RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant
Chapter 82 - Reunion
As soon as Blake made up her mind, she looked toward Magna and stared, her eyes carrying an unknown emotion to the both of them as she quietly muttered, "Thank you…" Before leaving through the window.
Magna had no clue how much of his little pep talk actually stuck with her but he wanted to be optimistic. He stuck his head out the window and waved to her as he yelled, "I'll see you at Beacon Blake!"
Blake paused in her retreat. If Magna could see that far, he would have saw how the edges of Blake's lips lifted upwards before she stealthily disappeared.
A sigh escaped his lips as Magna knew he could only wait. Time would tell, after all.
Pulling himself back into his room, Magna looked around and smiled. Now that he got a good look at the place, he could see that the room was rather luxurious.
Because they were very tired when they arrived, Qrow had only requested a place to sleep, meaning that he never got to meet Amber last night. Technically, no one but Qrow got to see her.
Magna couldn't help but feel curious as the d.e.s.i.r.e to meet her sprouted. June, the current spring maiden, was rather new to her powers so Magna wanted to meet someone with a little more experience.
Sure, his training has been helping June improve by leaps and bounds but what about the future?
The magic from his cl.u.s.ters use a drastically different system from Remnant and Magna didn't want her accidentally hurting herself just because she followed the instructions of another system.
If possible, he wanted to train June alongside Amber. He could help her from time to time while Amber would be the main person who was training her.
Just as Magna stepped out of the room, a hand landed on his shoulder as he heard Qrow's voice say, "We need to talk."
Before Magna could ask him about what he wanted to talk about, Qrow dragged him back into his room and jumped out the window while still holding him.
As soon as they landed on the ground, Magna slapped Qrow across the head as he yelled, "What the hell, Qrow!?"
Even though Magna just hit him, Qrow showed next to no reaction as he clicked his tongue and shot through the village.
When Magna saw that they arrived at a bar, his eyes twitched as he pulled himself away. He was about to go off at him when Qrow turned towards him and said, "Shut up and follow me."
Without waiting for a reply, Qrow opened the door and walked inside. Magna could see that he meant business so he opted to stay silent and follow him.
After trudging through a horde of drunks, Qrow lead them to a rather… quiet room on the third floor. It was basically empty minus the single table and 4 chairs that sat smack dab in the middle.
Qrow sat at the table and pointed to the chair across from him. After shooting Qrow a weird look, Magna sat at the table as he questioned, "OK, Qrow. What's going on? Did you find something out?"
"Yeah, I did. But not everyone is here yet and I don't feel like repeating myself." Replied Qrow.
Magna was about to ask him who they were waiting for when a red portal opened up next to him. While Magna quickly jumped into a stance and glared at her, Raven calmly walked out from the portal with a smirk.
She looked over at Magna and scoffed, "I'm honoured that you feel the need to get defensive around me. Didn't Qrow tell you I was coming?"
Seeing Magna shake his head, Raven rolled her eyes as she muttered, "Of course he didn't..."
Sheathing her sword, Raven sat next to Magna and smirked as she looked towards Qrow and said, "So, what do you want, baby brother?"
For the first time ever, Magna saw a vein instantly puff up on Qrow's forehead as he growled, "I am NOT your baby brother, Raven. We were born at the same time!"
Raven's smirk grew as she taunted, "But I came out a few seconds ahead of you~. Isn't that right, BABY brother?~"
More and more veins puffed up on Qrow's face as he looked like he was really about to snap. A small part of Magna found this very amusing but he had better things to do, like explore the four seasons forest.
Sending Qrow a mischievous look, Magna turned to Raven and grinned as he muttered, "Hermit Purple..."
While enjoy the afterglow of pissing off her brother, Raven didn't even notice that her movement became restricted. It wasn't until she tried to sit down did she realise as she frowned, "What's the meaning of this, Qrow? Did you lie to me just so you could capture me!?"
Qrow burst into laughter, tears running down his face as he just laughed. Seeing the anger on Raven's face as she struggled to try and get out of Magna's grasp was priceless.
