RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 91 - Yanging Out

Groaning, Magna slowly opened his eyes. As his vision slowly regained focus, Magna couldn't help but sigh as he saw the small head of black hair infront of him.

Once again, his sister Sophia had snuck into his room and slept on his c.h.e.s.t. Magna really didn't mind her sneaking into his room but sometimes he just wanted to sleep on his own.

Sighing once more, Magna silently threw his pillow across the room before quickly weaving through the hand signs: tiger, boar, ox, dog, snake.

In a puff of smoke, Magna and the pillow swapped places as he nimbly pushed off the floor and latched onto the roof using his aura.

Grinning as he saw that Sophia was still asleep, Magna stealthily exited the room and headed downstairs.

Once he entered the room, Joshua was sipping a cup of coffee while Emily was busy making breakfast. Both a.d.u.l.ts gave him an amused look before continuing on with what they were doing.

Shaking his head, Magna stopped channeling his aura into his feet. Using gravity to his advantage, Magna springboarded off the ground and into the lounge.

Taking note of the four figures on the couches watching TV, Magna sat down next to Luna as he yawned and said, "Good morning."

Amber, the twins and Emerald all yawned before saying 'Good morning'. After a few minutes of talking, Magna found out that Amber planned to finish writing the second installment of her book, something Magna still didn't know the title of.

Argo and Luna planned to hang out with Yang and Emerald while Ruby apparently had a play date with Sophia.

Seeing that he was the only one who had nothing to do today, Magna was planning to just sleep the rest of the day when Argo suddenly perked up and said, "Hey Magna, do you want to hang out with us today?"

Just as he was about to say that he wanted to sleep since he was still a little tired from aura deprivation, Emily popped her head around the corner and said, "That sounds like a great idea! You can grab Emerald's essentials and get to know her all over again. Here's your father's card, go nuts!"

Before he could argue, a black and gold smacked him straight in the face. Argo and Luna's eyes lit up while Joshua's pained groans came from the dining table.

Ever since the attack on Signal, Joshua returned to being an active huntsmen. Over the years, Joshua, Taiyang and Qrow became the guardians of Patch.

Any grimm attacks was almost always dealt with by them. The only ones that they didn't deal with were the ones used as practice targets by Magna and the girls.

All in all, Joshua had money to spend. And that was all they needed to know.

After a few hours, the doorbell rang. Magna leapt off the couch and opened the door, smiling as he said, "Hello~."

Yang just grinned as she hugged him and said, "Haven't seen you since yesterday. How's it Yanging?"

Rolling his eyes, Magna smirked, "Nice pun. Xiao-long did it take you to think of it?"

"Not that long. I guess I just… ROSE to the occasion." Said Yang as she dragged her groaning sister infront of her.

"Morning big bro." G.r.o.a.n.e.d Ruby, her face buried in her hands as she tried to erase the bad puns from her memory.

Magna chuckled, ruffling her hair as he smiled, "Morning, little rose."

Ruby pouted, "I'm not little! I drink milk!"

"Yes, yes." Said Magna in an pacifying tone.

Moving back into the house, Magna gave the pair a mock bow before stretching his arm out in a welcoming manner.

Yang rolled her eyes as she sarcastically curtsied and said in a posh accent, "My word, such a gentleman~."

Ruby giggled before running inside, ignoring the two she just pelted with a burst of rose petals. Both teens quickly coughed up some petals as Yang growled, "Ruby! We've talked about this!"

"Sorry sis!" Came Ruby's reply.

Magna and Yang both looked at each other and shook their heads.

"It's like it goes in one ear and out the other." Muttered Yang as she followed behind Magna.

Magna couldn't help but chuckle as he plainly said, "Yang, she's a child. Of course anything we say will go in one ear and out the other. I'm pretty sure you were like that as well."

Suddenly, Yang stopped with an audible step as she scoffed and said in a haughty tone, "You take that back! I was nothing like that!"

"Yes, you were."

"No, I wasn't!"

"20 lien says you were."

"Oh, you're on."

Before glared at each other before sprinting into the lounge. Before anyone could ask why they were running, Yang and Magna both yelled in sync, "Argo! Luna!"

The twins looked at each for a bit and sighed as Argo rubbed her forehead, "Let me guess. You two made a bet just now and you need me and my sister for some reason."

Seeing the pair nod in sync, Argo and Luna sighed once more as Luna gently spoke, "Well, what do you need our help with."

