RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 95 - Welcome to Beacon

"Hurry up, Magna! We're gonna be late!"

A pair of wolf faunus and a mint haired girl could be seen sprinting down the streets of Patch. Behind them was a young man that panted in exhaustion.

"*Huff* Don't worry… We won't be late. We still have an hour before take off." Magna said as he forced himself to catch up.

The girls gave him odd looks, wondering why he was tired after a night of sleep.

Argo and Luna couldn't smell anything 'off' about him but that was due to the fact that Magna doused himself in a bottle of strawberry scented bodywash and shampoo.

He would've picked something a bit more… manly but his body wash was empty and in his panic, he used his little sisters.

A wry smile made its way onto his face as he remembered the pouty tantrum Sophia threw when he told her.

Anyway, Magna didn't realise how tired he was until he came out of the shower. It's like his body just became heavier and more lethargic.

Even after a hearty breakfast, he felt like taking a nap. Sadly, the airship to Beacon left at around 10 and he really didn't want to miss it.

As a tired sigh left his mouth, Magna rolled an ice dust crystal around in his mouth before biting down. A chill swept through his body, as if it was trying to freeze him from the inside out.

And it was. But Escanor's power, Sunshine, easily fought against the ever present chill, making his body heat stop at around 40 degrees Celsius.

This made him slighter hot than a normal person but Magna actually liked it since the temperature was starting to drop.

Heck, Argo, Luna and Emerald seemed to like it as well since they liked to used him as a portable space heater.

As Magna and the girls rounded the corner to the airship pads, Magna winced as the sound of pained screams came from just in front of him.

Magna sighed and wryly smiled at the pile of girls on the ground as he said, "Good morning Yang, it's nice to see you up so early. I could've sworn that your dad would've kept you up all night, scolding you about the night club."

Yang g.r.o.a.n.e.d, whether it was in pain or about Magna's comment he didn't know, and glanced over to Magna, "He did. I'm so tired that I couldn't even react to Argo and the others coming around the corner."

Chuckling, Magna made his way over while yawning and slowly helped untangle the pile of girls on the ground.

Luna, wearing her coat unbuttoned, lightly dusted herself off before sheepishly turning towards Yang, "S-sorry for running into you, Yang. I wasn't paying attention."

Her shirt was nothing more than a piece of thick, white cloth that completely covered her c.h.e.s.t, exposing her stomach.

Two dark purple straps held the cloth in place, criss crossing back and forth down her stomach to her waist, where the straps were tied to her skirt.

Her lower half consisted of white, t.h.i.g.h high skirt with a dark purple sun motif that covered a pair of black jean shorts.

A pair of black and purple combat boots and gauntlets doubled as her weapons, Glare and Tear.

The gauntlets, Tear, were rather thin and reminiscent of shinobi garb.

They used a basic single weapon mech-shift, enabling them to turn from armoured gauntlets to a pair of serated edged claws.

Her combat boots, however, were slightly different.

She made them by infusing depleted fire dust into the metal during melting, allowing her shoes to become amplified by her semblance.

She was lucky her idea actually worked since the depleted fire dust absorbed the power of her semblance, enabling it to reignite though only for as long as she keeps her semblance and aura active.

Anyway, Argo lightly stretched her body out and smiled, "Yeah, sorry about the collision, sun dragon. We didn't see you before it was too late."

Yang rolled her eyes, "Sure… you guys just couldn't resist CRASHING the party. Eh? Eh?"

Emerald, wearing a form fitting white and green shirt that seemed scarily similar to Argo's, except that it didn't show as much skin, winced, "Dial back the puns Yang. It's too early in the morning for your bad jokes."

She shifted uncomfortably for a few seconds before blushing as she grabbed the waist band of her green shorts and moved them back and forth.

"Stupid f.u.c.k.i.n.g wedgie…" Muttered Emerald maliciously.

Magna yawned, "I hope I can get some sleep on the airship…"

"So do I, Magna," Yawned Yang, "But I asked dad about that and he said that Beacon is only half an hour away from Vale. We probably have an hour, tops, to rest up."

