RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 96 - The Cast Meet and The Night at Beacon

Once the airship landed and the cargo doors opened to let the new blood into Beacon Academy, Magna chuckled to himself as he watched Jaune dash out of the airship, his face a sickly green.

Jaune didn't seem to care about knocking into people as he ran over to the closest trash can and hurled.

Argo walked over to Magna while pinching her nose as she winced, "Sheesh… Jaune takes the term 'motion sick' to an entirely new level."

"Yeah he does!" Yelled Yang, a grumpy frown adorning her face, "Vomit boy over there owes me a new pair of shoes! And he better get them for me or else!"

Luckily, her eyes weren't red, signifying that while she was angry, it wasn't bad enough to activate her secondary semblance.

Yes, that's right. Yang has a second semblance. She actually discovered that her red eyes and flaming body are separate from her ability to absorb kinetic force and apply it to an attack at twice the strength.

Alone, her semblances are strong but when she uses them in tandem, not even an alpha Ursa could stop her.

Anyway, Magna sighed and was about to speak when a body latched onto his back. He stumbled forward a couple steps, barely stopping himself from falling as he said, "Luna, be careful. We almost fell over!"

Magna could feel the pout coming off her as Luna's voice softly whispered into his ear, "Sorry Magna, I guess I just got a little excited. I'm sorry…"

The soft feeling pressing up against his back slowly vanished as Magna shook his head and smiled, "It's fine, Luna. I can understand your excitement. Maybe not to your level but I get it."

Suddenly, Emerald wrapped her arm around Luna's neck as she g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Finally! We're finally out of that stuffy, metal box! I swear, all I could smell in there was sweat, B.O and vomit."

Emerald glared at Jaune as she growled, "Courtesy of vomit boy over there who… is still blowing chunks. Great. Perfect. You know what? If you need me, call me. I'm just gonna go for a walk. Don't wait up for me."

Before anyone could speak, Emerald pulled away from Luna and disappeared. Literally. She covered her body in an illusion and vanished.

Next, Yang ran by them, smiling as she and a group of people Magna recognised as her friends from signal zoomed right past her.

'If I remember this right…' Mused Magna as he turned to Ruby, ignoring the questioning look he was getting from Luna and Argo, 'This should be the scene where Ruby and Weiss meet.'

Watching as a dazed and confused Ruby span around, Magna grabbed the two wolf faunus and retreated with a smile.

'I'm curious to see what's changed due to my presence…'


Ruby span around, her eyes twirling almost as fast as she was spinning as she cried, "W-wait a minute Yang! You can't just leave me! W-where am I supposed to go!? What about dorms!? Do we even have dorms!?"

Finally coming to the end of her spinning, Ruby gasped as she fell to the floor. Sadly, she wasn't the only thing that fell as she managed to take a few suitcases to the ground with her.




The instant Ruby heard another person, she accidentally activated her semblance. Her body became a blur of rose petals as she shot a few feet into the air before crashing back down with an audible thud.

"OUCH!!! OW OW OW OW OW!!!" Ruby screamed as she rolled around while holding her b.u.t.t.

*Unamused Heiress Noises*

The sound of impatient foot tapping told Ruby that whoever was trying to talk to her wasn't very happy right now.

Jumping off the ground, Ruby winced as she forced down the pain coming from her b.u.t.t and said, "H-Hello? D-did you need me from something?"

What stood before her was a girl, only slightly taller than she was, dressed in a white dress. She had long white hair tied up in a pony tail with a white scrunchie. Though the feature that stood out the most would have to be the scar over her eye.

"Hello?" Said the girl, her voice managing to be both haughty and soothing, "Is that really all you have to say to me after knocking over all my luggage?"

Ruby quickly looked around and, to her utter horror, finally noticed the series of suitcases sprawled out across the ground. Some of them were actually opened, showing vials filled with different types of dust.

A sheepishly smile appeared on the little reapers face as she blushed, "S-sorry… I didn't mean to knock your stuff over. It was an accident."

The girl merely raised an eyebrow as her frown deepened. Expecting to get chew out, Ruby shut her eyes and waited get yelled at.