After a few minutes of laughter, Qrow finally stopped as he wiped away the tears from his eyes and said, "Alright Magna, you can let her go now."
However, Magna didn't want to. Once Qrow said it was Magna that was holding her in place, Raven's head snapped in his direction as she stared at him with an unholy amount of wrath.
Hell, Magna felt that if he let her go, she wouldn't hesitate to draw her sword and strike him down. Obviously, even if she did, Qrow would definitely defend him but Magna was still a little worried.
What made the situation even worse was the fact that Magna could see more than just wrath in her eyes, and that's what scared him the most.
Magna softly sighed as he slowly withdrew his stand. The moment Raven was free enough to move her limbs, she sprung up from her chair and slammed Magna against the wall.
Aura helped softened the blow but Magna didn't have time to register the pain as Raven got uncomfortably close to Magna's face and grinned.
Qrow was about to attack her when he fell face first to the ground, shock clear in his eyes at what he just witnessed. Instead of attacking him, Raven lowered her head slightly and dragged her tongue across Magna's neck.
Then, without warning, she planted her lips on his neck and s.u.c.k.e.d, hard. After a minute, Raven let him go as she licked her lips with a fierce smirk, "Be careful of who you tie up, little boy~. Wouldn't want them getting the wrong idea, now would we?"
Magna stammered because, as much as he hated to admit it, he was very turned on by what she did. The way she worked her tongue around his neck sent shivers down his spine.
Their moment was ruined by the sound of Qrow's voice as he roared in abrupt horror, "He's just a little kid Raven!!! What the f.u.c.k!?!"
Raven scoffed at Qrow and said, "Do you think I care? I was just teaching the boy to be careful."
"Teaching him my ass! You gave him a hicke-"
Suddenly, Qrow's eyes widened before turning into an almost freakish grin. A deep frown appeared on Raven's face while she watched her brothers grin grow.
She opened her mouth to speak but Qrow rudely cut her off as he happily said, "I wonder how Emily will react when she sees that hickey you just gave Magna…"
In an instant, all the colour drained from Raven's face. It took her a few seconds to regain herself as she put on a confident front and scowled. She would've gotten away with it too if not for fact that her legs were shaking.
'Wow… These two are really afraid of my mum… I wonder what she did to scary them this badly' Mused Magna.
It certainly was entertaining to say the least, watching two badasses be utterly afraid of a single woman. Then again, Magna knew what his mother was capable of so he wasn't that surprised.
Seeing the look Magna and Qrow were giving her, Raven instantly stood strong as she glared at them and said, "Can we just get on with whatever you needed?"
Qrow smirked at his sister and started explaining why he called them here. For Raven, Qrow wanted to confirm with her that June was a maiden. For Magna, he wanted to know how much he knew.
Over the years they've known each other, Qrow kept his word and never reported to Ozpin about Magna. However, he also hasn't told Magna about the war going on in the background.
Sure, he's slipped up every now and then, especially when he's drunk but he's never told him the full story. Magna knew about the ruler of the grimm, Salem, but he couldn't remember anything else.
He could still remember certain events, like Penny and Pyrrha's death, or the fall of Beacon. But specific things like what happened during volumes 4 and 5 were lost to him.
Anyway, Raven easily confirmed Qrow's suspicion about June. However, she also told him a lie about how she filled Magna in on everything.
Watching Qrow have both a nervous breakdown and an aneurysm seemed to cheer Raven right up. The icing on the cake was when Qrow finished ranting about the secret organisation he belonged to.
In his rage, he spilled just about every secret, leaving no detail unexplained. Then, once he had calmed down, Raven told him that she lied about informing Magna of the war between Ozpin and Salem.
He actually fainted in fury, his eyes rolled back into his skull as veins burst across his forehead.
Feeling a little sorry for his mentor, Magna quickly switched to Usato and healed all the popped blood vessels in Qrow's body before gently waking him up.