After quickly explaining what their bet was about, everyone gave Yang a weird look as Luna said, "Yang… this is a sucker's bet."

Yang's eyed lit up as she pointed at Magna with a smug look, "Aha-"

"And you're the sucker." Finished Argo.

Magna grinned and mentally added a record scratch sound effect as Yang shakily turned towards the twins and said, "Who-to-the-what-now?"

Argo fixed a strong glare at Yang, making the blonde flinch as she sternly said, "Yang, there were many, MANY times that me, your uncle, your father and my sister told you not to do something and you completely ignored us."

"I-I" Yang tried to speak only to be brutally cut off as Argo continued, "Look Yang, I honestly love you like I love Luna but… you sometimes have trouble listening."

Magna only watched in amus.e.m.e.nt as Argo proceeded to breakdown Yang's confidence, bit by bit. He could practically see Argo's words solidify into arrows as they pierced her.

What made this even funnier to watch was how Argo had a small smirk on her face as she berated Yang.

Over the years, just as Magna developed a habit of joking and flirting with Yang, Argo developed a sort of rivalry with her fellow blonde.

Both girls liked to try and get one over the other, no matter how small it was. Usually, this almost always ended up with the two of them sparring, with Magna or one of the a.d.u.l.ts being the one to break them up.

That's not to say that they weren't friends, far from it actually. The pair were as close as could be. Yang had entrusted her deep secret, her d.e.s.i.r.e to find her mother, with the wolf faunus.

Argo, on the other hand, had confided in Yang her frustration from being kidnapped and used as entertainment.

This served to actually help the pair cool off their hotheaded tendencies, though it was more prominent in Argo than in Yang.

Now, the pair mostly enjoyed playfully jabbing at each other, even though they still ended up fighting about it later.

Just as predicted, Yang ended up diving towards Argo as she screamed. Argo seemed to have predicted her attack as she smirked and threw out her fist.

However, just before the pairs fists could collide against each other, a chill enveloped the room as Luna sneezed.

Suddenly, both Yang and Argo were covered from head to toe in frost. Argo rolled her eyes at her sister and said, "Really, Lu?" before activating her semblance, instantly melting the frost on her body.

Yang merely chuckled as she also activated her semblance. Luna pouted and said, "I can't help it! You know that I don't have good control of my semblance!"

Magna walked over to Luna and gently patted her head as he said, "Be grateful it was only a small sneeze. Remember what happened last spring?"

Everyone in the room shivered. During spring on patch, the whole island gets covered in pollen. And Luna, being a wolf faunus, has a very s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e nose.

That, and hay fever, create a really bad combination, especially since Luna sometimes loses control over her semblance.

Her bouts of uncontrollable sneezing froze, not only the house but a bit of the surrounding forestry as well.

Heck, everyone considered themselves lucky that Argo passively burned the pollen before it could get up her nose or else they'd be dealing with multiple forest fires.

Shaking his head, Magna went to lift his hand away from Luna only for her to stand up and nudge into his palm. He chuckled lightly when she grabbed his hand and nuzzled against it.

Unlike her sister, Luna seemed to crave attention. Though, he's only seen her act like that with people she considered family.

Smiling, Magna roughly ruffled her hair before gently c.a.r.e.s.sing her ears. Luna's face went bright red as her tail lifted itself up and started wagging.

Turning around, Magna came face to face with Argo, who was now standing infront of him, and simply raised an eyebrow. Argo's ears flickered slightly before flattening against her head as she leaned forward with an expectant look.

Just as Magna leaned forward to pat her as well, a voice filled with happiness echoed out, "Catch me!"

On instincts alone, Magna embodied Ruby and disappeared in a torrent of petals. He raced down the hallway to the staircase and caught both Sophia and Ruby midair before disappearing once more.

Now back in the lounge, Magna placed both giggling girls next to Amber as his eyes twitched, "Really taking advantage of my brotherly instincts, huh?"

Normally, Sophia's response would be a giggle, followed by her and Ruby blowing a raspberries at Magna. However, her eyes locked onto Emerald as she whimpered and hid into Amber's side.

Magna sighed as he knelt down next to Sophia and said in a gently tone, "Hey, what's wrong?"

The room went quiet as Sophia softly spoke, "I-I'm scared… I don't know that person. What if she's mean to me?"

Wordlessly, Magna held his arms open while giving her a very gently smile. It wasn't long before Sophia latched onto him and curled into his c.h.e.s.t.

