RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 90 - Just An Average Day

With the sun slowly moving across the sky, Magna tiredly rubbed his face and sighed. After everything that just happened, Magna was mentally exhausted. He just wanted to head home and take a nap for a few hours.

Sadly, he couldn't just do that. Due to his abrupt kidnapping, Magna knew that the twins and his sister would be worried about him.

Magna sighed once more and gently clutched the three small bag in his arms. Each bag contained a small cake, each a different flavour, and a gift.

For the twins Argo and Luna, Magna got them each a cake, one raspberry and one blueberry, and a sturdy hair brush.

Due to their faunus heritage, combing their hair is rather difficult. Especially if the comb isn't strong enough. Magna could remember that before he left, Argo and Luna's combs were starting to break.

For his little sister, he got her a strawberry cheesecake and a few books on plants, animals and dust.

Unlike himself, his sister was rather shy and docile. She liked to cling to him and got easily startled, especially if she meets someone for the first time. She was also more emotion than Magna as she smiled and cried alot.

However, her semblance made even Magna jealous. Her semblance is called 'Nature's friend' and just like how it sounds, she was loved by nature.

She could speak to plants and animal, and had a certain degree of protection from the elements as anything danger that involved animals or nature would avoid her.

Magna wryly smiled when he remembered his mother's sad expression when she learned that none of her children inherited her families semblance.

Shaking his head, Magna followed behind his mother as he focused on the girl who was currently panicking next to him.

Emerald kept stopping as her expression looked like a mix between anxious and afraid. Magna couldn't really blame her though. She was about to meet with people that she hasn't seen in years.

Magna reached over and pinched her cheek as he smiled, "Come on, Em. No need to panic! Everyone has been waiting for the day you come back so hold your head up high and smile."

Her lips inched upwards slightly as she blushed and muttered, "It's been years and your still so smooth…"

Magna was oblivious as he happily walked forward. After a few minutes, Emily, Magna and Emerald came to a stop at a large wooden cabin. Actually, it couldn't really be called a cabin. It was more like a hotel.

Over the years, the house was updated to be more modern, something everyone greatly appreciated. Heck, the house didn't even have an electronic bell until a couple years ago. Instead, they had a literally bell that hung on the wall.

The bell happened to break one night when Amber was heading home. She was stuck outside for a few minutes because everyone was asleep on the second floor.

Luckily for her, Sophia managed to wake up and open the door for her due to the whispers of the flowers she kept on the windowsill.

Magna gave a light chuckle as before he could even ring the doorbell, the door swung open as a little girl leapt towards him with a wide smile on her face.

"BIG BRO!!!"

The little girl, aka Sophia, snuggled into Magna's c.h.e.s.t as she happily giggled. The reason why she kept flowers on her windowsill was so that they can inform her of when he returns home.

Magna smiled as he wrapped Sophia up in a strong embrace and said, "Hey Sophia! How have you been? Oh, and guess what?"

Sophia quickly looked towards Magna as her eyes glimmered in excitement, "Did you get me something!?!"

His smile seemed to widened as Magna nodded, "Yup! I got you your favourite cake and a few extra goodies!"

Sophia giggled happily as she sloppily kissed Magna's cheek, "Yay!~ Thank you big brother!"

Emily shook her head and smiled as she spoke in a fake hurt tone, "Boo! My only daughter forgot about her mother! Mummy's gonna cry, you know?"

The happy little girl quickly jumped out of her brothers arms as she ran up and tried to jump up to Emily's face. Sadly, she wasn't able to jump high enough as her face collided with Emily's b.r.e.a.s.t.

With a large, clothed mound on each side of her face, Sophia's loudly mumbled, "Don't cry, mummy! I didn't forget about you!"

Emily just laughed at her daughters antics as she brought Sophia up to her face and started attacking her cheeks with kisses.

Emerald stared at the little girl as she tugged Magna's sleeve and whispered, "Is that… the baby? The one from a few years ago?"

Magna couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes at her as he whispered back, "Of course she's the baby from a few years ago. Did you expect her to still be a baby?"

"What!? No! Of course not! I'm not stupid! I just... fine! Sorry for asking a dumb question, you d.i.c.k!" Emerald angrily whispered as she quickly jabbed Magna in the ribs.

Both Emily and Sophia noticed Magna's pained gasp as they turned to see what was wrong. However, once Sophia saw that there was someone else standing with her brother, quickly wiggled her way out of her mother's grasp and hid inside the house.

She shakily watched them from behind the doorframe as she tearfully said, "D-dont bully my brother… Or else I'll tell my friend's sister!"

Emerald was amused by the threat as she smirked, "Oh yeah? Do it then."

Emily just gave Emerald a flat look while Magna quickly signalled for her to stop. Sadly, she didn't see him as she wrapped her arm around Magna's neck and blew into his ear, making the poor boy turn into a blush mess.

Sophia's cheeks puffed up as she turned around and ran towards the kitchen, screaming, "YANG! SOMEONE'S BULLYING MY BROTHER!"

As that name brought a flood of familiar memories to Emerald's mind, her face began to pale as, not one, not two, not even three, but four voices bellowed from the kitchen.





