RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant
Chapter 89 - Battle of Wit
Sitting across from him was one of Remnants oldest, and wisest minds. Ozpin, or as he was previously known as, Ozma, the immortal wizard. The facade of a gentle man was gone as Magna currently faced a man on a mission.
Heck, he couldn't even find solace in his family and friends as Ozpin forced them out of the room. Emily was literally pulled out kicking and screaming but Ozpin gave her no more attention than necessary.
The only plus side Magna could see was the fact that he had managed to switch to Naruto's cl.u.s.ter, regaining his ability to feel emotion.
It actually took the entire tour as each time he swapped to the wrong cl.u.s.ters, he would wait for his aura to regenerate before trying again.
With the ability to read emotions, Magna thought to himself that he'd have an advantage over Ozpin in the coming conversation.
…Oh how wrong he was.
Nothing. That was what Magna felt from the man before him. No anger. No joy. Not even a hint of curiosity. It was like the man before him was nothing more than an empty husk.
Swallowing back his concerns, Magna gave the wizard a small smile and said, "Well, what did you want to talk about, professor?"
Ozpin's eyes gleamed as Magna finally caught a glimpse of caution in the headmaster's eyes.
"It has come to my attention that a certain… secret was revealed to you by my associate and his sister." Said Ozpin.
Instead of answering, Magna just nodded as the man continued, "You see, Magna. This information is far to… dangerous for the public to know. The negativity generated by the revelation would only serve to draw in large hordes of grimm, setting humans and faunus alike back hundreds of years."
Magna merely nodded again as he hide the unsettling feeling in his c.h.e.s.t. He couldn't help but agree with Ozpin's point. The panic from finding out the grimm had a leader would be fierce.
Not only would the revelation generate fear and despair but anger and hatred. People who's loved ones died due to grimm attacks would be up in arms about having revenge against Salem.
Heck, people would turn against Ozpin and the other academy's due to the fact that they not only knew that the grimm had a leader but that they still taught people how to be huntsmen without actually informing them of what they were up against.
Ozpin waited for Magna to sort through his thoughts before he continued, "Now that you know the risks, I need to know where you stand and what you intend to do with your new found knowledge."
Magna fell into thought for a few minutes as his expression slowly became more and more determined.
"I want to protect my family and friends. Salem already knows of my existence so I will fight against her." Said Magna.
Ozpin's eyes shone as Magna could sense the joy and relief wafting off. However, Magna wasn't quite finished talking as he continued, "But! I won't be joining your group, professor. More than anything, I want to live a free, fulfilling life. Joining you would only tie me down with responsibilities that I really don't want."
"Qrow once told me that he was unable to stay in one place for too long due to his 'mission'. At the time, I thought that he only did alot of missions, making it hard to visit but once I learned that he was apart of your group, I realised what he meant." Said Magna as he ignored the growing frown on Ozpin's face.
"The 'mission' you gave him is actually just a lifetime sentence. You, are the reason why he can't stay in one place for too long. And to me, that is something I absolutely refuse to do. I want to play with my sister, hang with my friends, have a family. And I can't do that if I join you."
Once he finished speaking, a heavy pressure weighed on Magna as Ozpin calmly said, "Then what is it that you wish to do?"
Magna could feel the inner turmoil inside Ozpin as he easily shrugged off the pressure and grinned, "I'll be a huntsmen, like I planned to be."
The pressure abruptly stopped as Magna continued, "As a huntsmen, I can fight the good fight while still being able to keep my freedom since huntsmen choose their missions."
This was Magna's truest d.e.s.i.r.e. Once he became a huntsmen, Magna would have freedom of choice on what he wished to do. Huntsmen had barely any commitments besides the basic 'protect the people' oath.
Other than that, Magna wasn't obliged to do anything more. Plus, Huntsmen had a look of freedom when it actually came to the job.
Let's take Taiyang for example. Even though he's currently retired, he still takes the occasional area clearing job. That's not even mentioning his actually job as he was now a teacher at the reopened Signal academy.