Ignoring the gentle coos coming from everyone, Magna slowly made his way infront of Emerald, who was now nervously fidgeting in her seat.

Nudging his sister with his chin, Magna lightly chuckled as he said, "Sophia, this… is Emerald. She is another one of your sisters. She was… taken from us when you were just a baby and we finally have her back."

Sophia shyly eyed Emerald. Build up as much courage as she could, Sophia blushed heavily as she quietly muttered, "H-hello… my name is Sophia and I'm 6. I-It's nice to meet you."

Emerald couldn't stop herself, her motherly instincts being kicked into gear as she cuddled the shy girl and cooed, "Oh my Oum! You are just the cutest little munchkin!"

Sophia gently pushed Emerald away from as she pouted, "I'm not a munchkin… I eat my vegetables…"

Even though Sophia continued to push her away, Emerald continued to hug her while rubbing her cheeks against Sophia's.

Honestly, it was a little awkward for Magna, considering Sophia was sitting on his l.a.p. Suddenly, a pair of tails appeared infront of his face as he heard Luna say, "Isn't Sophia just the cutest?"

Luna's tail wagged in his face, gently brushing against his nose and lips. Argo's tail didn't move at all as she said, "You know, I think we've got some pictures of her on our scrolls. Wanna have a peek, Em?"

"Yeah, that be great Argo. Wait a minute, weren't we going to hang out with Yang today?" Said Emerald, joy laced in her tone as Magna caught glimpses of her vibrant smile from behind the twin's tails.

A loud thud came from the side as Yang's boisterous voice yelled, "That's right! We gotta go quick! The airship to Vale leaves in… 10 minutes!?! We won't make it!"

Magna suddenly stood up, gently laying Sophia in Amber's l.a.p as he said, "Don't worry, we'll make it. Ruby! Get the trailer!"

Everyone minus Emerald froze as Ruby's eyes brightened before she zipped out of the room. Emily giggled while watching the girls break out into a cold sweat as Emerald quietly asked, "Why does everyone look so… scared?"

Just before she could explain, Joshua gently hugged Emily around the waist and smirked, "Don't worry, Emerald. They're not scared, just excited."

Emerald deadpanned as she rolled her eyes, "…Sure."


After a few minutes, Ruby came back, an excited smile on her face as she practically bounced around.

Everyone silently funneled outside and Emerald finally came face to face with what was causing everyone dread.

What lay before her was a steel trailer/rickshaw, fitted with guard rails, a cage and gravity dust crystals. She still didn't get what was wrong as she questioned, "What's so bad about the trailer?"

Before Yang could speak, Magna grinned and said, "There's nothing wrong with the trailer. This, " Pointing towards the trailer, "Is how we're gonna make it to town before the airship leaves."

Argo took a deep breath before bravely hopping into the trailer. Luna had a fearful look on her face as she resigned herself to her fate and followed her sister.

Ruby seemed excited as she jumped on, pulling Sophia along with her. Emerald gave the two little girls a weird glance as she said, "I thought those two were staying at home?"

"Oh, they are." Said Emily, "They just want to go for a ride. Don't worry because Magna will bring them back after dropping you girls off."

"What about the ai- Oh, right. Magna can fly. I can't believe I almost forgot that."

"Emerald! Hurry up and get in! If we have to suffer, so do you!" Yelled Argo.

Emerald quickly hopped into the trailer when she finally registered what Argo just said.

"What do you mean by 'suffer'?" Emerald cautiously asked.

Tears gathered in Luna's eyes as she quickly created a thin layer of transparent ice infront of the cage as she stuttered, "E-Emerald… when Magna starts, you need to keep your mouth closed so you don't accidentally bite your tongue."

Understanding suddenly dawned on Emerald as she paled. She tried to stand up as she said, "You know, I think I might just-" But Yang cut her off as she gave the mintette a forced smile, "We all have to suffer, Emerald."

Without warning, Magna crossed his fingers, summoning a clone as both Magna's eyes became silver.

Hoisting the bar off the ground, the trailer slightly shifted, causing everyone on board to latch onto the guard rail infront of them as Magna jokingly spoke, "Uh… ladies and ladies, please keep you hands and feet inside the cage at all times and most importantly, have fun!"

That day, a rumor spread across Patch. A group of wailing woman and high pitched laughter were heard deep into the forest.

