RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant
Chapter 87 - Crimson Bow and Arrow
As steam covered the forest, Qrow secretly pulled his sister towards the group while trying to stay as quiet as possible. Raven tried to pull herself free, glaring at Qrow in anger as she huffed.
Qrow rolled his eyes at his sister as he leaned close to her and whispered, "Stop struggling. I'm trying to save our lives."
Seeing that she didn't listen to him as she still continued to struggle, Qrow's eyes hardened into a glare as she spoke in a serious tone, "Rae, stop it. I know what Magna just did and trust me when I say this. You.Dont.Stand.A.Chance."
Normally, Raven would have decked Qrow for saying something like that but she paused. She saw how serious and frantic he looked to get away and all this did was make her curious.
She elbowed Qrow in the gut, freeing herself before turning into a bird and perching herself on top of a tree.
Raven wanted to see with her own eyes just what it was that Qrow thought she wouldn't be able to fight against.
With the steam covering her view, Cinder growled as she angrily tapped her scroll. Once her call connected, Cinder roared, "Hazel! Do you have a visual on the little brat that did this!?!"
A calm, masculine voice replied, "No. The steam is too thick. I can barely make out what's infront of me."
Forcing herself to not scream in rage, Cinder swiped her screen and yelled, "Adam! Are you still with the doctor!?! He must be kept safe! The queen said he still has his uses!"
A ragged voice, filled with anger and hatred roared back, "Quiet witch! I don't answer to you! Your little puppet is with some grunts! I have more important business to take care of."
Cinder's eyes glowed in rage, literally, as she tried to yell at him. However, before she even spoke a word, Adam abruptly hung up on her.
Staring at her scroll, Cinder blanked out for a few seconds before exploding into a pillar of fire. She screamed in anger as she ignored the melted metal spilling between her fingers.
As she calmed down and the flames surrounding her started to die down, Cinder abruptly froze as she finally noticed a pair of glowing green orbs floating high in the sky.
She glared at the orbs as she gathered a fireball in her hands. Suddenly, she pinched her thumb and pulled backwards, creating a bow and arrow made from flames.
With a vicious smirk, Cinder let loose her fiery arrow as it flew towards Magna. However, just as the arrow passed the treetops, a huge gust of wind blew out the arrow.
Suddenly, a sense of panic overcame Cinder as she tried to leap backwards. Yet the moment her body actually tried to move, she found herself completely trapped by what seemed to be a giant hand.
The hand that held her was burning hot, like a pot that was left on the stove. Cinder struggle in it's grasp, even trying to use her maiden magic to try and burn her way out of its grasp.
But the hand ignored it all. It slowly rose upwards, pulling Cinder high above the forest. Just as she was about to demand her freedom, all the words she wanted to say became stuck in her throat as she felt a terror like no other.
As the hand gently stopped right infront of its face, Cinder trembled in fear as she stared into 'it's' sunken eyes. 'It' was missing flesh on it's cheeks, exposing it's usually shaped jaw.
While she frantically tried to free herself, rage filled it's green eyes as it threw her at the ground and bellowed out an earth shattering roar towards the sky.
The power behind the roar forced the steam outwards, revealing just what 'it' looked like.
Seeing that 'it' was towering over them at around 15 meters(49 ft) Cinder, her goons, the whitefang, even Raven, they all froze as a sense of dread overcame them.
Suddenly, random grunt fell to her knees as she burst into tears and yelled, "We're gonna die! Waah!~"
Another grunt threw down his sword and ran. With that as the trigger, every whitefang member there ditched their weapons and ran. Someone even grabbed the girl that collapsed before they left.
But all this served to do was make 'it' angrier. With another roar, the titan pulled a tree from the ground and brutally threw it at the fleeing grunts. But just as it was about to hit the whitefang, a couple red lines appeared on the tree as it broke apart.
Slowly sheathing his sword, Adam looked at the titan and sneered, "Is that all your capable of? I expected better, you mindless beast!"
The titan's eyes slowly narrowed as it picked up a stone(boulder) and, reeling it's arm back, baseball pitched the boulder towards Adam and the fleeing whitefang grunts.
Adam's eyes widened as he hastily dodged. Even if his semblance allows him to store the force of anything that hits his blade, he wasn't stupid enough to try and absorb the force of a rapidly approaching boulder.
The boulder tore a path through the forest, narrowly missing the escaping whitefang.
Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Adam turned towards the whitefang members and roared, "Scatter! Stay in at least groups of 3! Ditch the uniforms and blend into the common rabble! Just make sure you make it back to base!"
Cinder, having just caught up, glared at Adam and screamed, "What the hell do you think your doing!?! Make your men distract that… 'thing' while we escape!"
Just as Adam tried to yell back, a huge fist descended onto the pair, forcing them to dodge. Gathering his bearings, Adam scowled and roared, "Don't you get it!?! We- No. YOU failed! Now it's every man for himself!"
Leaving her no chance to rebut him, Adam took off after the other whitefang members, abandoning Cinder and her group.
The hulking titan looked at Adam's retreating figure for a couple seconds before zeroing in on Cinder. The false maiden flinched ever so slightly, yet the titan noticed this and sent her a chilling smile.
"Your afraid… good."