"Better than nothing, Yang. I swear I'm gonna try and sleep on that airship if it's the last thing I do." Magna swore as a glint on amus.e.m.e.nt appeared in his eyes.

Suddenly, a familiar voice spoke from behind him, "Sadly Magna, the airsh.i.p.s don't have any seats. There's no way you'd be able to sleep on the airship.'

Sighing, Magna turned towards the source of the voice and said, "Thanks Qrow."

Qrow grinned at his student and said, "Your welcome Magna."

Magna not-so-stealthily threw the old bird the bird, only for Qrow to send back two birds of his own.

After teacher and student finished glaring at each other, Magna sighed and said, "Let's just get on the airship."

Just as he and the others moved towards the airship, a high pitched female voice screamed out from behind them.


Magna and the others turned back and we're greeted to the sight of Ruby.

She stood in an awe-inspiring pose, one leg standing on a black and red suitcase as her cape fluttered in the wind.

Ruby smiled smugly at the group as she puffed out her budding c.h.e.s.t.

She seemed to possess an imposing presence… for all of five seconds before the wind became unruly and sent her fluttering cape, rose petals and all, back into her face.

Ruby choked and gagged on the rose petals that came from her semblance. Yang lightly chuckled at her sister while everyone just watched in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"*cough* *cough* Bleh! Ew! I think I swallowed some!" Gagged Ruby as she frantically started hopping around.

Yang moved next to her sister and grinned mischievously as she said, "That's not the first time you've said that and it's not gonna be the last."

Ruby gave Yang a naive look as she tilted her head slightly and grumbled, "I know that it's not the first time I've accidentally eaten some of the rose petals from my semblance but you don't need to poke fun at me, Yang. I thought we were sisters?"

"Oh my sweet, innocent Ruby… I wasn't talking about your rose petals." Said Yang, her grinning growing wider by the second.

Magna decided that he this conversation was done as he immediately stepped between the two sisters and said, "ANYWAY! Ruby! What're you doing here?"

Suddenly, Ruby's clueless look transformed into a smile so smug that Magna was tempted to pinch and muddled her cheeks around.

"So… does everyone know that Luna and I stopped a robbery last night?" Asked Ruby.

Luna seemed to know where this was going and smiled happily as everyone nodded.

Seeing everyone nod, Ruby puffed out her c.h.e.s.t and proudly said, "Guess who became the youngest huntress-in-training to get accepted into Beacon!"

Realisation dawned on everyone but Luna and Magna who already knew. Before anyone could congratulate her, Yang tackled Ruby to the ground in a spine breaking hug as she cried happily, "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! YOUR GONNA BE ATTENDING BEACON WITH US!?! OH MY OUM RUBY! THAT'S AMAZING!"

"AIR! YANG! I! NEED! AIR!" Ruby screamed from within her sister's bulging c.h.e.s.t, her face turning different shades of white, green and purple.

After a brief look into the great beyond, Ruby gasped for air as Yang sheepishly twirled her hair on her finger.

"Sorry Rubes. I'm just… so happy that you can come to Beacon with us. You've always been such a special little girl and I'm glad your being recognised for your talents." Said Yang, a motherly smile hanging on her lips.

Magna couldn't help but find himself dazed at her motherly smile. He's always known that Yang has a motherly side but everytime he sees it, it's like his mind shuts down and reboots just to deal with how attractive she was.

"She's right Ruby," Said Argo as she moved towards the young reaper and pulled her into a gentle hug, "To be accepted into Beacon at 15. It's unprecedented and goes to show how skilled you are. However…"

Suddenly, Luna moved towards her and continued her sister's words, "People attending the academy won't think that. They'll be jealous and rumors of your early acceptance will spread."

Her words seemed to worry the young reaper as tears started to build up in Ruby's eyes. This enraged both Yang and Magna as flames burst out from their bodies and their eyes turned red.

