Sacred Devil

Chapter 1343

At this time, Jiang Hao's steps stopped stiffly. He found that he didn't know how to go.

This is a sacrificial platform with a height of 100 Zhang. If you jump down directly, is it too disrespectful for the son of the devil? If you choose to use a spell, it will be easier to expose it. After all, which son of a demon can use a monk's magic?

So in this first step, Jiang Hao was in danger.

It was at this time that the elder of the great mother next to the Lord of the devil's palace suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Hao tightly. Jiang Hao's heart was suddenly tight. This look was not good.

Suddenly a flash of light came out.

A spirit jumped out of the back of Jiang Hao's head and ran away to the hospital. Jiang Hao was shocked. He looked at it carefully and found that he was still a familiar guy.

It's the one who killed himself. Jiang Hao didn't expect that he came here with himself. It can be imagined that when he wanted to use the divine word to transmit, the man ran with him, and then was transported here by the pit.

As for now, it is estimated that he also found Jiang Hao unreliable here, ready to escape.

But this is the magic palace. Jiang Hao sighed and looked around. He knew that his play had been a complete failure since the venerable appeared.

"What, where to go?" The master of the devil's palace gave a big drink, and his aura burst out, and his black air flowed.

However, the venerable is the venerable after all. Although it is only a spirit, the power exerted by him is still terrible.

"Get out of my seat!" The venerable drank a little, and the power of the spirit broke out, and a huge shadow appeared. Wei Ran was a hundred feet high and stretched out his fists and smashed them down.

The people in the devil's palace dare not be careless. Others follow closely. In the palace, there is no such thing as fighting alone.

The great Dharma protector waved his hands, and red chains burst out from his whole body, bypassing the virtual giant directly, but smashing to the venerable, which also sent out a burst of terror.

The masters of the magic palace have made moves.

As for Jiang Hao, he chose to stand on one side honestly. Now he can only wait for these people to beat me first.

"Where on earth is this place to suppress me so much?" The venerable felt the pressure of the interface, and let out a roar of anger, but he had nothing to do.

The shadow giant soon became more illusory, and his escape road was sealed by a man, who was the supreme elder of the magic palace.

"Flying Devil Dance sleepy." Taishang elder's double fingers point out continuously, sealing the surrounding of the venerable.

Then he continued to pop up a purple light on the venerable, and the breath of the venerable suddenly became weaker, and there was no ability to resist.

At this time, the altar was restored to calm.

The scene was suddenly a little silent. Under the sacrificial stage, there were still tens of thousands of disciples from the devil's palace. They looked at the sacrificial platform with bewilderment on their faces. They didn't know what had happened. How did they suddenly fight?

At this time, the big men in the magic Palace on the sacrificial platform were staring at Jiang Hao with complicated expression.

After a long time, the Lord of the devil's palace took a deep breath, and then suddenly said in a cold voice to those boys and girls who changed Jiang Hao's clothes: "have you seen that foreign demon? Be careful when you serve the son of the devil in the future. A small creature that the son of the devil doesn't care about may easily kill you. "

"Ha ha ha, what son of the devil? Can't you see that this is an ordinary monk. A monk like you, you still worship him!" Although the venerable was trapped and the spirit was beaten weak, he still said aloud at this time.

"Shut him up." The Lord of the palace glared at the venerable.

Taishang elder nodded, palm into claw shape, a hard grasp, several purple light appeared, directly wrapped the venerable, completely trapped him. At this time, let alone cast his magic, it was very difficult for him to speak and act.

"Do you know how much energy and cost the whole palace spent to sacrifice to the son of the devil?" The Lord of the devil's palace then turned his head and said in a cruel voice to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao sighed and looked at the disciples of the devil's palace in the stands. He also knew why the master of the magic palace did this. At this time, he heard the words of the Lord of the devil's palace, thought about it for a while, and then said, "then you will continue to regard me as the son of the devil?"

"Of course, you don't have to go on. You are the son of the devil." The elder said suddenly, but the cold light in his eyes made Jiang Hao shudder.

"Please, son of demons, the palace of demons has been cleaned up." The Lord of the magic Palace said to Jiang Hao, but his expression was quite different.

So Jiang Hao couldn't walk any more. He thought that if he stepped down from the sacrificial platform and didn't have so many fanatical followers of the son of the demons, could he really survive? After thinking about it, this is the devil's palace.

"Son of the devil, drive up and enter the palace of the devil." The great Dharma protector of the magic Palace said in a loud voice, resounding all around.The disciples of the devil's palace under the sacrificial platform heard the same cry, "please let the son of the devil enter the palace!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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