Sacred Devil

Chapter 1257

Jiang Hao pointed to the body and said, "you can go first."

The face of the big witch suddenly became ugly.

"this body as like as two peas, you can control it temporarily and then open the channel." Jiang Hao coughed twice and said, "think about it."

After a pause, he went on: "and I have to take some risks in this matter, but mainly to repay the kindness you have just saved me. I can also refuse the three treasures you promised me, but I still need some other compensation..."

"Shut up!" The big witch suddenly growled and interrupted Jiang Hao.

Originally, the spirit still maintained a solemn appearance of a big witch. At this time, it also completely disappeared. She even said in a voice, "is this what you mean by body? You build it with fire. How can it be the same as an ordinary body? And even if your magic is amazing, these flames are supposed to hurt the spirits. If I go in, will I let you kill them? "

"I'm going to take some risks, and if you destroy it, I'm going to lose my strength."

Jiang Hao didn't lie about this. His flame body has a strong power, which is almost the same as his own strength, but it also needs to pay some price. There are not only all the power of fire of Jiang Hao, but also some of his spirits.

But the big witch was more angry. She gave a cold smile and continued: "I burned my soul to destroy you? You think I've been trapped here for hundreds of years, and my head has turned into a pimple

She said a big sleeve, body disappeared, the town sea animal jade pendant in the air also disappeared.

Looking at the furious witch, Jiang Hao also has some Ai Ai Ai speechless. This is indeed the best way, and if it was not for the big witch who saved himself just now, he would not even try this move. After all, there is a risk.

Around become empty again, Jiang Hao sighed and walked into his body. With a wave of his hand, he took back the flame. Now he also some dare not refine the emotional force, can only look at a pool of blood essence quietly dazed.

For a long time, I don't know how long, Jiang Hao felt a gust of wind passing by.

A woman's spirit appeared. Jiang Hao looked at the spirit of the big witch, and seemed to be haggard. Without the body of the Dragon Palace elder, she could not absorb the energy in the blood pool.

"I think about it carefully these days, and your method is not without a bit of truth." The big witch looked at Jiang Hao and said slowly. Obviously, she made a big decision.

Jiang Hao stood up and said seriously to him, "the big witch is really smart and knows people!"

"Don't say that. I haven't finished yet." The big witch glared at him, and continued, "why don't we adjust it to the middle? You can give me your physique for the time being. I'll open the passageway and give it back to you, so that's a step back for us."

So Jiang Hao looked at her, he laughed and continued to squat down, looking at a pool of blood, still in a daze.

The big witch was in a hurry, and then she even said, "don't go too far! If I'm in that flame, you're in charge of life and death? Now that I'm in such a state, you can't step back? "

Jiang Hao looked at the blood in the pool and thought that it had to be killed. How many murders were these people?

The big witch suddenly had no choice, then sighed and said, "I've met you for the first time. You don't trust me at all, but let me trust you with my own life."

After hearing this, Jiang Hao turned his head and laughed at the big witch with a gloomy expression. Then he said, "you don't know how many years you have lived than me, and your cultivation is not much higher than me. I can only be more cautious. I hope you can forgive me. And you don't seem to be able to do anything but trust me

The air around was quiet for a moment.

A chill filled the air.

The big witch's face returned to the original cold, she looked down at Jiang Hao, has a murderous air.

Jiang Hao didn't care. He shrugged his shoulders, turned his head back, and turned his heartless knife into a toothpick and turned it around in his hand.

"You, very well." For a long time, the big witch said these three words, but people can't guess the meaning.

"I've tolerated to this point, but you're going too far. Do you think I'm just a spirit, so you can't do anything about it?" The big witch said lightly.

Jiang Hao just gently smile, did not look back, looking at the pool water light said: "I always feel that it is no big deal to guard against a person, whether it is a gentleman or a villain, as long as it is honest, it will not be disgusting. So now I'm very clear to you that I don't believe you. "

"Of course, I know that according to your cultivation, even if you want to kill me now, it is not difficult, but if you insist on doing so, you can do it directly. I'll pay back as much as I can. If you promise, you may as well listen to my terms. "

"In addition to what I said just now, I also want this pool of blood essence. I want 70% of it!"In the face of Jiang Hao's request, the big witch was silent, and then suddenly a voice rang out.

"Thirty percent! Don't bargain with me , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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