On an unrelated note, Amber was more than a little peeved when Taiyang got a job at the academy while she didn't.
She was moody for a few days but got over it with help from Magna and her direct students, Argo and Luna. Currently, she was a freelance mercenary and wrote a novel in her down time.
Oddly enough, she actually hasn't told him what her novel was about or what it's called. And when he asked her about it, she just blushes before taking off.
Shaking his head, Magna refocused on Ozpin as he smiled, "I know that huntsmen have obligations but at least I can accept them. Your group though… I'm sorry to say this but your asking way too much from me."
On the airship, Raven told him all about the obligations of Ozpin's group and honestly? They were too much. Ozpin basically wanted loyal pieces that move when he tells them to move.
Ozpin sighed and nodded, "Yes, I'm well aware that the obligations of our group are rather… intense. However, I need you to understand that they are necessary."
Magna nodded as the room fell silent. After a few minutes in awkward silence, Ozpin cleared his throat and said, "Moving on. I wish to inquire about something that Qrow accidentally spilled during our talk."
'Oh no…' Thought Magna as Ozpin's eyes narrowed on him.
"Qrow told me that he was asked by your mother to keep quiet about you and your semblance. Sadly, your mother cut him off before he could explain what your semblance was, so I wish for you to explain it to me." Said Ozpin as the invisible pressure from before fell on Magna once more.
However, Magna didn't even feel the pressure as Kurama scoffed in his mind, [For a supposed immortal, the pressure he's emitting is weak as hell. But don't take him lightly brat!]
Taking a deep breath, Magna mentally thanked the lazy fox as he wryly smiled, "Ah, well… I guess that's alright. My semblance allows me to create different abilities."
The pressure doubled as Ozpin's eyes gleamed. The look he had in his eyes reminded Magna of the look someone gets when they find a treasure.
When Ozpin noticed his over excited state, the pressure disappeared as he lightly coughed and said, "That's quite a claim, young man. Is there any way you can prove your claim?"
Magna silently mulled over what he could do that wouldn't overly expose his capabilities. After a minute or two, Magna nodded before jumping towards the wall to his left.
Ozpin was a little confused on what was happening yet all the words he wanted to say became stuck in his throat as Magna easily ran up the walk like gravity didn't exist.
Then, he leapt once and fell to the floor in free fall. Ozpin immediately pushed off the ground in an attempt to catch Magna when he burst into a cloud of smoke.
Magna sat in his seat and smiled as he watched the headmaster of Beacon become intimately acquainted with a wooden log.
With a light blush on his face, Ozpin was about to berate Magna for doing something so dangerous when he felt some tug at his jacket. Once he turned around, Ozpin's eyes grew wide as he saw three exact copies of Magna.
What's worse was that the three clones were currently drinking his limited addition hot chocolate. In a state of both disbelief and irritation, Ozpin lightly spun his cane before bonking all three clones on the head, causing them to dissipate.
Ozpin stared at the smoke in wonder before turning back to face the original Magna, who sat in his chair with a cheeky grin.
A small smile adorned his face as he said, "Fascinating… I can see why you and your family chose to hide your abilities. Just the thought of you working for the queen of grimm makes me shiver."
With both sides at a standstill, Ozpin took the opportunity to try and fix the situation. The pair opted to ditch the serious talk as they were more or less finished.
Instead, they merely chatted about life. It was extremely awkward for Magna to dicuss life with the professor as he tended to go off on tangents more often than not.
Ozpin even blushed when he mentioned the fact that he always pushes all his work onto Glynda, enraging the poor woman with how much he leaves untouched.
Down in the lobby, Emily sat on a chair near the elevator, her foot tapping anxiously against the floor.
"Maybe I should go check on them…" She muttered as she tried to stand up.
Glynda, however, was not having any of it as she lightly waved her hand and sighed, "Emily, please. Ozpin is many things, but a threat to your son? I don't think so. He's the headmaster of Remnant's greatest academy, for Oum's sake!"
