Sacred Devil

Chapter 1354

"Your father's demeanor is really desirable." Jiang Hao said in a deep voice.

It's true that one person's power to turn the tide back is admirable, whether the person is the devil's palace or the right path. What's more, Jiang Hao also knows that the devil's palace is not really unreasonable and indiscriminately killing innocent people as it is said.

The Lord of the magic palace sighed and said, "it is true. I was only in my twenties at that time, but now I am more than 600 years old."

Jiang Hao felt that the Lord of the devil's palace seemed to say something, but he suddenly changed the subject.

The master of the magic palace continued: "this painting was painted by my father in the last five years. It can be said that it contains his lifelong experience." Then the master of the devil's palace sighed and said, "it's a pity that my younger generation is stupid. In the face of such treasure, I can't make progress in understanding for a hundred years."

Jiang Hao always felt that the Lord of the magic palace wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say at this time. He simply kept silent and waited for the Lord of the devil's palace to say his own things.

The Lord of the devil's Palace once again stopped, but said with a smile: "just talk. Please take your seat as soon as possible. This tea has been made."

"I don't look down on most of the things in the cultivation world. Only the spring tea, which is good at qingzhengfeng, is my favorite. Every year, we have to take out a lot of money and give it to a sect there in exchange for some tea. "

The master of the magic palace picked up the tea cup and saw that the tea was quiet like emerald. The tea sank to the bottom of the cup. The master of the magic palace gently shook the tea, and the tea whirled and floated up. The emerald suddenly broke into layers and was extremely beautiful.

"That's interesting." The Lord of the magic Palace said with a smile.

At this time, Jiang Hao was already sitting opposite the Lord of the devil's palace. So far, the other side of the negotiation had made many moves, but Jiang Hao did not find the point of strength and did not know what to say at the moment.

"I don't know where it's interesting. The palace master might as well share it." Jiang Hao said that although he is not very interested in this, but since the other side has asked questions, he still has to answer, and it's better to hold the stage.

"Two interesting." The Lord of the devil's palace took a sip of tea, which made him enjoy himself very much. Then he put down his cup and held out two fingers.

He said: "the first interesting thing is that the cultivation world is rich in aura, in which everything contains some, even if it is the ordinary grain eaten by ordinary people, there are some of them. Whether it's the river of the Xiuzhen realm, the birds in the sky, the leaves of a big tree, or even a stone on the road, all have aura. If there is an opportunity, there will not be any luck in the future. "

"Only this kind of tea has no aura. It is just the most common tea. But I like it very much. You say it's interesting or not. "

Jiang Hao took up the cup and shook it gently. The tea came up and hung quietly. After a while, it fell down again. Just watching it gave people a sense of peace.

"Interesting." Jiang Hao put down the tea cup. He probably knew what the Lord of the devil's palace wanted to express.

The Lord of the devil's palace gave a smile, and then said, "the second interesting thing is that this small sect, which has sold me tea for 200 years, didn't know that it was me, and the requirements for me were higher and higher every year."

Jiang Hao raised his head, calmly looked at the Lord of the magic palace, and said, "that's more interesting, and more strange to me."

"This sect doesn't know how many times I've dealt for them. I helped them stop at least three times the disaster of destroying the door. They didn't care about the tea until I took the initiative to buy it. They began to increase the price gradually, and the supply of tea was less and less."

Speaking of the end, the Lord of the devil's palace even sighed deeply.

"In the face of such greedy people, you should eradicate them according to your sect. Don't you save trouble and get this tea?" Jiang Hao understood the meaning of the Lord of the devil's palace and replied.

The master of the devil's palace turned his teacup in his hand, and his expression gradually solidified. He understood the implication of Jiang Hao.

But at this time, Qingsu, who has been a listener all the time, can't help but say, "Sir, you don't know."

"The beauty of spring tea lies in its body, its environment, and its heart. The combination of the three can bring about the beauty of tea tasting."

"Oh? You may as well talk about it and let me have a long experience. "

Qingsu didn't know about the confrontation between them. Hearing Jiang Hao's words, she looked at her father and saw the Lord of the magic palace nodding at him. Then she directly replied, "naturally, it's because of the wonder of chunshencha itself. It's full of spiritual things, so she lost some of her own flavor.

This spring tea is different. It has nothing to do with aura. Although it has lost its cultivation, it has kept its own flavor. The second is the environment in which it grew up. It is remote, and the small sect is extremely weak. Although it is impossible to compete for resources and cultivation, it keeps the sect safe. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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