However, the moment he opened his eyes, Magna could only watch in concern as his mentor repeatedly bashed his face into the table
"Why the hell would you do that, Rae!? You know how serious this shit is! I can't believe you tricked me into spilling remnants darkest secret!!!" Yelled Qrow, glaring at Raven as he slowly clenched fist.
Raven rolled her eyes at him and scoffed, "What I can't believe is how easy it was to trick you. I mean, come on birdbrain, it was obvious he knew nothing but you still took my word for it."
A low growl, laced with anger escaped Qrow's lips as he muttered, "Guess I learned my lesson…"
Suddenly, Qrow quickly stood up and stomped his way to the door. Just as his hand was about to land on the doorknob, it froze as he turned to Magna and said, "Be on the look out for members of the whitefang. I've been asking around and it seems like something big is going down in this village. I just hope that whatever it is, it doesn't involve Amber."
Without looking back, Qrow slammed the door on his way out, leaving Magna alone with Raven. An awkward silence prevailed for a few seconds before Raven sighed and vanished into a red portal.
Magna, with nothing left to do, quietly left the room. He weaved through the other patrons and was about to leave the bar when he caught sight of a familiar shade of mint green hair from the corner of his eye.
He stealthily disappeared into the shadows and latched onto the hooded figure with mint green hair. From the silhouette of the figure, Magna could tell it was a girl as hope slowly budded in his c.h.e.s.t.
Once the girl managed to slip through the drunkards littering the bar, she came across two other hooded figures, a male and a female.
The male softly elbowed the green haired figure as he sarcastically said in a voice that sounded strangely familiar and nostalgic, "It's good to see you again, Emerald. Did you gain weight?"
The female looked at the male and scoffed as she spoke in a tantalising yet sinister tone, "Mercury, do you have to antagonise the mute? Honestly… Come along you two, we have things to discuss."
The female figure turned and walked away, heading towards the staircase that lead to the second floor. The trio walked to the end of the hallway in silence before entering the last door on the right.
However, what Magna saw inside that room made his breath hitch in his lungs.
'Adam Taurus… Uh, Tye- No, Tyrian… H-Habel? Argh, you know what? Salem's pawns. Short, simple, easy to remember. And lastly, some… scientist? Huh, I honestly don-'
"Ah, Doctor Merlot. A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to make you acquaintance. My name is Cinder Fall. I'm sure you've already met Tyrian and Hazel while the two standing beside me are my assistants, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai."
Magna eyes widened into saucers as doctor Merlot chuckled, "Ah, yes. The p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e is all mine, Miss Fall. The Queen has already informed me of who you and your… associates are. I'm just glad that my research is finally being appreciated."
Red flags were frantically waving in Magna's head. He finally remembered who the scientist was now.
He was introduced in the RWBY game, Grimm Eclipse. Doctor Merlot spent his life creating a serum that had the ability to… mutate grimm.
However, if his memory served him correctly, doctor Merlot's serum shouldn't be ready for specimen testing until, at the very least, volume 2.
Suddenly, Doctor Merlot moved infront of Emerald, intrigue clear in his eyes as he muttered, "I'm assuming this is the one you requested the serum and modifications for? The one from a few years ago?"
Cinder smiled in a sadistic way as she said, "Your intelligence proceeds you, doctor. She was... unwilling to aid our cause so we needed to take some rather drastic measures."
Merlot scoffed, "Drastic? Try inhumane. A memory inhibitor, intelligence dampener, a neural interface, and to top it all off, an experimental serum that modifies a person's semblance. I mean, I hadn't even tested that serum on animals."
"Oh? Do you a problem with our methods, Doctor?" Asked Cinder as she frowned. She silently motioned for Mercury to get ready to eliminate him if need be.
However, it would appear that she was over thinking things as doctor Merlot burst into a bout of maniacal laughter, "A problem? The only problem I have is that you only asked for something so simple!"