The purple glow around Emily forced her back into her chair as she sighed, "I know, I know. I'm just worried about my baby, Glynda. I don't want him getting involved in all of… this."
Seeing the stress Emily was going through, Glynda gave a forced smile as she walked over and gave her a hug.
"I know your worried but he will be fine. Ozpin is a reasonable man. He won't hurt your son." Glynda reassured.
Emily was obviously still worried but she managed to at least stop herself from panicking as she lightly smiled, "Thanks Glynda… By the way, what are we going to do about 'that'."
Both ladies turned towards the passed out man on the floor and sighed. Glynda rubbed her forehead in exasperation and growled, "Forget about him. When your son comes down, I'll throw him out myself."
Suddenly, a soft yet firm voice spoke, "Actually, you don't need to worry about Qrow. I'll wake him up when it's time to leave."
Emily's face took on a mischievous look as her eyes gleamed, "Hey Amber, I know it's late but I'm Emily. And I'm just dying to know how you and Qrow met!"
Now, Glynda may seem extremely serious and uptight but she was still a woman. Her ears perked up at the gossip happening infront of her as Amber lightly blushed.
"O-Oh, I'm Amber Autumn. I actually met Qrow during my pilgrimage. He didn't hide why he was looking for me and explained exactly 'what' it was. I… didn't take it very well."
With a wry smile, Amber gently ran her fingers through Qrow's hair as she continued, "I yelled and screamed at him to leave me alone. For weeks, I continued to scream at him and all he did was smile as he explained that he was there to protect me."
"It wasn't until the second month of my pilgrimage that I finally understood what he was doing. We were attacked. Grimm of all shapes and sizes attacked us yet Qrow stood tall and protected me."
Suddenly, her cheeks became a light red as she spoke, "Even though he protected me, he ended up injured so I decided to take care of him. One thing lead to another and we-"
Before she could finish recounting her tale, the elevator door opened as both Ozpin and Magna walked out.
However, what greeted the pair were the slightly hostile glares of Emily and Glynda. Adjusting her glasses,
Glynda focused her glare fully on Ozpin as she growled, "Why did you have to come down now of all times!?! She was just getting to the good part!!!"
Sweat dripped down Ozpin's forehead as she gave her a forced smile, "Glynda, please. Be reasonable. I-"
Glynda cut him off as she roared, "Be reasonable!?! You don't have the right to say that to me!!! How about you be 'reasonable' and finish doing your work, instead of just forcing me to do it! In fact, you can do all the paperwork for the next couple months!"
Before anyone could say anything, Glynda grabbed both Emily and Amber before stomping out of the building.
A few seconds later, Emily popped back into the room and swept Magna off his feet. Just as they left the room, Magna glanced at June, who was playing on his phone and mouthed 'Save me!' to her.
June, however, simply smirked at his misfortune before continuing to play her game. Magna paled as he mouthed, 'Traitor!'.
Back in Ozpin's office, the man himself sat at his table with a light smile on his face as he watched Magna and Emily fool around on his scroll.
Ozpin had to admit, he was very intrigued by the power of Magna's semblance. If his semblance really gave him the ability to create and use virtually any ability he could imagine, Magna would be the key to winning the war.
At first, Ozpin wanted to wait for Summer's child, Ruby, to m.a.t.u.r.e since she inherited the bloodline ability of the silver eyed warriors.
However, if Magna really could create an ability that allowed him to kill the immortal, Ozpin was going to do his best to ensure that both of them came under his command.
Ozpin tapped away at his scroll after Magna and his family and friends left the school grounds, sending messages all over Remnant.
The first to reply was James Ironwood, the defacto leader of Atlas and it's military. He sent a rather detailed report on Magna and his abilities.
After skimming through the report, Ozpin was stunned to find that Magna had hundreds of abilities. However, that wasn't what caught his eye.