The titan's voice was so rough and ragged that Cinder and her group visible winced. Then, to the horror of everyone, the titan smirked as it's spiky black hair turned blonde.
As it's hair grew longer, the heat coming off of the titan slowly increased. By the time the transformation was completely, the ground beneath it's very feet burned to ashes.
Suddenly, Qrow appeared from out of nowhere as he yelled in agitation, "MAGNA! YOU IDIOT! IF YOU KEEP GOING LIKE THAT, YOU'LL LOSE CONTROL!"
Magna's glowing blood red eyes located onto Qrow and smiled. However, that smile was anything but good as the blood-l.u.s.t and anger wafting off of him made everyone unconsciously take a step back.
However, to everyone's surprise, the titan's mouth slowly opened as it shakily spoke, "IT… OK, QROW. I… IN… CONTROL… FOR… SMALL TIME…"
Qrow looked worried but held it in as he sighed in relief. Once he disappeared back to the shadows, Magna turned back towards Cinder and growled.
Using both of his second semblance and his titan form put alot of strain on his body. When Magna unlocked Eren's cl.u.s.ter, he trained his mind and body before even attempting to use his titan form.
Alongside his regular training, this ate up alot of his free time but it was totally worth it when he finally transformed. Not only was he fully concious and in control, but he could speak as well.
The only problem he had was when he tried to use his second semblance. It baffled Magna as he found he could only stay in control for a few minutes before succ.u.mbing to the titan's anger.
He's tried everything he could to try and circ.u.mvent this but all he's managed was extend the time he can stay in control.
…Though, while training, he was lucky that his mother was always nearby when he lost control. Emily had a rather… special way of getting titan-Magna under control.
Anyway, as Magna's eyes locked onto Cinder, Hazel bellowed out a warcry as he hastily leapt at him. A titanic hand rose up to catch him but the moment Magna caught him, a powerful shock ran through his arm and into his body.
A pained roar escaped Magna's titan form as he quickly released Hazel from his grasp. Just as he was about to punt Hazel away, a blast of air smacked into his cheek.
Magna's head recoiled backwards and froze. As he slowly turned towards the tired and scared Mercury, Magna growled and spat out a giant tooth, knocking down a couple trees that were unfortunate enough to be in it's path.
Surprised that his attack actually hurt him, a smug smirk appeared on Mercury's face as yelled, "That thing ain't so tough! It's all looks, no-"
But before he could finish, steam escaped Magna's mouth as his tooth regenerated right infront of them. Mercury choked once he saw that Magna's focused switched to him.
With an enraged roar, Magna's titanic form rush towards Mercury like freight train. Before Mercury could so much as utter a 'mep', a colossal fist flew towards him as Magna pounced.
Tapping into his aura and dust, a gust of wind eject from his feet, propelling him out of the way. Magna, on the other hand, didn't stop as he bulldozed through the wind, as well as the forest infront of him.
While Mercury got his bearings, Cinder looked like she was about to have an aneurysm as veins pulsed on her forehead, "Way to go, idiot! You just HAD to taunt the giant, aura powered monster, didn't you!?!"
She moved to attack the titan as it slowly stood up but just as she finished conjuring a fireball, something smashed directly into her stomach.
With the air knocked out of her, Cinder keeled over as she felt her to lunch try to escape. She struggle to look upwards as she glared at Qrow and Emily.
Qrow watched her in mirth while Emily slowly tossed a stone up and down. Catching the stone, Emily sneered at Cinder as she said, "You didn't actually think we'd let you gang up on my son, did you?"
In an instant, a gleam appeared in Emily's eyes as she reeled back her arm before launching the stone forward, causing a small sonic boom as it flew towards Cinder.
Left with no choice, Cinder created a shield of flames infront of her but all that did was ignite the stone as it easily passed through and nailed her right in the shoulder.
"Cinder!" Screamed Hazel as he tried to move towards her.
Unfortunately for him, this caused him to take his eyes off a certain hulking titan. Magna took full advantage of Hazel's mistake as he ripped a tree straight out of the ground and hammered Hazel into the dirt.
While this was happening, Mercury tried to stop him but because he used up almost all of his dust, Mercury's attack amounted up to nothing more than a bunch of mosquito bites.
Magna slammed the tree downwards again and again, getting angrier with every hit. The reason being because Hazel kept trying to dig himself out.
As his anger grew, Qrow caught sight of his twisted expression and paled.
"Magna! Calm down!" Yelled Qrow.
Sadly, Magna let his anger get to him and lost control. A deep, throaty roar bellowed out from Magna's misshapen mouth. His skin slowly darken as veins that glowed like magma appeared on his body.
In reckless abandonment, Magna tore the tree in his hands apart and started attacking everything he could see. Grimm, trees, empty space, Magna attacked everything within arms reach.
His roars grew louder, more violent as steam pumped out of him like a broken faucet. At this point, Magna was out cold. This, was the titan.
Qrow grit his teeth seeing Magna lose control while Cinder and her followers paled. Anything the titan came in contact with burn to ashes. Even the stones in the ground turned into nothing more than slag.
Just as Qrow was about to try and get him under control, Emily simply put her arm out infront of him. With a soft smile, Emily looked at Qrow and said, "Just watch over those idiots. After all, it's a parents job to set their child straight."