"If I see one person try and pick on my little sister, there'll be HELL TO PAY!!!"

"I'll tear anyone that makes Ruby cry APART!!!"

Emerald rolled her eyes in amus.e.m.e.nt and said, "Alright hotheads. Ruby will have all of us to support her. Plus, once they see how good she is, the rumors should stop altogether."

Ruby smiled brightly as she dashed over to Emerald and hugged the mintette tightly, "Thanks Emerald~."

Emerald smiled crookedly as she awkwardly patted Ruby's shoulder, "N-no problem Ruby. Now, can you please let go of me?"

Ruby pouted but nodded as she pulled away. Everyone knew that Emerald wasn't that big on the whole 'intimate contact' thing.

She didn't mind a hug or two when she wanted them but anytime other than that and it made her feel uncomfortable.

Magna moved towards Ruby and ruffled her hair as he said, "Well, we best get on the airship. Beacon awaits!"

Ruby puffed up her cheeks while everyone else smiled and cheered as the moved into the airship.

It took half an hour before all the new students were on board and the airship took off.

As the airship lifted into the air, Magna switched to embody Amber. However, once the change started, Magna felt something… different.

He couldn't explain what he felt but the gist of what he got was that he felt… stronger than before.

Magna could instinctively tell that Amber's semblance was stronger than it was before yesterday.

Tilting his head in thought, Magna slowly opened his palm infront of his face as a ball of darkness floated peacefully above his palm.

Magna hummed to himself as he made the ball dance in his palm before flinging it into the light.

Instead of dissipating, the ball continued forward unimpeded before colliding with the window.

Suddenly, a 10 foot tall and 5 foot wide hole of swirling darkness appeared on the window. Magna's eyes widened to the limit as he hastily waved his hands, causing the hole to close.

Sadly, a few people saw him throw the ball and the hole and started whispering. Magna g.r.o.a.n.e.d into his hands as he muttered, "Great…"

Even though he was regretting his impromptu test of Amber's enhanced semblance, he smiled as he figured out what this powered up version could do.

Now, his copy of Amber's semblance could create footholds in areas covered in light.

Usually, Amber's semblance was only usable in shady areas, and could only be used in the light when he used Shikamaru's abilities in tandem.

This 'upgrade' seemed to get rid of her semblances weakness. Magna was intrigued whether Amber recieved an upgrade to her semblance as well or if it was only him.

Magna also wanted to find the trigger that caused a change in his copy of Amber's semblance. He had a theory but he couldn't actually prove anything without running tests.

And honestly? He was slightly hesitant to test his theory. Just as he released a long sigh, Ruby dashed over to him and smiled as she zipped into his arms, knocking him to the ground.

Ruby giggled as she nuzzled into Magna's c.h.e.s.t, breaking him from his train of thought as he grinned.

After a minute of messing around, Ruby pulled her top half away from him and lightly blew her bangs from her face as she smiled in content, "Hi."

"Hi Ruby." Grinned Magna.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, a white blur tackled the pair of them from behind as it cried, "I wanna play too~."



Magna internally sighed as Luna's c.h.e.s.t tried it's hardest to kill him via suffocation. This has happened so many times that Magna's learned to not panic and to quickly remove her so he could breath.

Ruby, on the other hand, was panicking as she found herself completely squished between a rock and a marshmallow. She frantically slapped Magna's arms and sides as she tried to free herself.

Luckily, she managed to get Magna's attention as he quickly peeled Luna off of them. Once she was free, Ruby shot up and took in a deep breath as tears gathered in her eyes.

"*cough* *gasp* L-Luna! You also choked me to death!" Ruby all but screamed at the white wolf faunus.

Luna was already feeling guilty for squishing Ruby but Ruby's outburst just made it feel even worse.

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she sniffled, "I-I'm sorry, Ruby. I didn't mean to squish you. I… I just wanted to play."

Seeing Luna's tears, the heat building in Ruby's c.h.e.s.t died down as she sighed, "Just be careful, okay? Don't just jump at Magna when you want to play because you might end up hurting someone."