At the back of the report were a couple of pages, filled with theories on Magna's semblance. Ozpin sighed as he read through the theories that Ironwood complied.
You see, Ironwood was the type of man to plan for everything. Once he considered you dangerous, Ironwood would spend as much time as possible, put all your weaknesses and strengths on paper.
Ozpin even managed to secretly obtain Ironwood's anti-Ozpin plan and honestly? Even he, the immortal wizard, wasn't sure he would be able to get away.
Sure, he could just die and reincarnate but he needed the power of his headmaster position to monitor this generations huntsmen.
With people like Magna and Ruby in this generation, Ozpin was sure that if they were properly groomed, then it would only be a matter of time before peace reign supreme.
Once he was finished with the report, Ozpin calmly sipped his hot chocolate as he relaxed into his cha-
"Professor Ozpin! You have 3 months of reports to finish. After that, you a meeting with the faculty regarding this year's budget. Oh, and please oversee the construction of the new dorms. The construction teams have reported that there were some difference between the build plans and the building area."
Sweat dripped down Ozpin's forehead as he lightly smiled, "Well… Glynda, I don't suppose you could-"
Both Ozpin and Glynda stared at each other for a few seconds before Ozpin pleaded, "Glynda, please-"
"I said no." Growled Glynda, "I will be taking a few days off, professor. I've noticed that I'm entitled to a week off and that I haven't used any of my free days since I started working here. If you need me… well, please wait until I'm done with my break."
Ozpin could only watch in horror as Glynda, the only person actually qualified to do anything in this school, left for a holiday.
Since Ozpin fully focuses on his mission when he reincarnates, Ozpin was lacking in modern knowledge. He was lucky that he managed to learn how to use a scroll, something that made his headmaster life much easier.
Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Ozpin pulled out a thick stack of papers as he nervous murmured, "Okay, I should be able to do this. I mean, what's the worse that can happen?"
(1 hour later - Atlas)
"Ironwood! Sir! We've received a report that Beacon has just lost all power and that it's students have been launched into the nearby forest. Even those students who were asleep in their dorms weren't spared!"
"…What the hell?" Muttered Ironwood.
Heck, he couldn't even find solace in his family and friends as Ozpin forced them out of the room. Emily was literally pulled out kicking and screaming but Ozpin gave her no more attention than necessary.
The only plus side Magna could see was the fact that he had managed to switch to Naruto's cl.u.s.ter, regaining his ability to feel emotion.
It actually took the entire tour as each time he swapped to the wrong cl.u.s.ters, he would wait for his aura to regenerate before trying again.
With the ability to read emotions, Magna thought to himself that he'd have an advantage over Ozpin in the coming conversation.
…Oh how wrong he was.
Nothing. That was what Magna felt from the man before him. No anger. No joy. Not even a hint of curiosity. It was like the man before him was nothing more than an empty husk.
Swallowing back his concerns, Magna gave the wizard a small smile and said, "Well, what did you want to talk about, professor?"
Ozpin's eyes gleamed as Magna finally caught a glimpse of caution in the headmaster's eyes.
"It has come to my attention that a certain… secret was revealed to you by my associate and his sister." Said Ozpin.
Instead of answering, Magna just nodded as the man continued, "You see, Magna. This information is far to… dangerous for the public to know. The negativity generated by the revelation would only serve to draw in large hordes of grimm, setting humans and faunus alike back hundreds of years."
Magna merely nodded again as he hide the unsettling feeling in his c.h.e.s.t. He couldn't help but agree with Ozpin's point. The panic from finding out the grimm had a leader would be fierce.
Not only would the revelation generate fear and despair but anger and hatred. People who's loved ones died due to grimm attacks would be up in arms about having revenge against Salem.
Heck, people would turn against Ozpin and the other academy's due to the fact that they not only knew that the grimm had a leader but that they still taught people how to be huntsmen without actually informing them of what they were up against.
Ozpin waited for Magna to sort through his thoughts before he continued, "Now that you know the risks, I need to know where you stand and what you intend to do with your new found knowledge."