However, instead of the yelling she was expecting, a long sigh came from the girl as she said, "Fine. I accept your apology. However, I hope you don't think this means you can just leave! I expect you to help me gather my luggage!"

Ruby nodded as she activated her semblance in an attempt to quickly pick up the girl's luggage. And that's when all hell broke loose.

You see, Ruby didn't realise that some of the suitcase were filled with different varieties of dust. Crystals, shards, uncut, the girl's luggage had it all.

As she sped around, picking up the white haired girl's luggage, the lid of the vials inside the suitcase she was carrying were knocked off, sending clouds of different types of dust flying into Ruby's face.

The young reaper tripped while running and smashed face first into the white haired girl. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Ruby unleashed hell upon said girl as she sneezed, her aura unconsciously flaring as she didn't deactivate her semblance.



Magna winced as he watched what could only be called the biggest screw up in history. Well, maybe the second biggest because of *cough* Ozpin and Salem *cough*.

Anyway, Magna, Argo and Luna quickly ran over as Luna cried out, "Ruby! Are you okay!?!"

Argo said nothing as she tapped the silver bracelet on her wrist, channeling some aura into it as a tube of burn cream and some bandages appeared in her hand.

Now, before anyone complains, the bracelet was something Magna created. For you see, Magna noticed a problem when he was storing things in his shadow.

The problem was that there wasn't very much space. For something to be able to follow Magna around, it needs to be inside his shadow. When something spills over into the shadow world, the item will stay there until Magna finds it.

It was actually quite funny when he found this out. He was in a rush, buying books, food, ammo, weapon parts and sanitary items for himself and the girls.

While running out of the last store, Magna made the mistake of throwing the non-food items into his shadow all willy nilly.

Luckily, Magna found everything rather easily since the items in the shadow world actually leave a shadow in the real world.

The only laugh Magna actually got out of the experience was watching people run away, screaming something about 'ghostly shadows'.

Anyway, the bracelets were made by one of his latest cl.u.s.ters. The divine blacksmith that resided in the tower of babel, Hephaestus.

When he recieved this cl.u.s.ter, shocked was putting his mood lightly. He became a literal god when he recieved this cl.u.s.ter. Sadly, there were negatives that helped pull his head out of the clouds.

Like Hephaestus, while Magna resides on the mortal plane, he is unable to access most of his divine energy and the little bit that he could access is only helpful when he crafts something.

He could create weapons the grow stronger with someone, earrings that took a lethal hit for someone once, bracelets that had an internal pocket dimension the size of a studio.

He could create anything as long as he could imagine the item in his mind and continously pumped divine energy and aura into the thing he was crafting. However, he needed to pump divine energy and aura into the item the WHOLE time he was making said item.

Though the biggest negative effect he recieved from Hephaestus's cl.u.s.ter, hands down, was her compulsion to build things. It made his month HELL.

He spent almost every waking minute in the student forge at Signal, crafting and enchanting weapons and accessories. And when he slept, all he dreamed about was slowly hammering away at a golden sword.

It almost drove him insane. Magna literally couldn't stop himself from crafting items. He built storage bracelets, one-time use sacrificial earrings (clip-ons, Yang was adamant about not having Ruby's ears pierced.), aura storing necklaces.

Hell, he even made Qrow a necklace that gave him some control over his semblance and a flask that uses aura to create alcohol.

Qrow cried that day but can you guess what item brought him to tears?

Shaking his head, Magna moved over to Argo and grabbed her hand as he said, "She's fine Argo. She's wearing the earring."

Argo sighed in relief as her tense shoulders dropped. Everyone watched as Ruby was covered in a soft white light for a few seconds before it disappeared, followed by the sound of metal hitting the ground.

Ruby g.r.o.a.n.e.d a bit as she shook her head and said, "What happened?"

Magna wanted to try and find a way to say what she did gently, Luna didn't, "YOU BLEW UP IN A BALL OF FIRE, ICE, LIGHTING AND WIND!!! I THINK I EVEN SAW A LITTLE BIT OF WATER!!!"

