RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 97 - A Leap Of Faith - Initiation Part 1

"Wake up lazy butt!"

Groans echoed from all across the hall as everyone slowly awoke. Magna yawned and looked across the room and saw a bright eyed girl with orange hair, running circles around a calm looking young man.

The young man had a pink lock of hair that ran down the left side of his short black hair. He seemed… resigned to his fate as the energetic girl ran around him while loudly singing.

"It's morning!~ It's morning!~ It's morning!~ Iiiiittt's Morning!~"

Magna saw the young man sigh, though a small smile adorned his face, as he quietly stood up and walked away. The girl quickly followed behind him while yelling about being at Beacon.

'Well,' Magna thought, 'Nora and Ren seem pretty interesting. Those two are the only members of the RWBY cast that I haven't actually met yet.'

Pulling himself from his thoughts, Magna turned towards the side and frowned as he saw both Luna and Argo pinching their noses.

"Uhhh… Girls? What's wrong?" Asked Magna.

Argo and Luna glared at each other in silence for a few seconds before Argo sighed as she blushed, "W-well… Why don't you embody one of us and find out what's wrong for yourself?"

Magna gave the pair a confused look before shaking his head. His hair slowly turned a luscious golden blonde as a pair of wolf ears appeared on his head.

However, as soon as his tail appeared, Magna turned green as he instantly pinched his nose shut. A horrendous smell lingered in the air as Magna forced down the bile that tried to escape his mouth.

The room stinked of sweat and s.e.x. The area around him and his side of the hall were clean while the other side of the room practically screamed that someone had s.e.x last night.

While Magna gagged, Emerald slowly sat up as she yawned, "Hey… morning Magna… Why are you *yawn* using your semblance?"

Luna put a small piece of ice inside both of her nostrils as she leaned forward and whispered into Emerald's ear.

Once Luna finished filling her in, the mintette's eyes snapped open as she growled, "If I find that f.u.c.k.i.n.g prick…"

While Emerald didn't continue her making her threat, Magna and the girls could tell by the look in her crimson eyes that whatever she had planned was NOT going to be pleasant.

Looking around the room, Magna spotted Blake in the corner of the room, frowning as she pinched her nose as well.

Yang was somehow still asleep while Ruby was struggling to get out of her sister's grasp, her face contorted in discomfort.

Since he couldn't find Weiss, Pyrrha and Jaune, Magna just assumed that they had already left the hall.

Magna quickly turned back to normal since her didn't want to suffer any longer than necessary.

He pulled himself out from his sleeping bag and started stretching as he said, "Well, just try and ignore it. We have initiation today so we need to get ready."

When Magna didn't get a reply back, he stopped stretching and turned towards the girls, only to pause.

Yang, who had just woken up, Ruby, who had gotten free of her sister's grasp, Argo and Luna, who were in the middle of leaving their sleeping bags, Blake, who was adjusting her bow in the corner and Emerald, who was cleaning up her sleeping bag, were frozen in place.

All the girls were blushing hard, their eyes super focused on Magna. Argo and Luna were flexing and relaxing their fingers as if they wanted to pounce.

Emerald was trying, and failing, to not watch Magna while her lips twitched upwards into a dopey smile. Yang was drooling with a predatory glint in her eyes while Blake seemed to be conflicted about watching him.

To make it even harder for the young huntresses, Magna smirked as he flexed one last time, holding eye contact with each girl. The girls all seemed to blush even harder as they started throwing things at Magna.

Though, much to their collective annoyance, Magna dodged it all while laughing as he victoriously sauntered out of the hall.


After changing and giving his weapons some maintenance, Magna slowly made his way to the cafeteria.

Along the way, Magna saw students hundreds of students heading towards the cafeteria. This scene, aroused a question in his mind as he mentally muttered, 'If there were this many students, than why were their so few in the anime.'

And sadly, Magna quickly came to the answer. Most of these people… were supposed to die today. Looking over the crowd, Magna could tell that while most of them had some form of formal training, most of them only seemed to be just a little bit better than Jaune in canon.

However, these people didn't have Jaune's luck and that was why they died. Though he could be wrong, Magna honestly didn't think he was.

They either die during the initiation or get badly injured and drop out of Beacon. Either way, they wouldn't get a happy ending.

