Sacred Devil

Chapter 1355

"My father is worried that killing will destroy the pattern, and sometimes it's not necessary to kill because of some property." Qing Su said with a smile, "the devil's palace is by no means a man of indiscriminate killing, which is enough to prove."

"Your Excellency is a very fastidious man." With a smile, Jiang Hao made a Shenwen FA decision and fell into the tea.

With his exertion of this resolution, the eyes of the Lord of the devil's palace and Qingsu brightened. As for what Jiang Hao is doing, in fact, this is just a common grammar, which can be used to detect poisons and so on.

FA Jue fell into the tea and soon disappeared.

In fact, although the Lord of the magic palace did not know what Jiang Hao was doing, after all, he had been wandering for so many years, and they knew what Jiang Hao was doing.

Jiang Hao took the water and took a sip. It was really a good tea.

But it's not as magical as the Lord of the magic Palace said. I think it's a little different. Of course, Qingsu didn't finish.

After taking a look at her father's expression, Qingsu also took a sip of tea cup to moisten her throat, but she made a good taste of it. Jiang Hao could see it at a glance, not to mention being the Lord of the devil's palace.

Of course, neither of them said it.

Qingsu continued: "the third is in people. I spend a lot of money to buy it. I can only buy a little every year. On the contrary, I think it's good to drink. If I have a lot of things to drink at will, there will be no taste. After all, it's better to clean the tea. There's so much blood in the cultivation world. There's no reason to pour some more on it. "

I see.

Qingsu talked and said, found the atmosphere fell into silence, he opened his mouth several times or closed.

"What do you think of this spring tea?" The Lord of the palace suddenly asked.

Jiang Hao has understood it thoroughly now, at least even better than Qingsu here. Chunshencha is the matter. Jiang Hao is the small sect, and the magic palace is naturally the magic palace.

He touched the cup with his fingers, spinning it a little bit.

"As for the door." The Lord of the devil's palace finally said here, but after a pause, he said, "no one can pass through there, including me."

"Why is that?" Jiang Hao asked.

The master of the devil's palace sighed and said, "I think you already know that the devil's palace is not a sect of the Xiuzhen world, but it has drifted here from other interfaces. Many of them are suppressed by the interface rules, and there is no way to teach them. As time goes by, it becomes more and more lost. "

"When my father finished painting this painting, he was already short of Qi and blood. I was also in a hurry to take office. At the beginning, the inheritance accepted was even more rare, and now even I can't walk through."

"So it is." Jiang Hao nodded. This reason can be explained, and now he understands the meaning of the Lord of the magic palace, or the reason why he is so kind to himself.

"Therefore, I would like to ask your excellency to pass on the divine arts to me!" The Lord of the devil's palace whispered.

Jiang Hao did not speak. After a long time, he raised his head with a strange smile on his face.

The Lord of the devil's palace took up his tea cup and shook it gently. The water in his cup did not move, but the whole scenery around him, including the aura between heaven and earth, shook for a while.

Jiang Hao felt very uncomfortable. Although he didn't accept the feeling, he was like a guest on the horse. Although the guest didn't move, the carriage and horse shook for a while, and he felt very uncomfortable in the carriage.

The Lord of the devil's palace took a sip, which seemed very light.

However, the surrounding space shook, and all the invisible things shook, including the spirit of Jiang Hao and the Lord of the devil's palace in front of him. Clearly, he did not move, but in Jiang Hao's eyes, he was infinitely higher.

Then the Lord of the palace put the cup on the table and made a soft noise.

Far above a hundred miles above the sky, a sudden thunder came out.

Jiang Hao saw the glass in front of him, and all the water in it splashed on the ground around him. No more, no less, just around Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's face was pale at first, then gradually returned to normal.

"Poor spring tea." Said the Lord of the palace with a sigh.

Then he raised his head again, looked at Jiang Hao and said, "if you don't want to give it to me, I can also worship you as a teacher. Please teach it to me thoroughly."

"I can tell all the big sects around me that I worship you as my teacher. Is that ok?"

First the big stick, then the big gift. Jiang Hao knew that he had fallen behind completely this time, not only because of his mind, but also because of his strength. The gap was so huge.

"From now on, you are the teacher of Qingyun and respected by all the disciples of the devil's palace."

Jiang Hao said, "do I have room to refuse?"

The Lord of the devil's palace laughed and said, "of course. After all, this kind of thing can't be forced. You must really agree to it."

He didn't say half of what he said, but Jiang Hao was very clear about the meaning. If you agree, it will benefit a lot. If you don't agree, it's not easy to die."As your master, I'd better give it up. I'm still afraid of breaking my path."

The master of the magic palace laughed at once, then stood up and said, "thank you very much. As long as you teach me, hundreds of thousands of people in the demon sect will be saved. Even it is not difficult to return home."

Thank you very much Then he took up Jiang Hao's tea, and then bowed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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