Ruby 'eeped' as she turned into a flurry of petals and hid behind Magna. You see, not many thing made Luna angry.

You could call her names, you could push her around, hell, you could even throw gum in her hair and all she'd do was cry since she didn't like hurting people unless they truly deserved it.

However, the moment her family and friends got even a scratch, she became a force of nature on a warpath.

She could be the most adorable little fluff ball one moment, and a total demon the next. What's worse is that she gets even angrier if the one who hurts her family and friends, is themselves.

Heaven, hell and the twin gods above know the torment that Magna's has had to endured from the enraged white wolf faunus.

The hours of sitting on his knees as she lectured him on why he shouldn't injury himself, and how her lectures were always different from the last.

Luna, with all the gracefulness of duck, shoved Magna lightly out of the way and yanked Ruby by the ear as she dragged her off, not doubt getting ready to lecture the poor girl.

"Ow ow ow ow ow!!! Luna! Not so hard! Your gonna rip my ear off!" Cried Ruby, actual tears starting to gather in her eyes.

Before Luna could growl at her, Magna moved over and expertly separated the pair as he smiled in a pacifying manner, "Now now, Luna. Calm down… We still have an introduction to get to and it starts in a few minutes."

Luna huffed a few times as her tensed shoulders slowly began to relax. After close to a minute passed, Luna was finally calm as she said, "Sorry Magna, Ruby. I…"

"Just don't like it when we get hurt." Said Argo as she glomped her sister from behind, "We know sis. And that's one of the reasons why we love you."

Luna sniffled before nudging her head back into her sister's c.h.e.s.t, causing Magna and Ruby to quietly 'Awww…' at the scene.

Argo showed zero hints of embarrassment as she hugged Luna tighter and started rubbing her chin on Luna's head.

With everyone calm, the group turned to leave when Magna finally remembered who else was in that explosion.

As if on cue, a silver light gleamed from within the large crater Ruby made as a rapier lashed out towards Ruby.

The three girls instantly reacted, moving to get ready for a fight when Magna stepped forward and easily blocked the sword tip.

With his finger.

His hand was like an immovable mountain while the sword tip trembled in place.

"Come now, Weiss." Said Magna as he gently pushed the sword tip to the side, "There's no need to get violent."

Everyone eyes, even Weiss's, opened wide in shock. Argo, Luna and Ruby could feel the aura coming off that attack. She really wanted to maim Ruby! And yet, Magna still stopped her attack using a single finger without activating his aura.

Weiss, on the other hand, was shocked because of who was stopping her. Once her shock faded, her hand holding her weapon went slack as she dropped her rapier, Myrtenaster.

"Magna.. is… is that really you?.." Muttered Weiss in a shaky tone.

This caused Magna's mind to come to a screeching halt. Who was this? This wasn't Weiss! At least, this wasn't the Weiss he knew! Weiss was a confident and intelligent young lady. She didn't act like this!

"Uh… Weiss? Are… are you okay?" Asked Magna in concern.

Without warning, Weiss dove into his c.h.e.s.t and, surprisingly, burst into tears as she cried, "Three years! You stopped visiting my family and I for three years! The last thing I heard about you was that you were involved in a whitefang attack, your condition unknown."

"What!?!" Screamed Magna, "That's… that's not right! I sent a message to your mother stating that I wasn't going to be able to visit for awhile since I just reunited with a family member that was taken from us!"

Sniffling, the heiress pulled herself away from him and said, "Really? So your fine?"

"Really Weiss, I'm fine. I'm actually more hurt by the fact that you think that the whitefang are strong enough to actually hurt me." Grinned Magna.

…He wasn't going to tell her that it was the whitefang that managed to chip his aura away until only a small amount was left. She didn't need to know that.

Suddenly, Ruby pulled the pair apart as she pouted, "Magna! How do you know this… this princess!"

As Magna opened his mouth to speak, a calm and slightly sassy voice spoke from behind them, "It's heiress, actually. Weiss Schnee, daughter of Willow Schnee, the owner of the Schnee dust company. The number one exporter of dust and dust accessories across all of Remnant."

Weiss puffed up her non-existent c.h.e.s.t in pride as she said, "Finally, some recognition."