"Even though the tools I had at the time weren't the best, I can guarantee that I would've made her more than just a puppet. I could've spliced her DNA with a grimm, or maybe a faunus! Oh, the possibilities are endless!" Screamed the doctor in a fervent tone, insanity swirling in his eyes as he scanned Emerald.
While all this was going on, Magna was shaking within the shadow world. Not in fear but anger.
From what he gathered from their conversation, Emerald was put through a series of different experiments, all so she would lose her free will.
He tried holding back his anger when he finally realised something important…
'Wait! I can just say I found Emerald and the bastards that kidnapped her! Plus, there are plans on the table called, [Take the maidens power]'
A fierce smirk adorned his face as Magna switched star cl.u.s.ter. When everyone in the room turned their back, Magna dashed into Cinder's shadow and leapt out of the shadow world.
"What's up, bitches!?!"
As Cinder and her crew jumped in shock, Magna forced his body to flip forwards. After spinning for a few times, Magna's leg shot upwards and burst into flames as he roared, "Concassé!"
Just when everyone finally turned to look at who was attacking them, Cinder didn't even get the chance to speak when a flaming foot slammed against her face.
Turning towards Mercury, Magna dashed towards him and whipped his leg out as he roared, "Collier Strike!"
Mercury could only stare in shock and awe as Magna's leg lashed out at his neck, sending him flying out the window as his body ignited.
Once Magna landed on the ground, Tyrian and Hazel shot towards him while Adam scowled as he moved infront of Merlot.
'Oh? So the doctor has a bodyguard? I guess Adam must REALLY hate that…' Mused Magna as an idea hatched in his head.
Magna was forcefully pulled from his thoughts as a scorpion tail and fist soared passed his head. With a small hop, Magna's body completely flipped as his hands hit the floor.
"Party table: Kick Course!"
Both Tyrian and Hazel could only welcome Magna's foot as it sunk into their stomach, forcing them out the broken window he just sent Mercury out of.
Flipping back into a standing position, Magna ignored the glare coming from Adam as he grabbed Emerald and slipped back into the shadows.
While zooming towards Amber's house, Magna couldn't help but frown as he softly inspected Emerald's body.
"Oh my Oum… What have they done to you, Em?" Muttered Magna as he dragged his fingers across the metal plate that covered the top half of her head.
Even though her eyes were open, Magna couldn't see any sign of life in them as she continued to stare at Magna with empty, blank eyes. Switching to Usato's abilities, Magna just hoped that he could do something to help her.
Hugging her close to his c.h.e.s.t, Magna started glowing in a gentle green light that slowly enveloped them. The light green glow started to darken as it slowly unfurled off Magna and surrounded Emerald.
After a few minutes, the dark green light only clung to Emerald as Magna continued to hug her.
Still feeling little to no reaction, Magna softly shook as he quietly murmured, "Come on… Come on..! Come on, Em…"
Suddenly, the metal plate on her skull made a quiet creak before popping off her head. Once it landed on the floor, the plate broke into hundreds of different pieces.
Looking towards her head, Magna's lips dropped as he hissed. Under the metal plate was a very large cut that revealed a small hole in her skull. Hell, Magna even caught a glimpse of Emerald's brain.
What really shocked him though was the black tissue that took up a large majority of her brain. He could see that his healing magic was slowly fixing the tissue but Magna was still very concerned.
Once the hole was closed up, Emerald suddenly bucked in his grasp, smashing her newly healed head backwards and into Magna's nose. Both teens fell to the shadowy floor as they each nursed their wounds.
As she gained her barrings, Emerald scowled as she sat up and said, "Hey! What's the big idea? Why were you-"
Before she could finish her sentence, she froze as she stared at Magna. He could see the realization on her face as she slowly began to tear up.
She shakily lifted her hands and gently cupped Magna's chin as she spoke in a tone laced with fear and hope, "M-Magna? Is that… is that really you? Your not some illusion, are you?"
Magna pushed back the urge to cry as he smirked and said, "Really Em? I know it's been a few years but I shouldn't have changed THAT much?"