Qrow hesitated before sighing. She was the best person for the job since she usually got Magna under control when he lost control of his titan form.
With a quick nod, Qrow stood over Cinder and group with his eyes focused on them like a hawk. Emily light nodded to him before turning towards her colossal son.
With a sigh, Emily took a deep breath and disappeared. The titan froze as it felt a threat coming towards it but it was too late.
By the time the titan raised its arms to block whatever was trying to harm it, Emily appeared infront of it.
As her frilly shirt fluttered in the breeze, her aura burst out of her body like a wildfire before condensing around her right fist. With her aura spiralling around her fist, Emily roared and punched forward at blinding speeds.
The moment her fist connected with the titan's face, a series of cracks rang out as it's face collapsed inwards. Then, a figure ejected out the back of the neck, accompanied by a small explosion of steam.
Emily vanished once again as she caught the figure in her arms. Looking at her peacefully sleeping son, Emily gave him a loving smile as she wiped the titan's steaming muscles from his face.
Qrow sighed in relief while Mercury and the barely concious Cinder had their mouths wide open.
Mercury being the first to snap out of his shock, pointed at Emily and screamed, "What the hell was that!?! She punched that thing so hard that it ended up like a cartoon!!!"
Annoyed, Qrow slammed the hilt of his blade against Mercury's head, launching him face first into the ground.
While Qrow was distracted, Cinder eyed Magna with greed as she thought to herself, 'If only I had that power… I could do anything I want…'
Shaking her head, Cinder continued to think to herself, 'No. First I need to escape with Mercury and Hazel. I hate to disappoint her more than I already have but…'
Slowly, Cinder reached down to her t.h.i.g.hs and started rummaging around. After a few seconds, she finally got her hands on her back up scroll that she kept strapped to her t.h.i.g.hs.
A couple seconds after pressing the call of button, the call connected as a snooty male voice said, "Ah, miss Fall. To what do I owe the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."
Cinder felt her anger rise but kept herself in control as she whispered, "Enough of the pleasantries, Watts. I'm hurt, Hazel is down, Mercury can't fight and we lost the illusion girl. I need an extraction."
"Oh, what dreadful news." Said Watts, clear happiness in his voice as he enjoyed to hear about Cinder's suffering, "Did you at least complete your mission?"
Cinder paused for a second before saying, "…Yes. I have the maiden's powers. Now, I need you to-"
"Hold on. I could swear I heard… hesitation in your voice. I need a clear answer, miss Fall. Did you, or did you not, complete your mission?"
"Yes! I did! Now I need you-"
Before she could finish, a bullet zipped past her face, narrowly missing her as it destroyed her scroll. But, even though the bullet missed her, the scroll exploded while in her hand, lodging pieces of glass into her fingers and palm.
With a smug smile on his face, Qrow waved his finger infront of her as he said, "Ah ah ah! Naughty little psycho girl."
"You..!" Growled Cinder.
Suddenly, the sound of hundreds, if not thousands of grimm shook the forest. Qrow leapt towards Emily while Mercury dragged Hazel towards him Cinder.
Suddenly, a voice spoke, "Honestly… miss Fall, I expected better. Then again, I didn't expect much to begin with."
Cinder released a small sigh of relief as she relaxed, "Arthur, how did you get here so fast?"
The man, Arthur Watts, rolled his eyes as he said, "Must I remind you that I had a mission of my own? Who do you think is responsible for blocking communications? Certainly not those stupid animals."
Qrow began to feel nervous as hundreds of glowing eyes peered at them from within the forest. Suddenly, a black bird landed on his shoulder. Qrow peered into the bird's crimson red eyes and saw something he hadn't seen in a long time.
Not wanting to involve his sister any more than she already is, Qrow shoo'ed her away. The Raven cawed at him before flying into the trees.
Just as he was about to sigh in relief, a scroll hit his and dropped right infront of him. While Arthur and Cinder were in their own little world, Qrow's eyes widened as he saw a message on the screen.
'Say the word and I'll take all of us to Tai. As long as you have that boy… I don't mind lending you the strength of the tribe, myself included.'
Qrow took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself.
Ever since Raven found out what it was that they were going to be fighting, she's been off the radar. Obviously, Qrow knew how to find her and find her he did. Along with the tribe he abandoned.
He questioned Raven on the reason why she left everything behind. Her family. Her friends. Her duty. And her answer still shocked Qrow to this day.
She… was afraid. Her. Raven, the badass, 'fears no man, woman or grimm' Branwen.
She was afraid of dying. After coming so far, after getting so strong, she was afraid that it would all go to waste. Just like her self-proclaimed best friend.
Even now, she was afraid. She didn't want to get on Salem's radar, that's why she only appeared in her bird form. But because she saw what Magna was capable of, she decided to gamble.
As long as he lived, she could feel that there would one day be a time where she would no longer be afraid. A day where she could explain herself to her daughter and hopefully be accepted by her.
Unfortunately, she no longer loved Taiyang. Even though she left him and her new born daughter, it wasn't even a week after she left that he had laid his hands on her best friend, Summer Rose.
Obviously, it wasn't until much later that she became pregnant but even then, it didn't take Tai that long to move on, so she did the same. Sadly, she hasn't found a man that fits her rather high criteria, so she's still single.
