couldn't help it. Magna saw that each person needed help and he didn't mind giving it to them.

Let's take Weiss for example. In the show, Magna could clearly remember her being the very definition of an 'Ice Queen'. However, now that Magna inserted himself into her life, she's become a more caring person.

Obviously, she still holds pride in her name and has problems socialising but when she's with people she considers friends, she becomes more open and natural.

Her relationship with her brother isn't as strained as it was in the show. She actually loved her brother (not that she would admit it) and found it quite hilarious that Whitley wanted to be like Magna instead of like their father.

Sure, she still acted like her prissy princess self sometimes but she was generally more… accepting of people.

Anyway, the point is that Magna's existence and his constant meddling have made him a little unsure for the future. He didn't know if he should stop while he's ahead or just say 'screw it'.

When Magna finally made it to the waiting room, a bright smile welcomed him as Barbara, the atlesian official, said, "Just on time for the finals!"

Suddenly, the crowd outside burst into a roaring applause as the announcers voice echoed across the area, "HEL-LO PEOPLE OF ARGUS! ARE YOU ALL READY FOR THE FINAL MATCH OF THE MISTRAL REGIONAL TOURNAMENT!?!"

The crowd roared as Magna himself started feeling pumped for the match.

"Today, we have two young but gifted warriors that are about to fight. Their prize? The honour of being this year's champion as well as… 50,000 lien!"

The prize being offered stunned the crowd. 50,000 lien? Are you serious!?! They're both just kids! What would they need that money for!? These kinds of thoughts swirled around the minds of those in the crowd only to be forgotten a short while later.

No one cared that a kid was gonna be walking away from this stage 50,000 lien richer, they honestly just wanted to see a good fight.

The announcer quickly hyped up the crowd before excitedly screaming, "NOW THAT THE CROWD IS READY, WOULD THE LAST TWO CONTESTANTS PLEASE MAKE THEIR WAY ON TO THE STAGE!!!"

Magna and Pyrrha exited there waiting room at the same time. Both fighters saw the other yet they didn't show any hostility as Magna waved at her with a smile.

Pyrrha quickly smiled back before enthusiastically returning a wave of her own. The crowd silently awed at the cute display, finding the pairs smiles to be infectious.

Once the pair met on stage, Magna held his hand out and grinned, "Let's have a fun match Pyrrha! Don't you dare hold back on me!"

Pyrrha's smile grew as she hastily shook Magna's hand, "I expect nothing but the best Magna!"

Seeing the pair settle into a starting position, the announcer smiled as he and the crowd roared, "In 3! 2! 1! BATTLE… COMMENCE!!!"

Almost immediately, Magna and Pyrrha launched at each other with enough force to leave cracks on the stage.

Taking out his scythe, Magna gripped it tightly with both hands as he swung the back end at her.

Pyrrha was no slouch as she calmly raised her shield to recieve the attack. However, she massively underestimated Magna's strength. It was like she was hit by a car. She was able to keep her ground only for a short time before being pushed across the stage.

With a wide smile on her face, Pyrrha stared at Magna with a fierce light in her eyes as she spoke, "You're a very strong fighter, Magna."

Spinning his scythe around to his back, Magna smiled as he replied, "You're not so bad yourself, Pyrrha."

Pyrrha raised an eyebrow as she smirked, "Oh?"

Suddenly, Pyrrha dashed towards Magna with her spear and shield in hand. Magna quickly got ready for a clash but found himself quickly trying to dodge instead.

Pyrrha's attacks were too fluid for Magna to counter-attack. When her spear went in, so did her shield, when Magna finally got the time to attack, her shield would block it as her spear pierced towards him.

The only thing Magna could do was dodge.

"Alright! My bad! The spartan girl can kick ass!"

Pyrrha suddenly blushed. Magna took advantage of the split second she was distracted to kick off her shield and make some distance between them.

Her lips twitched a bit as she quietly muttered, "Okay, now I'm a little bit angry…"

Just as she was about to charge, Pyrrha's eyes widened into saucers as she hastily raised her shield.


The sound of metal clashing against metal echoed through out the area as Pyrrha was forced onto one knee.

Magna's scythe had undergone a rather strange transformation as the blade seemed to be covered in shards of earth, making it seen like his scythe had jagged teeth.

Pyrrha's mind drew a blank as she recalled how Magna's weapon seemed to be much heavier than before.

With a smirk on his face, the shards on his blade fell to the floor as Magna quickly swapped the earth element to wind and leapt into the air. He swung his scythe around until his feet rested gently against the blade.

Glancing towards Pyrrha, Magna saluted the confused girl as he looked towards the sky and yelled, "Tally Ho!"


With a swift pull of the trigger, the built-in sniper rifle fired as the recoil sent Magna flying. Normally, the distance Magna could go by using this trick was limited due to his size and his weapons weight.

However, when Magna added the wind element to his weapon, he literally soared into the air. It helped lift some of the weight of the weapon which was much heavier than Crescent Rose.

How did Magna know his weapon was heavier than Ruby's? She actually built it a few months ago. Crescent Rose only consisted of a scythe and a sniper rifle.

Magna's weapon was a scythe, sniper rifle and a rail gun. All the extra bits and pieces added alot of weight onto his weapon. Heck, the only people he knew that were capable of actually holding his weapon were the a.d.u.l.ts and Yang.

Anyway, as Magna slowly fell to the ground, he tightly held onto his weapon and started to spin. By the time Pyrrha could react, the only thing she could do was leap out of the way as he crashed into the ground.

However, that wasn't the end to Magna's attack as he suddenly pulled the trigger, simultaneously launching Magna back as the bullet he shot pushed Pyrrha back even further.

Once both sides picked themselves up, Pyrrha smiled brightly as she happily said, "This is most definitely the BEST fight I've ever had!"

Magna smirked, "Gotta admit, your right. I've had a couple good fights before but nothing like this. Your good and I mean REALLY good."

Swinging his scythe around, the wind surrounding the blade disappeared as the blade gently rested behind him. Magna lowered himself slightly as he smiled, "I just hope you can keep up!"

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