Magna fell into thought for a few minutes as his expression slowly became more and more determined.
"I want to protect my family and friends. Salem already knows of my existence so I will fight against her." Said Magna.
Ozpin's eyes shone as Magna could sense the joy and relief wafting off. However, Magna wasn't quite finished talking as he continued, "But! I won't be joining your group, professor. More than anything, I want to live a free, fulfilling life. Joining you would only tie me down with responsibilities that I really don't want."
"Qrow once told me that he was unable to stay in one place for too long due to his 'mission'. At the time, I thought that he only did alot of missions, making it hard to visit but once I learned that he was apart of your group, I realised what he meant." Said Magna as he ignored the growing frown on Ozpin's face.
"The 'mission' you gave him is actually just a lifetime sentence. You, are the reason why he can't stay in one place for too long. And to me, that is something I absolutely refuse to do. I want to play with my sister, hang with my friends, have a family. And I can't do that if I join you."
Once he finished speaking, a heavy pressure weighed on Magna as Ozpin calmly said, "Then what is it that you wish to do?"
Magna could feel the inner turmoil inside Ozpin as he easily shrugged off the pressure and grinned, "I'll be a huntsmen, like I planned to be."
The pressure abruptly stopped as Magna continued, "As a huntsmen, I can fight the good fight while still being able to keep my freedom since huntsmen choose their missions."
This was Magna's truest d.e.s.i.r.e. Once he became a huntsmen, Magna would have freedom of choice on what he wished to do. Huntsmen had barely any commitments besides the basic 'protect the people' oath.
Other than that, Magna wasn't obliged to do anything more. Plus, Huntsmen had a look of freedom when it actually came to the job.
Let's take Taiyang for example. Even though he's currently retired, he still takes the occasional area clearing job. That's not even mentioning his actually job as he was now a teacher at the reopened Signal academy.
On an unrelated note, Amber was more than a little peeved when Taiyang got a job at the academy while she didn't.
She was moody for a few days but got over it with help from Magna and her direct students, Argo and Luna. Currently, she was a freelance mercenary and wrote a novel in her down time.
Oddly enough, she actually hasn't told him what her novel was about or what it's called. And when he asked her about it, she just blushes before taking off.
Shaking his head, Magna refocused on Ozpin as he smiled, "I know that huntsmen have obligations but at least I can accept them. Your group though… I'm sorry to say this but your asking way too much from me."
On the airship, Raven told him all about the obligations of Ozpin's group and honestly? They were too much. Ozpin basically wanted loyal pieces that move when he tells them to move.
Ozpin sighed and nodded, "Yes, I'm well aware that the obligations of our group are rather… intense. However, I need you to understand that they are necessary."
Magna nodded as the room fell silent. After a few minutes in awkward silence, Ozpin cleared his throat and said, "Moving on. I wish to inquire about something that Qrow accidentally spilled during our talk."
'Oh no…' Thought Magna as Ozpin's eyes narrowed on him.
"Qrow told me that he was asked by your mother to keep quiet about you and your semblance. Sadly, your mother cut him off before he could explain what your semblance was, so I wish for you to explain it to me." Said Ozpin as the invisible pressure from before fell on Magna once more.
However, Magna didn't even feel the pressure as Kurama scoffed in his mind, [For a supposed immortal, the pressure he's emitting is weak as hell. But don't take him lightly brat!]
Taking a deep breath, Magna mentally thanked the lazy fox as he wryly smiled, "Ah, well… I guess that's alright. My semblance allows me to create different abilities."
The pressure doubled as Ozpin's eyes gleamed. The look he had in his eyes reminded Magna of the look someone gets when they find a treasure.
When Ozpin noticed his over excited state, the pressure disappeared as he lightly coughed and said, "That's quite a claim, young man. Is there any way you can prove your claim?"
Magna silently mulled over what he could do that wouldn't overly expose his capabilities. After a minute or two, Magna nodded before jumping towards the wall to his left.