Qrow kept her whereabouts a secret from everyone, even Ozpin. Because, no matter what anyone says, Raven was his sister. And if she was afraid and didn't want to die, then he didn't want to force her to fight.
Looking towards the treetops, Qrow was about to nod when a certain sound caught his ears. A massive sigh of relief escaped his lips as he smiled towards his sister and shock his head.
"Evac's here."
The sound of the airsh.i.p.s cut Arthur and Cinder's conversation off as Qrow roared with laughter. Armed robots quickly surrounded them and took aim at Cinder and her crew.
Arthur glared at the approaching airship and clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Bloody fantastic... Well, no matter."
Pointing towards Cinder and her group, the grimm quickly picked them up as Arthur tapped his scroll. Suddenly, a pulse of energy burst out from him as the robots fell to the ground.
However, that wasn't all as Emerald, who had been hiding in the shadows, suddenly screamed out in pain.
Magna's eyes snapped open, completely bloodshot as he roared. In an instant, steam burst out from him once again as a gory mass of muscle shot towards Cinder.
Arthur paled as he saw the constant tearing and regenerating muscle mass and hastily tapped his scroll once more. Emerald's screams grew louder as everyone, even Cinder and her crew, felt an invisible hand enter their minds and take 'something' away.
The only one unaffected by this was Magna as his half-formed titan form tried to move towards Cinder. However, it's torso was infused onto the ground so all it could do was growl.
With what little conciousness she had left, Cinder tried and failed to tear her gaze away from the green orbs filled with hatred that bore into her very being.
She trembled under it's gaze as the grimm dragged her away. Though whether it was in fear or something else, was only known to Cinder.
Seeing that they retreated, Magna's titan form quickly broke apart as the muscles and bones fell to the forest floor. Magna, pale and panting, quickly pulled himself from the steaming nape of the decomposing titan and hobbled over to the frozen forms of his family and friends.
Magna shook his mother a couple times as he hoarsely called out to her. After a few seconds, light returned to her eyes as she turned to Magna and screamed.
Before Magna could even blink, he found himself in a very tight embrace as Emily cried out in worry. Her cry seemed to wake everyone else as they made their way over to the mother-son pair.
Qrow glanced at Magna and sighed in relief that he wasn't too badly hurt. Besides some burns, Magna was physically fine. His aura though, was completely spent. He couldn't even put up his aura shield at the moment.
Raven, in her bird form, landed on Magna's shoulder and chirped in worry. Emily was about to slap the bird away but paused when she saw the pleading look Qrow was giving her.
Once he was sure that Emily wasn't about to slap his sister into oblivion, Qrow turned towards the pale form of the fall maiden. Using a tree to prop herself up, Amber gave Qrow a small smile.
Magna patted his mother's back as he hoarsely said, "M-mum, I'm fine. But Emerald… that d.i.c.k with the mustache did something to her."
Emily glanced at the bird on his shoulder for a couple seconds before turning back to Magna. With a soft smile and nod, Emily gently lay him down on the ground and left to go check on Emerald.
Qrow looked at his sister and rolled his eyes as he said, "Rae, turn back."
The bird chirped angrily at Qrow but ultimately ended up listening to him. Now in her human form, Raven sat down on her knees and placed his head on her l.a.p.
By now, Magna was sound asleep while Qrow stared at his sister in mild disgust. Annoyed by the look in his eyes, Raven glared at Qrow and silently growled, "What!?"
"He's old enough to be your son. Actually, scratch that. He's as old as your daughter! His teacher, Amber Noct, is one thing. At least she's only a few years older than him. You? Your-"
Before he could finish, a rock hit him dead in the face as Raven fiercely sneered, "Get your head out of the gutter, Qrow. I know he's only a child, so I won't touch him. At least not yet. Once he's strong enough, I will naturally take what I want."
Looking at the sleeping form of Magna, Raven licked her lips while Qrow gagged. Amber didn't really know what to do or say so she opted to look towards the clouds.
Suddenly, she noticed something odd as she softly spoke, "Hey… Does anyone remember what my attackers look like? I'm... kinda drawing a blank here and it's scaring me."
Qrow chuckled, "Of course I do. The leader wore a red dress and had… Uh, her hair colour was… brown? No, I mean, blonde? What the hell… I, I can't remember what she looked like!"
Raven also tried to recall the appearance of Salem's pawns but she, just like her brother, ended up drawing a blank.
After a few minutes of trying to remember what Amber's attackers looked like, Emily came back with an unconscious Emerald in her arms. However, even though she was unconscious, Emerald's face was twisted in pain.
With a serious expression on her face, Emily walked towards Magna and picked him up. With her son and Emerald curled up in her arms, Emily glared at the Branwen siblings, turned away and said, "We need to leave. Magna is extremely vulnerable right now and there's something wrong with Emerald."
Without saying anything more, Emily walked into the forest, following the trail of fallen robots. Raven felt uncomfortable about the idea of following them because she knew that they were heading to Beacon.
In the end, however, she knew she needed to follow them if she wanted to be on Magna's side. Qrow, on the other hand, felt a little nervous about meeting with Ozpin since it was 'technically' his fault that more people found out about Remnants most guarded secret.
Luckily for him, Amber leaned against him and gave him a bright smile, making Qrow feel at peace, knowing that they didn't fail. They actually managed to save her.