Like a stampede, four different girls stomped out of the house and glared at the person who was 'bullying' Magna.

However, when the finally saw who it was, everyone but Ruby stopped as Argo, the eldest of the faunus twins, stepped forward and shakily uttered, "…Emerald? Is that you?"

Just as Emerald was about to answer, a red blur surrounded in petals smashed directly into Emerald's stomach, sending the mint haired girl down to the ground as she clutched her stomach.

Ruby, wearing a red skirt and a black shirt with a corgi on it, stood on Emerald triumphantly as she stared at Magna with shining eyes that practically screamed, 'Praise me!~ Praise me!~'

Amused by what had just happened, Magna roughly ruffled her hair, causing her to giggle in delight. After messing Ruby's hair up so bad that she pouted, Magna turned towards the downed girl and helped her back onto her feet.

However, not even a second after she stood up, Yang and the other girls tackled her back onto the ground as she screamed, "Oh, come on!"

With tears in her eyes, Yang happily squeezed Emerald as if she was trying to make up for the six years of hugs she missed.

The twins weren't any better as their tails wagged happily, something that now only occured when they were really happy.

Magna, on the other, didn't know where to look as the girls were currently wearing their training clothes which consisted of a sports bra and athlete shorts.

Over the years, the girls had grown quite a bit and had filled out quite well. Yang was on her way to being the busty beauty she was in the anime, though she was kinda lacking junk in the trunk.

Argo, over the years, became the slim beauty type, though her a.s.s and h.i.p.s were thicker than both her sister's and Yang's. Her b.r.e.a.s.ts, however, were about the size of peaches, something she often complained about when she compared herself to her 'little' sister.

Moving his sights to Luna, Magna couldn't help but blush. Luna had a bust rivalling Yang and though she trained as hard as her sister and Yang, Luna's body remained as soft as the day they met.

Even when they were out in the city, she would leap at him and latch onto his face, squeezing him face-first into her impressive bust. Though this greatly embarrassed Magna, he never could berate the girl for it, especially since Magna secretly enjoyed it.

Argo, on the other hand, became more level-headed. When she was younger, Argo tended to act like Yang, which was to punch first and ask later.

However, years of training with not only Amber and Emily but with Magna as well helped curb her trigger happy tendencies.

Yang… Well, Magna tried. He truly did. She wasn't as… explosive as she was portrayed in the anime but she still punched first and asked later. Though, she now at least thought ahead before charging into a fight, so Magna decided to just take the small victory.

Suddenly, Magna was brought out of his thoughts as he felt a small hand grab his finger. Magna's heart melted at his little sister as she smiled brightly while holding his hand.

Bending down, Magna gently hoisted his sister upwards as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He chuckled lightly as he felt his sister nuzzle into his neck.

"I missed you, big brother.~" Whispered Sophia as she trembled.

A sigh escaped Magna's lips as he knew that his kidnapping must've affected her more than anyone. And he was right. When Qrow told everyone that Magna had been kidnapped, Sophia literally brokedown into tears.

It took hours for her to finally stop crying but even then, she would wait by the door everyday, waiting for Magna to return.

Though he was clueless of the extent, Magna gently rubbed Sophia's back in an attempt to easy her trembling body as he smiled, "I missed you too, Sophia. Come on, let's go inside."

The little girl nodded cutely before latching onto Magna's neck like a Koala, his right arm propping her up from below. With his free hand, Magna ruffled Ruby's hair before walking through the door.

However, he didn't even make it five steps inside when a red blur raced around him, leaving a track of petals everywhere.

Rolling his eyes at the hyperactive speedster, Magna continued walking inside as he yelled, "Girls! Please come inside and close the door! I don't want Ruby or Sophia catching a cold!"

Suddenly, Magna paused as he sheepishly said, "Also, I'm sorry but I didn't get you or Ruby anything, Yang. I didn't know you were visiting."

Yang just waved him off with a smile, with Ruby copying her sisters actions while Argo and Luna sped past him, carrying the winded Emerald into the lounge.

Once inside, Magna couldn't help but chuckle in amus.e.m.e.nt. Emerald seemed to be slightly uncomfortable with the reunion she was receiving but she tried not to make her anxiousness known.

Luckily, the girls could see that she was shifting about uncomfortably and eased up. Just as Magna got comfortable, the door swung open, revealing a rather buff looking man and a lady with amber eyes.



Magna cringed slightly as his father scanned over the room until he stopped on a certain figure that was trying to sink into the couch.

Just as he tried to move towards Emerald, the amber eyed woman, who was conveniently named Amber, appeared from within the shadows and hugged the green haired beauty into her bulging c.h.e.s.t.

Though she didn't know Emerald as well as the others since she only saw her in passing, Amber knew that Emerald was important to Magna. And that was all she needed.

With an awkward cough, Joshua looked at the Emerald and smiled as he gently said, "Welcome home."

Emerald, free from Amber's fleshy fun bags, sniffled as tears built up in her eyes. It didn't really hit her until now. She was finally free. Free from the pain and torture they put her through. Free to finally go home… and be with the people she called 'family'.