The new comer seemed to smirk ever so slightly as she continued, "They are also known for there controversial labour forces, shady background dealings and infighting in the company."

The Schnee heiress physically deflated as she depressingly muttered, "M-my mother is trying, alright? It's not easy fixing the damage my fath- *cough* the damage that Jacques did to the company and it's image."

Without waiting for a reply, Weiss quickly ran away with tears in her eyes, causing Magna to glare at the new arrival.

"Nice going, Blake." Growled Magna.

Though, to be fair, Blake looked just as shocked as the rest of them.

"I-I didn't know, okay? I stopped paying attention to news about the Schnees a long time ago. It was always the same! How was I suppose to know that her mother was trying to make a change!?!" Screamed Blake as she quickly walked off.

Ruby looked at the quickly shrinking backs of Blake and Weiss before collapsing to the ground as she g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Welcome to Beacon…"

Luna softly smiled at her as she and her sister helped the young reaper to her feet, "Don't worry, Ruby. It can only get better from here."

"My sister is right, Ruby." Said Argo, her hand softly patting the dust off of Ruby's hood, "I'm sure you'll make a ton of friends and learn some awesome stuff here! Just try and focus on the positives, alright?"

Ruby sniffled before turning towards Magna with a hopeful look in her eyes. Magna returned her stare with a look that said, 'Are you serious?' Before sighing as he cleared his throat and smiled.

"Don't worry Ruby, you'll be fine. I believe in you. And if you find yourself unable to believe in yourself, then believe in the me that believes in you." Said Magna as he roughly ruffled her hair before gently yanking her hood over her head.

To the side, Argo and Luna were pinching their arms while their lips twitched and trembled. This was why Magna didn't want to say anything. He had a habit of quoting anime from his previous life.

To everyone else, his anime inspired speeches were cringy and hilarious, especially since he delivers said speeches in a completely serious tone.

The only ones that never laugh at his speeches is Ruby and his little sister, Sophia.

Rolling his eyes at the two sisters, Magna began walking towards the auditorium. Along the way, Jaune managed to tag along since the boy was, and I'm putting it lightly, lost.

Ruby and Jaune both introduced each other but due to then running late, Ruby never got to show off Crescent Rose. She did try but Argo didn't want them being late.

Once they arrived, Yang spotted them and yelled, "Hey! Ruby! Drag Magna and the twins over here! Emerald and I saved you guys a spot!"

"Well… SorryJaunebutwegottagobye!" Ruby rapidly said, confusing the poor boy even more than he already was.

As the group drew closer and closer to Yang, Magna and Luna couldn't help but notice how anger started to appear on Ruby's face.

Luna nudged her sister and pointed towards Ruby as the twins had another chat through their twin telepathy.

'I swear that's a secondary semblance those two share…' Mused Magna as he watched the twins nod to each other.

"Ruby! How are you little sis! Did you explore Beacon? Did you make a friend or two?"

Instead of answering, Ruby pouted as she flicked her head away. Yang stared at Ruby, visibly confused when Luna coughed and stepped forward.

Luna and Argo then proceeded to fill Yang in on what happened between the time the airship landed and now.

Needless to say, Yang was shocked.

"Y-you're joking, right? You're just trying to get one over on the ol Yangster?"

Luna and Argo shook their heads, their wolf ears flickering due to the movement as they silently pointed behind her.

"You…" A feminine voice grimm muttered.

Ruby 'eeped' as she latched onto Magna while Yang turned towards the source of the voice and paled.

"Oh Oum… she really did blow up…"

Weiss, having recovered from Blake's sass, stomped past Yang and glared at Ruby. Though Magna noticed that the glare was much angrier than it was portrayed in the anime.

"Do you have any idea of the damage you caused? You could've blown us off the side of the cliff, you blundering oaf!"

Ruby seemed to gain courage from latching onto Magna as she yelled back, "I said I was sorry, ice queen! It was an accident!"

Just as the two were about to start butting heads, Magna grabbed both of lips and sealed them shut as he said, "Alright you two, that's enough."

