RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 81 - The Lost Little Kitten




A few feet away, Magna was watching the white-fang members lose their minds. It all started a few minutes ago, right after Magna decided to embody Qrow…


(POV - White-fang grunt: Moon)

Hello! My name is Moon Moon. My father was a wolf faunus named Dark Moon while my mother was a hyena faunus named Sistine Clementine.

It was a well known fact that if faunus of different species procreate, there's a high chance of their offspring being of an entire different species. What ever that means.

I'm what you would call a grunt. I work for the white-fang, a group of faunus that hate the humans. Honestly, I don't really get why they hate humans. I mean, humans seem pretty neat to me…

Anyway, I was currently on a mission to fin-"Woah! A giant mushroom!"

Nom! Nom Nom Nom… NOM!

As I wa-"Woah… Why is everything so… colourful…"

So many pretty colours… Suddenly, a glowing blob appeared infront of me and I did the only thing I could think of.

I dropped down on all fours and…"Bark! Bark bark! Grrrrr…."

Hah! I bet you weren't expecting that! You… you blobby thingy! Like dad always said, 'If your being attacked, bark at them until they take pity on you and leave…'

Honestly, his saying never made any sense to me. Dad was an excellent warrior so I've always wondered why he needed his enemy's pity.

However, I grinned as I unleashed my ultimate attack! "Super-Mega-Ultra-Special-Move! Unleash!"

Before the blob could attack me, I yanked a handful of rainbow coloured mushroom out of the ground and shoved it into the blob's mouth hole.

I could see even more blobs appear so I continued using my ultimate finishing move.

After a few seconds, the blobs started running around, screaming about random things.

Huh... Now that I think about it, don't these guys sound like the other white-fang grunts?.. Nah, those guys don't look like blobs.


(POV - Magna)

Magna was surprised and confused on how fluidly everything went. It only took the actions of one person to drag the entire team down.

It was funny, watching how the grunt called 'Moon' randomly started eating a mushroom that was growing next to a tree.

Then, he seemed to become insane as he went around stuffing random mushrooms and vegetation into the other grunts mouths.

All in all, everything went exactly how Magna hoped. Now that the grunts were… 'distracted', Magna would have more time to get to the village.

Switching back to Amber's abilities, Magna slipped into the shadows and shot towards the village.


5 klicks. That's how far the village was from the crash site. In a vehicle, that wouldn't even take an hour but on foot?

Magna was a little tired from constantly moving and wanted to go to sleep. A long sigh escaped his mouth as he pulled the communicator out from his pocket and said, "Hey guys. I arrived at the village."

As soon as he finished speaking, a portal opened up next to him. He was about to greet them when his mother shot through the portal and picked him up off the ground.

She hugged him tightly as she said in a worried tone, "Magna! Are you okay!? You didn't get hurt, did you!?"

Magna softly g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he said, "No, mum. I'm fine, just a little tired."

Even though she was relieved, Emily refused to let Magna go. No matter how much he struggled, Emily kept a tight grip on him as he had no choice but to give up.

Luckily, Qrow knew where they could crash. He explained that he and Amber, the protection target, went way back.

While the group followed Qrow to Amber's house, Magna noticed something odd. The atmosphere of the village seemed... heavy. Every person they came across seemed to be smiling but Magna could see that they were forcing themselves.

If he wasn't feeling so tired from travelling, Magna would have investigated. Luckily, he had people who he could rely on. He whispered to Qrow about his discovery and asked him to look into it, to which he gladly accepted.

It wasn't everyday that Magna asked someone for something. Sure, there have been instances where he would ask for a helping hand but he usually tries to do everything himself before involving people.

Magna was dumbfounded as he stared at the building, wondering why an apartment complex was built in a village.

Qrow saw the confused look on his face and sheepishly grinned as he explained, "This village is actually built in a very special part of remnant."

Pointing in the direction they came from, Qrow said, "Do you see those trees? Tell me, what colour are the leaves?"

"Uh, green?" Replied Magna, his confusion growing.

He wasn't the only one though as everyone found themselves clueless. Raven and Emily were still fine, considering that they didn't really care. June, however, was so confused that her eyes started to spin as steam came out of her ears.

Qrow resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he pointed in the other direction and said, "And what about those trees?"

"What do you mean? Obviously, they're gre-" Magna paused when he finally got a good look at the trees. He never noticed it until now but the leaves of the tree on the other side were surprisingly a frosty white.

Ice crystals clung to the trees, giving the forest the illusion of being a winter wonder land. Suddenly, Magna turned left and right as his eyes widened.

To his left was the edge of the forever fall forest while to his right stood a massive groove of greenery.

Seeing the amazement in Magna's eyes, Qrow felt a small amount of pride in his c.h.e.s.t as he happily said, "It's not everyday we get something that surprises you, Magna. Welcome to the forest of four seasons."

A sense of awe passed through Magna as he took in the sights of one of remnants naturally formed works of wonder.

The forest of four seasons. Said to be the only place in all of remnant where you can experience any season at any time of the year.

