RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 86 - Mutant Grimm

Traversing the forest turned out to be harder than he thought. Unlike the winter forest, the summer forest was swarming with whitefang grunts. Heck, Magna even caught sight of a few commanders.

The only brightside seemed to be the fact that Magna couldn't see any traces of Blake. He managed to overhear a few grunts gossiping about a deserter within their ranks.

He had no clue whether the deserter was Blake or not but he had hope. Hope that she would leave the whitefang earlier than she did in the anime.

While leaping from tree to tree, Magna fiddled around with a rather large leaf. On the leaf were a series of symbols and markings that seemed to be carved on by something sharp.

This, was an explosive tag. Unlike Naruto, Shikamaru was actually capable of using fuinjutsu thanks to his high IQ.

What Magna was trying to do was create a makeshift explosive tag. He's created them before, using paper or cloth but never using a leaf.

He needed an edge in combat since his aura levels have remained rather low due to all the fighting he's had to do. Plus, seals only take up a little aura during both the inscribing and the activation.

After a minute or so, Magna smirked as he completed the seal. However, his smirk became a frown as he came to a stop and scrutinized the seal.

Cl.i.c.k.i.n.g his tongue in annoyance, Magna shoved the leaf into his pocket and said, "Great, I managed to make an explosive tag with the power of a firecracker."

Due to either the material or a problem with the inscription, the seals power was very weak. If Magna was to use this tag against an opponent, they'd probably think it was a firework and laugh at him.

However, that's not to say it was bad. If one tag was on the level of a firework, then what about 50 tags? Deciding to prepare first, Magna spent a few minutes inscribing tag after tag once he realised that inscribing on a leaf was viable.

Sadly, the results varied each time he created a tag. Some were at the level of a sparkler while others were around the level of a small explosive from earth.

Once he managed to make about 27 tags, he was about to start on the next when a baleful roared bellowed through the forest.

Frowning, Magna clicked his tongue and took off. Finding Emerald was his top priority. He didn't need Cinder and her group taking her away again, not when they finally met after 6 years.

Fighting grimm was kind of low on his list of things to do. Plus, Magna could hear Cinder's screams of fury that somehow overpowered the grimm's howl.

Just as he landed on the next tree, a ball of fire burned through the branch he landed on.


Magna cursed as he hit the forest floor. Pushing himself off the ground, Magna narrowly dodged an arrow made from fire and disappeared into the tree once more.

However, not even a minute later and another fireball struck the branch he landed on, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"How the hell does she keep finding me!?" Growled Magna.

Magna rarely used his aura for defence, considering that most of his attacks needed large amounts of aura. However, when he did, it was to defend against attacks that would either heavily injury, maim or kill him.

Touching his wrists, Magna grimaced as he stared at the long, lance-like stinger embedded in the ground. The stinger instantly retracted into the sky, revealing a monstrous grimm.

With green crystals covering it's bone armour, the Lancer was much larger than normal as green and red veins pulsated across its body. On its head were a pair of bug-like antenna that glowed in a dim yellow light.

Before Magna could make sense of what was happening, a voice laced with pride echoed out, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Magna turned towards the source of the voice as it continued, "This particular grimm took me awhile. I admit, the Lancer species are rather weak so it took longer than expected to develop a serum that doesn't just kill it."

"Doctor Merlot…" Growled Magna as he glared at the new arrival.

Doctor Merlot merely raised his eyebrow at Magna before shrugging, "I was going to introduce myself but you knowing who I am saves me time."

Snapping his finger, Merlot looked towards the mutant Lancer and said, "Kill the boy, and be quick about it. I have research to do."

To Magna's surprise, the mutant Lancer nodded as it shrieked and charged towards him.

As he tried to make some space between them, a long, pulsating stinger struck him directly in the stomach.

With the wind knocked out of him, Magna stumbled forward as the stinger instantly retracted.

Now, Magna was starting to get angry. Usually, grimm were nothing more than an inconvenience to Magna. However, whatever doctor Merlot did to the Lancer seemed to push them from 'annoyance' to 'threat'.

The Lancer was fast and it's stinger hit like truck-kun on a bad day. With Shikamaru's abilities, fighting something like the mutant Lancer was proving to be an uphill battle.

Even then, he didn't want to change cl.u.s.ter. The side effects from before were what prevented him from changing. His aura was still relatively low right now and he needed every last bit just to defend himself.

Suddenly, an impatient tapping rang out as doctor Merlot scowled, "Come on you overgrown insect! I have research to do! Just finish him off already!"

The Lancer's form appeared once again as it's mandibles twitch in agitation. Magna, who smartly choose to hide in the trees, noticed how the grimm's eyes seemed to flash between yellow, green and red.

His mouth curved into a small grin as he quickly clasped his hands together, "Shadow strangle jutsu!"

Like tentacles, Magna's shadow lifted off the ground and stretched itself outwards as it encased the mutant Lancer.

Doctor Merlot's expression worsened as he scoffed, "Please! Do you honestly think something of this caliber will be able to defeat my creation?"