What caused those sounds were unknown, and searching for the source became a test of courage. Oddly enough, Emerald, Yang and the twins later declined any and all invitations to join the test of courage.


"Come on, girls! I said I was sorry!"

Walking through the city of Vale, Magna followed behind Argo and the girls as he repeatedly apologized.

Turns out, no one appreciated his tricks and 'shortcuts' besides the younger passengers. Heck, when they arrived at the docking bay, Emerald ended up slapping him as she held back the urge to throw up.

Argo and Yang growled at Magna while Emerald straight up ignored him, opting to chat with Yang. Luna, the gentle soul she was, couldn't stay mad at Magna for long as she nuzzled against his side.

"Luna…" Muttered Magna. Over come with emotion, Magna dramatically wrapped his arms around the white-haired wolf girl and hugged her into his c.h.e.s.t.

Luna's face lit up as her tail danced around madly. Since her sister and the others were still mad at Magna, Luna silently decided to take advantage of their anger and get closer to Magna.

Suddenly, Luna perked up as she looked towards Argo and said, "Hey sis! Didn't Amber say we could join her on her search and destroy mission? Do you think Emerald and Magna would be able to come along?"

Before Argo could answer, Yang latched onto Argo's shoulders as she shook her and yelled, "You guys are going on a mission!?! You've got to take me along!!!"

Magna quickly pulled her off and sighed, "Yang, you know your father doesn't want going on missions. The only reason the girls and I can go is because we listen."

"I CAN LISTEN!!!" Roared Yang, her eyes glowing red.

Luna quickly blew an icy wind at Yang, cool her down as Argo rolled her eyes and brutally said, "Yang, if you come with us, you'd end up running off to fight grimm or you'd get into trouble."

Both girls glared at each and started butting heads. Emerald walked up to Magna and whispered, "Are they always like that?"

Magna gave a long sigh as he nodded, "Yes. Yes they are. Yang's hot-headed and Argo's bold, and they always seem to get into an argument."

Both Magna and Emerald reacted quickly as they pulled the two apart. Argo calmed down when she was a certain distance away from Yang while Luna had to nearly freeze her to get her to calm down.

Once they were sure that Argo and Yang weren't going to fight in the middle of town, Luna walked over to Magna and tugged on his sleeve.

Turning towards the white-haired wolf girl, Magna ruffled her hair and smiled, "What's up?"

"Do you… want to join Argo and I? I'm sure Amber wouldn't mind. Actually, knowing her, she'd be delighted to know that your coming along…" Said Luna, whispering the last part to herself.

Magna didn't need to think on it as he nodded, "I'd love to join you guys on a mission. And I'm sure Emerald would-"

Suddenly, Magna felt himself being pulled into a pair of very soft and nice smell pillows. Magna blushed as he released a muffled yell, "Nuna! Y old yu ti sop hovin hy hace hintoo oar hest!(Luna! I told you to stop shoving my face into your c.h.e.s.t!)"

Emerald, whether from jealousy or concern, quickly pulled the pair apart as Magna madly gasped and said, "Air! Sweet, sweet air! Oh how I love to breath!"

"I didn't hug you that hard…" Pouted Luna.

Once Magna's steadied his breathing, he looked over to Luna and said, "By the way, where does the mission take place? Is it on Patch?"

"I… dont know. Argo?" Said Luna, tilting her head.

Argo folded her arms, tapping against her shoulder as she said, "Amber said it's a nameless, medium sized village in Anima, near the town of Shion. It's just a simple search and destroy mission so it shouldn't take more then a few days."

"That is, if someone, *cough* Magna *cough*, doesn't get kidnapped." Said Argo, grinning when she saw Magna's eyebrows twitch in annoyance.

Rolling his eyes, Magna sarcastically said, "Ha ha ha, very funny. It's not like I planned to be kidnapped. Plus, if I didn't get kidnapped, I would've never met and saved Emerald."

Everyone fell silent for a bit before Emerald broke the silence as she quietly hugged Magna and whispered, "Did I ever thank you for that?"

"I think you did. Even if you didn't, you don't really need to since we're family." Said Magna with a smile.

Pulling back slightly, Emerald shook her head and smiled widely, causing Magna to blush as she said, "No, I definitely do need to thank you. Thanks to you, I have my life back so… Thank you, Magna. For saving me."

Though Emerald was getting a headstart on the others, none of the girls pulled them apart.

'She deserves this after what she's been through…' Was the collective thought of every girl present present.

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