Sighing to himself, Magna entered the cafeteria as he mulled over his thoughts.

Breakfast… was a thing. And everyone that has eaten Magna's cooking before agreed that the food was… okay, considering that it was cooked by restaurant level chefs.

However, it left a alot to be d.e.s.i.r.ed considering the fact that most of the food was aimed towards being nutritional.

Anyway, after breakfast the new blood flooded into the changing rooms to get ready for the day. Magna was by himself in the corner of the room, scanning through his locker.

His eyes lingered on the ice dust vial for a few seconds before shaking his head. Today was initiation. It was going to be dangerous and Magna needed to be ready for anything.

Taking ice dust now would only prove to be detrimental to himself and others. The only problem that popped up due to him not consuming the dust is the fact that his body will continue to generate more and more heat.

'Though…' Mused Magna, 'I'd rather be at full power while fighting so I guess everyone else will just have to put up with it.'

Pulling out his weapon, Crescent Moon, Magna collapsed it into it's compact rifle form and latched it onto his back. He checked himself in the mirror, making sure he was set before walking off into the distance.

However, he didn't make it fair as Jaune tapped him on the back and smiled, "Hey Magna! How are you this fine morning?"

"I'm good. A little excited for the initiation test but honestly? Who here isn't?" Smirked Magna as the pair slowly made their way over to a group of lockers.

Jaune nodded as he punched in his locker pin, "Yeah, I totally get that feeling. Though, just between you and me… I'm a bit nervous."

Magna tilted his head and asked, "Why? Didn't you train for something like this?"

"Of course I trained for this! It's just…" Jaune paused and sighed, "I'm nervous about screwing up. I'm finally here, trying to fulfill my childhood dream but I just don't know if I'm good enough."

Watching the young knight's hands tremble as he held his sword, Magna did the first thing that came to his mind to cheer him up.

"Jaune," Said Magna, "Lay your sword and shield down for a sec."

Jaune gave Magna a confused look but ultimately placed his weapons on the bench next to him.

Smiling, Magna pushed Jaune's hands together and, before the young man could react, clapped his hands over Jaune's.



Jaune's cry of pain echoed through the room, startling some of the other students but Magna ignored them.

"What was that for, you jerk!!!" Yelled Jaune as he glared at Magna.

Instead of getting angry, Magna grinned, much to the young knights ire, as he said, "You ain't feeling nervous any more, right?"

Jaune froze. Angry? Yup. Annoyed? Oh yeah. Sore? Definitely. But nervous? Not anymore. His hands weren't shaking anymore and his heart wasn't trying to leap out of his c.h.e.s.t.

Magna slapped Jaune on the back, slightly unbalancing the young man as he laughed, "Life's too short to be worrying over what ifs, Jaune! So don't worry! I know you'll do fine out there!"

"W-wow…" Muttered Jaune, his eyes tearing up, "No one's ever motivated me like this before… D-do I really belong here?"

"Of course you do, Jaune. You have one of the most essential things for a huntsmen." Magna suddenly tapped Jaune's c.h.e.s.t as he continued, "You have a kind heart, Jaune. Don't ever doubt yourself."

Jaune seemed ready to burst into tears though he held himself back as he wiped his eyes and yelled, "Yeah! Thanks Magna. I really needed that."

"Any time, Jaune. That's what friends are for." Said Magna as he patted Jaune's shoulders.

Just as he turned to walk away, Jaune suddenly grabbed Magna's arm and dragged him away. Before Magna could struggle out of Jaune's grasp, his arm was released, causing him to stumble slightly.

"You know what else is great? Me. Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you. Oh, and this is Magna, my brother from another mother." Said Jaune.

Magna face palmed as Weiss and Pyrrha both stared at the blonde. Weiss seemed put off though her eyes occasionally drifted to Magna. Pyrrha, however, had her eyes glued onto Magna as she slowly broke into tears.

Jaune's facade crumbled under her tears as he nervously said, "O-oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry… was it something I said?"

Weiss watched Pyrrha in stunned silence as the champion wiped her tears and smiled, "I-I'm sorry. It wasn't you that caused this. I just… I missed you so much Magna!"