Instead of replying, Emerald burst into tears as she embraced him. The tears he was holding back finally managed to slip through as he gently returned her embrace and muttered, "It's good to see you again, Emerald."
Magna had no clue how much of his little pep talk actually stuck with her but he wanted to be optimistic. He stuck his head out the window and waved to her as he yelled, "I'll see you at Beacon Blake!"
Blake paused in her retreat. If Magna could see that far, he would have saw how the edges of Blake's lips lifted upwards before she stealthily disappeared.
A sigh escaped his lips as Magna knew he could only wait. Time would tell, after all.
Pulling himself back into his room, Magna looked around and smiled. Now that he got a good look at the place, he could see that the room was rather luxurious.
Because they were very tired when they arrived, Qrow had only requested a place to sleep, meaning that he never got to meet Amber last night. Technically, no one but Qrow got to see her.
Magna couldn't help but feel curious as the d.e.s.i.r.e to meet her sprouted. June, the current spring maiden, was rather new to her powers so Magna wanted to meet someone with a little more experience.
Sure, his training has been helping June improve by leaps and bounds but what about the future?
The magic from his cl.u.s.ters use a drastically different system from Remnant and Magna didn't want her accidentally hurting herself just because she followed the instructions of another system.
If possible, he wanted to train June alongside Amber. He could help her from time to time while Amber would be the main person who was training her.
Just as Magna stepped out of the room, a hand landed on his shoulder as he heard Qrow's voice say, "We need to talk."
Before Magna could ask him about what he wanted to talk about, Qrow dragged him back into his room and jumped out the window while still holding him.
As soon as they landed on the ground, Magna slapped Qrow across the head as he yelled, "What the hell, Qrow!?"
Even though Magna just hit him, Qrow showed next to no reaction as he clicked his tongue and shot through the village.
When Magna saw that they arrived at a bar, his eyes twitched as he pulled himself away. He was about to go off at him when Qrow turned towards him and said, "Shut up and follow me."
Without waiting for a reply, Qrow opened the door and walked inside. Magna could see that he meant business so he opted to stay silent and follow him.
After trudging through a horde of drunks, Qrow lead them to a rather… quiet room on the third floor. It was basically empty minus the single table and 4 chairs that sat smack dab in the middle.
Qrow sat at the table and pointed to the chair across from him. After shooting Qrow a weird look, Magna sat at the table as he questioned, "OK, Qrow. What's going on? Did you find something out?"
"Yeah, I did. But not everyone is here yet and I don't feel like repeating myself." Replied Qrow.
Magna was about to ask him who they were waiting for when a red portal opened up next to him. While Magna quickly jumped into a stance and glared at her, Raven calmly walked out from the portal with a smirk.
She looked over at Magna and scoffed, "I'm honoured that you feel the need to get defensive around me. Didn't Qrow tell you I was coming?"
Seeing Magna shake his head, Raven rolled her eyes as she muttered, "Of course he didn't..."
Sheathing her sword, Raven sat next to Magna and smirked as she looked towards Qrow and said, "So, what do you want, baby brother?"
For the first time ever, Magna saw a vein instantly puff up on Qrow's forehead as he growled, "I am NOT your baby brother, Raven. We were born at the same time!"
Raven's smirk grew as she taunted, "But I came out a few seconds ahead of you~. Isn't that right, BABY brother?~"
More and more veins puffed up on Qrow's face as he looked like he was really about to snap. A small part of Magna found this very amusing but he had better things to do, like explore the four seasons forest.
Sending Qrow a mischievous look, Magna turned to Raven and grinned as he muttered, "Hermit Purple..."
While enjoy the afterglow of pissing off her brother, Raven didn't even notice that her movement became restricted. It wasn't until she tried to sit down did she realise as she frowned, "What's the meaning of this, Qrow? Did you lie to me just so you could capture me!?"
Qrow burst into laughter, tears running down his face as he just laughed. Seeing the anger on Raven's face as she struggled to try and get out of Magna's grasp was priceless.