In reply, Magna smirked, "I don't need to defeat it, I just need to hold it in place!"

Before Merlot could question him, a silver flash ejected from Magna's shadow as the grimm's antenna were sliced clean off.

Magna couldn't stop the smile on his face from showing as Merlot stared at his creation in shock.

"H-how… how did you managed to wound my creation!?!" Screamed Merlot.

Suddenly, a slightly distorted feminine voice echoed from within the shadows, "Like this."

Two more flashes of silver came from the shadows as the Lancer's wings were sliced clean off. A soft chuckle escaped Magna's lips as his mother slowly came out from within his shadow, wielding his scythe, Crescent Moon.

I know, not the most original name for a weapon but he had no choice. It was either name his scythe Crescent Moon or deal with a crying Ruby. She wanted to match with him since they both used scythes and she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Needless to say, Yang was immensely proud of Ruby that day as she managed to successfully blackmail Magna into naming his weapon.

Plus, it's not as if Magna hated the name. When he battled at night, the blade of his scythe actually reflected the light from the moon, giving it an ethereal appearance as he danced amoung the grimm. Hence, he actually quite liked the name.

Anyway, back to the situation at hand. Emily softly swung Magna's scythe a couple times as she muttered, "I've never used a scythe before… And I gotta say, it's a pretty awesome weapon. You don't mind if I give it a little test run, right son?"

Magna smiled cheekily, "Go nuts."

Returned her son's smile, Emily disappeared. A second later, the mutant Lancer screamed out as it's stinger, and the trees surrounding it, were sliced clean in half.

Emily looked at her son's scythe and whistled, "Wow, my brothers really outdid themselves. This thing has quite the edge."

Turning towards Merlot, Magna half expected him to be furious. Yet all he saw him do was sigh as he tapped away at his scroll.

Both mother and son frowned. Emily quickly switched to the sycthes sniper mode as she quickly locked onto the doctor and fired. Just as he bullets were about to hit their target, the doctor frowned as he tapped his wrist.

In an instant, a visible protective field encased the doctor as the bullets harmlessly deflected off him. Magna's eyes widened when he saw the field ripple as surge of energy shot from the doctors hand and his mother.

Magna quickly tried to pull her into his shadow when Emily's threw his sycthe to the side as she grinned. Suddenly, an intense white glow appeared around her hand as her hand moved so fast it became nothing more than a blur.

Both Magna and the doctor could only stare at her in shock as the bolt of energy seemed to be swatted out of the air as it sped towards the doctor.

Merlot knew his shield wouldn't be able to repel the incoming attack without him taking some damage as he dove to the ground.

As the bolt of kinetic energy exploded behind him, Merlot frowned as he grumbled, "Now that's just not fair! How are you able to hit energy!?!"

Emily blurred once more, appearing infront of Merlot with her fist drawn back. With a vicious smirk on her face, she roared, "F.U.C.K YOU, THAT'S HOW!"

Merlot's brain couldn't react in time as Emily's fist drilled into his face, sending him flying through at least 7 trees before finally coming to a stop, completely embedded inside the 8th tree.

Magna, with eyes as wide as saucers, blinked a couple times as he thought to himself, 'How the… Am I the Overpowered one or is my mother!?!'

Emily whistled at her worked as she turned back towards Magna. However, her smile quickly disappeared as she screamed, "WATCH OUT!"

Time seemed to slowly down as Magna slowly turned around. His heart dropped as he saw a hail of fireballs heading towards while Cinder simply sent him a vile smirk.

Magna couldn't even defend himself against the fireballs as he closed his eyes and hoped for the best. However, a strong gust of wind suddenly roared past him as an unholy scream of wrath bellowed through the forest.

His eyes almost instantly snapped opened as he saw his mother standing infront of him, his sycthe in hand.

Emily's entire body gained a fierce white glow as the sycthe in her hands spun. Gusts of wind surrounded the enraged mother as the fireballs extinguished before they could reach either of them.

Cinder's eyes became bloodshot as she screamed, arrows of fire rapidly forming before being launched at the mother and son duo.

Yet before the fiery arrows could hit either one of them, a figure shot through the forest and smashed head on into the attacks, causing an explosion of fire and dirt.

Both sides stared at the intruder in shock as every attack Cinder sent out hit him dead on. A pained voice echoed through the forest as the intruder was revealed to be Mercury.

It could only get worse for Cinder as Raven, alongside Qrow and Emerald, appeared next to Magna. The trio exited a red vortex in space as Qrow whistled, "Damn Emily, you definitely didn't hold back…"

Magna's brow raised slightly as he blurted out, "How do you know that she was the one who caused all this damage?"

Qrow and Raven both burst into laughter as Qrow explained, "Kid, this has her name written all over it. Even back in the army, any bandit or rogue huntsmen she came across ended up being buried head first into something."

Raven smiled as she reminisced, "I think my favourite memory with her was when she embedded a whole platoon of whitefang grunts into a wall. The best part was how their bodies spelt out her name because of a bet she made."