Sure, she lost some of her power, but that didn't matter because, in the end, she was still alive. And that's all that really mattered to him.
Qrow rolled his eyes at his sister as he leaned close to her and whispered, "Stop struggling. I'm trying to save our lives."
Seeing that she didn't listen to him as she still continued to struggle, Qrow's eyes hardened into a glare as she spoke in a serious tone, "Rae, stop it. I know what Magna just did and trust me when I say this. You.Dont.Stand.A.Chance."
Normally, Raven would have decked Qrow for saying something like that but she paused. She saw how serious and frantic he looked to get away and all this did was make her curious.
She elbowed Qrow in the gut, freeing herself before turning into a bird and perching herself on top of a tree.
Raven wanted to see with her own eyes just what it was that Qrow thought she wouldn't be able to fight against.
With the steam covering her view, Cinder growled as she angrily tapped her scroll. Once her call connected, Cinder roared, "Hazel! Do you have a visual on the little brat that did this!?!"
A calm, masculine voice replied, "No. The steam is too thick. I can barely make out what's infront of me."
Forcing herself to not scream in rage, Cinder swiped her screen and yelled, "Adam! Are you still with the doctor!?! He must be kept safe! The queen said he still has his uses!"
A ragged voice, filled with anger and hatred roared back, "Quiet witch! I don't answer to you! Your little puppet is with some grunts! I have more important business to take care of."
Cinder's eyes glowed in rage, literally, as she tried to yell at him. However, before she even spoke a word, Adam abruptly hung up on her.
Staring at her scroll, Cinder blanked out for a few seconds before exploding into a pillar of fire. She screamed in anger as she ignored the melted metal spilling between her fingers.
As she calmed down and the flames surrounding her started to die down, Cinder abruptly froze as she finally noticed a pair of glowing green orbs floating high in the sky.
She glared at the orbs as she gathered a fireball in her hands. Suddenly, she pinched her thumb and pulled backwards, creating a bow and arrow made from flames.
With a vicious smirk, Cinder let loose her fiery arrow as it flew towards Magna. However, just as the arrow passed the treetops, a huge gust of wind blew out the arrow.
Suddenly, a sense of panic overcame Cinder as she tried to leap backwards. Yet the moment her body actually tried to move, she found herself completely trapped by what seemed to be a giant hand.
The hand that held her was burning hot, like a pot that was left on the stove. Cinder struggle in it's grasp, even trying to use her maiden magic to try and burn her way out of its grasp.
But the hand ignored it all. It slowly rose upwards, pulling Cinder high above the forest. Just as she was about to demand her freedom, all the words she wanted to say became stuck in her throat as she felt a terror like no other.
As the hand gently stopped right infront of its face, Cinder trembled in fear as she stared into 'it's' sunken eyes. 'It' was missing flesh on it's cheeks, exposing it's usually shaped jaw.
While she frantically tried to free herself, rage filled it's green eyes as it threw her at the ground and bellowed out an earth shattering roar towards the sky.
The power behind the roar forced the steam outwards, revealing just what 'it' looked like.
Seeing that 'it' was towering over them at around 15 meters(49 ft) Cinder, her goons, the whitefang, even Raven, they all froze as a sense of dread overcame them.
Suddenly, random grunt fell to her knees as she burst into tears and yelled, "We're gonna die! Waah!~"
Another grunt threw down his sword and ran. With that as the trigger, every whitefang member there ditched their weapons and ran. Someone even grabbed the girl that collapsed before they left.
But all this served to do was make 'it' angrier. With another roar, the titan pulled a tree from the ground and brutally threw it at the fleeing grunts. But just as it was about to hit the whitefang, a couple red lines appeared on the tree as it broke apart.
Slowly sheathing his sword, Adam looked at the titan and sneered, "Is that all your capable of? I expected better, you mindless beast!"
The titan's eyes slowly narrowed as it picked up a stone(boulder) and, reeling it's arm back, baseball pitched the boulder towards Adam and the fleeing whitefang grunts.
Adam's eyes widened as he hastily dodged. Even if his semblance allows him to store the force of anything that hits his blade, he wasn't stupid enough to try and absorb the force of a rapidly approaching boulder.
The boulder tore a path through the forest, narrowly missing the escaping whitefang.
Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Adam turned towards the whitefang members and roared, "Scatter! Stay in at least groups of 3! Ditch the uniforms and blend into the common rabble! Just make sure you make it back to base!"
Cinder, having just caught up, glared at Adam and screamed, "What the hell do you think your doing!?! Make your men distract that… 'thing' while we escape!"
Just as Adam tried to yell back, a huge fist descended onto the pair, forcing them to dodge. Gathering his bearings, Adam scowled and roared, "Don't you get it!?! We- No. YOU failed! Now it's every man for himself!"
Leaving her no chance to rebut him, Adam took off after the other whitefang members, abandoning Cinder and her group.
The hulking titan looked at Adam's retreating figure for a couple seconds before zeroing in on Cinder. The false maiden flinched ever so slightly, yet the titan noticed this and sent her a chilling smile.
"Your afraid… good."
The titan's voice was so rough and ragged that Cinder and her group visible winced. Then, to the horror of everyone, the titan smirked as it's spiky black hair turned blonde.