After a few minutes of laughter, Qrow finally stopped as he wiped away the tears from his eyes and said, "Alright Magna, you can let her go now."
However, Magna didn't want to. Once Qrow said it was Magna that was holding her in place, Raven's head snapped in his direction as she stared at him with an unholy amount of wrath.
Hell, Magna felt that if he let her go, she wouldn't hesitate to draw her sword and strike him down. Obviously, even if she did, Qrow would definitely defend him but Magna was still a little worried.
What made the situation even worse was the fact that Magna could see more than just wrath in her eyes, and that's what scared him the most.
Magna softly sighed as he slowly withdrew his stand. The moment Raven was free enough to move her limbs, she sprung up from her chair and slammed Magna against the wall.
Aura helped softened the blow but Magna didn't have time to register the pain as Raven got uncomfortably close to Magna's face and grinned.
Qrow was about to attack her when he fell face first to the ground, shock clear in his eyes at what he just witnessed. Instead of attacking him, Raven lowered her head slightly and dragged her tongue across Magna's neck.
Then, without warning, she planted her lips on his neck and s.u.c.k.e.d, hard. After a minute, Raven let him go as she licked her lips with a fierce smirk, "Be careful of who you tie up, little boy~. Wouldn't want them getting the wrong idea, now would we?"
Magna stammered because, as much as he hated to admit it, he was very turned on by what she did. The way she worked her tongue around his neck sent shivers down his spine.
Their moment was ruined by the sound of Qrow's voice as he roared in abrupt horror, "He's just a little kid Raven!!! What the f.u.c.k!?!"
Raven scoffed at Qrow and said, "Do you think I care? I was just teaching the boy to be careful."
"Teaching him my ass! You gave him a hicke-"
Suddenly, Qrow's eyes widened before turning into an almost freakish grin. A deep frown appeared on Raven's face while she watched her brothers grin grow.
She opened her mouth to speak but Qrow rudely cut her off as he happily said, "I wonder how Emily will react when she sees that hickey you just gave Magna…"
In an instant, all the colour drained from Raven's face. It took her a few seconds to regain herself as she put on a confident front and scowled. She would've gotten away with it too if not for fact that her legs were shaking.
'Wow… These two are really afraid of my mum… I wonder what she did to scary them this badly' Mused Magna.
It certainly was entertaining to say the least, watching two badasses be utterly afraid of a single woman. Then again, Magna knew what his mother was capable of so he wasn't that surprised.
Seeing the look Magna and Qrow were giving her, Raven instantly stood strong as she glared at them and said, "Can we just get on with whatever you needed?"
Qrow smirked at his sister and started explaining why he called them here. For Raven, Qrow wanted to confirm with her that June was a maiden. For Magna, he wanted to know how much he knew.
Over the years they've known each other, Qrow kept his word and never reported to Ozpin about Magna. However, he also hasn't told Magna about the war going on in the background.
Sure, he's slipped up every now and then, especially when he's drunk but he's never told him the full story. Magna knew about the ruler of the grimm, Salem, but he couldn't remember anything else.
He could still remember certain events, like Penny and Pyrrha's death, or the fall of Beacon. But specific things like what happened during volumes 4 and 5 were lost to him.
Anyway, Raven easily confirmed Qrow's suspicion about June. However, she also told him a lie about how she filled Magna in on everything.
Watching Qrow have both a nervous breakdown and an aneurysm seemed to cheer Raven right up. The icing on the cake was when Qrow finished ranting about the secret organisation he belonged to.
In his rage, he spilled just about every secret, leaving no detail unexplained. Then, once he had calmed down, Raven told him that she lied about informing Magna of the war between Ozpin and Salem.
He actually fainted in fury, his eyes rolled back into his skull as veins burst across his forehead.
Feeling a little sorry for his mentor, Magna quickly switched to Usato and healed all the popped blood vessels in Qrow's body before gently waking him up.
