RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 88 - Meeting the Wizard

Opening his eyes, Magna gave his surroundings a curious glance and yawned. Turning towards his mother, who had been humming a tune to herself, Magna asked, "Hey, mum? Where are we?"

Emily stopped humming and smiled, "Where on our way to Beacon. Ozpin wants to debrief us all on what happened."

Magna nodded slowly before laying back down. However, not even a second later, his eyes snapped open as he leapt off his seat and screamed, "WHAT!?!"

Like a set of dominos, Magna's scream caused Qrow and Raven to also leapt off their seats. The half-asleep Branwen twins then proceeded to pull out there weapons as they screamed, "Where's the enemy!?! Wha!? Why can't I see!?!"

Amber looked at the pair and face palmed as she walked towards Qrow and gently pulled off the eye mask he was wearing.

Since Ozpin wanted them all up and able for the debriefing, he asked the airship crew to inform them to get some sleep on the ride over. The airship was even equipped with a state of the art bed which made sleeping on the move possible.

Anyway, with the pair begrudgingly waking up from a much needed rest, Emily gave Magna a gently kiss on his forehead and said, "Like I said, Ozpin wants to talk about everything that happened. I also think he wants to know how much we know of the war going on behind the scenes."

Magna nodded as he couldn't help but feel nervous. He was finally going to meet him. The big man himself, Ozpin.

He tried putting off meeting him for as long as he could but I guess now he was forced to meet him. Then again, as Magna thought over everything that happened to him in the last couple days, he couldn't help but admit that meeting Ozpin was guaranteed.

Even if he didn't learn about the hidden war, Magna still would've had to meet him due to the abrupt mission he gave.

Now, Magna wasn't afraid of meeting Ozpin, he was just nervous. How was Ozpin going to react about his semblance? Or about how both he and his mother know about the war?

Worst of all, was he going to try and use Magna like a tool? If his memory served him right, Ozpin was a master of words, and was able to spin a tale just the right way so you'd know only what he wanted you to know.


"We are now landing at Beacon Academy, please prepare for drop off. I repeat, we are landing at Beacon."

Once the airship touched down at the landing pads, Qrow and Amber slowly led the group to Ozpin, with both Raven and Magna trailing a bit behind them.

Both of them gave the other a curious glance but quickly ignored the others existence as they mentally tried to fight off their growing nerves.

Raven was afraid of how Ozpin would react. She wasn't truly scared of the man but all it took was one word from him and she would never be pardoned for deserting her duties.

Magna, on the other hand, was anxious to meet the man. Even though he didn't trust Ozpin, Magna wanted to build up a new understanding of the man, one not directed by bias.

Before he would be comfortable sharing ANY sort of information with Ozpin, Magna wanted to better understand the 'man', not the character that was portrayed in the series.

Being pulled from his thoughts, literally, Magna stumbled slightly as a blonde woman stood infront of him. She wore a white long-sleeved, pleated top that has a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flare in pleats at the wrist.

Her lower body is covered by a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons and black-brown stockings. Her black boots with bronze heels clicked against the ground impatiently while a cape fluttered behind her.

The woman's bright green eyes bore into Magna as she said, "Young man, why are you here?"

Before Magna could reply, Emily spoke up from behind him as she said, "That's my son."

The woman's eyes narrowed at Emily before they abruptly widened as she muttered, "Emily? Is that you?"

"Uh, yes? How did you- Wait! Glynda!?! Oh my Oum! It's been so long! How have you been?" Screamed Emily, a happy smile adoring her face.

The woman, Glynda, seemed to be equally as happy as she strutted towards her and gave her a strong hug, "I'm good, thank you. It's nice to know that your alive! I still remember when they announced you were MIA because I almost had a heart attack!

While the pair fell into their own little world, Magna shuffled over to Qrow and whispered, "Hey, Qrow. What's going on between my mum and that lady? They're acting like they're old friends."

Qrow took a long, long sip from his now full flask and said, "That's cause they are. Glynda and your mother go way back. It's funny, considering that they first met as enemies during the Vytal festival."

Before Magna could comment on this new bit of information, a beep resounded as a calm, male voice echoed from the sound system, "Glynda, would you kindly escort our guests into my office please?"

Magna quickly went on edge, only to force himself to calm down a few seconds later as he remembered a small detail from the show. Ozpin had eyes all over his campus.

Literally nothing happened in this school without him knowing it. Magna began to think back to the show as he internally questioned, 'Does Beacon actually have secret passageways that only Ozpin knows about?'

Even if it's been years since he reincarnated, Magna tried to remember as many details from the show as he could. Obviously, there were many details he couldn't recall like the layout of the school or festival grounds from volume 3.