Before Magna could react, Pyrrha dashed at Magna and jumped into his arms, pushing the pair to the ground.

With a crying girl in his arms, Magna gently rubbed her back as he whispered soothing words into her ear. Weiss watched on in jealousy while Jaune was just worried about the crying girl.

After a few minutes, Pyrrha finally calmed down enough to pull herself off of Magna. Her eyes were a little red from crying but her smiling face managed to grabbed everyone's attention as she said, "I'm sorry for breaking down like that."

Jaune waved his hands in a frantic manner as he said that it was fine. Weiss narrowed her eyes at Pyrrha but ultimately agreed with Jaune.

Magna nodded as he said, "It's fine, Pyrrha. I just want to know why you broke down the moment you saw me?"

Pyrrha brush her hair out of her face and explained that she was extremely worried about Magna since he was kidnapped infront of her.

She went into detail how she trained to the point of collapsing just in hopes of distracting herself from her memories of that day.

Now, Magna was feeling really really bad. He honestly forgot about informing Pyrrha that he was fine. At the time, it just seemed less important than escaping the Branwen tribe or saving Emerald.

"Sorry Pyrrha… I'm gonna be honest here but I forgot to tell you that I was fine. I managed to escape the bandits and found my teacher while he was on a mission."

Pyrrha's body physically shrunk as she showed a strained smile, "O-Oh… you about forgot me…"

Seeing the champion acting so depressed, Magna decided that he absolutely hated that expression as he grabbed her arms and gently said, "I'm really sorry, Pyrrha. How about we catch up over a meal after the initiation? My treat?"

Pyrrha immediately perked up, her eyes shining in joy as she leapt at Magna, "YES!!! I mean, yes. I would love to catch up. Well, it's almost time for initiation and I still need to get ready. It was nice meeting you, Jaune and Weiss."

"Wait!.. Pyrrha, what about…" Before Weiss could finish speaking, Pyrrha dashed away with a happy smile on her face.

Jaune, seeing that Weiss was alone, was about to try hit on her again but Magna pulled the knight back and shook his head.

The blonde turned to Magna with a questioning look, only to jump when Weiss angrily stormed off.

"You're lucky I stopped you or else Weiss would've stabbed you with her rapier." Said Magna as he walked off towards the door.

Jaune wiped the sweat from his forehead as he adjusted his shield and quickly ran after Magna, "H-hey! Magna! Wait up!"


As the wind drifted through his hair, Magna looked over the cliff side and whistled, "Wow… that's a long way down."

Ozpin stood off to the side with Glynda, his eyes scanning through the gathered students. Glynda, seeing that everyone was talking with one another, frowned as she glared at the students.

"Children, please stop talking and line up on the panels before you. Professor Ozpin will address you when you are ready."

Magna and everyone else there didn't need to be told twice as they all practically scrambled on a panel.

Once everyone settled down, Ozpin smiled, "Thank you, Glynda. Firstly, I would like to point out that due unscrupulous behaviour last night, a few of your fellow students have been sent home."

Ozpin's eyes sharpened into a menacing glare as the students all unconsciously straightened up, "This is a place of learning. I expect you all to be disciplined, and to not give into your carnal urges. You are here to learn how to be huntsmen, act like it."

The students were silent as Ozpin's expression softened slightly, "Anyway, all of you have trained for years and today, your skills will be evaluated in the Emerald forest."

Glynda, who was holding what seemed to be a tablet-like scroll, said, "I'm sure you all have heard the rumors about team assignment so let me be the one to put those rumors to rest. You all will be given teammates… today."

Magna glanced over to Argo, Luna and Emerald, who all sneakily nodded in his direction.

Honestly, Magna may have told them how initiation works. Thank the gods that Qrow provided him with a solid alibi. He told them to team up and meet up with him.

Since Argo and Luna were wolf faunus, it was their job to track down both Emerald and Magna. Emerald was to use her semblance on any students approaching her while Magna was to embody one of the twins and meet up with them.

"What!? Ohhhhhh…"

Ruby's muffled groan managed to pull Magna from his thoughts as he quickly straightened up.

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here. It is in your best interest that you be paired up with some who you can work well with."

Magna watched as Ruby's face seemed to slowly collapse in on itself. He shot Yang, who was looking around at all the students, a pointed look and motioned towards Ruby.