Letting go, Magna continued, "Weiss, it really was an accident. Ruby didn't mean to blow up your dust."

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed as he leaned forward and whispered into her ear, "Though I think you should run a background check on the people that sealed those vials. A dust vial shouldn't be able to just be shaken open. I mean, Ruby was barely pushing her semblance and the vials still opened."

Weiss thought about it for a few seconds before nodding as she replied, "I'll contact Whitley and see if he can find something out."

Speaking of her brother…

"How is the boy wonder? Still trying to create a way to leave his office without being noticed?"

A warm smile appeared on Weiss's face as she giggled, "Yes… he's still trying to leave the research facility. The little genius just has a way with dust and the scientists practically beg him to stay and work."

Funny story. One time while Magna was visiting, he and the Schnees accidentally came across a hidden talent of Whitley's.

He was a genius when it came to experimenting with dust. Since he was too young at the time, Whitley couldn't research about dust that much since it was dangerous and his mother forbid him.

However, a year ago, Magna suddenly recieved an SOS from Whitley, stating that the only male Schnee wanted to be rescued from the research facility.

Apparently, the scientists kept bothering him with their theories on dust. Sadly, Whitley actually showed that he deserved to be a researcher as it only took him a few hours to rectify and test the improved theories.

He actually managed to help find the solution for cross-element dust fusion, creating an entirely new strain of dust.

It was still in the experimental stage but Whitley had bragged to Magna about it, since he was really proud of his accomplishment.

Anyway, Magna pulled away from Weiss just in time as Ozpin and Glynda took to the stage. Ozpin scanned the crowd for a few seconds, his gaze focusing on Magna and Ruby for a few seconds longer than everyone else as he spoke.

"I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

The students looked rather uncomfortable after his speech as Ozpin turned and walked away. Glynda pushed her glasses up on her face and said, "The cafeteria will be open until 10pm, at which you will be expected to be in this very hall, unless you are alright with sleeping outside. Do NOT be late."

As the sound of Glynda's heels slowly grew softer, Argo moved next to Magna and frowned, "What was the big deal with that speech? It's like he was saying we were wasting our time by being here…"

Magna shook his head, "That's not how I see it. I feel like he was saying that we have to take the initiative to learn and hone our skills. That we shouldn't be satisfied with learn only what the teacher's teach us."

Suddenly, Yang's arms found themselves around Magna's neck as she said, "Well, he kinda sounded off to me."

"It's like he wasn't even here…" Muttered Ruby.

The group fell silent as they all contemplated Ozpin's words. That silence was broken after a minute, however, since Weiss shoved a pamphlet into Ruby's face and started to walk away.

"W-What this for Weiss?" Asked Ruby, her hands clutching the pamphlet close to her c.h.e.s.t.

Weiss sighed in annoyance as she said, "In favour of you knowing Magna, I'll let you off the hook for blowing up my luggage. However, read that and never talk to me again."

Argo stepped forward and held Yang back as she spoke in a pacifying tone, "Look, miss Schnee? I think you and Ruby got off on the wrong foot. Maybe you should try and talk to each other? You might find that you two have something in common."

"She's right!" Said Ruby as she tossed the pamphlet away, her eyes shining in excitement, "Hi! I'm Ruby Rose! A huntress-in-training. Did you maybe want to hang out sometime?"

Weiss looked about ready to flip out but she sighed as she reigned in her anger and sarcastically rolled her eyes, "Oh, sure. And maybe we can have sleepovers, paint each others nails, go stationary shopping and talk about cute boys. Like tall, green eyes and handsome over here"

Seeing her pointing at Magna, the atmosphere changed as Argo, Luna and Yang glared at her while Ruby beamed with happiness.


Weiss said nothing as she silently walked off.

"Well," Said Magna, "With that out of the way, I think we've more than earned ourselves a meal. Who's with me?"

Everyone nodded and started walking towards the cafeteria.


As the clock struck 10, everyone Magna knew was quickly setting up a sleeping area for the group. Magna was in the changing room getting changed while the girls were laying out their sleeping bags.