Magna deadpanned at the young reaper as Yang's voice rang out from behind them, "The pot is calling the kettle black, it seems. You gotta take your own advice before lecturing others, Rubes. Or else that just makes you bureaucrat."

"I think you meant to say 'hypocrite'," Said Emerald. (In the background, Yang muttered, "I know what I said...") "But she's right little red. Didn't you just do what you lectured Luna about just a few minutes ago?"

As everyone gathered together again and stared at Ruby, said huntress-in-training pouted, "I made sure that there wasn't anyone there before I pounced."

Argo sighed, "How bout we all just forget this ever happened and move on?"

"Wait!" Said Magna, "If you all pretend to forget this conversation, these two are just gonna leap at me again! Can't we just… not leap into my arms from now on?"

Each girl present fell into thought for a few seconds before turning towards one another as they all said in sync, "Nah."

Magna slumped down on the ground as a thundering rain cloud appeared above him.

The girls gave him odd looks as Yang playfully punched his arm, "Stop being so melodramatic, Magna."

Rubbing his arm, Magna glared at Yang before sighing. He didn't actually mind the girls jumping at him but… it was become hard to control himself, especially after last night.

Yang, Argo, Luna, Emerald, even Ruby. All of them grew up in all the right places.

Plus, when they push their soft bodies against him, well… Magna was immensely thankful for Qrow's training and the memories of Rentaro's father's training.

With that fiasco out of the way, Ruby shuffled off of Magna's l.a.p as she said, "Anyway… what were you doing over her Magna? I saw you chuck a ball of darkness at the window and create a big black hole thingy on it. What was that?'

"Well," murmured Magna, thinking how best to explain what he was doing, "I was going to rest inside the shadows and changed to Amber's semblance when I realised something was different. Somehow, her semblance got enhanced. Now I can create shadows in areas covered in light."

To support his claim, Magna summon another shadow ball. He hummed to himself and threw the ball at the window.

Just like the other one, a black hole opened on the window. Only, this one was about as big as a ruler and was perfectly circular.

Intrigued, Magna moved forward and shoved his arm into the hole. Then, a girly screamed came from behind him as Magna turned and saw a familiar blonde boy unconscious on the ground.

Beside him was a hand that appeared from out of Magna's shadow. Pulling his arm out, the hole closed as Magna moved towards the boy and muttered, "Jaune?"

The boy in question was unconscious and foaming at the mouth.

"Hey… is that Jaune?" Said Luna as she walked over.

"Who?" Asked Emerald, Argo, Yang and Ruby.

Luna turned to Argo and Emerald and said, "Don't you remember him? Jaune? Jaune Arc? He's the son of the parents who commissioned that mission we tagged along on? The one we took Emerald on after Magna rescued her?"

Still see the blank look on her sister's faces, Luna sighed, "The one who tried to hit on us for a couple days before Magna had to straighten him out? The one that Magna trained while we were there?"

"Ooohhh… Now I remember him. He was kinda annoying but if you get past his awkward flirting, he's a pretty decent guy. I wonder how strong he's become since then…" Said Argo as a fierce smile adorned her face.

Jaune, even though he was unconscious, shivered and paled.

Magna decided to stop Argo from getting ideas as he said, "Guys, let's leave jaune alone for now. I'll wake him up when we arrive at Beacon. Hopefully he remembers me…"

Most of the ride was fairly quiet. Ruby opted to move away so she could talk to Yang about something while Argo and Emerald decided to privately monitor the potential huntsmen and huntresses.

Luna decided to stay with Magna, considering that she didn't really want to spy on people. The pair chatted about cooking, something Luna took on as a hobby, when a hologram appeared on the windows.

"The robbery was lead by nefarious criminal, Roman torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact that Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa." Said the voice of Cyril Ian, one of Vale's news reporters.

"Thank you Cyril," Said Lisa Lavender as the images on the hologram changed to show her in studio, "In other news, Grimm attacks have become increasingly more frequent in the past few years."