She shook her head and mouthed, 'She'll be fine…'

"That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."

The sound of Ruby's world shattering echoed through the woods as she screamed, "WHAT!!!"

Magna sarcastically mouthed to Yang, 'Yeah, she's fine…'

Yang at least had the decency to give him a sheepish smile as she quickly look away. Magna's gaze quickly flicked over to Luna, who was standing next to Ruby, and motioned for her to comfort the young girl.

"After partnering up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition so do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path… or you will die."

Magna thought about raising his hand to ask about destroying things such as the forest itself but decided not to since, if he destroys the forest and they try to berate him about it, he can just blame it on Ozpin.

After all, he never said they COULDN'T destroy the forest.

"You will be monitored and graded for the duration of the initiation but our instructors will not intervene. At the end of the path, you will find a temple housing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff." Said Ozpin.

The headmaster took a sip of his beverage, whether it was coffee or hot chocolate Magna didn't know, and continued, "Defend the relic with your lives, for it is your key to attending this academy."

Glynda suddenly stepped forward as she glared at everyone and yelled, "Alright students. Please prepare yourselves. If you have any questions, please do not be afraid to ask professor Ozpin."

Ozpin flinched for some reason unknown to Magna as Glynda handed him the scroll and stepped back. Most of the students started to get ready while Jaune mulled over his thoughts and said, "Sir, I have a question."

Unlike in the show, Ozpin nodded and motioned for Jaune to speak, "You're not flinging us into the forest… are you?"

Ozpin said nothing as he tapped the scroll in his hands. A second later, Weiss was sent flying through the air, her rapier pointed forward in an attempt to lessen air resistance.

"Right," Said Jaune, "So… *sigh* I'm guessing you didn't hand out parachutes, did you?"

"No, you will need to come up with your own landing strategy." Replied Ozpin as he pressed the scroll, sending another student flying.

Jaune silently got into position as he mentally screamed, 'THANK THE GODS THAT MAGNA ACTUALLY PREPARED ME FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!'

And that he did. One of the first things Magna did was throw him off a cliff, telling him that he needed to land safely. Though, to be fair, the cliff wasn't that high as the worst injury Jaune could've recieved was a twisted ankle.

As student after student was launched into the sky, Magna watched as a confident Jaune, was launched forward. He didn't scream, nor did he flip uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Magna couldn't stop himself from smiling as he muttered, "That's the one, Jaune."

After a few minutes, all the students had been launched but one. Magna exchanged a short nod with both teachers as he got into position. He planned to change mid-flight so he could track either Argo's, Luna's or Emerald's scent when he landed.

Then, all he had to do was run in that direction until he came across one of the three. However, his plan quickly fell apart when Ozpin pressed the scroll yet the launch pad didn't activate.

"Why didn't the pad activate… Glynda, do you know why the pad didn't launch mister Opus into the air?" Asked Ozpin.

Glynda merely rubbed her forehead as she said, "I swear to Oum… Ozpin, I handed you the paper work for the launch pad repairs two weeks ago. You tell ME why the launch pad didn't go off?"

Both Ozpin and Magna shuddered under the intense pressure Glynda started releasing as she glared at Ozpin.

'DAMN!!! And she's not even directing that at me! Ozpin, what the hell did you do to piss her off this badly!?!' Mused Magna, as he force his body to stand up straight once more.

Having Escanor as a cl.u.s.ter heightened his sense of pride. Though it was no where near Escanor's level, Magna still felt urges every now and then to be more prideful.

"Y-yes, well… How about we have mister Opus jump off the cliff instead? Think of it as a more difficult version of initiation." Ozpin said while slowly backing away from Glynda.

However, she continued to glare at him even as he backed away so he continued, "He will have to traverse almost the entire forest to get to the temple and then he'd have to make his way back. This would allow for a more accurate measurements of mister Opus's skill set."

Glynda paused and mulled over Ozpin's words. After a few grueling seconds, she sighed and nodded, "You're right, professor. Though, we will be having a very long chat after initiation."

Magna, seeing that he was aloud to start, jogged over to the edge and looked over. Taking a deep breath, Magna leapt over the side as he muttered, "Maximum effort…"

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