As it's hair grew longer, the heat coming off of the titan slowly increased. By the time the transformation was completely, the ground beneath it's very feet burned to ashes.
Suddenly, Qrow appeared from out of nowhere as he yelled in agitation, "MAGNA! YOU IDIOT! IF YOU KEEP GOING LIKE THAT, YOU'LL LOSE CONTROL!"
Magna's glowing blood red eyes located onto Qrow and smiled. However, that smile was anything but good as the blood-l.u.s.t and anger wafting off of him made everyone unconsciously take a step back.
However, to everyone's surprise, the titan's mouth slowly opened as it shakily spoke, "IT… OK, QROW. I… IN… CONTROL… FOR… SMALL TIME…"
Qrow looked worried but held it in as he sighed in relief. Once he disappeared back to the shadows, Magna turned back towards Cinder and growled.
Using both of his second semblance and his titan form put alot of strain on his body. When Magna unlocked Eren's cl.u.s.ter, he trained his mind and body before even attempting to use his titan form.
Alongside his regular training, this ate up alot of his free time but it was totally worth it when he finally transformed. Not only was he fully concious and in control, but he could speak as well.
The only problem he had was when he tried to use his second semblance. It baffled Magna as he found he could only stay in control for a few minutes before succ.u.mbing to the titan's anger.
He's tried everything he could to try and circ.u.mvent this but all he's managed was extend the time he can stay in control.
…Though, while training, he was lucky that his mother was always nearby when he lost control. Emily had a rather… special way of getting titan-Magna under control.
Anyway, as Magna's eyes locked onto Cinder, Hazel bellowed out a warcry as he hastily leapt at him. A titanic hand rose up to catch him but the moment Magna caught him, a powerful shock ran through his arm and into his body.
A pained roar escaped Magna's titan form as he quickly released Hazel from his grasp. Just as he was about to punt Hazel away, a blast of air smacked into his cheek.
Magna's head recoiled backwards and froze. As he slowly turned towards the tired and scared Mercury, Magna growled and spat out a giant tooth, knocking down a couple trees that were unfortunate enough to be in it's path.
Surprised that his attack actually hurt him, a smug smirk appeared on Mercury's face as yelled, "That thing ain't so tough! It's all looks, no-"
But before he could finish, steam escaped Magna's mouth as his tooth regenerated right infront of them. Mercury choked once he saw that Magna's focused switched to him.
With an enraged roar, Magna's titanic form rush towards Mercury like freight train. Before Mercury could so much as utter a 'mep', a colossal fist flew towards him as Magna pounced.
Tapping into his aura and dust, a gust of wind eject from his feet, propelling him out of the way. Magna, on the other hand, didn't stop as he bulldozed through the wind, as well as the forest infront of him.
While Mercury got his bearings, Cinder looked like she was about to have an aneurysm as veins pulsed on her forehead, "Way to go, idiot! You just HAD to taunt the giant, aura powered monster, didn't you!?!"
She moved to attack the titan as it slowly stood up but just as she finished conjuring a fireball, something smashed directly into her stomach.
With the air knocked out of her, Cinder keeled over as she felt her to lunch try to escape. She struggle to look upwards as she glared at Qrow and Emily.
Qrow watched her in mirth while Emily slowly tossed a stone up and down. Catching the stone, Emily sneered at Cinder as she said, "You didn't actually think we'd let you gang up on my son, did you?"
In an instant, a gleam appeared in Emily's eyes as she reeled back her arm before launching the stone forward, causing a small sonic boom as it flew towards Cinder.
Left with no choice, Cinder created a shield of flames infront of her but all that did was ignite the stone as it easily passed through and nailed her right in the shoulder.
"Cinder!" Screamed Hazel as he tried to move towards her.
Unfortunately for him, this caused him to take his eyes off a certain hulking titan. Magna took full advantage of Hazel's mistake as he ripped a tree straight out of the ground and hammered Hazel into the dirt.
While this was happening, Mercury tried to stop him but because he used up almost all of his dust, Mercury's attack amounted up to nothing more than a bunch of mosquito bites.
Magna slammed the tree downwards again and again, getting angrier with every hit. The reason being because Hazel kept trying to dig himself out.
As his anger grew, Qrow caught sight of his twisted expression and paled.
"Magna! Calm down!" Yelled Qrow.
Sadly, Magna let his anger get to him and lost control. A deep, throaty roar bellowed out from Magna's misshapen mouth. His skin slowly darken as veins that glowed like magma appeared on his body.
In reckless abandonment, Magna tore the tree in his hands apart and started attacking everything he could see. Grimm, trees, empty space, Magna attacked everything within arms reach.
His roars grew louder, more violent as steam pumped out of him like a broken faucet. At this point, Magna was out cold. This, was the titan.
Qrow grit his teeth seeing Magna lose control while Cinder and her followers paled. Anything the titan came in contact with burn to ashes. Even the stones in the ground turned into nothing more than slag.
Just as Qrow was about to try and get him under control, Emily simply put her arm out infront of him. With a soft smile, Emily looked at Qrow and said, "Just watch over those idiots. After all, it's a parents job to set their child straight."
Qrow hesitated before sighing. She was the best person for the job since she usually got Magna under control when he lost control of his titan form.