"Scientists in Atlas are baffled by the abrupt change in grimm behaviour, as they are now known to forgo any remnant of self-preservation in favour of causing death and destruction, no matter the cost."

"In other news, this Saturday's faunus civil rights protest turned dark, when members of the whitefang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organisation has now disrupted-"

The news report suddenly disappeared as Glynda Goodwitch, vice principal and combat teacher, appeared in it's place.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are amoung a privileged few who have recieved the honour of being selected to attend this prestigious academy."

"Our world is experiencing a relatively safe time of peace and as future huntsmen and huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task and now, it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

As the hologram disappeared, Magna chuckled at Luna as she stared off into the distance with a dreamy look.

"Magna," Muttered Luna as her dreamy look slowly morphed into one of determination, "This is it. Here, in this academy, we will learn to become warriors that help the weak and defenseless. So that no one has to go through what we did when were younger."

Magna solemnly nodded. He considered himself lucky because his parents actually managed to escape.

His mother and father could have easily became one of the corpses that littered his old village and that thought frightened him.

Pulling himself from his thoughts, Magna ruffled Luna's hair, ignoring her content sighing as he smiled, "Could you go to you sisters, Luna? I'll wake up sleeping beauty over there and catch up to you guys later."

Luna nodded before taking off, leaving a small trail of ice and snowflakes in her wake.

"It still surprises me that she can't control her semblance fully…" Muttered Magna.

Turning towards Jaune, Magna hummed to himself for a few seconds before pulling out a shard of ice dust.

Pumping just enough aura into the shard so that it emitted cold air, Magna rolled him over and shoved the shard down the back of his shirt.

The reaction was almost instant. Jaune released a girlish scream as he leapt off the floor and ran straight into the window.

Magna winced as Jaune slowly peeled off the window and collapsed back onto the ground, g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he cried, "W-What just happened?"

"Nothing much," Grinned Magna, "I just woke you up by dropping an ice dust shard down your shirt."

Jaune's eyes widened as he turned towards Magna to yell at him. However, all the complaints he had disappeared as he suddenly smiled, "Magna!"

The blonde knight scrambled to his feet and stuck his fist out towards Magna. Knowing what the blonde wanted, Magna fist bumped him and said, "How have you been, Jaune? You still getting whipped by your sisters?"

Jaune face faulted, "Hey! I-I'm not whipped by my sisters! I… I just like doing things for them, that's all!"

"Sure…" Smirked Magna as he rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, Jaune smirked as he gently nudged Magna in the side, "Actually, my sisters have been bugging me about a certain… someone. They miss a certain boy that saved our sister from bandits."

Magna flinched as he remembered what he was talking about. Back when Magna and the girls arrived at the small village, he learned that the people that commissioned the mission were the patriarch of the Arc family and his wife.

While it stunned him to be meeting Jaune Arc and his sisters, what stunned Magna the most was the fact that one of his eldest, Saphron Arc, ended up hugging him as she burst into tears.

Unlike Jaune, the girls of the Arc family had gained their aura and semblance from an early age, far younger than when Magna gained his.

Saphron's semblance was like an upgraded version of a radar. It was permanently active and had the ability to find, feel and lock onto presences and emotions.

Sadly, she was one of the many unlucky girls that had been kidnapped by the Branwen tribe during there dust and Lien heist.

She brokedown crying into his arms as she explained how she felt him enter the warehouse, scoop out the bandits and the building, before leaving in a furious rage.

She told him how she had almost given up hope of rescue. Then, it happened. A tall man wearing a white, grey and red suit entered the building and wiped the bandits out in mere moments.

He rounded up all the panicking girls and explained that he was a huntsmen and that his student, a boy he fondly referred to as 'Magna', had found the hideout and reported it to him.

Most of the girls, though traumatised by the experience, found themselves curious about the young boy and how he managed to sneak in. Saphron put two and two together and committed the feeling she recieved from him to memory.