Yang spotted Ruby writing something as she plopped down next to the young reaper and smiled as she poked her cheeks, "Hey Rubes! Whatcha doing? Writing a letter?"

Ruby g.r.o.a.n.e.d as she quickly hid her notebook inside her pillow, "Yes, Yang. I'm writing a letter since, unlike you, my friends aren't old enough to attend Beacon."

Suddenly, three more girls plopped down next to Ruby as Emerald smirked, "Really, little red? You don't consider us friends? That hurts, you know?"

Argo gave Ruby an amused looked as she and her sister silently lay on top of Ruby, causing the poor girl to wheeze and giggle.

Yang smiled at them as she said, "Why don't you try and make some friends now that your here? This is the perfect time since it's like a giant sleepover."

Ruby struggled out of the dog pile as she chuckled, "I don't think dad would approve of all the boys. We all know that the only boy he's allowed to even come close to our house is Magna."

"I know I do." Growled Yang in a sensual tone, "I may be aiming for Magna but that doesn't mean I can't stop to appreciate the scener-"

Suddenly, Yang's face twisted in disgust as she muttered, "And their goes that idea…"

The other girls turned towards where Yang was gazing, their faces also twisting as they saw Jaune Arc, in a blue onesie.

Emerald snorted as she tried to hold back her laughter, "H-he's still wearing that thing..."

Argo nodded as she whispered, "Seems like it."

Jaune noticed the group looking at him as he smirked and threw a pair of finger guns at the group and said, "Ladies~."

Before anyone could react, Luna's aura flared as she threw a large snowball, the size of a melon, at Jaune.

"Oof!" Jaune folded like a cheap beach chair as he sailed through the air, only to be stopped by Magna as he grabbed him and said, "What happened?"

Suddenly, every girl found themselves in a trance as they stared at Magna. Though he was wearing a shirt, the snowball that hit Jaune fell off of him and onto Magna, causing his shirt to turn transparent.

His well toned muscles and chiseled body showed through the fabric while small wisps of steam slowly wafted off of him.

Magna stared at his damp with twitching eyes as he g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Damn it… Now I'm gonna have to wait for this shirt to dry."

Suddenly, a voice echoed across the room as it yelled out…


Magna, now with wide eyes, looked up from his shirt and jumped. Every female student was staring at him with hungry eyes as they waited for him to strip.

"Hey!" Roared Magna, "I'm not a stripper!!!"


Looking down at his feet, a vein bulged on his forehead as he saw a small pile of lien on the ground.

"I'm not a bloody stripper!!! I'm not taking off my shirt!! Plus, it'll get dry faster if I leave it on!"

*bam* *bam* *bam*

What was once a small pile of lien was now a rather large pile of lien, alongside a couple pairs of p.a.n.t.i.e.s, a few dozen slips of paper containing hearts and scroll numbers and finally, a credit card that read 'Weiss Schnee'.

Magna face palmed, then looked at the pile, and face palmed again. Grabbing Weiss's card, the crowd surrounding him grew excited, thinking he was accepting their bride when he flung the card towards Weiss.

He glared at the p.a.n.t.i.e.s before moving onto the numbers, to which he gladly pocketed. That left only the money.

He couldn't just give it back because he had no idea how much every person chucked forward. Magna internally fought himself for a couple seconds before sighing as he whispered, "I can't believe I'm about to do this…"

Glaring at the crowd, Magna embodied Yang as his hair became long, blonde locks and his eyes became a serene lilac.

Flaring his aura, the room became noticeable hotter as, under the expectant stares of the girls and the hate-filled glares of the guys, Magna moved.

He closed his eyes and slowly lifted his shirt as the girls cried out in l.u.s.t and the guys roared in jealousy. Once the shirt was off, Magna whipped his hair around before opening his eyes, revealing a pair of glowing blood red.

As the room went silent, Magna looked around him and roared, "Now that you've gotten your show… GO TO BED!!!"

Without saying another word, Magna huffed as he made his way over to the girls. He ignored the muffled whispers coming from them as he lay down on one of the sleeping bags and fell asleep.

Needless to say, the girls all slept like babies while the guys kept muttering about murdering a certain blonde pretty boy.

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