What he did remember, however, were the main people involved in the story. Heck, he was currently living next to two of the stories protagonists and he had managed to not only change, but save one of the antagonists.

Anyway, from memory, Magna could remember how Ozpin somehow managed to pop up from out of nowhere. It was kind of concerning because Magna didn't plan to follow the script.

Magna knew that he was going to mess up any plans that either Ozpin or Salem came up with. He had already f.u.c.k.e.d Salem over with her 'fall maiden' and he didn't plan to stop there.

Oh no... Magna planned to royally screw over any plan that harmed his normal life, consequences be damned.

Once the group settled into the elevator, Magna noticed from the corner of his eye that Glynda seemed to be glaring at Raven.

It didn't surprised Magna in the slightest when he saw how little f.u.c.ks Raven gave as she smirked at Glynda, enraging the blonde teacher-slash-assiant headmaster even further.

Just as Glynda seemed ready to snap, Emily pulled Magna over as she smiled, "By the way. Glynda, this is my precious little boy. His name is Magna, Magna Opus."

Glynda's anger deflated as she readjusted her glass. She gave Magna a thorough appraisal before giving him a small smile as she reached out her hand and said, "It's nice to meet you, young man. My name is Glynda Goodwitch and I teach the combat classes of Beacon."

Magna gulped light as he gently grasped her hand, "Nice to meet you, miss Goodwitch."

Glynda's eyebrow rose slightly as she gave him an approving nod, "Since you were Qrow's apprentice, I expected someone more… like him. I'm glad to see that I was wrong."

Qrow seemed to have heard her as he quickly pulled his flask our of his mouth and said with a drunken slur, "An whaz zat suppz ti meeen, Gynda!?!"

Everyone, even Magna, collectively sighed at Qrow's actions. To make matters worse, as soon as the door opened to Ozpin's office, Qrow collapsed face first onto the floor.

The room was silent as Magna softly muttered, "Damn it, Qrow."

"Well, I wasn't expecting that. Actually… it's Qrow so I should have expected something like this."

Magna's attention was drawn to the source of the new voice. Peering across the room, a man with silver-white hair sat behind a desk with a kind smile on his face.

From what Magna could see, the man wore an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. His brown eyes held far more depth than Magna expected as Ozpin saw him and lightly smiled.

Qrow, as if his drunkenness was a lie, sprung up from the ground and yelled, "Ozpin! How have you been!"

Ozpin's smile became a little forced as he replied, "I've been fine Qrow. Tell me, why did you drink just before the debriefing?"

"You know me, Oz. Drinking after a mission is like a tradition for me" Said Qrow.

Everyone in the room sighed at Qrow's actions while Raven looked away and pretended to not know him. Glynda, however, looked ready to bury him as she scowled at the drunken huntsmen.

With a short chuckle, Ozpin shook his head at Qrow and said, "I'm quite aware of your… 'traditions' Qrow but I would like for you to take this a bit more seriously. I think the topic of our discussion deserves that much at least."

A long sigh came from Qrow as he silently nodded before moving towards the chairs infront of him. Seeing Qrow take a seat, everyone else calmly followed behind and sat down, with Raven being the only one who chose to stand as she stood behind Magna.

It was more than just a little uncomfortable for Magna, as he could feel both Ozpin and Glynda focus on the figure behind him.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Ozpin broke the tension as he spoke, "Raven Branwen… to what do I owe this unexpected visit."

Raven rolled her eyes at the headmaster and growled, "I'm not here for you. I'm protecting the boy."

Ozpin's eyebrow rose at that as he smiled, "Well, what makes this boy so special that you have to watch over him personally?"

With narrow eyes, Raven ignored Ozpin's question as she scoffed. Not finding the answers he wanted, Ozpin turned to Qrow and said, "Qrow, why does your sister wish to watch over your student?"

However, before Qrow could even make up his mind on whether to answer or not, Emily shot up from her chair. Qrow swallowed the words back into his throat as Glynda slowly shuffled away from the clearly angry mother.

With her hair covering her eyes, Emily slowly walked towards Ozpin. Once she was infront of him, Emily slowly looked up and glared into his eyes as she spoke in a tone laced with fire, "You WILL respect my son's privacy. If you want to know something about him, then ask him. Not Qrow, not Raven, not even me. You will ask HIM whether he wants to talk about it or not. And if he doesn't? Well…"

Suddenly, her aura burst out from her body, shocking everyone as cracks spread throughout the room, "You better back, the f.u.c.k, off. Am I clear?"

If Magna was embodying Naruto's cl.u.s.ter right now, he would've felt the pure shock radiating off everyone in the room.

Qrow was literally staring at Emily with wide eyes, his sister fairing no better. Glynda's mouth hung wide open as she blankly stared at the sight before her.