With a quick nod, Qrow stood over Cinder and group with his eyes focused on them like a hawk. Emily light nodded to him before turning towards her colossal son.
With a sigh, Emily took a deep breath and disappeared. The titan froze as it felt a threat coming towards it but it was too late.
By the time the titan raised its arms to block whatever was trying to harm it, Emily appeared infront of it.
As her frilly shirt fluttered in the breeze, her aura burst out of her body like a wildfire before condensing around her right fist. With her aura spiralling around her fist, Emily roared and punched forward at blinding speeds.
The moment her fist connected with the titan's face, a series of cracks rang out as it's face collapsed inwards. Then, a figure ejected out the back of the neck, accompanied by a small explosion of steam.
Emily vanished once again as she caught the figure in her arms. Looking at her peacefully sleeping son, Emily gave him a loving smile as she wiped the titan's steaming muscles from his face.
Qrow sighed in relief while Mercury and the barely concious Cinder had their mouths wide open.
Mercury being the first to snap out of his shock, pointed at Emily and screamed, "What the hell was that!?! She punched that thing so hard that it ended up like a cartoon!!!"
Annoyed, Qrow slammed the hilt of his blade against Mercury's head, launching him face first into the ground.
While Qrow was distracted, Cinder eyed Magna with greed as she thought to herself, 'If only I had that power… I could do anything I want…'
Shaking her head, Cinder continued to think to herself, 'No. First I need to escape with Mercury and Hazel. I hate to disappoint her more than I already have but…'
Slowly, Cinder reached down to her t.h.i.g.hs and started rummaging around. After a few seconds, she finally got her hands on her back up scroll that she kept strapped to her t.h.i.g.hs.
A couple seconds after pressing the call of button, the call connected as a snooty male voice said, "Ah, miss Fall. To what do I owe the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."
Cinder felt her anger rise but kept herself in control as she whispered, "Enough of the pleasantries, Watts. I'm hurt, Hazel is down, Mercury can't fight and we lost the illusion girl. I need an extraction."
"Oh, what dreadful news." Said Watts, clear happiness in his voice as he enjoyed to hear about Cinder's suffering, "Did you at least complete your mission?"
Cinder paused for a second before saying, "…Yes. I have the maiden's powers. Now, I need you to-"
"Hold on. I could swear I heard… hesitation in your voice. I need a clear answer, miss Fall. Did you, or did you not, complete your mission?"
"Yes! I did! Now I need you-"
Before she could finish, a bullet zipped past her face, narrowly missing her as it destroyed her scroll. But, even though the bullet missed her, the scroll exploded while in her hand, lodging pieces of glass into her fingers and palm.
With a smug smile on his face, Qrow waved his finger infront of her as he said, "Ah ah ah! Naughty little psycho girl."
"You..!" Growled Cinder.
Suddenly, the sound of hundreds, if not thousands of grimm shook the forest. Qrow leapt towards Emily while Mercury dragged Hazel towards him Cinder.
Suddenly, a voice spoke, "Honestly… miss Fall, I expected better. Then again, I didn't expect much to begin with."
Cinder released a small sigh of relief as she relaxed, "Arthur, how did you get here so fast?"
The man, Arthur Watts, rolled his eyes as he said, "Must I remind you that I had a mission of my own? Who do you think is responsible for blocking communications? Certainly not those stupid animals."
Qrow began to feel nervous as hundreds of glowing eyes peered at them from within the forest. Suddenly, a black bird landed on his shoulder. Qrow peered into the bird's crimson red eyes and saw something he hadn't seen in a long time.
Not wanting to involve his sister any more than she already is, Qrow shoo'ed her away. The Raven cawed at him before flying into the trees.
Just as he was about to sigh in relief, a scroll hit his and dropped right infront of him. While Arthur and Cinder were in their own little world, Qrow's eyes widened as he saw a message on the screen.
'Say the word and I'll take all of us to Tai. As long as you have that boy… I don't mind lending you the strength of the tribe, myself included.'
Qrow took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself.
Ever since Raven found out what it was that they were going to be fighting, she's been off the radar. Obviously, Qrow knew how to find her and find her he did. Along with the tribe he abandoned.
He questioned Raven on the reason why she left everything behind. Her family. Her friends. Her duty. And her answer still shocked Qrow to this day.
She… was afraid. Her. Raven, the badass, 'fears no man, woman or grimm' Branwen.
She was afraid of dying. After coming so far, after getting so strong, she was afraid that it would all go to waste. Just like her self-proclaimed best friend.
Even now, she was afraid. She didn't want to get on Salem's radar, that's why she only appeared in her bird form. But because she saw what Magna was capable of, she decided to gamble.
As long as he lived, she could feel that there would one day be a time where she would no longer be afraid. A day where she could explain herself to her daughter and hopefully be accepted by her.
Unfortunately, she no longer loved Taiyang. Even though she left him and her new born daughter, it wasn't even a week after she left that he had laid his hands on her best friend, Summer Rose.
Obviously, it wasn't until much later that she became pregnant but even then, it didn't take Tai that long to move on, so she did the same. Sadly, she hasn't found a man that fits her rather high criteria, so she's still single.
Qrow kept her whereabouts a secret from everyone, even Ozpin. Because, no matter what anyone says, Raven was his sister. And if she was afraid and didn't want to die, then he didn't want to force her to fight.
