Chengbei Junior High School requested a substitution, and Kitano Taku replaced Maeda.

Although only 10 minutes had passed, Maeda was already sweating and stumbling.

The substitution was a relief for him. He tried to speed up his pace and leave the basketball court. He didn't want to stay there for a second.

On the other side of the court, Coach Kitano sat up straight when he saw the player who was substituted in, because this Kitano Taku was his grandson.

"Xiaotuo only learned basketball for 3 months~ I didn't expect that he would play~"

"Kawakami probably doesn't know that Taku is my grandson...."

"It seems that they want to use Xiaotaku's physical fitness to fight against the run-and-gun~" Coach Kitano stroked his beard and laughed,"Physically speaking, Xiaotaku can indeed fight against Anan and others~"

"But basketball doesn't just rely on the body...."

Coach Kitano did not hold back when facing his own grandson. He immediately said to everyone:"Don't relax, keep attacking and maintain our offensive rhythm!"

"Yes!" Nan Lie and others shouted.

It was now the turn of Chengbei High School to dribble and attack. Yoshikawa dribbled to the frontcourt. He had no confidence now and just wanted to pass the basketball quickly.

But the defense of Touou High School was very tight. Even their ace Katayama couldn't catch the ball now. Although it was an eight-point offense and a two-point defense, the two-point defense of Touou High School put Chengbei Junior High School into a quagmire.

However, just when Yoshikawa didn't know what to do, Kitano Taku suddenly appeared beside him, and there was no defensive player from Touou High School beside Kitano Taku at this time!


Although he didn't quite understand why there was no one defending Kitano Taku, Yoshikawa didn't have time to think about it. He immediately passed the"hot" basketball to him.


Kitano Taku received the basketball, and then everyone saw him bend his knees, jump up and throw the basketball out!

This shot seemed to be different from the normal shooting action, and Kitano Taku's whole action did not pause at all.

Others would jump up first and then shoot, but Kitano Taku jumped up and shot at the same time.

This way of shooting made his shooting speed extremely fast!

However, Nan Lie sneered at this kind of shooting,"What kind of shot is this? It's just a panic action to avoid defense and increase shooting speed~"

""Grab the rebound!"

Kishimoto reminded loudly, because he also felt that this kind of shooting rhythm was too fast and it was impossible to score.

Iwata immediately seized the advantageous position in the penalty area, and the rebound was already in his pocket.

But the next moment, the basketball passed the basket crisply!

The basketball went into the net!

"Ah!" Coach Kawakami looked at Kitano Taku in shock."He...He must have been lucky, right?"

The players of Chengbei Middle School inside and outside the court all looked as if they had seen a ghost!

At this time, Kitano Taku did not react at all, because it was too easy for him!

This kind of shooting had already become his muscle memory!

"What?!"Nan Lie looked incredulous,"How could that shot go in?!"

Kishimoto then said to Ya Yao in dissatisfaction,"Why didn't you keep an eye on that kid? This game is led by Coach Kitano!"

"If you dare to let me go, I will never let you go!"

At this time, Kishimoto felt that Yayao did this on purpose because he didn't want to embarrass his alma mater.

Yayao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said,"Kishimoto, that kid is not simple...."

He turned to look at Kitano Taku, who had a calm expression on his face, and what happened just now appeared in his mind.

He was indeed guarding seriously, but at this time Kitano Taku suddenly started running inside the court.

He immediately followed him, but Kitano Taku paused, and then his head slightly tilted to the left.

Ya Yao was instantly attracted and thought that Kitano Taku wanted to move to the left!

But suddenly, Kitano Taku in front of him disappeared.

And when he saw Kitano Taku again, the basketball in Kitano Taku's hand had already been shot.

"That was running without the ball just now! This kid is an expert!"

"And I don't know him. He should have joined the team after I graduated!"

Kishimoto was stunned. Yayoi said it very seriously and didn't seem to be lying, but Kishimoto still reminded him:"No matter what, we have to play with all our strength and can't let Coach Kitano down!"

However, Coach Kitano's eyes were not on them at this time. He was shocked by his grandson's performance. He knew Kitano Taku's situation very well, but in the ball just now, he saw a strange grandson.

Because with his experience, he had already seen the extraordinary

"How is this possible?!"

The game continued, Touou High School attacked, they were still running at high speed, Morikawa, Nan Lie, and Kishimoto tore through the defense of Chengbei Middle School after only three passes, and Kishimoto cut into the inside and scored the ball.

This attack only took 7 seconds.

Kitano Taku frowned slightly. If he continued to let Touou play at his own pace, then he would never win this game.

"So, what we have to do now is to control the tempo and slow down the game~"

If Coach Kawakami knew about Kitano Taku's idea, he would definitely think that Kitano Taku was crazy.

And it was not because Kitano Taku wanted to slow down the tempo, but because he actually wanted to win this game?!

Nakajima served the ball from the baseline and was ready to pass it to Yoshikawa, but then Kitano Taku ran over and reached out for the ball. As a layman, Nakajima would never have passed the basketball before.

But just now, Kitano Taku successfully helped the team get the first running point of the game, and this also made Kitano Taku the center of the team at this time to a certain extent.

Nakajima passed the basketball to Kitano Taku, who dribbled the ball slowly and shouted,"It doesn't matter! Let's forget the score from now on and take it one ball at a time!"

"Oh?" Coach Kitano in the sidelines looked at his grandson with shining eyes. He certainly knew what Kitano Taku meant at this time."He actually started to want to control the pace of the game!"

"Xiaotuo, what happened in the past three months?..."

Kitano Taku dribbled through the front court, he was controlling the tempo of the game.

However, at this time, the players of Chengbei Junior High School had no spirit at all, and they just stood there without any desire to attack.

Kitano Taku was very helpless,"Well, in that case, then I'll let you stand up again!"

Thinking of this, Kitano Taku came to the three-point line, arched his waist, and lowered the height of the dribble.

This was obviously going to be a singles game!

"Humph! Boy, I won't let you score again this time!"Ya Yao opened his arms and started to defend with all his strength.

15 seconds...20 seconds...Kitano Taku didn't make any offensive moves!

25 seconds...There are still 5 seconds left for the attack!

At this moment, Kitano Taku moved!

His right foot suddenly took a step forward!

Ya Yao moved at the same time to prepare for defense!

But Kitano Taku's body suddenly paused, then he supported the ground with his right foot, and his whole body retreated instantly!

Then he made a jump shot outside the three-point line!

Kitano Taku's movements were smooth and silky, and Ya Yao, who was defending him, didn't even react.


The basketball went into the net!

""Wow!!" The players from Chengbei Middle School dropped their jaws to the ground. They simply couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

"Step back jump shot?!"

"What a quick move!"Kishimoto said in shock:"Who is this guy?"

"It's not just the speed, the confidence in the shot is the most amazing..."Nan Lie whispered that this kind of confidence is what the shooter has always pursued, but he did not expect that it would appear in a junior high school player today.

""Kitano! Kitano!"

At this time, the cheers from Chengbei Middle School finally came.

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