Ozpin was a little confused on what was happening yet all the words he wanted to say became stuck in his throat as Magna easily ran up the walk like gravity didn't exist.
Then, he leapt once and fell to the floor in free fall. Ozpin immediately pushed off the ground in an attempt to catch Magna when he burst into a cloud of smoke.
Magna sat in his seat and smiled as he watched the headmaster of Beacon become intimately acquainted with a wooden log.
With a light blush on his face, Ozpin was about to berate Magna for doing something so dangerous when he felt some tug at his jacket. Once he turned around, Ozpin's eyes grew wide as he saw three exact copies of Magna.
What's worse was that the three clones were currently drinking his limited addition hot chocolate. In a state of both disbelief and irritation, Ozpin lightly spun his cane before bonking all three clones on the head, causing them to dissipate.
Ozpin stared at the smoke in wonder before turning back to face the original Magna, who sat in his chair with a cheeky grin.
A small smile adorned his face as he said, "Fascinating… I can see why you and your family chose to hide your abilities. Just the thought of you working for the queen of grimm makes me shiver."
With both sides at a standstill, Ozpin took the opportunity to try and fix the situation. The pair opted to ditch the serious talk as they were more or less finished.
Instead, they merely chatted about life. It was extremely awkward for Magna to dicuss life with the professor as he tended to go off on tangents more often than not.
Ozpin even blushed when he mentioned the fact that he always pushes all his work onto Glynda, enraging the poor woman with how much he leaves untouched.
Down in the lobby, Emily sat on a chair near the elevator, her foot tapping anxiously against the floor.
"Maybe I should go check on them…" She muttered as she tried to stand up.
Glynda, however, was not having any of it as she lightly waved her hand and sighed, "Emily, please. Ozpin is many things, but a threat to your son? I don't think so. He's the headmaster of Remnant's greatest academy, for Oum's sake!"
The purple glow around Emily forced her back into her chair as she sighed, "I know, I know. I'm just worried about my baby, Glynda. I don't want him getting involved in all of… this."
Seeing the stress Emily was going through, Glynda gave a forced smile as she walked over and gave her a hug.
"I know your worried but he will be fine. Ozpin is a reasonable man. He won't hurt your son." Glynda reassured.
Emily was obviously still worried but she managed to at least stop herself from panicking as she lightly smiled, "Thanks Glynda… By the way, what are we going to do about 'that'."
Both ladies turned towards the passed out man on the floor and sighed. Glynda rubbed her forehead in exasperation and growled, "Forget about him. When your son comes down, I'll throw him out myself."
Suddenly, a soft yet firm voice spoke, "Actually, you don't need to worry about Qrow. I'll wake him up when it's time to leave."
Emily's face took on a mischievous look as her eyes gleamed, "Hey Amber, I know it's late but I'm Emily. And I'm just dying to know how you and Qrow met!"
Now, Glynda may seem extremely serious and uptight but she was still a woman. Her ears perked up at the gossip happening infront of her as Amber lightly blushed.
"O-Oh, I'm Amber Autumn. I actually met Qrow during my pilgrimage. He didn't hide why he was looking for me and explained exactly 'what' it was. I… didn't take it very well."
With a wry smile, Amber gently ran her fingers through Qrow's hair as she continued, "I yelled and screamed at him to leave me alone. For weeks, I continued to scream at him and all he did was smile as he explained that he was there to protect me."
"It wasn't until the second month of my pilgrimage that I finally understood what he was doing. We were attacked. Grimm of all shapes and sizes attacked us yet Qrow stood tall and protected me."
Suddenly, her cheeks became a light red as she spoke, "Even though he protected me, he ended up injured so I decided to take care of him. One thing lead to another and we-"
Before she could finish recounting her tale, the elevator door opened as both Ozpin and Magna walked out.