The reason being that different areas were perpetually stuck in a certain season, just like the forever fall forest.

Considering who his teacher was, it wasn't all that surprising that Magna knew about the forest. Amber made sure that when he wasn't training, Magna was cramming as much knowledge into his head as humanely possible.

Now that he knew where he was, Magna felt a bubbling excitement build inside him as he started to feel energized. He wanted to explore the place.

But before he could leave, Magna found himself still constrained in his mother's arms.

"Uh, mum? Can you let me go? I want to look around for a bit." Asked Magna.

Emily seemed to think over his words for a couple seconds before breaking into a wide smile as she said, "Nope~."

Magna quietly muttered, "But… but…" as Emily entered the house. Qrow had already talked with her about them staying the night so Emily ended up taking Magna upstairs, where she forced him to sleep.

No matter how much Magna wanted to explore, his mother stared at him with a mother's death stare as she waited for him to fall asleep. With no other option, Magna sighed and closed his eyes.


Hours passed by as Magna slept in his bed like a baby. Pushing himself actually tired him out more than he thought.

Suddenly, a soft click came from the window sill. Years of sleeping outdoors made Magna a light sleeper, so he woke up the instant he heard the window open.

However, he didn't move from his position and continued to act like he was asleep. He wanted to see what the intruder was here for.

The floor softly creaked as the source of the sound inched closer and closer. After a few minutes, the intruder finally ended up infront of the bed.

A low, depressed sigh came from the intruder as a feminine voice silently muttered, "…He looks like he's my age…"

The sound of a sword being drawn softly rang out in the quiet room. Since the room was dark, Magna opened one of his eyes slightly and saw his would-be killer.

A white mask adorned her face while a black bow lay atop her head. Magna could see the hesitation in her eyes behind the mask.

Sadly, Magna forgot one simple fact. Faunus have a natural form of nightvision. The moment he opened his eyes, the would-be killer had already realised he was awake.

After she got over her initial panic, the assailant quickly steeled her nerves as she violently thrust her sword downwards.

Magna wasn't just going to let her kill him as thrust his palm forward to meet the blade. The assailant's eyes widened as the sword easily pierced through his hand.

However, what really shocked her was how Magna's only reaction to being stabbed was a low grunt. Taking advantage of her shock, Magna raised his other hand and punched her in the face.

Simple. But very effective. The assailant was sent reeling back as a pained yelped escaped her lips.

Wasting no time, Magna took a deep breath as he yanked the sword from his hand, healing himself as he quickly pinned her to the ground.

Suddenly, Magna felt the weight underneath him disappear as the girl hastily crawled to the window in what Magna could only describe as desperation.

She made plenty of noise as she rapidly clawed her way to the window, not even realising that her mask had fallen off.

'Blake…' Thought Magna. Even though he remembered meeting her at the gala, he was pretty sure she didn't, considering how she reacted when she tried to kill him.

Seeing that she was almost at the window, Magna lept to his feet as he said, "Oh no you don't!"

He tried to grab her legs but all he managed to grab was air. Now he was starting to get a bit irritated. Each and every time he went to grab her, it always ended up being a clone.

In frustration, Magna switched star cl.u.s.ter as he roared, "HERMIT PURPLE!!!"

Purple, thorny vines exploded out from his hands, encasing the entire room in vines. No matter how Blake struggled, she was inevitably captured by the vines.

To Blake, it felt as if she was suddenly unable to move. She couldn't see the vines that entangled her but she could feel them, especially the thorns.

They dug into her skin and bound her up tight, increasing the pressure the more she tried to struggle.

Magna didn't want to kill her, Oum knows she was important to this world. But, that didn't mean he was going to hold back on someone who attempted to kill him.

Just as Blake finally seemed to give up, the door was sent flying as his mother, Emily, burst into the room with a deadly gleam in her eyes and roared, "WHO HAS THE GUTS TO ATTACK MY SON!?!"

With a swift flick of his wrist, Magna quickly helped Blake put her mask back on as he calmly said, "It's alright, mum. I already caught the intruder. It's only a White-fang grunt."

Blake seemed appalled that Magna called her a grunt and was about to voice her dissatisfaction when the vines suddenly tightened, reminding her of her place.

The deadly look in Emily's eyes exploded when she saw the white-fang grunt but she managed to reign herself in as she silently fumed.

After a few seconds, Emily was calm enough to talk as she spoke in a hoarse tone, "OK... You seem to have this under control. Just remember, if she tries… ANYTHING!.. anything at all, I'll!-"

Qrow suddenly appeared from the door way as he said, "We get it. Emily, just go back to bed. Don't worry about Magna, this isn't his first rodeo."

The world turned silent as Qrow felt as if he had just signed his death warrant. Emily trembled as a low growl escaped her lips, "Oh? So your telling me that… my son has been attacked before? In the middle of the night? And your only telling me this… NOW!?!"

Qrow found himself scared beyond anything he's ever felt. His knees actually buckled under his own weight as he turned extremely pale, "W-wait! T-thats not-"

To Qrow's surprise, Emily took a very long and deep breath. After a minute or so, Emily seemed to have calmed down, though the deadly look in her eyes showed she wasn't.

