The breeze blew across the land, and the newly grown weeds swayed in the wind.

It was originally the season of revival, but the rustling sound of the weeds seemed to be telling something sad.

At this time, on the small road in the field, several young people were anxiously surrounding a white-haired old man and talking about something.

""Teacher Kitano, why are you resigning?" At this time, a long-haired young man shouted excitedly,"We joined Toyotama High School just to learn from you!"

"Yes! Why?"Another handsome young man with short hair also looked puzzled.

The man they called Mr. Kitano was an old man in his 60s with a weathered face.

He turned his head and showed a meaningful smile,"Because I, an old guy, am a little tired."

Coach Kitano is the meritorious coach of the Touou High School men's basketball team.

Under his leadership, Touou High School began to rise. At this time, it has become the champion team of Osaka Prefecture and a strong team in the top eight in the country.

Although this is already a very good result, the school wants more.

The school is not satisfied with the result of the top eight in the country. They want greater reputation. They want Coach Kitano to lead the team to become the national champion.

The goal of becoming a national champion is understandable, but the constant pressure from the school and the denial of the"run and gun" tactics made Coach Kitano disagree!

Coach Kitano's philosophy is to make children who play basketball feel happy and let them really like basketball, and he is tired of this utilitarian approach of the school.

However, despite this, Coach Kitano still can't let go of his disciples, and he still insists.

Until today, the school officially notified him that he was fired!

Although Coach Kitano had expected this result a long time ago, he still didn't want his disciples to hate Touou High School from then on.

So his external announcement has always been that he left on his own initiative.

Coach Kitano looked forward, he smoothed his hair that was messed up by the wind,"Anan, Kishimoto...You are all very talented players. I hope you won't give up basketball because of me!"

The short-haired youth and the long-haired youth are the future trump cards of Touou High School, Nan Lie and Kishimoto Miri.

The players behind them are also the future main players of the team.

Seeing Coach Kitano say this, Nan Lie and Kishimoto said in unison:"Teacher Kitano, we absolutely won't, we just want you to coach us!"

Coach Kitano just smiled and didn't say anything. The fact is already like this, there is no need to say anything else.

Nan Lie and others lowered their heads, and everyone fell into silence for a while.

After a moment, Nan Lie suddenly looked up and suddenly said:"Teacher, I want you to coach us for the last time!"

Coach Kitano was stunned. He looked at the people with bright eyes and finally did not refuse,"Okay, it's not bad to say goodbye with a game~"

Kishimoto wanted to say something when he heard the word"farewell", but Nan Lie held him back and shook his head.

At this time, Yagura Kyohei behind the few people suggested:"Anan, this place is very close to my junior high school, we can go to play a game with them"

"Junior high school students?!"Kishimoto frowned slightly. Although he had just graduated from junior high school, he already looked down on the strength of the junior high school team."That kind of opponent is too weak!"

"It doesn't matter who the opponent is...."Nan Lie waved his hand at this time. In fact, he didn't care who the opponent was. He wanted to play for Coach Kitano and use the"run and gun" method.

He wanted to tell Coach Kitano that he would inherit his philosophy.

"Let's go to that junior high school!" Nan Lie looked at Kishimoto, who nodded helplessly,"Okay...."

Coach Kitano touched his chin unconsciously,"Ya Yao, is the junior high school you are talking about Chengbei Junior High School?"

"Yes!" Yaya Kyohei immediately replied:"They should have just started club activities now...."

Seeing Coach Kitano's expression, Nan Lie couldn't help but ask curiously:"Teacher Kitano, do you know anyone from Chengbei Junior High School?"

"I know the basketball coach in Chengbei. He was my former student...."Coach Kitano laughed when he said this,"And my grandson Taku is also in this school~"

Speaking of his grandson, Coach Kitano was rarely happy,"I don't know why Taku actually started to like basketball. Although he is now in the third grade of junior high school, it's not too late."

Kishimoto was a little confused,"Teacher Kitano, I heard that your grandson has been practicing long-distance running, right?"

"Um..."Coach Kitano showed a loving expression,"Yes, I always wanted to cultivate his interest in basketball, but this kid insisted on going to track and field~"

Nan Lie and others were helpless. If it were them, with such a powerful coach like Coach Kitano, they would never give up such a good opportunity.

And is it so easy to change track and field to basketball?!......

Chengbei Junior High School is quite strong in the junior high school basketball world in Osaka, but after their ace player Yagami Kyohei graduated, their strength plummeted.

They did not win a single game this year and have completely become a second-rate team.

At this time, except for two third-year players, the rest of the team are all first- and second-year players.

The coach of Chengbei Junior High School is Kawakami, who is 29 years old this year.

Although he is young, his hair is falling out in clumps because of the team's current record.

And in this state, he saw his former teacher Kitano.

Coach Kawakami was extremely excited. He took two steps at a time and came to Coach Kitano, bowed 95 degrees and said,"Teacher Kitano, I didn't expect you to come. I'm sorry for not welcoming you in advance!"

Coach Kitano looked at Coach Kawakami's bow and said jokingly,"Kawakami, you are still the same. I really feel uncomfortable~"

"Teacher Kawakami." At this time, Yaya also bowed to Coach Kawakami.

"Yayao, welcome back~" Coach Kawakami straightened up and smiled,"It would be great if you could still be on the team~"

Then, Coach Kawakami respectfully asked Coach Kitano,"Teacher Kitano, I don’t know why you are here?"

Coach Kitano smiled, he turned around and pointed at Nan Lie and others behind him,"Nothing, I just want to bring these kids to play a game with your team~"

"How about it? Is it okay?"

Coach Kawakami was surprised by Coach Kitano's proposal, and he hesitated.

At this time, he looked at Nan Lie and others behind Coach Kitano.

"Nan Lie...Kishimoto...Iwata...These were the star players in junior high school basketball last year...."Coach Kitano's forehead was covered with sweat unconsciously.

If his team was allowed to play against these people, he didn't know how badly they would be beaten.

However, he couldn't refuse Coach Kitano. After all, he was his teacher, so of course he had to give him some face.

Coach Kawakami forced a smile and said,"Okay! It's my honor to play with you!" Coach

Kitano nodded, then he swept his eyes to the players behind Coach Kawakami, looking for his grandson.

Soon he saw a boy with slightly dark skin and a round head also looking at him.

At this time, the boy suddenly smiled, and then whispered,"Interesting, it turned out to be the ace killers Nan Lie and Kishimoto~"

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