Looking towards the treetops, Qrow was about to nod when a certain sound caught his ears. A massive sigh of relief escaped his lips as he smiled towards his sister and shock his head.
"Evac's here."
The sound of the airsh.i.p.s cut Arthur and Cinder's conversation off as Qrow roared with laughter. Armed robots quickly surrounded them and took aim at Cinder and her crew.
Arthur glared at the approaching airship and clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Bloody fantastic... Well, no matter."
Pointing towards Cinder and her group, the grimm quickly picked them up as Arthur tapped his scroll. Suddenly, a pulse of energy burst out from him as the robots fell to the ground.
However, that wasn't all as Emerald, who had been hiding in the shadows, suddenly screamed out in pain.
Magna's eyes snapped open, completely bloodshot as he roared. In an instant, steam burst out from him once again as a gory mass of muscle shot towards Cinder.
Arthur paled as he saw the constant tearing and regenerating muscle mass and hastily tapped his scroll once more. Emerald's screams grew louder as everyone, even Cinder and her crew, felt an invisible hand enter their minds and take 'something' away.
The only one unaffected by this was Magna as his half-formed titan form tried to move towards Cinder. However, it's torso was infused onto the ground so all it could do was growl.
With what little conciousness she had left, Cinder tried and failed to tear her gaze away from the green orbs filled with hatred that bore into her very being.
She trembled under it's gaze as the grimm dragged her away. Though whether it was in fear or something else, was only known to Cinder.
Seeing that they retreated, Magna's titan form quickly broke apart as the muscles and bones fell to the forest floor. Magna, pale and panting, quickly pulled himself from the steaming nape of the decomposing titan and hobbled over to the frozen forms of his family and friends.
Magna shook his mother a couple times as he hoarsely called out to her. After a few seconds, light returned to her eyes as she turned to Magna and screamed.
Before Magna could even blink, he found himself in a very tight embrace as Emily cried out in worry. Her cry seemed to wake everyone else as they made their way over to the mother-son pair.
Qrow glanced at Magna and sighed in relief that he wasn't too badly hurt. Besides some burns, Magna was physically fine. His aura though, was completely spent. He couldn't even put up his aura shield at the moment.
Raven, in her bird form, landed on Magna's shoulder and chirped in worry. Emily was about to slap the bird away but paused when she saw the pleading look Qrow was giving her.
Once he was sure that Emily wasn't about to slap his sister into oblivion, Qrow turned towards the pale form of the fall maiden. Using a tree to prop herself up, Amber gave Qrow a small smile.
Magna patted his mother's back as he hoarsely said, "M-mum, I'm fine. But Emerald… that d.i.c.k with the mustache did something to her."
Emily glanced at the bird on his shoulder for a couple seconds before turning back to Magna. With a soft smile and nod, Emily gently lay him down on the ground and left to go check on Emerald.
Qrow looked at his sister and rolled his eyes as he said, "Rae, turn back."
The bird chirped angrily at Qrow but ultimately ended up listening to him. Now in her human form, Raven sat down on her knees and placed his head on her l.a.p.
By now, Magna was sound asleep while Qrow stared at his sister in mild disgust. Annoyed by the look in his eyes, Raven glared at Qrow and silently growled, "What!?"
"He's old enough to be your son. Actually, scratch that. He's as old as your daughter! His teacher, Amber Noct, is one thing. At least she's only a few years older than him. You? Your-"
Before he could finish, a rock hit him dead in the face as Raven fiercely sneered, "Get your head out of the gutter, Qrow. I know he's only a child, so I won't touch him. At least not yet. Once he's strong enough, I will naturally take what I want."
Looking at the sleeping form of Magna, Raven licked her lips while Qrow gagged. Amber didn't really know what to do or say so she opted to look towards the clouds.
Suddenly, she noticed something odd as she softly spoke, "Hey… Does anyone remember what my attackers look like? I'm... kinda drawing a blank here and it's scaring me."
Qrow chuckled, "Of course I do. The leader wore a red dress and had… Uh, her hair colour was… brown? No, I mean, blonde? What the hell… I, I can't remember what she looked like!"
Raven also tried to recall the appearance of Salem's pawns but she, just like her brother, ended up drawing a blank.
After a few minutes of trying to remember what Amber's attackers looked like, Emily came back with an unconscious Emerald in her arms. However, even though she was unconscious, Emerald's face was twisted in pain.
With a serious expression on her face, Emily walked towards Magna and picked him up. With her son and Emerald curled up in her arms, Emily glared at the Branwen siblings, turned away and said, "We need to leave. Magna is extremely vulnerable right now and there's something wrong with Emerald."
Without saying anything more, Emily walked into the forest, following the trail of fallen robots. Raven felt uncomfortable about the idea of following them because she knew that they were heading to Beacon.
In the end, however, she knew she needed to follow them if she wanted to be on Magna's side. Qrow, on the other hand, felt a little nervous about meeting with Ozpin since it was 'technically' his fault that more people found out about Remnants most guarded secret.
Luckily for him, Amber leaned against him and gave him a bright smile, making Qrow feel at peace, knowing that they didn't fail. They actually managed to save her.
Sure, she lost some of her power, but that didn't matter because, in the end, she was still alive. And that's all that really mattered to him.
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