However, what greeted the pair were the slightly hostile glares of Emily and Glynda. Adjusting her glasses,
Glynda focused her glare fully on Ozpin as she growled, "Why did you have to come down now of all times!?! She was just getting to the good part!!!"
Sweat dripped down Ozpin's forehead as she gave her a forced smile, "Glynda, please. Be reasonable. I-"
Glynda cut him off as she roared, "Be reasonable!?! You don't have the right to say that to me!!! How about you be 'reasonable' and finish doing your work, instead of just forcing me to do it! In fact, you can do all the paperwork for the next couple months!"
Before anyone could say anything, Glynda grabbed both Emily and Amber before stomping out of the building.
A few seconds later, Emily popped back into the room and swept Magna off his feet. Just as they left the room, Magna glanced at June, who was playing on his phone and mouthed 'Save me!' to her.
June, however, simply smirked at his misfortune before continuing to play her game. Magna paled as he mouthed, 'Traitor!'.
Back in Ozpin's office, the man himself sat at his table with a light smile on his face as he watched Magna and Emily fool around on his scroll.
Ozpin had to admit, he was very intrigued by the power of Magna's semblance. If his semblance really gave him the ability to create and use virtually any ability he could imagine, Magna would be the key to winning the war.
At first, Ozpin wanted to wait for Summer's child, Ruby, to m.a.t.u.r.e since she inherited the bloodline ability of the silver eyed warriors.
However, if Magna really could create an ability that allowed him to kill the immortal, Ozpin was going to do his best to ensure that both of them came under his command.
Ozpin tapped away at his scroll after Magna and his family and friends left the school grounds, sending messages all over Remnant.
The first to reply was James Ironwood, the defacto leader of Atlas and it's military. He sent a rather detailed report on Magna and his abilities.
After skimming through the report, Ozpin was stunned to find that Magna had hundreds of abilities. However, that wasn't what caught his eye.
At the back of the report were a couple of pages, filled with theories on Magna's semblance. Ozpin sighed as he read through the theories that Ironwood complied.
You see, Ironwood was the type of man to plan for everything. Once he considered you dangerous, Ironwood would spend as much time as possible, put all your weaknesses and strengths on paper.
Ozpin even managed to secretly obtain Ironwood's anti-Ozpin plan and honestly? Even he, the immortal wizard, wasn't sure he would be able to get away.
Sure, he could just die and reincarnate but he needed the power of his headmaster position to monitor this generations huntsmen.
With people like Magna and Ruby in this generation, Ozpin was sure that if they were properly groomed, then it would only be a matter of time before peace reign supreme.
Once he was finished with the report, Ozpin calmly sipped his hot chocolate as he relaxed into his cha-
"Professor Ozpin! You have 3 months of reports to finish. After that, you a meeting with the faculty regarding this year's budget. Oh, and please oversee the construction of the new dorms. The construction teams have reported that there were some difference between the build plans and the building area."
Sweat dripped down Ozpin's forehead as he lightly smiled, "Well… Glynda, I don't suppose you could-"
Both Ozpin and Glynda stared at each other for a few seconds before Ozpin pleaded, "Glynda, please-"
"I said no." Growled Glynda, "I will be taking a few days off, professor. I've noticed that I'm entitled to a week off and that I haven't used any of my free days since I started working here. If you need me… well, please wait until I'm done with my break."
Ozpin could only watch in horror as Glynda, the only person actually qualified to do anything in this school, left for a holiday.
Since Ozpin fully focuses on his mission when he reincarnates, Ozpin was lacking in modern knowledge. He was lucky that he managed to learn how to use a scroll, something that made his headmaster life much easier.
Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Ozpin pulled out a thick stack of papers as he nervous murmured, "Okay, I should be able to do this. I mean, what's the worse that can happen?"
(1 hour later - Atlas)
"Ironwood! Sir! We've received a report that Beacon has just lost all power and that it's students have been launched into the nearby forest. Even those students who were asleep in their dorms weren't spared!"
"…What the hell?" Muttered Ironwood.
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