Sacred Devil

Chapter 1385

Jiang Hao's eyes were fixed. At this time, he didn't dare to be careless. The other party was absolutely angry. If he couldn't resist, Jiang haozai thought carefully. If he really died here, I'm afraid no one knows, and no one will take revenge for himself.

He also directly broke out all his accomplishments.

The heartless knife screamed, and the knife awn whirled wildly.

He is in common with the heartless Dao. Now he knows that if Jiang Hao doesn't resist it, it will destroy the spirit grass around him, leaving time for him.

But Jiang Hao just showed his aura, and he didn't aim at the spirit grass around him. He didn't plan to do anything.

The two forces collided.

Jiang Hao clenched his teeth and told him not to retreat, but he still had to. One step, two steps, seven steps in a row. At the same time, the feeling of fishy sweetness permeated the innermost part, and Jiang Hao swallowed the blood.

However, several people on the opposite side were also uncomfortable. Although they were all fighting together, they had the advantage of the land from the top down in the air. Moreover, they did not expect Jiang Hao's counterattack to be so terrible.

So I was careless for a while, and my figure flew back.

What's more, there are some spiritual grasses, and then they are left by several people and trampled on their feet. Therefore, these spiritual grasses are almost directly abandoned. The spirit grass is a very fragile thing.

A few people also found this, immediately face a burst of regret expression diffuse, so more angry.

Of course, it won't be my fault. All this anger was sprinkled on Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao glanced at the monk in white, who was obviously the leader of these people, but he said nothing.

It seems that we must show our own strength before we can speak well.

Jiang Hao stomped his feet, and behind him was a shadow and flames. A man with a huge flame stood behind him, and it was getting higher and higher.

Hand a hand, heartless knife magnified several times, was held in the hand of virtual shadow.

"You want to fight! It's over there Jiang Hao said softly.

His voice was very quiet, but the accomplishments of all the people present could be heard clearly.

At first, those people had to continue to fight. Seeing Jiang Hao, who was exerting all his strength, his steps suddenly coagulated. I didn't know whether he was worried that he couldn't beat him or that he would continue to damage the magic seed garden.

Of course, it is possible, both.

"Is it too much, sir? This is the magic palace and the magic seed garden!" Just when the two sides fell into solidification, the leader of the friar in white finally opened his mouth.

Jiang Hao said faintly, "it's just to protect your life."

"But these spiritual grasses are more precious than many lives." The chief of the friar in white replied.

"But certainly not as precious as my life." Jiang Hao said that the huge flame shadow behind him, a ferocious face, swept around coldly, its meaning is self-evident.

The leader of the white friar was silent. After a long time, he said, "if someone else has caused such damage to the magic seed garden, he will surely die. But you and I are both from the palace. I'll give you a chance to explain

Jiang Hao looked at the white Friar's leader, but now he became calm. In any case, the damage has been destroyed, and everyone's face has been torn. Now he said simply: "I did damage, some of them were indeed my intention, but it was all for the sake of winning just now."

In the face of Jiang Hao's calm, the white Friar's leader did not adapt to it. He hesitated for a moment and said, "then you must give us an account, and we will not let you go."

"Even if the jade and stone are burned." He added.

Jiang Hao thought about it. The guy who wanted to burn both jade and stone with him has been very honest in the seal.

"If you count these things, I'll pay for them."

Feeling the other party relieved, Jiang Hao also said his own solution, after all, the winning side that he wanted to go was not big. And most of the time, he is reasonable, which is his criterion. But most of the time, people feel that he is unreasonable and has to call to say it.

"Can you afford it?" Said one of the friars in white.

"Do you know how precious these spiritual grasses are? Many of them are priceless treasures. If you count the whole Xiuzhen world, it's hard to find them again. How do you compensate? " Another friar in White said.

"It's hard and not impossible to find." Jiang Hao said lightly, "in a word, it's really because of me at this time. I'm willing to compensate. If you don't agree, it's your business."

The leader of the white friar reached out and stopped several angry friars, then took a deep breath and said, "I hope you will keep your promise."

Jiang Hao nodded and said, "naturally. I will do what I say, and I will do it. "

The leader of the white friar gave Jiang Hao a complicated look, and then said, "I will report this matter to the master here. I can tell you that if he wants to kill you, no matter who he is, he can't protect you, even the sacrificial platform."

Others may not understand, but Jiang Hao suddenly sober up, the other party knows his identity!Jiang Hao did not speak, but nodded and left.

All of a sudden, only the monks in white were left here. They looked at each other one by one, and seemed to find it hard to accept the result. But the leader of the monk in white was staring at Jiang Hao's leaving, and the news from the owner of the garden echoed in his mind.

Only one sentence, five words.

"This man, don't move." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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