She vowed that, if she one day found the owner of the feeling that came with his presence, she would profusely thank him for saving her.

Shaking himself from his memories, Magna gave the blonde a rare look of wry defeat as he muttered, "Okay, Arc. Give it to me straight. How bad was it?"

Jaune's smirk grew, "You mean once they heard I was going to Beacon? The same academy you told them you were going to attend 3 years ago?"

Magna gulped and nodded. Patting his shoulder, Jaune chuckled as he moved forward and whispered into his ear, "They all have some choice words for you when they get here~. I warned you that you should have told them you were leaving but did you listen?"

Magna sighed. After meeting and living with (yes, they lived with the Arc family. They were far too kind to let a huntress and 4 kids stay the night at a hotel. They commissioned the grimm hunt, and they felt that they had the responsibility to at least make sure that they were rested and full before every hunt.), Magna came to one decision.

Jaune's sisters wouldn't let them leave. His younger sisters, the twins and the youngest, were mischievous and playful.

They were so mischievous that when he switch to Naruto's cl.u.s.ter, he felt an odd sense of respect and camaraderie towards them. And they were barely 8, with the youngest being 6.

His older sisters were prime examples of 'why you don't f.u.c.k with an Arc'. While they somehow retained a model-like figure, they were strong enough to tear the bone plating off of an elder Deathstalker and had enough aura to legally blind a person if they flared it.

Their semblances were a nightmare to deal with as he had sparred against them and only barely managed to bring home a few victories.

However, it had been noted that had it been a battle to the death, Magna would've more than likely killed them with easy.

They had seen firsthand some of his more… destructive abilities and knew that he could've inflicted more than just a couple bumps and bruises had he not held back.

He wondered why they didn't train Jaune but learned that it was only because Jaune never asked.

He learned during their stay that Jaune subconsciously felt inferior to his family and tried to tackle his problems alone.

That habit broke when Magna, under the influence of talk-no-jutsu, forced the boy to recognise where he went wrong and to try and get help from his family.

And honestly? His parents practically beamed when he came up to them and shyly asked to be trained.

Once everyone started teaching him, Magna somehow couldn't help himself as he switched to Rentaro's cl.u.s.ter and trained him.

Just like in the anime, Jaune inherited the sword and shield of the Arc family, Crocea Mors. Since he expected Jaune to learn at least a basic style from his family, Magna taught him some hand-to-hand combat.

Suddenly, he grinned as he distanced himself from Jaune and said, "Square up, Jaune! I wanna see if you still remember those lessons or if you slacked off all these years!"

Jaune panicked as he long around, only to pale as his face turned green. Magna lowered his fists and gave the blonde and amused look and said, "You just now realised you were flying in an airship?"

Before Jaune could reply, he lurched forward as he slapped his hands across his mouth, tears and sweat leaking down his face. With a green face, Jaune bolted towards the nearest rubbish bin and hurled.

Magna only watched on with a deadpanned expression as his puke leaked out from below, the bag inside seemingly having a hole in the bottom.

To the side, Magna saw Argo running away from Yang as Ruby screamed, "EW! YANG! YOU HAVE PUKE ON YOUR SHOE!"




Before Magna could sigh, Luna's cry could be heard as a blast of ice froze Yang's puke covered shoe, "AHHH!!! MY NOSE!!! *Gag* I... I THINK I'M GONNA BE SICK!!!"

Before Luna could upchuck her breakfast, Magna moved over to her and hugged her into his c.h.e.s.t, stroking her hair as he muttered into her ear, "There~ There~ Is that better?"

Said girl just hugged him as she, with half lidded eyes, pressed her face into his c.h.e.s.t and took in a deep, deep breath.

With the sound of girlish screaming, puking, and angry Yang noises in the background, Magna took solace in the adorable fluff ball clinging to his c.h.e.s.t.

He gazed towards the prestigious academy on the horizon and muttered, "This… this is gonna be my life for the next few years, isn't it?"

As the airship approached Beacon, a wry sigh couldn't help but escape Magna's lips.

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