Qrow went to open his mouth so he too could share his favourite memory when an arrow of fire just barely missed him. Obviously, Cinder was aiming for him but he managed to dodge at the last second.

Glaring at Magna and the others, Cinder looked like she was seconds away from exploding as she roared, "STOP IGNORING ME! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!"

Raven scoffed while Qrow merely smiled. Emily, however, was fuming as her aura seemed to grow larger and more powerful.

The ground around her shattered as she sped towards Cinder, slashing outwards in a clumsy swing.

Cinder scoffed at her feeble attempt, "You'll never hi-"

However, she was cut off as the swing suddenly stopped mid-air before launching backwards twice as fast as the first swing. Cinder didn't even know what hit her as the back of the sycthe smashed against her face, shattering her aura as she was sent flying.

Sadly, the remaining maiden power she had left saved her from crashing against the surrounding forestry as she barely forced herself to stop, burning the ground around her as flames covered her.

Panting, Cinder looked towards Emily and growled. What surprised Magna, however, was the clear fear she held in her eyes towards his mother.

Even when he had her caught in his shadow possession, she didn't fear him. Anger and hate, she had those emotions in her eyes towards him but not fear. Now though, it was apparent that she feared his mother.

Suddenly, Emily's eyes widened as she leapt backwards, barely dodging an illuminated stinger as it pierced into the ground.

As the sound of someone slowly clapping Dre everyone's attention, Magna growled at the somehow free and conscious Doctor Merlot as he said, "Bravo. You managed to dodge my mutant Deathstalker. However… What about the second one?"

Before anyone could react, the ground beneath them exploded as a pair of glowing green pincers pinned Emily to the ground. She fought back as much as she could, using all her strength to try and free herself.

Seeing this, Doctor Merlot had the nerve to chuckle infront of Magna as he looked down at them and smirked, "Struggle all you can. This little experiment was the final product for it's species."

The stinger raised up to the sky before becoming a blur. Qrow narrowly managed to block the stinger from reaching Emily while Magna threw caution to the wind as he nimbly leapt onto the mutant Deathstalker's back.

Merlot scoffed at him as he signalled for the Deathstalker to shake him off. As the Deathstalker bucked, Magna made use of the tree climbing exercise as he stuffed all the leaves he had under the gaps of the Deathstalker's armour.

The first mutant Deathstalker tried to attack Magna yet Raven quickly intercepted the Deathstalker, knocking it's pincers away before backtracking. Magna and Raven briefly caught a glimpse of each other's eyes and nodded to each other in some form of understanding.

Using the momentum from the Deathstalker as it thrashed around, Magna flung himself towards Qrow as he ran through a series of hand signs. Once he finished the finally one, Magna's shadow trembled as he roared, "Shadow stitching jutsu!"

Thin shadows coiled around the Deathstalker, trying to pierce through its armour to no avail. Merlot laughed, "Please! Do you honestly expect those meager attacks to do any damage to my Deathstalker?"

Magna smirked as sweat poured down his head, "It doesn't need to do anything to your little 'pet project'! It just needs to be able to block the gaps in it's armour! KATSU!"

The moment the trigger left his mouth, a muffled 'BOOM' echoed from within the Deathstalker as smoke slowly left from the cracks that now ran through its armour.

A green liquid oozed from the wounded Deathstalker, melting the ground when the liquid landed on the forest floor.

The Deathstalker became enraged as it released an ear piercing screech. It flung Emily away as it turned towards Magna and charged.

Now Magna was running on fumes. With no other option left, Magna quickly switched cl.u.s.ter, hoping that it would switch to the one he intended.

Cinder and Merlot watched in sick p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e while Qrow and Emily watched in abrupt horror as the Deathstalker batted Magna away. His auraless body smashed through a couple trees before flopping to the forest floor.

Emily fell to her knees, the sight of her broken son causing her mind to just… shut down. Emerald glared at Merlot with such an intense amount of hatred that ripples formed in the air.

However, Raven held her back as she sensed something… odd from Magna's 'corpse', something powerful.

Qrow… he stalled. His mind forced him to shutdown for a second as all the memories he had with Magna flooded his mind all at once.

When he finished remembering all the good times he had with Magna, a roar that sound like something no human should be physically able to make left his mouth.

He sounded like a wounded animal as his aura glared out of control. But before he could charge forward, Raven quickly pulled him aside.

With madness swirling in his eyes, Qrow turned to Raven and hoarsely muttered, "…Let me go."

Raven shook her head. She stared at Magna's unresponsive body as she said, "He's not finished yet, little brother."

Before anyone could ask what she meant, a dense cloud of steam jetted out from Magna's body. The steam was so dense that no one, not even the grimm, could see through it.

Seeing the steam, Qrow's brows furrowed as he felt his aura fight off the scalding heat. However, once he remembered what this steam represented, his anger quickly left him as his voice echoed into the forest, "Oh, you pieces of shit don't know how F.U.C.K.E.D you are right now."

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