Sacred Devil

Chapter 1258

Ice Palace 300 miles, many contain rich aura of mountains, ice and snow, which in Zhongzhou climate is very strange. But at this time, instead of responding to the name of Ice Palace, I don't know whether there was ice mountain or Ice Palace first.

Tianchi mountain, one of the main peaks in Ice Palace, is different from other main peaks. There are only a few people living on its face, but none of them is the main character of ice palace.

At this time, an old man looks very old on the back and has silver hair at one end, but if it looks from the front, he will be surprised.

Her skin is like a baby, white and red, where there is still a trace of old, it is obvious that this is the performance of the cultivation of martial arts to a certain extent.

She is the elder of the ice palace. According to the political scale of the ice palace, he can be regarded as the third leader of the ice palace.

The first one is the chief of the Imperial Palace who is in charge of the overall situation. A little bit more, the big witch is in charge of the supervision. If the chief palace master is not present, the second palace leader is responsible for the school affairs, while the elders are responsible for the operation of the sect. She is the big elder.

But now, the Lord of the palace is closed and the big witch disappears.

At that time, the ice palace rookie trio, now has completely disappeared.

"Just a hundred years." At this time, the elder was walking alone in Tianchi mountain, looking at the grass and trees. She looked far away at another peak across the wind and snow, which was the residence of the great palace master.

If you can't break through, you can't go out of the pass and everyone can't disturb you.

This is what the Grand Palace Master said before the closure, so it has become a forbidden area of the ice palace. No one has gone there. The elder sighed and murmured to himself, "I won't go to see you today. Go to ling'er to have a look."

"Ice Palace is good now? Right

"The second palace master is very conscientious. In this Zhongzhou match, our school has also achieved good results." A clear voice sounded, a young girl appeared in the distance.

At least it looks young.

"Well." The elder just nodded and didn't look at the man.

The elder was walking along a path, just like an ordinary mortal. The light snow fell on her shoulder as if frozen, neither melting nor accumulating.

The woman followed her, but seemed to have been ordered and did not dare to approach.

A small courtyard with a room in it is only a dozen steps round. It looks very shabby in front of the towering Ice Palace. However, such a simple house occupies one of the best mountains in the ice palace.

He is the place where the great Witch of Ice Palace lives. Its decoration looks very simple, ordinary bricks and tiles, but I don't know if it absorbs too much aura on the top of the mountain. At this time, it shows a different atmosphere. Of course, if it looks more lonely from a distance.

The elder stood in front of the door and looked at the door. It was covered with ice and snow. He put his hand on the door and the ice melted. The formation here is very obedient to her orders, but she doesn't look happy.

Because it means that the owner here has not come back, so she is allowed to be controlled by her temporary master.

"Bing'er is going to close the door, and you are happy all over the world. I'm the only one left to guard this sect. Didn't you agree that we should develop it together?"

The elder murmured.

The girl looked at the elder and wanted to speak, but she didn't dare to say it. In the eyes of the rest of the ice palace, the great witch may have died. Because the great witch has not sent back any news for hundreds of years, but the elder insisted that he believed the witch was still alive.

Inside the courtyard is very simple, in the corner of the wall open a few plum blossom, bud.

"A few plum trees in the corner, Ling Han opens alone." The elder murmured: "this is your favorite poem at the beginning. Now it is not here, and the plum blossom is not open."

Then she continued to walk forward,

"of the three of us, you are the most powerful and determined to make ice palace the largest sect? But as a result, you disappeared first. "

He had already arrived at the door of the house, which was smaller than the courtyard. There were only three futons in it. One was for meditation and the other two were for greeting her friends.

It looks like very little, but it's enough.

The elder opened the door and walked in. The futon was the same as before. As like as two peas she had laid a year ago, the elders sat down slowly.

This corner is really good. You can see the whole Ice Palace.

In the snow, looming.

Time goes by.

"Elder." The girl couldn't wait. She went over and whispered, "today is the time for Zhongzhou to divide regional resources. The palace master hopes you can join us."

The elder shook his head and said, "I know." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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