She quickly stumbled over to Joshua and hugged him, tears running down her face as she happily smiled. Her emotional displayed affected Joshua as he stopped himself from tearing up and hugged her back.

After a few seconds, Emerald peeled herself from her father figure's c.h.e.s.t, her eyes red as happiness practically radiated off her.

All the females in the room felt their motherly instincts kick in. Emily and Amber instantly surrounded the teary eyed mintette while Yang and the twins tearfully comforted her.

Ruby just sat there confused about why Yang and the twins were crying but it didn't take long for both her and Sophia to start sniffling as they were influenced by the atmosphere.

"You must be hungry, Em. I'll whip up a feast while you get reacquainted with 'our' family." Said Magna, a warm smile on his face.

Emerald nodded while everyone's eyes lit up. Since its been awhile since she's tasted Magna's cooking, Emerald forgot how good of a cook he was.

As Magna left the room, Joshua gave a boisterous laugh and smiled, "You're in for a treat, Emerald. My son is a recognised chef, in not only Vale but Atlas as well!"

Which was actually true. During a holiday to the Schnee family, Magna was convinced (begged) by Whitley to cook some food for his friends.

Turns out, the family of one of Whitley's friends owned the most luxurious restaurant in Atlas. Since Whitley knew how good of a chef he was, he wanted to show off his 'elder brother's' prowess.

One thing lead to another, and somehow, Magna ended up getting trained by the head chef of the restaurant for the entire month he stayed with the Schnees, much to their collective frustration.

Ever since that day, Magna's cooking became borderline divine. After an hour, Magna silently walked into the lounge only to come to a halt as Emerald burst into laughter.

"S-so… you're telling me that Magna possessed a boy and made him do a stupid dance in the middle of an assembly!" Screamed Emerald as she clutched her stomach while laughing.

Argo smirked as she said, "Yup! You should have seen it! Just as the new principal was about to speak, the boy jumped to his feet and screamed 'Stop! Hammer time!' and just busted a move!"

"W-why did Magna possess him? Did he do something to him?" Asked Emerald, tears in her eyes as she watched Argo mimic the dance.

"Well," Said Argo, "He threw gum, glue and dirt at Luna's tail. She ended up crying because the only way to get it off was to shave parts of her tail. Magna found out and let's just say… he wasn't happy."

"Honestly, that boy was lucky Magna went easy on him. And that I didn't get to him first." Growled Argo, cracking her knuckles in a threatening manner.

Luna, who sat off to the side, blushed as she pouted and turned away from her sister, "You didn't have to tell her that I cried…"

Before Argo could apologize, she froze and sniffed the air. Luna followed her sister's lead a few seconds later as the two wolf faunus started sniffing the air.

Everyone in the room was either amused or confused. Magna couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Well, if you couldn't tell, I finished making dinner."

Both wolf faunus shot up from the couch and ran down the fall to wash their hands, followed by Yang and trail of rose petals. Emerald sat in shock while Emily and Joshua simply laughed.

Amber shook her head and wryly smiled as she said, "Kids…"

Emily suddenly had a smug smile on her face as she leaned next to Amber and whispered, "Just imagine what it'd be like when YOU have kids. All their little pitter patters as they run through the house."


Listening to the devil's whisper, Amber couldn't help but blush as she imagine herself with three kids, two girls and one boy.

Holding the two youngest in her arms, her eldest daughter seemed ready to burst into tears when a tall figure swooped in and propped her up on his back.

Her eldest giggled as she pulled the figure's hair left and right, as if she was trying to direct him. The figure seemed resigned to being a 'horsey' for her daughter as he neighed before shooting forward.

Suddenly, the figure stopped and turned back towards Amber, a small smile filled with happiness directed at her as he said, "Amber, you coming?"


( POV - Emily )

Back in reality, Magna was gently shaking Amber as he said, "Hey, Amber. Are you coming to the table or not? Hello? Remnant to Amber, come in Amber?"

Emily giggled, "Magna, just go and make sure to save some for her. She's just a little… preoccupied with something I said to her."

Magna gave his mother a confused look before shrugging his shoulders. As he walked down the hall to the bathroom, he shouted, "YANG! DON'T YOU DARE START WITHOUT ME! THAT GOES FOR YOU AS WELL, RUBY AND ARGO! OR ELSE NO DESSERT FOR ANYONE!"

Emily chuckled as she heard the panicked sounds coming from the dining room. Turning towards her husband, she found that he too had an amused smile on his face as he walked over and gave her a kiss before following behind their son.

A content sigh escaped her lips as she felt… at peace. Everyday life like this was what Emily wanted.

Sure, her dream was to be a huntress but when that dream came true, she saw things she wished she didn't, felt things she wished she could forget.

Luckily, that was all in the past. Now, her biggest concern was watching all her children grow up. That, and making sure that her only son got a few girlfriends because her new dream was to be surrounded by a bunch of grandbabies.

Her new dream bought a wide smile to her face as she quietly pulled the slightly dazed Amber down the hall. Though, when she thought about it, Magna didn't really need her help as he seemed to be naturally attractive.

'Oh well,' She thought, 'It doesn't really matter, as long as I get my grandbabies…'

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