Glaring one last time at Qrow and Blake, Emily scoffed at the pair before stomping out of the room. A wry smile appeared on Magna's face as he turned to Qrow and said, "Real smooth Qrow."

Shakily standing up, Qrow couldn't even muster a reply as he slowly walked into the room. Magna could only watch as Qrow walked over to one of the draws and pulled out a full bottle of whiskey.

Then, Qrow proceeded to chug half the contents of the bottle before jumping out the window. Blake's eyes swirled in confused about everything that just happened while Magna just watched his mentor's actions with a deadpan expression.

A long sigh escaped his mouth as Magna turned to Blake and said, "Just ignore him. He does stuff like that all the time."

Blake nodded, the confusion on her face slowly transitioning into caution. Now that all the chaos passed, Blake remembered just what kind of situation she was in.

Magna could see the fear building in her eyes but he couldn't do anything to make her believe he wasn't going to hurt her.

"Well, first things first, my name is Magna. What about you?" Said Magna.

Blake's eyes furrowed at him as she refused to answer. Another sigh came from Magna as he continued, "OK then, I'm just gonna call you 'kitty'. So kitty, why did you try and kill me?"

There was a certain level of sass in Magna's tone that just dug under Blake's skin. He could see how she was holding herself back from exploding as she might say something she wasn't supposed to.

After an hour of annoying questions, Blake finally couldn't handle being called 'kitty' and exploded.

"MY NAME ISN'T KITTY, YOU A.S.SHOLE!!! IT'S BLAKE!!!" Screeched Blake.

Magna had to hold his ears as he hissed in pain. Even though Blake's voice was on the lower side, she could somehow scream like banshee. If Magna didn't know better, he would've thought that that was Blake's semblance.

Letting his aura heal his ears, Magna grinned, "Good to know, Blake. Good to know."

Knowing she fell for his ploy, Blake's faunus ears flattened against her head as she glared at him. Magna could hear her muttering all sorts of curses but he ignored them as he said, "So… Why did you try to kill me?"

Blake rolled her eyes under the mask and plainly said, "Because your annoying."

Magna's eyes twitched slightly, making Blake smirk as he sarcastically said, "Oh hardy har har! It seems the kitty can bite back."

This time it was Blake's turn as her eyes twitched, "I said my name is Blake! Stop calling me kitty! It's derogatory!"

"Oh, and 'asshole' isn't? Need I remind you that you just tried to kill me!?" Barked Magna.

Silence descended on the pair. For a few minutes, neither said anything to each other until Blake decided to break the silence.

Blake sighed and said, "I… I guess your right. I'm sorry for calling you an asshole. Your probably just angry about me trying to kill you."

Magna didn't know how to take Blake's apology as he awkwardly started scratching his head, "Oh, uh, I'm sorry too. For riling you up and calling you 'kitty'."

While the pair were waiting in the silence, Magna lightly chuckled and said, "You know, this isn't the first time we've met."

Blake's eyes widened as she dumbly muttered, "Wut?"

With a hearty grin, Magna told her about the gala. She froze for a couple seconds, trying to remember the gala when she screamed, "That little boy was you!?!"

"Yup. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Why did you try to kill me, Blake? I know we don't know each other that well but I find it hard to believe that the little girl who stopped me that day would end up killing people for a living." Magna said.

Conflict appeared in her alluring amber eyes. Magna could see how his words sent her mind into turmoil. Pain. Fear. Anger. Self loathing. Her eyes spoke a thousand words as she continued to fight herself.

Half an hour later as the sun started to rise, Blake looked far more worn out than Magna. She tiredly raised her head to stare at Magna and blankly said, "…The white-fang knew that a group of huntsmen were coming to defend the target…"

"I don't know why Ad-...*Ahem* Our leader wants to kill this lady so badly. He's… been distant lately. He doesn't tell me anything anymore and only wants me around when it suits him."

By this point, Blake had tears pouring from her eyes as she slowly removed her mask. Seeing her face twisted in sorrow and betrayal, Magna could only sigh as he gently released her.

Even when the last vine released her, Blake did seem to notice or care as she sat there, he eyes still empty and full of tears.

Magna honestly didn't know what to do. She was way too important to the world. She NEEDED to attend Beacon. Her level-headed attitude and skills helped make up for what the rest of team RWBY lacked.

Deciding to bite the bullet, Magna sat down so that they were staring into each other's eyes and gently said, "Why not leave?"

Blake snapped from her trance and shot to her feet, "And do what!? Where would I go!? If you haven't noticed, humans don't treats us faunus like people!?"

Magna waved his hands in a defensive manner and said, "Hey, it was only a suggestion. If the current white-fang only causes you pain, I think it's best you get out while you can."

"Maybe… maybe try something new? Like being a huntsmen. I heard Beacon accepts anyone as long as they have the skills and drive." Magna grinned.

Finally, a small amount of light returned to Blake's eyes. Seeing her actually think over his words, Magna couldn't help but show a faint smile.

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