However, the moment he opened his eyes, Magna could only watch in concern as his mentor repeatedly bashed his face into the table
"Why the hell would you do that, Rae!? You know how serious this shit is! I can't believe you tricked me into spilling remnants darkest secret!!!" Yelled Qrow, glaring at Raven as he slowly clenched fist.
Raven rolled her eyes at him and scoffed, "What I can't believe is how easy it was to trick you. I mean, come on birdbrain, it was obvious he knew nothing but you still took my word for it."
A low growl, laced with anger escaped Qrow's lips as he muttered, "Guess I learned my lesson…"
Suddenly, Qrow quickly stood up and stomped his way to the door. Just as his hand was about to land on the doorknob, it froze as he turned to Magna and said, "Be on the look out for members of the whitefang. I've been asking around and it seems like something big is going down in this village. I just hope that whatever it is, it doesn't involve Amber."
Without looking back, Qrow slammed the door on his way out, leaving Magna alone with Raven. An awkward silence prevailed for a few seconds before Raven sighed and vanished into a red portal.
Magna, with nothing left to do, quietly left the room. He weaved through the other patrons and was about to leave the bar when he caught sight of a familiar shade of mint green hair from the corner of his eye.
He stealthily disappeared into the shadows and latched onto the hooded figure with mint green hair. From the silhouette of the figure, Magna could tell it was a girl as hope slowly budded in his c.h.e.s.t.
Once the girl managed to slip through the drunkards littering the bar, she came across two other hooded figures, a male and a female.
The male softly elbowed the green haired figure as he sarcastically said in a voice that sounded strangely familiar and nostalgic, "It's good to see you again, Emerald. Did you gain weight?"
The female looked at the male and scoffed as she spoke in a tantalising yet sinister tone, "Mercury, do you have to antagonise the mute? Honestly… Come along you two, we have things to discuss."
The female figure turned and walked away, heading towards the staircase that lead to the second floor. The trio walked to the end of the hallway in silence before entering the last door on the right.
However, what Magna saw inside that room made his breath hitch in his lungs.
'Adam Taurus… Uh, Tye- No, Tyrian… H-Habel? Argh, you know what? Salem's pawns. Short, simple, easy to remember. And lastly, some… scientist? Huh, I honestly don-'
"Ah, Doctor Merlot. A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to make you acquaintance. My name is Cinder Fall. I'm sure you've already met Tyrian and Hazel while the two standing beside me are my assistants, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai."
Magna eyes widened into saucers as doctor Merlot chuckled, "Ah, yes. The p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e is all mine, Miss Fall. The Queen has already informed me of who you and your… associates are. I'm just glad that my research is finally being appreciated."
Red flags were frantically waving in Magna's head. He finally remembered who the scientist was now.
He was introduced in the RWBY game, Grimm Eclipse. Doctor Merlot spent his life creating a serum that had the ability to… mutate grimm.
However, if his memory served him correctly, doctor Merlot's serum shouldn't be ready for specimen testing until, at the very least, volume 2.
Suddenly, Doctor Merlot moved infront of Emerald, intrigue clear in his eyes as he muttered, "I'm assuming this is the one you requested the serum and modifications for? The one from a few years ago?"
Cinder smiled in a sadistic way as she said, "Your intelligence proceeds you, doctor. She was... unwilling to aid our cause so we needed to take some rather drastic measures."
Merlot scoffed, "Drastic? Try inhumane. A memory inhibitor, intelligence dampener, a neural interface, and to top it all off, an experimental serum that modifies a person's semblance. I mean, I hadn't even tested that serum on animals."
"Oh? Do you a problem with our methods, Doctor?" Asked Cinder as she frowned. She silently motioned for Mercury to get ready to eliminate him if need be.
However, it would appear that she was over thinking things as doctor Merlot burst into a bout of maniacal laughter, "A problem? The only problem I have is that you only asked for something so simple!"
"Even though the tools I had at the time weren't the best, I can guarantee that I would've made her more than just a puppet. I could've spliced her DNA with a grimm, or maybe a faunus! Oh, the possibilities are endless!" Screamed the doctor in a fervent tone, insanity swirling in his eyes as he scanned Emerald.