However, the most effected was Ozpin as he honestly didn't know whether to praise the mother for protecting her young, or to be scared shitless at the very real threat he felt at the moment.

Clear his throat, Ozpin made no comment on the threat as he said, "Very well. Before that though, I feel that introductions are in order."

Ozpin turned towards Magna and smiled as he reached his hand out towards him, "Hello young man. I am professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy. It's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you."

Magna silently calmed himself down as he shook his hand and said, "Greetings, professor. My name is Magna Opus and…"

"There's no need to be overly polite, Magna. You may speak however feels comfortable." Said Ozpin.

Though still slightly nervous, Magna managed to nod as he continued, "Right. I'm Magna and it's nice to meet you… sir."

Ozpin lightly chuckled and smiled, "I haven't been called sir in awhile… Anyway, I've called everyone here for two reasons."

"One, to be informed of everything that happened during your abrupt mission. And two," Suddenly, Ozpin's eyes narrowed as he scanned everyone in the room, "To debrief you all on what you now know."

He glanced at Glynda and said, "Glynda, If you would be so kind as to escort mister Opus out of the room. I wish to speak about this with the a.d.u.l.ts first."

A soft sigh escaped Glynda's mouth as she turned towards Magna and said, "Follow me, young man." Before quickly strutting out of the room.

Magna hesitated to follow her when his mother softly nudged him forward. Glancing back at her, Emily flashed him a bright smile as she mouthed the words, 'Go. We'll be fine.'

With a quick nod, Magna ran towards the elevator. As the door slowly closed, Magna couldn't help but chuckle as June seemed to be pleading with him to take her with him.

Sadly, Magna knew that once Ozpin knew what she was, he'd definitely want to have a chat with her. Instead, Magna quickly pulled his scroll out from his shadow and tossed it to her as he yelled, "I have a few games on there! Just get my mum to put in the password!"


As the elevator slowly made its way down, Magna couldn't help but sigh as he awkwardly said "So… What're we going to do, miss Goodwitch?"

A small smile appeared on her face as she pulled out her scroll and said, "Well, there's currently a tour going on, so I planned to join them and show you around Beacon."

Magna couldn't help but get excited. Even though he's travelled all over Remnant (minus Menagerie and the dark lands), Magna hasn't actually been to any of the combat Academies.

It wasn't long after the pair left the elevator that they managed to meet up and join the tour group. Throughout the tour, Magna was giddy with excitement as he got to meet the teachers of the anime.

The boastful professor Port. The elusive professor Peach. The speedy pro- "Doctor!" Screamed a green haired man at no one in particular. Yes, I mean, Doctor Oobleck.

The tour even showcased a few of the training grounds. Once the group had explored majority of the school, the group ended up at the cafeteria, where they awaited a lunch fit for a huntsmen.

Looking over the tour group, Magna saw that most of the people here were teenagers. He sat at the table alone as Glynda was needed elsewhere due to an accident that occurred in professor Port's classroom.

While idly watching over the tour group, Magna felt someone tap on his shoulder and turned around. What greeted him was a girl wearing a rather fashionable coffee brown dress, a black beret and black sunglasses.

The girl gave him a once over and smirked, tilting her glasses down as she said, "Love the outfit. You have to tell me where you got that."

"Uh… sure thing, miss?.." Said Magna, trying to look like he doesn't actually know who she is.

The girl's smirk transitioned into a smile as she reached out her hand and said, "The name's Coco Adel, future huntress and fashionista. What about you, big boy? You got a name or should I just call you handsome?"

Magna's cheeks betrayed him as they turned bright red. Sure, he and Yang flirted with one another but that was for shits and giggles. He's never actually been flirted with before.

Actually, now that I think about. The only person to actually flirt with him was Vernal! Coming to that realisation, Magna didn't know what to think as he grabbed Coco's hand and replied, "Magna, Magna Opus."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Magna. Now, where did you get your clothes?" Said Coco.

For the next few minutes, Magna was forced to talked about the clothing store he shopped at. It got even worse when Magna accidentally told her about how he has shopped at clothing stores all over Remnant.

However, even though Magna was forced to tell her about his experience, he ended up having fun talking with her.

Coco was a rather expressive person. She listened to him with sparkling eyes, chipping in here and there with heartfelt wishes of one day visiting that store in person.

All in all, Magna ended up having a wonderful time in her company. Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

Glynda walked through the doors with a serious look on her face as she stared at Magna and said, "It's time, Magna. Ozpin wishes to speak with you."

Whether it was due to the tour or Coco's company, Magna didn't feel all that nervous about talking with Ozpin as he nodded.

He quickly apologized to Coco for cutting their conversation short before following behind Glynda.

As the pair silently made their way across Beacon's courtyard, Magna steeled himself to face whatever comes his way.

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