Sacred Devil

Chapter 1344

Jiang Hao took a deep breath, then used his spiritual power and said in a loud voice, "if you come to this world, you can only observe my believers here!"

His voice was loud enough to be heard by all the people here, including those demon sect disciples who were watching below.

"You, you, can go back, but in my eyes, it is the same."

The ordinary disciples of the demon sect below burst out a burst of fierce shouts, but on the sacrificial platform, the faces of the great figures of the demon sect suddenly became very ugly.

The disciples of the devil's palace under the sacrificial platform did not know what had happened. When Jiang Hao said this, they began to cheer subconsciously. As for the reason, they did not know.

"You don't toast, you don't eat or drink." The face of the Lord of the devil's palace suddenly became gloomy.

At the same time, the Dharma protector of the devil's palace snorted coldly at the same time. He stretched his hand forward, and a red chain appeared. He rushed directly to Jiang Hao and tried to lock him up.

"If you do it again, I will cry out!" Jiang Hao hastily threatened.

The red chain stayed in front of Jiang Hao's eyes, only a short distance from his eyebrows. Jiang Hao could almost feel the power of death contained above.

"This is the magic palace." The Lord of the devil's Palace said faintly that he would tear his face.

Jiang Hao heard that he was about to break out of his cultivation. He had never been in the habit of waiting for death. He would rather fight here.

But just when Jiang Hao was about to make a move, the red chain was suddenly held by a hand.

A calligraphy and painting is one of the tributes on the sacrificial platform. At this time, it suddenly floated over with a magic spirit on it. At this time, an unreal hand was stretched out inside.

This hand grasps the red chain, lightly pinches.

The red chain suddenly burst.

"It's a portrait of the ancestral devil!" Suddenly someone exclaimed in the magic palace.

The atmosphere on the altar changed again.

Jiang Hao is a little bit stunned. What's going on? But the images of gods and Demons floating quietly beside them clearly show what happened.

Are these gods and Demons deceived by themselves? Jiang Hao didn't know what happened, but he knew that he suddenly had a turning point.

Suddenly, two to huge flames ignited.

Light up the whole area.

"Report to the son of the devil. The lamp has been lit!" Someone yelled under the sacrificial platform.

Jiang Hao was puzzled.

On the contrary, it was the supreme elder who captured the spirit of the venerable, and then, seeing this scene, said to Jiang Hao faintly: "this is made by collecting materials with millions of Amethyst in the magic palace, which is enough to burn for a hundred years. And will keep adding materials inside, so that the flame can burn for a long time

"This is one of the ceremonies prepared to honor the son of the devil, and now it's all wasted." Said the Lord of the palace.

Jiang Hao chuckled and didn't know what to say, but now he also understood the feelings of these people. If it wasn't because he was still on the sacrificial platform, he would have been beaten to death by these people.

So he firmly believed that he couldn't go down any more, and with the light of the devil's lamp, he suddenly found some strange things. There were many patterns carved on the sacrificial platform. Now it seems that it is very clear.

"You can't be protected by this portrait." The elder said again.

Jiang Hao looked at the portrait floating beside him and sighed. It is true. However, he can rely on more than this sudden portrait.

So Jiang Hao said softly, "flame."

All around the Shenwen suddenly lit up, a little flame began to burn, growing bigger, and finally almost all the sacrificial platform was covered with flames, burning everywhere.

"Who are you and how can you control Shenwen?" At this time, the great Dharma protector of the devil's palace was completely dumbfounded, which surprised him even more than he had just seen the portrait of the ancestor devil.

"Maybe I'm really a demon gardenia, not necessarily." Jiang Hao blinked his eyes narrowly, and then he displayed the seal of divine script. Then the divine script lit up again, and several virtual images began to appear on the sacrificial platform.

It's so convenient to use Shenwen technique here. Jiang Hao has to sigh that the symbols around him have been carved, and there is a lot of energy below. Jiang Hao almost needs no effort to urge.

"The shadow of the great devil!" The Lord of the devil's palace could not help exclaiming.

"That's the name." Feeling the roar of the power around him, Jiang Hao said softly. Then he raised his hand. All the virtual shadows raised their hands together and roared together.

This sound resounds through this core area of the whole magic palace.

The shock made people's scalp numb.

It really made the people under the sacrificial platform more and more crazy.

At this time, the Supreme Master of the magic palace and others suddenly had an illusion. Looking at Jiang Hao, surrounded by layers of large and virtual demons, his face was indifferent. He wore the robe of the devil who had been worshipped for hundreds of years, and looked as if he was really the son of the , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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