While all this was going on, Magna was shaking within the shadow world. Not in fear but anger.
From what he gathered from their conversation, Emerald was put through a series of different experiments, all so she would lose her free will.
He tried holding back his anger when he finally realised something important…
'Wait! I can just say I found Emerald and the bastards that kidnapped her! Plus, there are plans on the table called, [Take the maidens power]'
A fierce smirk adorned his face as Magna switched star cl.u.s.ter. When everyone in the room turned their back, Magna dashed into Cinder's shadow and leapt out of the shadow world.
"What's up, bitches!?!"
As Cinder and her crew jumped in shock, Magna forced his body to flip forwards. After spinning for a few times, Magna's leg shot upwards and burst into flames as he roared, "Concassé!"
Just when everyone finally turned to look at who was attacking them, Cinder didn't even get the chance to speak when a flaming foot slammed against her face.
Turning towards Mercury, Magna dashed towards him and whipped his leg out as he roared, "Collier Strike!"
Mercury could only stare in shock and awe as Magna's leg lashed out at his neck, sending him flying out the window as his body ignited.
Once Magna landed on the ground, Tyrian and Hazel shot towards him while Adam scowled as he moved infront of Merlot.
'Oh? So the doctor has a bodyguard? I guess Adam must REALLY hate that…' Mused Magna as an idea hatched in his head.
Magna was forcefully pulled from his thoughts as a scorpion tail and fist soared passed his head. With a small hop, Magna's body completely flipped as his hands hit the floor.
"Party table: Kick Course!"
Both Tyrian and Hazel could only welcome Magna's foot as it sunk into their stomach, forcing them out the broken window he just sent Mercury out of.
Flipping back into a standing position, Magna ignored the glare coming from Adam as he grabbed Emerald and slipped back into the shadows.
While zooming towards Amber's house, Magna couldn't help but frown as he softly inspected Emerald's body.
"Oh my Oum… What have they done to you, Em?" Muttered Magna as he dragged his fingers across the metal plate that covered the top half of her head.
Even though her eyes were open, Magna couldn't see any sign of life in them as she continued to stare at Magna with empty, blank eyes. Switching to Usato's abilities, Magna just hoped that he could do something to help her.
Hugging her close to his c.h.e.s.t, Magna started glowing in a gentle green light that slowly enveloped them. The light green glow started to darken as it slowly unfurled off Magna and surrounded Emerald.
After a few minutes, the dark green light only clung to Emerald as Magna continued to hug her.
Still feeling little to no reaction, Magna softly shook as he quietly murmured, "Come on… Come on..! Come on, Em…"
Suddenly, the metal plate on her skull made a quiet creak before popping off her head. Once it landed on the floor, the plate broke into hundreds of different pieces.
Looking towards her head, Magna's lips dropped as he hissed. Under the metal plate was a very large cut that revealed a small hole in her skull. Hell, Magna even caught a glimpse of Emerald's brain.
What really shocked him though was the black tissue that took up a large majority of her brain. He could see that his healing magic was slowly fixing the tissue but Magna was still very concerned.
Once the hole was closed up, Emerald suddenly bucked in his grasp, smashing her newly healed head backwards and into Magna's nose. Both teens fell to the shadowy floor as they each nursed their wounds.
As she gained her barrings, Emerald scowled as she sat up and said, "Hey! What's the big idea? Why were you-"
Before she could finish her sentence, she froze as she stared at Magna. He could see the realization on her face as she slowly began to tear up.
She shakily lifted her hands and gently cupped Magna's chin as she spoke in a tone laced with fear and hope, "M-Magna? Is that… is that really you? Your not some illusion, are you?"
Magna pushed back the urge to cry as he smirked and said, "Really Em? I know it's been a few years but I shouldn't have changed THAT much?"
Instead of replying, Emerald burst into tears as she embraced him. The tears he was holding back finally managed to slip through as he gently returned her embrace and muttered, "It's good to see you again, Emerald."
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